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Official Mueller Report Thread

Dirty Bob Mueller tries to reverse the burden of proof:

The most remarkable thing about Dirty Bob Mueller’s 448-page report is how blithely the prosecutor reversed the burden of proof on the issue of obstruction.

The president could have shut down the investigation at any time, but he didn’t. He could have asserted executive privilege to deny the special counsel access to key White House witnesses, such as McGahn. To the contrary, numerous witnesses were made available voluntarily (there was no need to even subpoena them to the grand jury), and well over a million documents were disclosed, including voluminous notes of meetings between the president and his White House counsel.

Most important, the special counsel found that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and that the president’s frustration was that the investigation was undermining his ability to govern the country. The existence of such a motive is a strong counter to evidence of a corrupt intent, critical because corrupt intent must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt in an obstruction case.

Idiot, Trump ordered McGhan to fire Mueller - not very co-operative, is it now?

Mueller can’t convict Trump as per DOJ guidelines, nor can he provide deregulatory statements about criminality since he is not bringing charges. So what they felt they are down to is simply presenting the evidence.
If they had an obstruction case, they would have made it

Today’s unanswered question: Will it matter?

With the implosion of the Russia-collusion myth, Republicans are openly daring Pelosi to impeach Trump. Democrats raised expectations too high on the Russian-collusion myth, especially Adam Schiff. Without any evidence that Trump corrupted the election, voters won’t stand for Congress trying to overturn it through impeachment.

Keep in mind that Democrats have a basic logic problem with “attempting” to obstruct the investigation. If Trump had really wanted to obstruct the investigation, he could simply have terminated it. And Mueller acknowledges that the administration fully cooperated with the investigation in every way. So the “attempts to obstruct” come down to Trump expressing outrage at the fact that a baseless, partisan investigation was hampering his administration. Arguably Trump should have brought the Mueller farce to an end, but he didn’t, because he knew he had done nothing wrong and wanted to continue to it's conclusion.
Trump COMPLETELY VINDICATED in any collusion and/or ANY OBSTRUCTION.....The DEATHRATS have been bitch slapped so hard that the more they try to LIE AND DECEIVE the American people the HARDER they will be hurt in the 2020 election....PLEASE DEMONRATS KEEP THIS BULLSHIT GOING.....ROTFLMFAO.......Barr’s presser is EPIC....if you didn't watch it definitely catch it on video!!!!!!!!!
Yell a little louder, please.

Mark Dice great and funny as usual:

Well it appears that Mueller VIOLATED the Special Prosecutor rules that required he give, " he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel", which he failed to do according to, Cornell Law School:

28 CFR § 600.8 - Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.

"§ 600.8 Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.

(c)Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel. "

bolding mine

Mueller punted on it, which is WHY Barr and Rosenstein made the decision based on the feeble evidence that there was no Obstruction. It is clear Mueller KNEW there was no clear evidence of Obstruction, which is why he decided to force the Attorney General to make the decision FOR HIM. Here is what he said on WHY the AG and not Mueller (who was supposed to make the determination) along with deputy ag, Rosenstein that there was no obstruction of justice. The Federalist showed here why AG did it:

"Attorney General William Barr spoke during today’s press conference of Mueller’s failure to perform this regulatorily required duty. When asked why he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein felt it necessary “to take it to the next step to conclude there was no crime,” Barr retorted:

The very prosecutorial function and all our powers as prosecutors, including the power to convene grand juries and compulsory process that’s involved there, is for one purpose and one purpose only. It’s to determine yes or no, was alleged conduct criminal or not criminal. That is our responsibility and that’s why we have the tools we have. And we don’t go through this process just to collect information and throw it out to the public. We collect this information. We use that compulsory process for the purpose of making that decision. And because the special counsel did not make that decision, we felt the department had to. That was a decision by me and the deputy attorney general. Yes."

bolding mine
Mueller's punting was for the purpose of sliming Trump into the future. This vile underhanded tactic Mueller did needs to be well exposed.

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Barr’s News Presser COMPLETELY VINDICATED President Trump!

No it didn't idiot. Barr has no credibility and his word is meaningless.

The only thing that can vindicate Trump is Mueller's (NOT BARR'S) report, and Barr has speciifically said that the report DOES NOT exonorate Trump.

Now it will be time for Barr to investigate what was the justification for the Obama administration to launch an investigation into the TRUMP campaign and get things so wrong.
Any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...
Barr’s News Presser COMPLETELY VINDICATED President Trump!

No it didn't idiot. Barr has no credibility and his word is meaningless.

The only thing that can vindicate Trump is Mueller's (NOT BARR'S) report, and Barr has speciifically said that the report DOES NOT exonorate Trump.

Now it will be time for Barr to investigate what was the justification for the Obama administration to launch an investigation into the TRUMP campaign and get things so wrong.
Any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...
  • OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE? Nyet. There were things Trump did that were wrong, but how can they rise to the level of obstruction much less impeachment when all he was really doing was fighting against an investigation he already knew he was 100% innocent of that was all set up against him by the democrat's Steele Dossier? So there was actually nothing TO obstruct when you already know you didn't do anything.
So Democrats say Trump obstructed justice into an investigation that never would have happened in the first place had they not made up a phony dossier of lies!
Adam Schiff said earlier that there was absolute proof of collusion. Well, it looks like ADAM LIED.

