Is anyone else's mouse pointer freezing up?

Nope. Give it some better cheese maybe? Sometimes it'll hang for a few seconds while something happening in the background, another app open? Anti-virus doing something, variable swap file resizing, can be any number of things.
Not sure. It may be happening on all web pages. I'll pay better attention. It's rare, and brief. Like your wit. :slap:
QW this will be the last I say on the subject. The site doesn't hijack your browser settings. If you feel this site is a home to hackers perhaps you shouldn't navigate here anymore.


Why don't you reply to this post then use Ctrl-K to do a search? You will learn that, instead of letting you search, even in Chrome, the site will instead start a numbered list inside that post. After you see that I am right feel free to look through the rest of the code in XenForo and see what else it does that you are unaware of.

By the way, I never said this sight was a home to hackers, what I said is that the scrip[ts that are designed to steal my keyboard shortcuts make this site unsafe, and annoying. I rely on keyboard shortcuts too much to allow any site to hijack them.
Don't wanna stick my head in the lion's mouth (odd how that saying works so well ) but whether there's buggy code in the scripts or not I can't say. What I can say is everything's fine here with all scripts disabled. Haven't encountered anything I'm unable to do but the login/out thing along the top is gone and I have to logout through control panel/settings. A minor inconvenience only though.

I'd think first though is Quant's having problems with scripts ON it's some setting(s) on his rig. I notice especially today with console games your avg gamer has no earthly idea how to tweak their computer's settings so accustomed to perfect 'plug n lay' on a console version. So I wonder if that kind of loss of technical know-how is cropping up with people thinking things should be smoothe sailing online but aren't.

My first thought would be if your OS can automatically download and install updates, that's where problems are gonna arise from. I know it's kinda counter-intuitive, but you should never let your computer do anything on its' own. Set everything to 'ask/prompt me' otherwise someone can easily hack their way in and mess with your box to their heart's content. If you think your browser settings are being hijacked on a specific site, it's probably because your browser settings are set wide open.

I've never used Chrome so I have no idea what you're gonna be looking at. But for Firefox, there's a setting under the Security tab to check that says "Warn me if sites try to install add-ons" so look for something like that on your rigs. Make sure it's checked so nothing's auto-installing things behind the scenes or worse. Security/Passwords has a couple box about saving passwords DON'T. Big target for hackers to download a passwords file. Look for the Cookies section and set it to 'ask me everytime.' Typically, the only websites you need to accept a cookie from is one you're typing things into. For simply reading, there's no need to let them store cookies. You need to let usmb set some though as we're doing both reading and writing. Everything else set to ask me or prompt me or whatever it says. Slows down rowsing a little bit, but it's worth it not having anything happen without your permission and awareness.

Lastly, if you suspect a site or script is doing something that messes you up, but a gazillion other people aren't hollering about it, it's just you. :)

Don't try to teach your grandmother how to suck eggs.

My problem has nothing to do with my computer settings, or the lack thereof. The proof of that is that I am not the only one experiencing the problem I reported, the one that C_K insists is entirely my fault. Firefox, by default, allows websites to control shortcuts. At this point in time there is no way to disable that other than disabling scripts entirely, which is why I opted for that, and then brought the situation to the attention of the board. Feel free to do all the research I already did to find out that I actually know what I am talking about.

As for cookies, may I suggest you use the Self Destructing Cookies to solve your problem with cookies? You can set Firefox to accept first party cookies, and the addon will automatically delete them when you close the tab, unless you give your permission for the cookies to stay longer.
Excuse me but you're the contrarian who keeps jumping in trying to nullify and/or one-up anybody's suggestion for general site functions that would be available for anybody. Then you want to twist it around to how Numero Uno uses your own keyboard. Get the fuck OVER yourself. If you don't need a feature -- then don't use it.

No I am not, I am the guy that mocks you when you pretend that your suggestions to me are useful.

Trust me, I have only ever had one "suggestion" for you, and it's one that would benefit everybody.
I will not allow any site that hijacks my browser settings to run scripts.

I'm sorry, but I haven't followed this convo closely. Which browser settings are getting hijacked, and in what way? Is this a Chrome-specific? I am on Firefox.

Lastly, if you suspect a site or script is doing something that messes you up, but a gazillion other people aren't hollering about it, it's just you. :)

An unassailable point.
Why don't you reply to this post then use Ctrl-K to do a search? You will learn that, instead of letting you search, even in Chrome, the site will instead start a numbered list inside that post. After you see that I am right feel free to look through the rest of the code in XenForo and see what else it does that you are unaware of.

By the way, I never said this sight was a home to hackers, what I said is that the scrip[ts that are designed to steal my keyboard shortcuts make this site unsafe, and annoying. I rely on keyboard shortcuts too much to allow any site to hijack them.
OK, you are talking about the new software having some alternate keyboard shortcuts that what you are used to? Is that what the big deal is? What's the new shortcut for Search? Just use that.
If that doesn't work, try Phrase Express.
I'm sorry, but I haven't followed this convo closely. Which browser settings are getting hijacked, and in what way? Is this a Chrome-specific? I am on Firefox.

Ctrl-K should take you to search, but it doesn't if you are making a post. Once I discovered that I disabled scripts, so there may be others.
I run AOL, IE, and occasionally Google Chrome and have had none of the problems others are describing. No pointer thingee freezes--nothing. Windows 8--I'm assuming it is Windows 8--every once in awhile will pop up a message that my content isn't loading due to a long running script and gives me an option to stop the script. Once I do, voila the content loads immediately. I have not had that problem on this site however.

