Official Mueller Report Thread

The Dems won't let this go unless and until they find something else to replace it.

They appear to be dead set on making Trump, of all freaking people, look like a harassed victim.

Well, the porn star obsession angle failed. The next hit job will be Trump hates dogs.
And then Trump can just buy a couple hundred from the local shelters in DC to make them look like idiots again.
Means next to nothing.

Democrats outraged as Trump team shapes Mueller report rollout

'The two top Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, called on Mueller to publicly testify "as soon as possible."
"Attorney General Barr's regrettably partisan handling of the Mueller report, including his slanted March 24th summary letter, his irresponsible testimony before Congress last week, and his indefensible plan to spin the report in a press conference later this morning — hours before he allows the public or Congress to see it — have resulted in a crisis of confidence in his independence and impartiality," the two leaders said in a joint statement Thursday morning.'

Trump team shapes Mueller report rollout, leading to Democrat outrage - CNNPolitics

Barr has proven time and again that he cannot be trusted on this matter and his words mean nothing.

If Trumpbots think this is over...guess again.

BTW - I doubt that Trump did anything illegal with Russia. Stupid - put probably not illegal.

But the childish way Trump and Barr are handling this whole thing are guaranteeing that it will not go away until they release the entire report to Congress.
The fact that they won't do it just adds to the assumption of guilt on Trump's part.
You are indeed clueless.

LOL...and you need to read a dictionary. I suggest the Oxford version.


  • Having no knowledge, understanding, or ability.'
clueless | Definition of clueless in English by Oxford Dictionaries

If I were actually 'clueless'...I would not be able to read or type...let alone work a computer.

So clearly - I am far from clueless.


Making you Trumpbots look uneducated/ignorant is STAGGERINGLY easy.

Have a nice day.
Are you listening to this analysis? The reason Mueller punted the decision of whether or not it’s obstruction of justice to Congress is because he felt that a president can not be indicted.

But in the report it says that Trump put all kinds of pressure on Jeff sessions to unrecuse himself. He told sessions that sessions would become a hero if he would unrecuse himself. Refused.

Trump tried to get people to write letters that they didn’t believe were truthful.

All Clinton did was lie about getting a BJ. And getting a BJ was not illegal. Monica was well past the age of consent. And she admitted that she made the first moves.

They said that if Trump tried to obstruct one or two times then OK it could be mistakes. But after a dozen time of doing everything he could to obstruct, then that’s the very definition of obstruction.
Yep, and this is all coming from the Barr Report, Trump's paid lackey, right?
Are you listening to this analysis? The reason Mueller punted the decision of whether or not it’s obstruction of justice to Congress is because he felt that a president can not be indicted.

But in the report it says that Trump put all kinds of pressure on Jeff sessions to unrecuse himself. He told sessions that sessions would become a hero if he would unrecuse himself. Refused.

Trump tried to get people to write letters that they didn’t believe were truthful.

All Clinton did was lie about getting a BJ. And getting a BJ was not illegal. Monica was well past the age of consent. And she admitted that she made the first moves.

They said that if Trump tried to obstruct one or two times then OK it could be mistakes. But after a dozen time of doing everything he could to obstruct, then that’s the very definition of obstruction.
Yep, and this is all coming from the Barr Report, Trump's paid lackey, right?
Happy no collusion day!
Mueller report shows he chose not to charge Trump because obstruction was in plain view

Right....he committed Obstruction in Plain Sight! Mueller wanted Congress to decide whether trump obstructed justice....Barr is PROTECTING THE POS!

The Democrats need to find out why Mueller stated over and over that Congress could make that decision.

Barr on the other hand dismissed those assertions and just came out and obstruction..

This report is a road map to Impeachment...especially after the Dems win the Senate in 2020.
This topic is not for rubes who parrot what they are told to parrot. This topic is for those of us who are actually reading the Mueller report.

(Edited to add: My topic was merged with an existing topic which is overflowing with rubes parroting what they are told to parrot. That figures.)

