WTF? Where is the red X?

Serious bug in the software made the only options to like a post, dearly love a post, or worship a post as god....

LOL. I hope this will become the standard on the board though. If you don't like a post say so and give your reason why. There were gangs of trolls roaming the 'threads' disliking every single post some members made, even if the post was just to say 'good morning'. Some members were finding a hundred notices of 'dislikes' every time they logged in. It was introducing a toxicity and bullying tactic that was worse than even the old neg rep system. I love the new option. Kudos to C_K and admin for removing the 'dislike' button.
Oh! You mean Scat?

Yeah that was sick. Perhaps the software could limit red x's, but removing them? That plain and simple sucks like every other change made lately.

No, I didn't mean anybody in particular. I wasn't even thinking about either of the members mentioned here. I just know there was some bullying and harrassing going on with the Red X's and now there isn't. And I see that as a good thing. I left my last board home just because of that kind of thing. It adds a toxic element to the board that just isn't necessary. If we have a problem with somebody's post, it doesn't take a lot of time to say so if it is important enough. And no, I was not one of the ones who was being harassed there or here.
It may add a toxic element, but 3 ways to pat someone on the back and no way to kick their ass is too much rainbows and unicorns to me.

There are people here who NEED toxicity.

There is a flame zone for that though. I abhor toxicity and when it becomes excessive I find somewhere else to go and somewhere else to play. I just can't make a sport of slinging insults at people. It isn't in me. I don't mind if those who do enjoy that sort of thing go at it tooth and nail, but I want them to do that in the forum designed for that.
Taking away the RedX doesn't stop someone from being insulting. They can hit the reply button and cut loose which often kills the thread. A simple solution is to limits it's use, like we did with the old software.
I think a cool feature would be for thread background colors to change to yellow once a thread has been dormant for a long time.

I just made two posts in a thread from last year, not realizing it was an old thread, just resurrected.

Uhuh. Yeah, right.

Honestly Statist,, the only meaning for the word "scat" that I have ever heard is "animal droppings."

Definition of SCAT
: an animal fecal dropping
Origin of SCAT
perhaps from Greek skat-, skōr excrement — more atscatology
First Known Use: 1927


Urban Dictionary scat
Do I strike you as one that pays attention to the Urban Dictionary?, Horseshit?
I missed the mod announcement explaining the demise of the redex, the inroduction of the blue badge and the conversion of thumbs up to "Thanks". If anybody could give me that link without too much effort I'd appreciate it. I did look around and the only thread I found related to the subject had been "closed". Seems to be more post closures for apparently arbitrary reasons than I remember under the old system.

Was the admin worried that visitors would be discouraged from joining USMB if their posts were subject to the so readily employed red x? Do they think making the forums more warm and cudley will maximise the monetization potential of the platform? I never used the redex button but I did find it "informative" to read the list of who had for certain posts. I think there's a tipping point where the attempt to civilize this place will make it so boring that most of us who joined for the hustle and bustle of contentious argument may find the new environment so bland and boring we'll just tune out. I'll keep looking for the announcement to see if there is a rational justification for watering down the heat just a little bit more. I've been supportive overall that the switch to Xenforo was a positive one. I just hope admin doesn't fiddle too much with the fundamental combative nature of the political forums that made them attractive in the first place.
I was in complete agreement until the bolded above.

Admin has already fiddled to much with what, at one time was a great board. The last 2 years have really taken their toll.
Uhuh. Yeah, right.

Honestly Statist,, the only meaning for the word "scat" that I have ever heard is "animal droppings."

Definition of SCAT
: an animal fecal dropping
Origin of SCAT
perhaps from Greek skat-, skōr excrement — more atscatology
First Known Use: 1927


Urban Dictionary scat
Do I strike you as one that pays attention to the Urban Dictionary?, Horseshit?

Now, that is called an opening, but in the interest of halfway good relations, I am not going to go there.
I know of two vBulletin forums that are just a joy to post on, from a user standpoint. They both have features that I've never seen implemented on USMB or any other vBulletin board.

(can I name these sites?)

One has a feature where, if I quote a post, then within a certain amount of time I quote another post, the second one becomes addended to the first. It cuts down your post total, but is much better than seeing 7 posts in a row from the same member.

