Dumb move getting rid of rep and now the 'disagree' AND 'like' button. I mean, really?? People are so sensitive that they can't handle a 'disagree'?? What a pansy-assed place this has become.

With rep gone now there isn't a quick way to say 'hey, I agree/like/approve/disapprove/don't like/disagree with what you wrote and here's a comment on why'. By getting rid of rep the board has become much, much less personal. Big mistake, imo. I don't post here or even stop by here much anymore. This board is just like all the others now. Booo.

Bring back rep (change how the point system works if people are too whiny about getting negged) or at the least, bring back the 'like' and 'disagree' buttons but add the ability to send a personal comment along with it.
Dumb move getting rid of rep and now the 'disagree' AND 'like' button. I mean, really?? People are so sensitive that they can't handle a 'disagree'?? What a pansy-assed place this has become.

With rep gone now there isn't a quick way to say 'hey, I agree/like/approve/disapprove/don't like/disagree with what you wrote and here's a comment on why'. By getting rid of rep the board has become much, much less personal. Big mistake, imo. I don't post here or even stop by here much anymore. This board is just like all the others now. Booo.

Bring back rep (change how the point system works if people are too whiny about getting negged) or at the least, bring back the 'like' and 'disagree' buttons but add the ability to send a personal comment along with it.
WTF? Where is the red X?

Serious bug in the software made the only options to like a post, dearly love a post, or worship a post as god....

LOL. I hope this will become the standard on the board though. If you don't like a post say so and give your reason why. There were gangs of trolls roaming the 'threads' disliking every single post some members made, even if the post was just to say 'good morning'. Some members were finding a hundred notices of 'dislikes' every time they logged in. It was introducing a toxicity and bullying tactic that was worse than even the old neg rep system. I love the new option. Kudos to C_K and admin for removing the 'dislike' button.
Oh! You mean Scat?

Yeah that was sick. Perhaps the software could limit red x's, but removing them? That plain and simple sucks like every other change made lately.

No, I didn't mean anybody in particular. I wasn't even thinking about either of the members mentioned here. I just know there was some bullying and harrassing going on with the Red X's and now there isn't. And I see that as a good thing. I left my last board home just because of that kind of thing. It adds a toxic element to the board that just isn't necessary. If we have a problem with somebody's post, it doesn't take a lot of time to say so if it is important enough. And no, I was not one of the ones who was being harassed there or here.
It may add a toxic element, but 3 ways to pat someone on the back and no way to kick their ass is too much rainbows and unicorns to me.

There are people here who NEED toxicity.

If you want to kick someones ass, do it with your sharp wit
He's unarmed.

^^^ like that?
Dumb move getting rid of rep and now the 'disagree' AND 'like' button. I mean, really?? People are so sensitive that they can't handle a 'disagree'?? What a pansy-assed place this has become.

With rep gone now there isn't a quick way to say 'hey, I agree/like/approve/disapprove/don't like/disagree with what you wrote and here's a comment on why'. By getting rid of rep the board has become much, much less personal. Big mistake, imo. I don't post here or even stop by here much anymore. This board is just like all the others now. Booo.

Bring back rep (change how the point system works if people are too whiny about getting negged) or at the least, bring back the 'like' and 'disagree' buttons but add the ability to send a personal comment along with it.

our old kimberly-clark stock has been holding up quite well! :lol:
Dumb move getting rid of rep and now the 'disagree' AND 'like' button. I mean, really?? People are so sensitive that they can't handle a 'disagree'?? What a pansy-assed place this has become.

With rep gone now there isn't a quick way to say 'hey, I agree/like/approve/disapprove/don't like/disagree with what you wrote and here's a comment on why'. By getting rid of rep the board has become much, much less personal. Big mistake, imo. I don't post here or even stop by here much anymore. This board is just like all the others now. Booo.