Now the Dims say they need to see a 100% unredacted version of the Mueller report. :rolleyes:

At one point they say that Trump TRIED to get material to use against the Hillary campaign. But Hillary DID get material and DID use it against Trump's campaign in the form of the fraudulent Steele Dossier which was the ENTIRE BASIS for the Mueller investigation AND to which now Steele is refusing to testify. Why isn't this in the matrix of the investigation much less discussion anywhere?

The Dims can pursue this farther and open new investigations into Barr, etc., ad nauseum, but until one of these investigations includes an AT-LEAST-AS rigorous look into Hillary's actions in the matter as well as Obama's in trying to derail the Trump campaign, influence the election and set him up for all this investigation, I'll continue to have


Not so long as the high and mighty democrats commit high crimes continuously and openly and always go unpunished while Republicans repeatedly have their fingernails meticulously scrutinized for dirt.
The best thing about today was when the blonde reporter asked Barr why he used the term "unprecedented" to describe what Trump had undergone. He asked her if it has ever happened before, at which point she answered honestly that it had not. He then said, "That's why it was unprecedented!"

Boom! She just might as well get a tattoo of the word "unprecedented" on her forehead because that faux pax will haunt her the rest of her life!
Hey morons stop saying “no Obstruction” those words are not in the report.

But there is a MOUNTAIN of obstruction evidence and a hand off to Congress to hold Trump responsible from here

10 episodes where Trump might have obstructed justice

Under applicable Supreme Court precedent, the Constitution does not categorically and permanently immunize a President for obstructing justice through the use of his Article II powers . The separation-of-powers doctrine authorizes Congress to protect official proceedings, including those of courts and grand juries, from corrupt, obstructive acts regardless of their source. We also concluded that any inroad on presidential authority that would occur from prohibiting corrupt acts does not undermine the President's ability to fulfill his constitutional mission. The term "corruptly " sets a demanding standard. It requires a concrete showing that a person acted with an intent to obtain an improper advantage for himself or someone else, inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others. A preclusion of "corrupt" official action does not diminish the President's ability to exercise Article II powers. For example, the proper supervision of criminal law does not demand freedom for the President to act with a corrupt intention of shielding himself from criminal punishment, avoiding financial liability, or preventing personal embarrassment. To the contrary, a statute that prohibits official action undertaken for such corrupt purposes furthers, rather than hinders, the impartial and even handed administration of the law. It also aligns with the President's constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws. Finally, we concluded that in the rare case in which a criminal investigation of the President's conduct is justified, inquiries to determine whether the President acted for a corrupt motive should not impermissibly chill his performance of his constitutionally assigned duties. The conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the President 's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.
  • OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE? Nyet. There were things Trump did that were wrong, but how can they rise to the level of obstruction much less impeachment when all he was really doing was fighting against an investigation he already knew he was 100% innocent of that was all set up against him by the democrat's Steele Dossier? So there was actually nothing TO obstruct when you already know you didn't do anything.
So Democrats say Trump obstructed justice into an investigation that never would have happened in the first place had they not made up a phony dossier of lies!
Adam Schiff said earlier that there was absolute proof of collusion. Well, it looks like ADAM LIED.

Now the Dims say they need to see a 100% unredacted version of the Mueller report. :rolleyes:

At one point they say that Trump TRIED to get material to use against the Hillary campaign. But Hillary DID get material and DID use it against Trump's campaign in the form of the fraudulent Steele Dossier which was the ENTIRE BASIS for the Mueller investigation AND to which now Steele is refusing to testify. Why isn't this in the matrix of the investigation much less discussion anywhere?

The Dims can pursue this farther and open new investigations into Barr, etc., ad nauseum, but until one of these investigations includes an AT-LEAST-AS rigorous look into Hillary's actions in the matter as well as Obama's in trying to derail the Trump campaign, influence the election and set him up for all this investigation, I'll continue to have


Not so long as the high and mighty democrats commit high crimes continuously and openly and always go unpunished while Republicans repeatedly have their fingernails meticulously scrutinized for dirt.


Dossier is not stolen material and Steele is a private person, not a representative of a hostile government. There is absolutely nothing illegal here.

Stop talking about shit you are obviously too stupid to talk about.
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The best thing about today was when the blonde reporter asked Barr why he used the term "unprecedented" to describe what Trump had undergone. He asked her if it has ever happened before, at which point she answered honestly that it had not. He then said, "That's why it was unprecedented!"

Boom! She just might as well get a tattoo of the word "unprecedented" on her forehead because that faux pax will haunt her the rest of her life!

Umm is that after Barr shit himself publicly again and now got caught misrepresenting the report?

