OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

How do you know she was raped?
She managed to escape Predator Brett, remember?
How do you know she escaped Predator Brett?
You think he poked it in before she could fight her way free?
Just because it happens in your hood every night shouldn’t skew your point of view of the rest of civilization.
Not in my hood. But in Kavanaugh’s apparenty.
I work with guys in the hood and this happens every night.
They even try to gross me out by sticking their phones in my face.
The Moon Bat bitch is about to speak. The one whose students say is a vindictive hateful asshole and a terrible professor.
I usually got As from bat-shit crazy leftist professors.

All I had to do was parrot their bullshit commie leftist and feminist talking points or exams and I could do no wrong.


Fuck those bitches.
The left feels that they have the Hail Mary all sown up. If they can either somehow make an accusation stick or just delay long enough. They are hoping against hope that a delay will put them back in power in congress. They don't understand that they have been working against themselves for over a year.

you could also state that the polygraph taken by Ford undercuts her story.
Sir, may I inquire what evidence do you have of "the left" being responsible for any of the things you're suggesting here?
You mean the fact that she was at anti Trump rallies. Was one of the signers of a letter against Trump policies. Stated Trump was not her president. Claimed to want to be anonymous while scrubbing social media, hiring a lawyer, and taking a so called polygraph test before a Democrat released her letter at the last moment. The fact that Democratic congress people have claimed that he is guilty and his name should be removed. The idea that the letter was recieved in July but was withheld without even a hint of it until there was no other option to stop the vote. The FBI was so incompetent as to have missed even a hint of it in six background checks. Those making the allegations are all one political party. Those that are witnesses and denying that it happened are a mixture of parties.

Not too much really.
I bet this Ford asshole sounded like a hyperventilating chipmunk when she had sex with the 61 guys in high school and college.
She knew coming forward would upend her life and cause people like you to viciously attack her and her family for probably the rest of her life. Either she’s decided it’s worth it to take down this rapist monster, or they better have paid her a shitload.

He gang raped accuser #3, assaulted accuser #2, and tried to rape accuser #1. The 4th accuser seems to be claiming assault. We won’t know how many are remaining silent out of fear.

#3 never said she had knowledge that Kavanaugh participated in anything.

But in her sworn affidavit, admitted to as many as 10 felony counts of failure to report child rape.
Failure to report 10 Kavanaugh gang rapes, you mean

Not even the accused made that statement. Go on and do what your Hero, but don’t stop or report child rape.
Weren’t Kavanaugh’s gang rape victims college aged? Still, it’s terrible this woman didn’t report it back then. We need to stop demonizing rape victims (as is happening here) to remove the stigma that comes with being raped so that they will be less afraid to come forward.
This is a woman that has never lived in the real world. Sheltered her entire life by academia. She's a typical suburban privaliged white Chatty Cathy. She's obviously mentally ill.
Anita Hill had more credibility than this idiot, and I nobody believed her
So... She says Brett was visibly drunk. Yet he was able to follow her up the stairs and execute a near rape? Oh please.
I don't believe her.

She presents like the typical mental case whackjob that makes a profession out of her therapy.
He gang raped accuser #3, assaulted accuser #2, and tried to rape accuser #1. The 4th accuser seems to be claiming assault. We won’t know how many are remaining silent out of fear.

#3 never said she had knowledge that Kavanaugh participated in anything.

But in her sworn affidavit, admitted to as many as 10 felony counts of failure to report child rape.
Failure to report 10 Kavanaugh gang rapes, you mean

Not even the accused made that statement. Go on and do what your Hero, but don’t stop or report child rape.
Weren’t Kavanaugh’s gang rape victims college aged? Still, it’s terrible this woman didn’t report it back then. We need to stop demonizing rape victims (as is happening here) to remove the stigma that comes with being raped so that they will be less afraid to come forward.
Chatty Cathy is obviously mentally ill. She's an emotional disaster.

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