The other site has many cool features implemented, including one that's really handy: if you select text in someone's post, a balloon popup comes up that asks if you want to quote that text in your reply. It's much quicker than quoting a whole post, then deleting all the text you don't want.

There are more features, but those are two that are really implemented with the poster in mind.

I know the high-ups at both sites, and they don't have the security issues/concerns that they did here, so maybe they are just using a better build of vBulletin? Or they paid for a more stable version?
A new quoting feature is going to be released soon. The beta is out now but this is what it will look like (see link below). Its pretty nice. There is some awesome features on the way with 1.4.0. They released the beta already and as soon as they release a stable version we'll test and upgrade. They move pretty fast and are already on Release Candidate 2 so a stable release should be days away.

XF 1.4 - XenForo 1.4 Improvements to Replying XenForo Community

1.4.0 will be pretty bad ass
WTF? Where is the red X?

Serious bug in the software made the only options to like a post, dearly love a post, or worship a post as god....

LOL. I hope this will become the standard on the board though. If you don't like a post say so and give your reason why. There were gangs of trolls roaming the 'threads' disliking every single post some members made, even if the post was just to say 'good morning'. Some members were finding a hundred notices of 'dislikes' every time they logged in. It was introducing a toxicity and bullying tactic that was worse than even the old neg rep system. I love the new option. Kudos to C_K and admin for removing the 'dislike' button.
Oh! You mean Scat?

Yeah that was sick. Perhaps the software could limit red x's, but removing them? That plain and simple sucks like every other change made lately.

If you are referring to me, then you are wrong. I am not the reason for the change in system nor am I the reason for the removal of the redex button.. BTW, my name is Stat, not "Scat". Scat refers to a sexual proclivity that I assume all of us abhor. So, you were talking about toxicity and then you write, literally, shit like that?

Physician, fucking heal thyself.
No sexual innuendo intended, I took an older definition of scat.

I wasn't on the same page at all as Foxfyre. You'll note, if you read for comprehension, that I said some people NEED toxicity. If the foo shits....

You may not be solely responsible for the disappearance of the red X, but it's pretty damned apparent that your abuse of it figured into the decision.

Whatever... You should be pleased. You can post your crap with even more impunity now.

Uhuh. Yeah, right.
True. big ol' Urn is an incessant whiner over matters that don't amt to a hill of beans. :yawn: He used sexual innuendo in the above post and disagrees w/ one of the most consistently conservative posters on the board- Foxy, well.....because..... his little ankle-biting toys were taken away from him & others who abused them. :(
I know of two vBulletin forums that are just a joy to post on, from a user standpoint. They both have features that I've never seen implemented on USMB or any other vBulletin board.

(can I name these sites?)

One has a feature where, if I quote a post, then within a certain amount of time I quote another post, the second one becomes addended to the first. It cuts down your post total, but is much better than seeing 7 posts in a row from the same member.

The other site has many cool features implemented, including one that's really handy: if you select text in someone's post, a balloon popup comes up that asks if you want to quote that text in your reply. It's much quicker than quoting a whole post, then deleting all the text you don't want.

There are more features, but those are two that are really implemented with the poster in mind.

I know the high-ups at both sites, and they don't have the security issues/concerns that they did here, so maybe they are just using a better build of vBulletin? Or they paid for a more stable version?
Are they political forums? If so, please PM me :)
A new quoting feature is going to be released soon. The beta is out now but this is what it will look like (see link below). Its pretty nice. There is some awesome features on the way with 1.4.0. They released the beta already and as soon as they release a stable version we'll test and upgrade. They move pretty fast and are already on Release Candidate 2 so a stable release should be days away.

XF 1.4 - XenForo 1.4 Improvements to Replying XenForo Community

1.4.0 will be pretty bad ass
is there a quote feature in the tool bar of the reply window? I ask because when I post sourced mat'l, I had to type out my own quote tags.
A new quoting feature is going to be released soon. The beta is out now but this is what it will look like (see link below). Its pretty nice. There is some awesome features on the way with 1.4.0. They released the beta already and as soon as they release a stable version we'll test and upgrade. They move pretty fast and are already on Release Candidate 2 so a stable release should be days away.