Yea, I’m sure everyone will just remember this day in Barr’s life like you did. :rolleyes:
Dirty Bob Mueller tries to reverse the burden of proof:

The most remarkable thing about Dirty Bob Mueller’s 448-page report is how blithely the prosecutor reversed the burden of proof on the issue of obstruction.

The president could have shut down the investigation at any time, but he didn’t. He could have asserted executive privilege to deny the special counsel access to key White House witnesses, such as McGahn. To the contrary, numerous witnesses were made available voluntarily (there was no need to even subpoena them to the grand jury), and well over a million documents were disclosed, including voluminous notes of meetings between the president and his White House counsel.

Most important, the special counsel found that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and that the president’s frustration was that the investigation was undermining his ability to govern the country. The existence of such a motive is a strong counter to evidence of a corrupt intent, critical because corrupt intent must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt in an obstruction case.

Idiot, Trump ordered McGhan to fire Mueller - not very co-operative, is it now?

Mueller can’t convict Trump as per DOJ guidelines, nor can he provide deregulatory statements about criminality since he is not bringing charges. So what they felt they are down to is simply presenting the evidence.

All Mueller had was "likely" and "might". He could not point at one specific instance of obstruction. You're still wasting our time with your whining.
I love the way the Conservative members here read the report and can understand it, while the Left does nothing but post links to spin articles. It's almost like they need someone tell them what they think...

Boom! Barr publicly shits himself yet again. Gets caught misrepresenting the report.
Dirty Bob Mueller tries to reverse the burden of proof:

The most remarkable thing about Dirty Bob Mueller’s 448-page report is how blithely the prosecutor reversed the burden of proof on the issue of obstruction.

The president could have shut down the investigation at any time, but he didn’t. He could have asserted executive privilege to deny the special counsel access to key White House witnesses, such as McGahn. To the contrary, numerous witnesses were made available voluntarily (there was no need to even subpoena them to the grand jury), and well over a million documents were disclosed, including voluminous notes of meetings between the president and his White House counsel.

Most important, the special counsel found that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and that the president’s frustration was that the investigation was undermining his ability to govern the country. The existence of such a motive is a strong counter to evidence of a corrupt intent, critical because corrupt intent must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt in an obstruction case.

Idiot, Trump ordered McGhan to fire Mueller - not very co-operative, is it now?

Mueller can’t convict Trump as per DOJ guidelines, nor can he provide deregulatory statements about criminality since he is not bringing charges. So what they felt they are down to is simply presenting the evidence.
If they had an obstruction case, they would have made it

Did you read what you quoted before copying and posting stupid nonsence?

Will you admit to being a moron when none of that will happen by 2020?

Trump was the President for 2.5 years, with full clearance to see ANY top secret info and a power to make ANY of it public. And yet to this date there is not a single shred of ANYTHING on Obama and his admin,

And yet here you are still sqeezing your blue balls, posting your little fantasy memes.
You realize he wanted to tell Comey to drop investigation into Flynn...and he did.

You realize he wanted to fire Comey...and he did

You realize he wanted Sessions to unrecuse himself and eventually fired him for not doing it.

You realize he wanted to fire Mueller...gave the order and only backed down when McGhan started packing his shit.

There are TEN such instances - what the fuck else does a guy have to do for it to become a clear pattern of obstruction with corrupt intent?

400 pages.....no Trump/Russia collusion. No obstruction yet, you still cling to fantasy.

Who told you no Obstuction? Wasn't Mueller.

And I just listed to you a bunch of examples of what any sane person would consider clear attempts of obstruction.

No sane person would believe any of that was truly obstruction.
Hey morons stop saying “no Obstruction” those words are not in the report.

But there is a MOUNTAIN of obstruction evidence and a hand off to Congress to hold Trump responsible from here

10 episodes where Trump might have obstructed justice

Under applicable Supreme Court precedent, the Constitution does not categorically and permanently immunize a President for obstructing justice through the use of his Article II powers . The separation-of-powers doctrine authorizes Congress to protect official proceedings, including those of courts and grand juries, from corrupt, obstructive acts regardless of their source. We also concluded that any inroad on presidential authority that would occur from prohibiting corrupt acts does not undermine the President's ability to fulfill his constitutional mission. The term "corruptly " sets a demanding standard. It requires a concrete showing that a person acted with an intent to obtain an improper advantage for himself or someone else, inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others. A preclusion of "corrupt" official action does not diminish the President's ability to exercise Article II powers. For example, the proper supervision of criminal law does not demand freedom for the President to act with a corrupt intention of shielding himself from criminal punishment, avoiding financial liability, or preventing personal embarrassment. To the contrary, a statute that prohibits official action undertaken for such corrupt purposes furthers, rather than hinders, the impartial and even handed administration of the law. It also aligns with the President's constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws. Finally, we concluded that in the rare case in which a criminal investigation of the President's conduct is justified, inquiries to determine whether the President acted for a corrupt motive should not impermissibly chill his performance of his constitutionally assigned duties. The conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the President 's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.

"MIGHT have obstructed justice"


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