just click on the title ....

That takes you to the first unread post.


that worked originally - most obviously a new bug.

* any thoughts on adding PREVIEW to initial post page ?

FWIW, Xenforo loads quick because it doesn't have features like PREVIEW. From what I've read of that particular feature, it can be a little heavy on the resources for the benefit it provides (primarily for large boards, not so much on small ones).

if you press MORE OPTIONS, PREVIEW is an option - before PREVIEW was an option on first page ... it lets you see the post as it will display to edit before being posted.

Can you link me to where the site declared it's all about you and how you use your keyboard? I must have been out that day.


And no I never heard of "touch typing". I'm pretty sure it's impossible to type on a keyboard without touching it so that would be redundant. I learned to type in the '60s and I'm screamingly fast at it. That's why I don't want to interrupt the flow to go look for some obscure key living up there in the keyboard equivalent of the Faeroe Islands.

Excuse me, I am explaining why I don't use stupid flashy things on websites despite the insistence of some people that they make life easier. That does not make this all about me, it just means that I don't use stupid flashy things on websites when I have better ways of doing things. The fact that you can't remember where a key is in a standard keyboard does not, in any way. reflect negatively on anyone but you.

By the way, I learned to type in the 1960s myself. I guess some people are just better at learning new things than others.
It shouldn't. The little black box to the left of the thread title should take you to First Unread.

Nonetheless it does, every single time, which is why I posted in this thread.

By the way, before someone suggest it, this happens in every single browser I use, and in various operating systems.
Can you link me to where the site declared it's all about you and how you use your keyboard? I must have been out that day.


And no I never heard of "touch typing". I'm pretty sure it's impossible to type on a keyboard without touching it so that would be redundant. I learned to type in the '60s and I'm screamingly fast at it. That's why I don't want to interrupt the flow to go look for some obscure key living up there in the keyboard equivalent of the Faeroe Islands.

Excuse me, I am explaining why I don't use stupid flashy things on websites despite the insistence of some people that they make life easier. That does not make this all about me, it just means that I don't use stupid flashy things on websites when I have better ways of doing things. The fact that you can't remember where a key is in a standard keyboard does not, in any way. reflect negatively on anyone but you.

By the way, I learned to type in the 1960s myself. I guess some people are just better at learning new things than others.

Excuse me but you're the contrarian who keeps jumping in trying to nullify and/or one-up anybody's suggestion for general site functions that would be available for anybody. Then you want to twist it around to how Numero Uno uses your own keyboard. Get the fuck OVER yourself. If you don't need a feature -- then don't use it.
QW this is what happens when you start messing with scripts. Things don't work properly. Clicking title takes you to the first post (OP) and the little black box takes you to first unread.

You're on your own here
Excuse me but you're the contrarian who keeps jumping in trying to nullify and/or one-up anybody's suggestion for general site functions that would be available for anybody. Then you want to twist it around to how Numero Uno uses your own keyboard. Get the fuck OVER yourself. If you don't need a feature -- then don't use it.

No I am not, I am the guy that mocks you when you pretend that your suggestions to me are useful.

Tell me something, how do you navigate sites that don't have stupid flashy buttons? I use the same keys on every site, you end up whinging because you can't remember where the Home key is on a keyboard you see every single day.
QW this is what happens when you start messing with scripts. Things don't work properly. Clicking title takes you to the first post (OP) and the little black box takes you to first unread.

You're on your own here

Can you explain why that doesn't work in Chrome? Does Chrome have a hidden function that disables scripts, because I can assure you, it doesn't have any addons that do so effectively. Also, it does the same when I enable the scripts. Blaming a fault in your site on a user might work with someone who is less tech savvy, but this happens regardless of the script settings.

And, like I said earlier, I would be happy to allow the scripts on this site if they didn't hijack my shortcuts. I never allow a site that hijacks my browser settings to run scripts, it isn't safe.
QW this is what happens when you start messing with scripts. Things don't work properly. Clicking title takes you to the first post (OP) and the little black box takes you to first unread.

You're on your own here
Incorrect. If you hover about the thread title it says "go to first unread post" (or maybe new post). With or without scripts turned on.
QW this is what happens when you start messing with scripts. Things don't work properly. Clicking title takes you to the first post (OP) and the little black box takes you to first unread.

You're on your own here

Can you explain why that doesn't work in Chrome? Does Chrome have a hidden function that disables scripts, because I can assure you, it doesn't have any addons that do so effectively. Also, it does the same when I enable the scripts. Blaming a fault in your site on a user might work with someone who is less tech savvy, but this happens regardless of the script settings.