XF 1.4 - XenForo 1.4 Improvements to Replying XenForo Community

1.4.0 will be pretty bad ass
is there a quote feature in the tool bar of the reply window? I ask because when I post sourced mat'l, I had to type out my own quote tags.

click on the 'insert' tab to the right of the video tab. 'quote' is on the list of choices.
WTF? Where is the red X?

Serious bug in the software made the only options to like a post, dearly love a post, or worship a post as god....

LOL. I hope this will become the standard on the board though. If you don't like a post say so and give your reason why. There were gangs of trolls roaming the 'threads' disliking every single post some members made, even if the post was just to say 'good morning'. Some members were finding a hundred notices of 'dislikes' every time they logged in. It was introducing a toxicity and bullying tactic that was worse than even the old neg rep system. I love the new option. Kudos to C_K and admin for removing the 'dislike' button.
Oh! You mean Scat?

Yeah that was sick. Perhaps the software could limit red x's, but removing them? That plain and simple sucks like every other change made lately.

If you are referring to me, then you are wrong. I am not the reason for the change in system nor am I the reason for the removal of the redex button.. BTW, my name is Stat, not "Scat". Scat refers to a sexual proclivity that I assume all of us abhor. So, you were talking about toxicity and then you write, literally, shit like that?

Physician, fucking heal thyself.
No sexual innuendo intended, I took an older definition of scat.

I wasn't on the same page at all as Foxfyre. You'll note, if you read for comprehension, that I said some people NEED toxicity. If the foo shits....

You may not be solely responsible for the disappearance of the red X, but it's pretty damned apparent that your abuse of it figured into the decision.

Whatever... You should be pleased. You can post your crap with even more impunity now.

Uhuh. Yeah, right.
True. big ol' Urn is an incessant whiner over matters that don't amt to a hill of beans. :yawn: He used sexual innuendo in the above post and disagrees w/ one of the most consistently conservative posters on the board- Foxy, well.....because..... his little ankle-biting toys were taken away from him & others who abused them. :(
I disagree with a lot of Conservatives on lots of issues that may not matter to you, Dorothy, but what matters to you, doesn't amount to scat in my world.

Sexual innuendo? Scat? Nope I called your idol horse shit. (animal fecal material)

Toys? Yeah I suppose. I prefer tools. I would much rather click on a red X and be done with you than to waste my time typing something you won't be capable of understanding.

The fact remains that some people abused a tool. Instead of limiting the use of that tool, ADMIN stupidly removed the tool from everyone.
True. big ol' Urn is an incessant whiner over matters that don't amt to a hill of beans. :yawn: He used sexual innuendo in the above post and disagrees w/ one of the most consistently conservative posters on the board- Foxy, well.....because..... his little ankle-biting toys were taken away from him & others who abused them. :(

But that's just it, those 'toys' weren't taken away from the abusers, they were taken away from everyone ... even those (most of us) who played by the rules. A few wouldn't stop abusing the system so take away the ability to abuse the system from them. Most used the rep system/disagree button as it was intended.

I truly miss being able to let a poster know that I liked/agreed/pos repped their post and sending a pm along with it. A lot of good discussions/banter was had with other posters via pm's that started with a rep for a post (at least, for me anyway). That 'personalization' is gone now. Too bad.
I know of two vBulletin forums that are just a joy to post on, from a user standpoint. They both have features that I've never seen implemented on USMB or any other vBulletin board.

(can I name these sites?)

One has a feature where, if I quote a post, then within a certain amount of time I quote another post, the second one becomes addended to the first. It cuts down your post total, but is much better than seeing 7 posts in a row from the same member.

The other site has many cool features implemented, including one that's really handy: if you select text in someone's post, a balloon popup comes up that asks if you want to quote that text in your reply. It's much quicker than quoting a whole post, then deleting all the text you don't want.

There are more features, but those are two that are really implemented with the poster in mind.

I know the high-ups at both sites, and they don't have the security issues/concerns that they did here, so maybe they are just using a better build of vBulletin? Or they paid for a more stable version?
Are they political forums? If so, please PM me :)


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