I'm pretty sure the old vBulletin site did the same thing. Had to hit refresh to see the last thing you did, and you still do.

The sig images are way too big. If a poster makes a short post the image can dominate the whole thing and lose the message.

You know, you can disable images selectively with AdBlock. Say you're tired of seeing Mr. H's trojan horse -- right click, "block image" and it's gone forever, from all his posts. That's why I haven't had to deal with Mudwhistle's chewing thing for a long time. :)

Too many sites to click each to block them. Easier just to ignore em all but from one site, or which ever ones you grant exemptions to.

You're describing ads -- I'm talking about disabling posted graphics.
This post:

One thing I've noticed that causes longer load times is when someone inserts images into a post, or their sig. When accessing those sites sometimes it'll hang adding time to the page load. Can overcome that by disabling images from all but usmb (so we can see our avatars.)

Besides blocking ads (which AdBlock does automatically) it includes an option that lets you click on an image (e.g. avatar, sig line image, posted image) and when you right-click you can block that image. It never shows up again, until/unless you unblock it.
Are there any instructions, tutorials, or any information as to how you use this site? Seems like it's click on things to see what happens. I'm just looking for the basics. Can you quote a portion of the post you are replying to? How can you see who is agreeing, liking or disagreeing with your post?....

Yes, someone posted a pdf link, I think earlier in this thread. If you set your alerts to only people responding to you, it is much more manageable and you are alerted when someone likes or agrees or disagrees with you. They also show up on your profile page under the tab where people quote you. The icon will show a check, thumbs up or x instead of the quote bubble for response. I'll see if I can find that pdf again.

ETA: Found it here

The Multi Quote Abuse Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I tried that link and got this "In order to post messages and view attached files in this forum, you must be a licensed XenForo customer." I've spent quite a bit of time googling for Xenforo user manual or FAQs. So far it's been a snipe hunt, haven't bagged anything very useful. I find that strange, and frustrating.
No, you didn't say it, but you are expressing your dissatisfaction at a level one would see from a paying customer.


Please continue.
I'm noticing that some threads, once in a while, fail to show up on my Watched Threads list. Even if I'm viewing all of them. I can find them by hunting through Alerts, so they do still exist; they just don't show up in Watched. Happened two or three times now, different threads.
I have had the same problem Pogo--mentioned it last night actually but it got lost when a couple of members decided to spam the thread for a couple of pages. They aren't showing up on my Unread Watched Threads or All Watched Threads.
Found a new bug! :eek: There is no option to Cancel a reply after you begin typing.

Steps to reproduce the bug;

1. Click on Reply in a Post.
2. Type in "Whatever...".
3. Close thread.
4. Reopen thread and your "reply is still there" :eek:
5. Click on Reply in a different Post.
6. Type in "2nd Post Reply..."
7. Click on [Post Reply]​

What you will see in the post that you have now made is BOTH the ORIGINAL reply that you never posted and the 2nd Reply that you did post.

The work around is that the only way to "Cancel" a post after you have started is to [Post Reply] and then [Delete].

That is tedious and it requires every single poster to know the workaround.

A [Cancel] button would be easier and simpler.

Thank you.
Found a new bug! :eek: There is no option to Cancel a reply after you begin typing.

Steps to reproduce the bug;

1. Click on Reply in a Post.
2. Type in "Whatever...".
3. Close thread.
4. Reopen thread and your "reply is still there" :eek:
5. Click on Reply in a different Post.
6. Type in "2nd Post Reply..."
7. Click on [Post Reply]​

What you will see in the post that you have now made is BOTH the ORIGINAL reply that you never posted and the 2nd Reply that you did post.

The work around is that the only way to "Cancel" a post after you have started is to [Post Reply] and then [Delete].

That is tedious and it requires every single poster to know the workaround.

A [Cancel] button would be easier and simpler.

Thank you.
not a bug...it is set up to save a copy for 24 hours and then cancel it. You can start a reply and decide against it. You don't need to do anything (delete, cancel..nothing) Just leave the thread or stop typing. It won't post unless you submit it.
Found a new bug! :eek: There is no option to Cancel a reply after you begin typing.

Steps to reproduce the bug;

1. Click on Reply in a Post.
2. Type in "Whatever...".
3. Close thread.
4. Reopen thread and your "reply is still there" :eek:
5. Click on Reply in a different Post.
6. Type in "2nd Post Reply..."
7. Click on [Post Reply]​

What you will see in the post that you have now made is BOTH the ORIGINAL reply that you never posted and the 2nd Reply that you did post.

