OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

He provided a statement under the penalty of a felony if it's not accurate.
Judge did? Where are you getting this?


My staff reached out to the other individuals allegedly at the party—Mark Judge, Patrick J. Smyth, and Leland Ingham Keyser. All three submitted statements to the Senate under penalty of felony denying any knowledge of the events described by Dr. Ford. Dr. Ford's lifelong friend, Ms. Keyser, stated she doesn't know Judge Kavanaugh and doesn't recall ever attending a party with him....

READ: Sen. Chuck Grassley's written opening statement for Kavanaugh and Ford hearing - CNNPolitics
Gotcha, thank you. So, let me get this straight:

We should believe the man denying a felony, because his denial would be a felony, if it is not accurate.

Do I have that very "special" logic right?
If Kavanaugh lies too much in his upcoming testimony today, he is history.

His only hope is to confess and apologize.
Since Republicans insisted on a female prosecutor to interview the female witness, will they insist on a male prosecutor to interview the male witness, Kavanaugh?

Why?, Kavanaugh isn't afraid to testify like Ford. Or was it that she was afraid to fly? This chicks got more fear problems then you can shake a stick at.

She's not as fearful as she claims. She is using this as a virtue-signally mechanism. Look how brave I am to come forward even though I'm terrified of flying and stressed by the lie detector. Me me me me me!!!!!
Nope....this is not a court....because they chose to run it like a court, does not make it one. It is a job interview......a very very very very very very important job interview.
A job interview with witnesses testifying under oath against the candidate?

Nobody is buying that bullshit.
Absolutely it's a job interview......he's applying for a very very very very very important government job.
It is a job interview

We either hire him or we don’t. Kavenaugh does not need to be criminally convicted to decide he is not worth the chance

What a weasely rationale for character assissination.

This isn't just a job interview. This is judgement about Kavanaugh's character and his entire life. If this were a real issue, it should have come up before he was appointed to the 2nd Highest Court in the country. It wasn't because this is made up crap from a psychological mess.
It is a job interview and meets the same standards

If you applied for a job and a woman from your past cane forward and said you had tried to rape her.

Would you be hired?
Apparently, it's turning into a job requirement with some Righties.
She invalidated the polygraph test. Taking it right after a funeral would bork the results up...

I won't go into extensive detail, but if you can artificially worry yourself when answering a control question, you can modify the results of your test so that your "normal" responses appear the same as the responses that actually worry you.
The polygraph is not an issue.

hmmm... tell that to the D's who keep bringing it up, not me.
Kavanaugh’s problem is that three other women have come forward. All of them credible. Democrats will have no hesitation in asking him about those different women. Including his male roommate from Yale.
Jury instructions on credibility of a witness. Failure on most of them.

Among the factors that you may consider are:
•How well could the witness see, hear, or otherwise perceive the
things about which the witness testified?
•How well was the witness able to remember and describe what
•What was the witness’s behavior while testifying?
•Did the witness understand the questions and answer them
•Was the witness’s testimony influenced by a factor such as bias
or prejudice, a personal relationship with someone involved in
the case, or a personal interest in how the case is decided?
•What was the witness’s attitude about the case or about
•Did the witness make a statement in the past that is consistent or
inconsistent with his or her testimony?
•How reasonable is the testimony when you consider all the other
evidence in the case?
•[Did other evidence prove or disprove any fact about which the
witness testified?]
•[Did the witness admit to being untruthful?]
•[What is the witness’s character for truthfulness?]
•[Has the witness been convicted of a felony?]
•[Has the witness engaged in [other] conduct that reflects on his
or her believability?]
Oh...this is a court of law? a trial?

Answer: no it is's a job interview. An extremely important job, but a job interview nonetheless.
What lying sack you scum are. Job interviews do not entail some lying slut say you tried to rape her 36 years ago.
You mean they hope they don't entail that, right?
But, didn't tell anyone she was leaving and does not remember how she got home, but did not drive herself.

And, she didn't tell anyone. Not even the person who drove her home.

No idea where it happened.

No idea when it happened.

Doesn't remember how she got there.

Doesn't remember how she got home.

Never told her mom / dad.

Never told her family.

Never filed a Police Report.

Never mentioned the name Kavanaugh t her Therapist - no record.

Told the Washington Post something different that what her
Therapist had written down - told Mitchell the Therapist got it wrong and she corrected it to the Post

Her 4 witnesses say IT NEVER HAPPENED
I hope the hearings take a lunch break soon so that I can fix a fender on my car before getting back to the afternoon sessions.

It is lunchtime in D.C. now and even 1 hour late. They must be hungry and thirsty.

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