And, like I said earlier, I would be happy to allow the scripts on this site if they didn't hijack my shortcuts. I never allow a site that hijacks my browser settings to run scripts, it isn't safe.
I'm on Chrome. It doesn't work because you're screwing around with scripts. I warned people about this. You can't do that and expect a site to work properly ESPECIALLY forums. Forum software depends on scripts to function properly. If you're tech savy you should know this. Getting it to work is something you'll have to figure out. I'm not going down the rabbit hole. I gave explicit instructions that if people started fucking with scripts they were on their own.

If you don't want ads use adblock. BTW these features work on Chrome, FF, IE, Safari.
Re nested quotes. We get alerts every time someone quotes us. How about if that was limited to first generation quotes?
I'm getting alerts that people quoted me when my post is buried 5 or 6 deep and not relevant to the tack the thread has taken since.

Yep, quote alerts become a liability when they stop referring to the primary quoted post (I know the member that was quoted directly is alerted, but everybody else in the multi-layer should not be).

It's quite possible to limit the alert. Even the vBullshit devs managed to figure that one out, lol.
I'm on Chrome. It doesn't work because you're screwing around with scripts. I warned people about this. You can't do that and expect a site to work properly ESPECIALLY forums. Forum software depends on scripts to function properly. If you're tech savy you should know this. Getting it to work is something you'll have to figure out. I'm not going down the rabbit hole. I gave explicit instructions that if people started fucking with scripts they were on their own.

If you don't want ads use adblock. BTW these features work on Chrome, FF, IE, Safari.

I would not have complained if I did not verify it was not my settings causing the problem. There are actually about a dozen different things that disabling scripts has caused to break on this website, and I have not complained about any of them because it is my choice to do without the scripts. I know it isn't me because the same thing happens no matter which browser, or computer, I am using. You can sit there and blame me all day long, it won't change the fact that it is not on my end.

As for the proper functioning of this forum, I will not allow any site that hijacks my browser settings to run scripts. The reason for this should be obvious to anyone, not just the admin of a site that supposedly switched to a different software platform for security purposes.
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OK, clearly the bugs are outed and I'm out of here too as everything is working well enough on my end and on IE, Chrome, Android and Win Phones that I'm able to experience the site far better than before.

Thanks for all the development.

QW this will be the last I say on the subject. The site doesn't hijack your browser settings. If you feel this site is a home to hackers perhaps you shouldn't navigate here anymore.
Ha but you're telling him brown is blue. Unless you have fixed the glitch he is correct.
QW this will be the last I say on the subject. The site doesn't hijack your browser settings. If you feel this site is a home to hackers perhaps you shouldn't navigate here anymore.

Don't wanna stick my head in the lion's mouth (odd how that saying works so well ) but whether there's buggy code in the scripts or not I can't say. What I can say is everything's fine here with all scripts disabled. Haven't encountered anything I'm unable to do but the login/out thing along the top is gone and I have to logout through control panel/settings. A minor inconvenience only though.

I'd think first though is Quant's having problems with scripts ON it's some setting(s) on his rig. I notice especially today with console games your avg gamer has no earthly idea how to tweak their computer's settings so accustomed to perfect 'plug n lay' on a console version. So I wonder if that kind of loss of technical know-how is cropping up with people thinking things should be smoothe sailing online but aren't.

My first thought would be if your OS can automatically download and install updates, that's where problems are gonna arise from. I know it's kinda counter-intuitive, but you should never let your computer do anything on its' own. Set everything to 'ask/prompt me' otherwise someone can easily hack their way in and mess with your box to their heart's content. If you think your browser settings are being hijacked on a specific site, it's probably because your browser settings are set wide open.

I've never used Chrome so I have no idea what you're gonna be looking at. But for Firefox, there's a setting under the Security tab to check that says "Warn me if sites try to install add-ons" so look for something like that on your rigs. Make sure it's checked so nothing's auto-installing things behind the scenes or worse. Security/Passwords has a couple box about saving passwords DON'T. Big target for hackers to download a passwords file. Look for the Cookies section and set it to 'ask me everytime.' Typically, the only websites you need to accept a cookie from is one you're typing things into. For simply reading, there's no need to let them store cookies. You need to let usmb set some though as we're doing both reading and writing. Everything else set to ask me or prompt me or whatever it says. Slows down rowsing a little bit, but it's worth it not having anything happen without your permission and awareness.

Lastly, if you suspect a site or script is doing something that messes you up, but a gazillion other people aren't hollering about it, it's just you. :)
Is anyone else's mouse pointer freezing up?

Nope. Give it some better cheese maybe? Sometimes it'll hang for a few seconds while something happening in the background, another app open? Anti-virus doing something, variable swap file resizing, can be any number of things.

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