Official Mueller Report Thread

I'd say by 12:01. The already scripted lies and whines will start anew then and the filth will show us all once again just how useless they have become. What do you think?
It began before Barr left the dias but he saw the way the press was going and left the stage leaving their lips flapping nonsense as is usual. There must be some kind of a limited IQ requirement that we don't know about to qualify for press credentials.
Barr’s News Presser COMPLETELY VINDICATED President Trump!

No it didn't idiot. Barr has no credibility and his word is meaningless.

The only thing that can vindicate Trump is Mueller's (NOT BARR'S) report, and Barr has speciifically said that the report DOES NOT exonorate Trump.

Yes it did have no credibility and your word is meaningless. See how easy that is?

Oh and BTW you protozoan twit, if Barr has no credibility how can you believe him if he says the report doesn't exonerate Trump?
You have the IQ of a garden tomato.

Barr’s News Presser COMPLETELY VINDICATED President Trump!

No it didn't idiot. Barr has no credibility and his word is meaningless.

The only thing that can vindicate Trump is Mueller's (NOT BARR'S) report, and Barr has speciifically said that the report DOES NOT exonorate Trump.

Now it will be time for Barr to investigate what was the justification for the Obama administration to launch an investigation into the TRUMP campaign and get things so wrong.
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Unfettered access and EP speaks volumes
Trump was fully cooperative
That’s the opposite of obstruction

Lol no dumbass, thats not the opposite of obstruction.

You can commit or attempt to commit the obstruction (Trump fired Comey and tasked mcGhan with Mueller firing for example), but later co-operate with the investigation.
All done in public view
The fact you know about this confirms what i said....dumbass
Trump COMPLETELY VINDICATED in any collusion and/or ANY OBSTRUCTION.....The DEATHRATS have been bitch slapped so hard that the more they try to LIE AND DECEIVE the American people the HARDER they will be hurt in the 2020 election....PLEASE DEMONRATS KEEP THIS BULLSHIT GOING.....ROTFLMFAO.......Barr’s presser is EPIC....if you didn't watch it definitely catch it on video!!!!!!!!!
As they say the worm has turned and now the defence goes on the offence and the previous offence would do themselves a favor and start running like hell.
Barr’s News Presser COMPLETELY VINDICATED President Trump!

No it didn't idiot. Barr has no credibility and his word is meaningless.

The only thing that can vindicate Trump is Mueller's (NOT BARR'S) report, and Barr has speciifically said that the report DOES NOT exonorate Trump.
Seems we have an infestation of fucking morons. The AG's office appointed the Special Counsel. The report is written for and delivered to the AG. The AG then makes determinations based on the report which will be released within the limits of the law. So you can twist your panties and clutch your pearls, but at some point you need to wipe away your tears of hate and anger and come back to reality.
If Mueller's report and Barr had hung Trump the lefty loons would be celebrating and telling one and all what hero's Mueller and Barr are.

Since the report cleared Trump neither of them know what they are doing and the report is false.

You can't cure fucking stupid.
Rod Rosenstein sure had that “Deer in the headlights look”. His look said “I am so screwed”.
Barr’s News Presser COMPLETELY VINDICATED President Trump!

No it didn't idiot. Barr has no credibility and his word is meaningless.

The only thing that can vindicate Trump is Mueller's (NOT BARR'S) report, and Barr has speciifically said that the report DOES NOT exonorate Trump.
Obviously you're the idiot, idiot. Are you deaf, dumb, blind as well as extremely stupid?
Yeah There was no meeting with scump jr at Trump towers with Russians I was just dreaming
They were merely discussing adoption, remember?!???

So, no collusion whatsoever.
I'm sure the forum would be very interested what special knowledge that you have that is not available to us
Plz, enlightened us plebes
When enough will never be enough! It's almost like Nadler wants him to make it up? I mean, this only demonstrates enough will never be enough
Nadler sounds like an idiot. A whiny little shit of an idiot.

Wonder if he will be part of Barr's investigation that was the shit show of a collusion investigation on the 2016 elections??

What a maroon.
Muler and the tards have done irreparable damage to the Trump Presidency. Trump, to be fair, should have 3 more years of free rule to make up for this despicable whiny behavior. The DNC should be disbanded.
Re-electing Trump will be the vindication for the country. From all the wasted time and tax payer money to only find a collusion delusion.

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