Official Mueller Report Thread

The media is taking an unprecedented hit in this entire charade and fiasco that they helped create over
the last two years.

They have zero credibility with the American people.
Means next to nothing.

Democrats outraged as Trump team shapes Mueller report rollout

'The two top Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, called on Mueller to publicly testify "as soon as possible."
"Attorney General Barr's regrettably partisan handling of the Mueller report, including his slanted March 24th summary letter, his irresponsible testimony before Congress last week, and his indefensible plan to spin the report in a press conference later this morning — hours before he allows the public or Congress to see it — have resulted in a crisis of confidence in his independence and impartiality," the two leaders said in a joint statement Thursday morning.'

Trump team shapes Mueller report rollout, leading to Democrat outrage - CNNPolitics

Barr has proven time and again that he cannot be trusted on this matter and his words mean nothing.

If Trumpbots think this is over...guess again.

BTW - I doubt that Trump did anything illegal with Russia. Stupid - put probably not illegal.

But the childish way Trump and Barr are handling this whole thing are guaranteeing that it will not go away until they release the entire report to Congress.
The fact that they won't do it just adds to the assumption of guilt on Trump's part.

You'd be singing an entirely different tune if the report found Trump guilty.

Barr and Mueller would be hero's instead of Trumps stooges.

You and the other lefty loons are pathetic.
This is the OFFICIAL Mueller Report thread.

Please put all threads about the Mueller Report here.

Mueller Report threads not in this thread could end up being deleted.

there it is boys,, read a weep! No collusion no obstruction right from the horses mouth!
He said the Trump campaign didn’t knowingly collude with the Russians.

But one thing they all agree on, is that Vladimir Putin worked hard to get Trump elected president.

Everybody can agree on that, even Republicans.
This is the OFFICIAL Mueller Report thread.

Please put all threads about the Mueller Report here.

Mueller Report threads not in this thread could end up being deleted.

there it is boys,, read a weep! No collusion no obstruction right from the horses mouth!
View attachment 256481
I guess according to your logic, even daddies have daddies. Since Putin is trumps daddy.

From your posts for the last 3 years, it's obvious that Trump is your daddy
CNN is going into TDS meltdown :auiqs.jpg:this is almost as good as election night.
Watching cnn now lol

They are offended that the AG feels like trump was treated unfairly lol

CNN, BSNBC and all of the MSM are offended...since the past two years, they have been "glued" to the fact that Trump somehow colluded with Russia.
They are stuck with the fact, since "Crooked" Hillary lost...they will go all out to make sure Trump is stopped and impeach. And they are continuing down that path...even today.
This is the OFFICIAL Mueller Report thread.

Please put all threads about the Mueller Report here.

Mueller Report threads not in this thread could end up being deleted.

there it is boys,, read a weep! No collusion no obstruction right from the horses mouth!
He said the Trump campaign didn’t knowingly collude with the Russians.

But one thing they all agree on, is that Vladimir Putin worked hard to get Trump elected president.

Everybody can agree on that, even Republicans.
Russians have given a lot more money to dems than repubs.
So follow the money
Barr’s News Presser COMPLETELY VINDICATED President Trump!

No it didn't idiot. Barr has no credibility and his word is meaningless.

The only thing that can vindicate Trump is Mueller's (NOT BARR'S) report, and Barr has speciifically said that the report DOES NOT exonorate Trump.

Now it will be time for Barr to investigate what was the justification for the Obama administration to launch an investigation into the TRUMP campaign and get things so wrong.

Oh yes and I'd bet Barr will find out some very interesting info about the investigation into the 2016 elections.

I'm wondering just who will be in the cross hairs??
Trump COMPLETELY VINDICATED in any collusion and/or ANY OBSTRUCTION.....The DEATHRATS have been bitch slapped so hard that the more they try to LIE AND DECEIVE the American people the HARDER they will be hurt in the 2020 election....PLEASE DEMONRATS KEEP THIS BULLSHIT GOING.....ROTFLMFAO.......Barr’s presser is EPIC....if you didn't watch it definitely catch it on video!!!!!!!!!
Well duh.

Barr is nothing more than a sockpuppet. Did you expect him to say anything critical of tRump?
But one thing they all agree on, is that Vladimir Putin worked hard to get Trump elected president.

Everybody can agree on that, even Republicans.

Actually, it was the other way around...he wanted your research! Even the NYT states it in plain site...duh!
I really believe the fun is going to start first with the Horowitz report and then with the report on FISA abuse.

Heads are going to roll.

Andrew McCarthy pointed out something that I never thought about. Mueller never used the FISA court nor did
he ever comment on it. The 3 ensuing FISA warrants the FBI used Spying warrants when they knew they had no
evidence of collusion...just the Steele Dossier.

Mueller was smart enough not to fall into that trap, but he would have had to know that since Sept of 2017 there
was no collusion. He may get called to the deck on why he wasted all that money.
Lol no dumbass, thats not the opposite of obstruction.

You can commit or attempt to commit the obstruction (Trump fired Comey and tasked mcGhan with Mueller firing for example), but later co-operate with the investigation.
You shouldn't call others dumbass unless you are smarter than they are. But don't worry. I'm here to help.

Firing Comey did not and could not obstruct justice, since Comey want personally doing nothing in the investigation.

Mueller was not fired. Therefore you are whining about nothing again.

Trump gave Mueller every single document Mueller requested.

Trump did not envoke Executive Privilege, although he was was legally entitled to do so.

Trump and Barr are not even required to make this report available to Congress or the public.

Last but not least: Trump was 100% innocent of the collusion accusation, so you haters are accusing Trump of obstructing his own Exoneration.
Barr’s News Presser COMPLETELY VINDICATED President Trump!

No it didn't idiot. Barr has no credibility and his word is meaningless.

The only thing that can vindicate Trump is Mueller's (NOT BARR'S) report, and Barr has speciifically said that the report DOES NOT exonorate Trump.

Now it will be time for Barr to investigate what was the justification for the Obama administration to launch an investigation into the TRUMP campaign and get things so wrong.

Oh yes and I'd bet Barr will find out some very interesting info about the investigation into the 2016 elections.

I'm wondering just who will be in the cross hairs??
will maxine say "Well, lets impeach him anyway" again?

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