The work around is that the only way to "Cancel" a post after you have started is to [Post Reply] and then [Delete].

That is tedious and it requires every single poster to know the workaround.

A [Cancel] button would be easier and simpler.

Thank you.
not a bug...it is set up to save a copy for 24 hours and then cancel it. You can start a reply and decide against it. You don't need to do anything (delete, cancel..nothing) Just leave the thread or stop typing. It won't post unless you submit it.

I could understand saving it in a box you could open by clicking a link, but it gets in the way when it's in the main post box.
Found a new bug! :eek: There is no option to Cancel a reply after you begin typing.

Steps to reproduce the bug;

1. Click on Reply in a Post.
2. Type in "Whatever...".
3. Close thread.
4. Reopen thread and your "reply is still there" :eek:
5. Click on Reply in a different Post.
6. Type in "2nd Post Reply..."
7. Click on [Post Reply]​

What you will see in the post that you have now made is BOTH the ORIGINAL reply that you never posted and the 2nd Reply that you did post.

The work around is that the only way to "Cancel" a post after you have started is to [Post Reply] and then [Delete].

That is tedious and it requires every single poster to know the workaround.

A [Cancel] button would be easier and simpler.

Thank you.
not a bug...it is set up to save a copy for 24 hours and then cancel it. You can start a reply and decide against it. You don't need to do anything (delete, cancel..nothing) Just leave the thread or stop typing. It won't post unless you submit it.

If it's not a bug it's horrible design. I've had these phantom phrases showing up in the middle of a post, even in the middle of somebody else's quote, because they're in this shadow-draft mode. Makes it more difficult to navigate one's own work. I really don't need a draft saved; my browser already does that.
Found a new bug! :eek: There is no option to Cancel a reply after you begin typing.

Steps to reproduce the bug;

1. Click on Reply in a Post.
2. Type in "Whatever...".
3. Close thread.
4. Reopen thread and your "reply is still there" :eek:
5. Click on Reply in a different Post.
6. Type in "2nd Post Reply..."
7. Click on [Post Reply]​

What you will see in the post that you have now made is BOTH the ORIGINAL reply that you never posted and the 2nd Reply that you did post.

The work around is that the only way to "Cancel" a post after you have started is to [Post Reply] and then [Delete].

That is tedious and it requires every single poster to know the workaround.

A [Cancel] button would be easier and simpler.

Thank you.

I figured out another way around that.

If you use the browser back button to return to the post you decided not to reply to it will not carry the reply you typed over. At least, that works for me, most of the time.
Found a new bug! :eek: There is no option to Cancel a reply after you begin typing.

Steps to reproduce the bug;

1. Click on Reply in a Post.
2. Type in "Whatever...".
3. Close thread.
4. Reopen thread and your "reply is still there" :eek:
5. Click on Reply in a different Post.
6. Type in "2nd Post Reply..."
7. Click on [Post Reply]​

What you will see in the post that you have now made is BOTH the ORIGINAL reply that you never posted and the 2nd Reply that you did post.

The work around is that the only way to "Cancel" a post after you have started is to [Post Reply] and then [Delete].

That is tedious and it requires every single poster to know the workaround.

A [Cancel] button would be easier and simpler.

Thank you.
not a bug...it is set up to save a copy for 24 hours and then cancel it. You can start a reply and decide against it. You don't need to do anything (delete, cancel..nothing) Just leave the thread or stop typing. It won't post unless you submit it.

I could understand saving it in a box you could open by clicking a link, but it gets in the way when it's in the main post box.
Honestly, the mods don't need your whining. They have better things to do.
Found a new bug! :eek: There is no option to Cancel a reply after you begin typing.

Steps to reproduce the bug;

1. Click on Reply in a Post.
2. Type in "Whatever...".
3. Close thread.
4. Reopen thread and your "reply is still there" :eek:
5. Click on Reply in a different Post.
6. Type in "2nd Post Reply..."
7. Click on [Post Reply]​

What you will see in the post that you have now made is BOTH the ORIGINAL reply that you never posted and the 2nd Reply that you did post.

The work around is that the only way to "Cancel" a post after you have started is to [Post Reply] and then [Delete].

That is tedious and it requires every single poster to know the workaround.

A [Cancel] button would be easier and simpler.

Thank you.

I figured out another way around that.

If you use the browser back button to return to the post you decided not to reply to it will not carry the reply you typed over. At least, that works for me, most of the time.

If I do that it takes me completely out of the thread and back to (usually) the Watched list (usually the last place I was before the thread). That's annoying too, though at least you can navigate back in even if it takes an extra step.

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