My only quarrel at this time is the loss of some functionality that I really appreciated and constantly used on the old VB format and apparently isn't available now--sometime it takes two or three clicks to achieve something if it can be achieved at all and I have a personal aversion to making things harder than they have to be. But day by day it does feel more normal.
QW this will be the last I say on the subject. The site doesn't hijack your browser settings. If you feel this site is a home to hackers perhaps you shouldn't navigate here anymore.


Why don't you reply to this post then use Ctrl-K to do a search? You will learn that, instead of letting you search, even in Chrome, the site will instead start a numbered list inside that post. After you see that I am right feel free to look through the rest of the code in XenForo and see what else it does that you are unaware of.

By the way, I never said this sight was a home to hackers, what I said is that the scrip[ts that are designed to steal my keyboard shortcuts make this site unsafe, and annoying. I rely on keyboard shortcuts too much to allow any site to hijack them.
QW this will be the last I say on the subject. The site doesn't hijack your browser settings. If you feel this site is a home to hackers perhaps you shouldn't navigate here anymore.


Why don't you reply to this post then use Ctrl-K to do a search? You will learn that, instead of letting you search, even in Chrome, the site will instead start a numbered list inside that post. After you see that I am right feel free to look through the rest of the code in XenForo and see what else it does that you are unaware of.

By the way, I never said this sight was a home to hackers, what I said is that the scrip[ts that are designed to steal my keyboard shortcuts make this site unsafe, and annoying. I rely on keyboard shortcuts too much to allow any site to hijack them.
I see what you mean about the list vs search, but is it a real big deal? I mean, why would you want to start a search while you are replying to a thread?
Wouldn't you switch to another browser tab first? In which case, the search function works as expected. I've been nit picking the shit out of the upgrade as much as anyone, but this is essentially a non problem, unless you can show me some shortcut that is overridden when you are not composing a post.
Poll glitch here --
This thread, mindless as it is, exhibits a bug in its poll: Clicking on the first option reveals the names who voted for it as it should; second option does the same.

Clicking the third option "I like turtles", which shows four votes on the poll, once you click in it changes to one vote, and doesn't show anybody's name. I voted that option a while back, so at the very least my name should already be in there.
I see what you mean about the list vs search, but is it a real big deal? I mean, why would you want to start a search while you are replying to a thread?
Wouldn't you switch to another browser tab first? In which case, the search function works as expected. I've been nit picking the shit out of the upgrade as much as anyone, but this is essentially a non problem, unless you can show me some shortcut that is overridden when you are not composing a post.

The reason I like to do searches when I am posting is to find links to back up my statements. After all, I am not rdean.

Why would I switch to another tab when my browser opens a new tab from the search bar? The only reason it is even an issue right now is because c_k is insisting that my decision to not use scripts is the reason that the site doesn't take me to the first post in the thread is that I disabled scripts. Since the exact same thing occurs when I am using a browser with scripts enabled, he is obviously trying to deflect from dealing with one issue I raised by blaming it on the solution I used to deal with another one. Frankly, I am quite happy with my solution to the problem.
So it comes down to you don't know how to open a second tab. From the same guy who whines about how he is one with his keyboard and everybody who doesn't do it his way is a stupid idiot.

I've never had an issue figuring that out, ever.

So it comes down to you don't know how to open a second tab. From the same guy who whines about how he is one with his keyboard and everybody who doesn't do it his way is a stupid idiot.

I've never had an issue figuring that out, ever.


Trying to get back at me for pointing out that you can't remember the layout of the keyboard even though you use it every day? To bad it will fail because I actually do know how to open a new tab, use the shortcut Ctrl-T.

The point is that I see no reason to do open a new tab just because one site is configured to override my browser settings, which is why I chose to disable the scripts on this site. Keep trying though, sooner or later I will make a mistake and you will be able to prove you are smarter than I am, even though every single time you have tired so far you end up running away when I prove you wrong.
As if you don't have enough suggestions CK, let me add to the burden. I would like to see the thanks button come back. It is more personal and in the case of humor or even a disparate view by someone who has put a lot f effort into a post it is a different kind of acknowledgement. Especially if someone is trying to help you with something a thank button is much easier than a post. Thanks
As if you don't have enough suggestions CK, let me add to the burden. I would like to see the thanks button come back. It is more personal and in the case of humor or even a disparate view by someone who has put a lot f effort into a post it is a different kind of acknowledgement. Especially if someone is trying to help you with something a thank button is much easier than a post. Thanks

also the names of who thanked the post were all visible below the post instead of having to hit the "list" button.

I couldn't login at all, until I came home and used a different computer to login. It did not do that until today.
I see what you mean about the list vs search, but is it a real big deal? I mean, why would you want to start a search while you are replying to a thread?
Wouldn't you switch to another browser tab first? In which case, the search function works as expected. I've been nit picking the shit out of the upgrade as much as anyone, but this is essentially a non problem, unless you can show me some shortcut that is overridden when you are not composing a post.

The reason I like to do searches when I am posting is to find links to back up my statements. After all, I am not rdean.

Why would I switch to another tab when my browser opens a new tab from the search bar? The only reason it is even an issue right now is because c_k is insisting that my decision to not use scripts is the reason that the site doesn't take me to the first post in the thread is that I disabled scripts. Since the exact same thing occurs when I am using a browser with scripts enabled, he is obviously trying to deflect from dealing with one issue I raised by blaming it on the solution I used to deal with another one. Frankly, I am quite happy with my solution to the problem.
OK, you hit control K to search in a new tab, but for some reason can't hit control T followed by control K. I have no desire to bring up a numbered list, so I personally would rather I got a new search tab, but Christ! The shortcuts add functionality to the site for everyone.....
Come on, QW, one more step and you have your shortcuts back and C_K can get busy fixing shit that affects everyone, or change us back to VB. (my personal preference)

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