Bring back rep (change how the point system works if people are too whiny about getting negged) or at the least, bring back the 'like' and 'disagree' buttons but add the ability to send a personal comment along with it.
As with almost everything, I believe these changes have to do with the site's income.

They want to make it a nicer place, to encourage the type of desirable advertisers that will increase their revenues.

They believe no decent advertiser wants to be associated with a site where people are regularly told to die in a fire with aids, and women being called *****.

In the first three months on the board, you and Jillian chain negged me several times a day - I never complained to a mod.

Of course a corrupt mod deliberately was chain negging right along with you two, so complaining would have been a waste of time. The clique of fools...

you vile posts received negative feedback via the available forum software.

In the first three months on the board, you and Jillian chain negged me several times a day - I never complained to a mod.

Of course a corrupt mod deliberately was chain negging right along with you two, so complaining would have been a waste of time. The clique of fools...
I don't ever remember negging you at all. Perhaps you have me mixed up with someone else.
Dumb move getting rid of rep and now the 'disagree' AND 'like' button. I mean, really?? People are so sensitive that they can't handle a 'disagree'?? What a pansy-assed place this has become.

With rep gone now there isn't a quick way to say 'hey, I agree/like/approve/disapprove/don't like/disagree with what you wrote and here's a comment on why'. By getting rid of rep the board has become much, much less personal. Big mistake, imo. I don't post here or even stop by here much anymore. This board is just like all the others now. Booo.

Bring back rep (change how the point system works if people are too whiny about getting negged) or at the least, bring back the 'like' and 'disagree' buttons but add the ability to send a personal comment along with it.
As with almost everything, I believe these changes have to do with the site's income.

They want to make it a nicer place, to encourage the type of desirable advertisers that will increase their revenues.

They believe no decent advertiser wants to be associated with a site where people are regularly told to die in a fire with aids, and women being called *****.
But we can actually do that...but no negs or xs. Pretty weird.

In the first three months on the board, you and Jillian chain negged me several times a day - I never complained to a mod.

Of course a corrupt mod deliberately was chain negging right along with you two, so complaining would have been a waste of time. The clique of fools...

btw it's not right for you to be able to bring up past mod actions...especially if you are being accusatory toward someone who has been railroaded out of here by you trolls so that he can't even defend himself.
btw it's not right for you to be able to bring up past mod actions...especially if you are being accusatory toward someone who has been railroaded out of here by you trolls so that he can't even defend himself.

1. - chain negging isn't a mod action
2. - I didn't name the corrupt asshole in question

Go pout now, sock.

In the first three months on the board, you and Jillian chain negged me several times a day - I never complained to a mod.

Of course a corrupt mod deliberately was chain negging right along with you two, so complaining would have been a waste of time. The clique of fools...
I don't ever remember negging you at all. Perhaps you have me mixed up with someone else.

:lol: the unhinged one lies like a rug...shocker!

funny how you clique of fools suddenly decided that such feedback was no longer appropriate, once I got more rep than you....

I miss the rep system, but would be happy with bringing back the redex...

oh my, rep must mean so much to you..no wonder you're so sad.

hey rav, that can't possibly be manifraud cuz it's common knowledge he don't care about teh reps!

velly convincing... :lmao:
WTF? Where is the red X?

Serious bug in the software made the only options to like a post, dearly love a post, or worship a post as god....

LOL. I hope this will become the standard on the board though. If you don't like a post say so and give your reason why. There were gangs of trolls roaming the 'threads' disliking every single post some members made, even if the post was just to say 'good morning'. Some members were finding a hundred notices of 'dislikes' every time they logged in. It was introducing a toxicity and bullying tactic that was worse than even the old neg rep system. I love the new option. Kudos to C_K and admin for removing the 'dislike' button.
Oh! You mean Scat?

Yeah that was sick. Perhaps the software could limit red x's, but removing them? That plain and simple sucks like every other change made lately.

