Official: Obama Admin Drafted Memo to Blame Military If Bin Laden Mission Failed

you are correct. he was a judge and an attorney general,, and I believe every word he says.

How does a former Bush administrator get access to internal memos in the Obama administration?

Why didnt he say what specifically was in the memo if he actually saw it?

Sounds like....I heard from some guy..

c o n n e c t i o n s unless you're stupid enough to believe everything is buttoned up in dc.

So there is no proof but you are willing to take his opinions and his interpretation as fact?? WOW!
I've searched all I can bare.

All I can find is transcripts (apparently former AG Michael Mukasey is making the talk-show circuit making his claim) that mention said memo.

Anyone with something more concrete???

Nice freudian slip, sir. :eusa_whistle:
Once again, Fox shows it's lack of journalistic integrity in it's title....Official: Admin drafted memo to blame military if Bin Laden Mission failed
It's source is a former Bush official which gives him no credibility without sources

and if you read their own comments about the alleged memo the only way McCraven could have been blamed was IF things had changed and IF he failed to follow orders and check in.

I wonder where all of the alleged military posters from the right are on this and how they view a failure to obey orders?
Once again, Fox shows it's lack of journalistic integrity in it's title....Official: Admin drafted memo to blame military if Bin Laden Mission failed
It's source is a former Bush official which gives him no credibility without sources

and if you read their own comments about the alleged memo the only way McCraven could have been blamed was IF things had changed and IF he failed to follow orders and check in.

I wonder where all of the alleged military posters from the right are on this and how they view a failure to obey orders?

Again, how do you draft a memo on what went wrong and why without anything going wrong?

What was the assumption? All the SEALs were killed? Bin Laden was not there?

Hard to make excuses for something that didn't happen
Once again, Fox shows it's lack of journalistic integrity in it's title....Official: Admin drafted memo to blame military if Bin Laden Mission failed
It's source is a former Bush official which gives him no credibility without sources

and if you read their own comments about the alleged memo the only way McCraven could have been blamed was IF things had changed and IF he failed to follow orders and check in.

I wonder where all of the alleged military posters from the right are on this and how they view a failure to obey orders?

Again, how do you draft a memo on what went wrong and why without anything going wrong?

What was the assumption? All the SEALs were killed? Bin Laden was not there?

Hard to make excuses for something that didn't happen

According to the source of the op, the alleged memo described McCraven's authority and that it was ok "to proceed according to the risks, only according to the risks that had been outline to the president." if there was something outside of those defined risks then McCraven was supposed to "check back" with the president in order to proceed.
How many different ways will the Righties show us how very very very butthurt they are over this administration's elimination of OBL?
How many different ways will the Righties show us how very very very butthurt they are over this administration's elimination of OBL?

The real problem is not the many "different" ways it's the repetition/parroting. They start threads like this one and when the flaws in their arguments get pointed out instead of having the integrity to admit that they were wrong they abandon the thread or lash out at those who dare question their talking points. Then after a while they usually run off to start another thread with the same arguments.
Official: Obama Admin Drafted Memo to Blame Military If Bin Laden Mission Failed would be expected.....


That's a big time CYA and I'd be really interested if other presidents have done the same when authorizing such incursions?

I can just hear Barry if the stuff had hit the fan during the mission.

Instead....your boy......

(....And, it wouldn't be the first-time.)

[ame=]The Hunt For Bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]​
Holy hell...if this ends up being true...this will cost him VERY dearly among military voters and their families.
Having said this - I am not surprised.
Holy hell...if this ends up being true...this will cost him VERY dearly among military voters and their families.
Having said this - I am not surprised.

a. It's not true based on the content of the source used by the OP.

b. I am not surprised either that a bunch of rightwing lemmings are buying rightwing propaganda and swallowing it whole without question.
I've searched all I can bare.

All I can find is transcripts (apparently former AG Michael Mukasey is making the talk-show circuit making his claim) that mention said memo.

Anyone with something more concrete???

You do realize it's common practice in journalism to write two "fill in the __________" stories? or "templates."

Journalists do this to get the story out sooner rather than later...

That's why I posted that Dewey/Truman picture - that was a fantastic example of the aforementioned that was knee-jerked..




You do realize it's common practice in journalism to write two "fill in the __________" stories? or "templates."

Journalists do this to get the story out sooner rather than later...

That's why I posted that Dewey/Truman picture - that was a fantastic example of the aforementioned that was knee-jerked..

We're not talking about journalists, Nick.
Mukasey claims that Pinetta penned the memo.


And you can bet your sweet ass if General Michael Mukasey says there is a memo.....

Ah, yes.....keep grabbin' for the ol' hypotheticals......


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