You can read the report for yourself here:

I have begun reading the report and have found this interesting tidbit on page 16 (bolding mine):

President Trump reacted negatively to the Special Counsel's appointment. He told advisors it was the end of his presidency, sought to have Attorney General Jefferson (Jeff) Sessions unrecuse from the Russia investigation and to have the Special Counsel removed, and engaged in efforts to curtail the Special Counsel's investigation and prevent disclosure of evidence to it, including through public and private contacts with potential witnesses. Those and related actions are described and analyzed in Volume II of the report.
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After 2020 there will be no need to impeach. At that point we can go right to the indictments.
Are you listening to this analysis? The reason Mueller punted the decision of whether or not it’s obstruction of justice to Congress is because he felt that a president can not be indicted.

But in the report it says that Trump put all kinds of pressure on Jeff sessions to unrecuse himself. He told sessions that sessions would become a hero if he would unrecuse himself. Refused.

Trump tried to get people to write letters that they didn’t believe were truthful.

All Clinton did was lie about getting a BJ. And getting a BJ was not illegal. Monica was well past the age of consent. And she admitted that she made the first moves.

They said that if Trump tried to obstruct one or two times then OK it could be mistakes. But after a dozen time of doing everything he could to obstruct, then that’s the very definition of obstruction.
Yep, and this is all coming from the Barr Report, Trump's paid lackey, right?
It’s mueller time lol hahah
LOL, Barr flipped Rosenstein...:laughing0301:
If you look up rat-faced fink in the dictionary, there is a picture of Rosenstein.

Bob Barr is the adult in the room here, explaining why there’s nothing there with no collusion and no obstruction and unprecedented cooperation from the White House, including a White House decision not to exert executive privilege even though the President would have been well within his rights to do so.

I loved Barr’s response to some reporterette who asked why he called President Trump’s situation at the beginning of his presidency, with him, his family, and associates under intense scrutiny and investigation “unprecedented.”

Reporter: “Why do you say that is unprecedented?”

Barr: “Has it happened before?”

Reporter: “No.”

Barr: “Then it’s unprecedented.”

I can't see Jeff Sessions stepping up to the plate like that.
Are you listening to this analysis? The reason Mueller punted the decision of whether or not it’s obstruction of justice to Congress is because he felt that a president can not be indicted.

But in the report it says that Trump put all kinds of pressure on Jeff sessions to unrecuse himself. He told sessions that sessions would become a hero if he would unrecuse himself. Refused.

Trump tried to get people to write letters that they didn’t believe were truthful.

All Clinton did was lie about getting a BJ. And getting a BJ was not illegal. Monica was well past the age of consent. And she admitted that she made the first moves.

They said that if Trump tried to obstruct one or two times then OK it could be mistakes. But after a dozen time of doing everything he could to obstruct, then that’s the very definition of obstruction.

Democrats need to understand going after obstruction is going to be another big backfire. Barr is going after the corruption within the investigation.
This is the OFFICIAL Mueller Report thread.

Please put all threads about the Mueller Report here.

Mueller Report threads not in this thread could end up being deleted.

there it is boys,, read a weep! No collusion no obstruction right from the horses mouth!
And what was President Trump "accused" of that he was "obstructing justice" for again? You guys are the dumbest mother fuckers on this planet....

We know you guys will cherry pick and trumpett, anything in the report that might be embarrassing to Trump, but as for the Russian collusion, IT DID NOT HAPPEN !!
This is the OFFICIAL Mueller Report thread.

Please put all threads about the Mueller Report here.

Mueller Report threads not in this thread could end up being deleted.

there it is boys,, read a weep! No collusion no obstruction right from the horses mouth!
He said the Trump campaign didn’t knowingly collude with the Russians.

But one thing they all agree on, is that Vladimir Putin worked hard to get Trump elected president.

Everybody can agree on that, even Republicans.
So Fuckin what, Mexico did their best to make sure the Democrats won the election.

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