If you are referring to me, then you are wrong. I am not the reason for the change in system nor am I the reason for the removal of the redex button.. BTW, my name is Stat, not "Scat". Scat refers to a sexual proclivity that I assume all of us abhor. So, you were talking about toxicity and then you write, literally, shit like that?

Physician, fucking heal thyself.
No sexual innuendo intended, I took an older definition of scat.

I wasn't on the same page at all as Foxfyre. You'll note, if you read for comprehension, that I said some people NEED toxicity. If the foo shits....

You may not be solely responsible for the disappearance of the red X, but it's pretty damned apparent that your abuse of it figured into the decision.

Whatever... You should be pleased. You can post your crap with even more impunity now.
WTF? Where is the red X?

Serious bug in the software made the only options to like a post, dearly love a post, or worship a post as god....

LOL. I hope this will become the standard on the board though. If you don't like a post say so and give your reason why. There were gangs of trolls roaming the 'threads' disliking every single post some members made, even if the post was just to say 'good morning'. Some members were finding a hundred notices of 'dislikes' every time they logged in. It was introducing a toxicity and bullying tactic that was worse than even the old neg rep system. I love the new option. Kudos to C_K and admin for removing the 'dislike' button.
Oh! You mean Scat?

Yeah that was sick. Perhaps the software could limit red x's, but removing them? That plain and simple sucks like every other change made lately.

No, I didn't mean anybody in particular. I wasn't even thinking about either of the members mentioned here. I just know there was some bullying and harrassing going on with the Red X's and now there isn't. And I see that as a good thing. I left my last board home just because of that kind of thing. It adds a toxic element to the board that just isn't necessary. If we have a problem with somebody's post, it doesn't take a lot of time to say so if it is important enough. And no, I was not one of the ones who was being harassed there or here.
It may add a toxic element, but 3 ways to pat someone on the back and no way to kick their ass is too much rainbows and unicorns to me.

There are people here who NEED toxicity.

If you want to kick someones ass, do it with your sharp wit
You likely wouldn't understand anyway.
Dumb move getting rid of rep and now the 'disagree' AND 'like' button. I mean, really?? People are so sensitive that they can't handle a 'disagree'?? What a pansy-assed place this has become.

With rep gone now there isn't a quick way to say 'hey, I agree/like/approve/disapprove/don't like/disagree with what you wrote and here's a comment on why'. By getting rid of rep the board has become much, much less personal. Big mistake, imo. I don't post here or even stop by here much anymore. This board is just like all the others now. Booo.

Bring back rep (change how the point system works if people are too whiny about getting negged) or at the least, bring back the 'like' and 'disagree' buttons but add the ability to send a personal comment along with it.
As with almost everything, I believe these changes have to do with the site's income.

They want to make it a nicer place, to encourage the type of desirable advertisers that will increase their revenues.

They believe no decent advertiser wants to be associated with a site where people are regularly told to die in a fire with aids, and women being called *****.
And this has what to do with rep or a dislike button???
Dumb move getting rid of rep and now the 'disagree' AND 'like' button. I mean, really?? People are so sensitive that they can't handle a 'disagree'?? What a pansy-assed place this has become.

With rep gone now there isn't a quick way to say 'hey, I agree/like/approve/disapprove/don't like/disagree with what you wrote and here's a comment on why'. By getting rid of rep the board has become much, much less personal. Big mistake, imo. I don't post here or even stop by here much anymore. This board is just like all the others now. Booo.

Bring back rep (change how the point system works if people are too whiny about getting negged) or at the least, bring back the 'like' and 'disagree' buttons but add the ability to send a personal comment along with it.
As with almost everything, I believe these changes have to do with the site's income.

They want to make it a nicer place, to encourage the type of desirable advertisers that will increase their revenues.

They believe no decent advertiser wants to be associated with a site where people are regularly told to die in a fire with aids, and women being called *****.
And this has what to do with rep or a dislike button???

I do not know. I was just making a general statement about the 'new look' USMB.

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