Okay, I've found something that I think DOES need to be addressed:

Private Conversations:

I was sending a private conversation to a member just now on a matter that really did need to be private--no it wasn't anything illegal or improper--but it was for that person's eyes only. And when I opened the text box to type the content there was absolutely nothing on the screen to tell me who I was sending the PM to. It was only after I hit the send button that I could go to my inbox to make sure it did go to the intended person.

Is there some way to have that person's name on the screen to provide assurance that we are sending a private conversation to the right person BEFORE we hit the reply button to send it?

I generally like the new software.

I have, however, encountered a minor problem in the Search feature.

As you know, I frequently post APOD, BBC Pictures, and National Geographic. When I Search for those, I not only get thread lists, but others of post after post that may or may not be relevant to my search.

I have managed to find away around that and that is to include my user name in the Search for box. It cuts down a lot of confetti.
Okay getting all kinds of weird stuff trying to respond to your post re the private conversation stuff. . . .so just starting a new post here. So I click on your name and 'start a conversation' and yes, your name is there at the top of the screen so I would know I was sending the private conversation to you. But I swear, yesterday, when I was sending that PM, there was nothing to identify who I was sending it to....just the box to type the comments into. Maybe a one time glitch? I don't know. Probably no need to consider it a bug unless it happens again.
WTF? Where is the red X?

Serious bug in the software made the only options to like a post, dearly love a post, or worship a post as god....

LOL. I hope this will become the standard on the board though. If you don't like a post say so and give your reason why. There were gangs of trolls roaming the 'threads' disliking every single post some members made, even if the post was just to say 'good morning'. Some members were finding a hundred notices of 'dislikes' every time they logged in. It was introducing a toxicity and bullying tactic that was worse than even the old neg rep system. I love the new option. Kudos to C_K and admin for removing the 'dislike' button.
LOL. I hope this will become the standard on the board though. If you don't like a post say so and give your reason why. There were gangs of trolls roaming the 'threads' disliking every single post some members made, even if the post was just to say 'good morning'. Some members were finding a hundred notices of 'dislikes' every time they logged in. It was introducing a toxicity and bullying tactic that was worse than even the old neg rep system. I love the new option. Kudos to C_K and admin for removing the 'dislike' button.

Like has no meaning.

The agree and disagree had some meaning, but agree without disagree is just stupid.

Either remove ratings entirely, or revert to ratings that have meaning.
LOL. I hope this will become the standard on the board though. If you don't like a post say so and give your reason why. There were gangs of trolls roaming the 'threads' disliking every single post some members made, even if the post was just to say 'good morning'. Some members were finding a hundred notices of 'dislikes' every time they logged in. It was introducing a toxicity and bullying tactic that was worse than even the old neg rep system. I love the new option. Kudos to C_K and admin for removing the 'dislike' button.

Like has no meaning.

The agree and disagree had some meaning, but agree without disagree is just stupid.

Either remove ratings entirely, or revert to ratings that have meaning.

It has meaning to me. But if you don't 'like' the 'like' button, just don't use it. I love it. Love you too, even when you're wrong. :)

Actually it isn't a 'like' button, but rather a Thanks button now which is a nice feature. Or you can agree or rate a post informative. But if you don't like somebody's post you're gonna have to type it out.
Is there any information posted about this software somewhere, maybe a Q&A, tutorial, or something? I was on vacation when the conversion to the new software occurred so I'm wondering if I missed something or is everyone just clicking on buttons trying to figure out how to use it?
Is there any information posted about this software somewhere, maybe a Q&A, tutorial, or something? I was on vacation when the conversion to the new software occurred so I'm wondering if I missed something or is everyone just clicking on buttons trying to figure out how to use it?

This thread and some others has been very helpful. We're working out little problems in the Coffee Shop too and in similar threads. Most of us are starting to get the hang of it, and I am guessing will get comfortable enough that we won't even think about going back to the old software.

For instance I was highly annoyed that the "Watched Thread" feature didn't work like the old User CP to find threads we are active in--and it was a pain to scroll all the way to the bottom for the 'all watched threads' button. But if you click on Watched Threads and then immediately the 'more information' that is right there, it DOES work like the old User CP for that purpose. Kudos to one of our Coffee Shoppers who discovered that.....otherwise we never would have thought that 'more or additional information' phrase was the link that it is.

Edit: Okay I went back to look and if you clicked on WATCHED THREADS it opens UNREAD WATCHED THREADS. So if you are looking for a thread that hasn't had a post since you last logged into that thread it won't show on the list. But under UNREAD WATCHED THREADS is this line:

"This is a list of the 30 most recently-updated threads with unread replies that you are watching. There may be more to view."

The 'there may be more to view' doesn't show up as a link like that but it is in fact a link. And if you click on it, it then shows you ALL your watched threads. Easy to use. Nice feature as you can immediately see which threads have new posts and then easily access all of them if you need to find a thread that doesn't have a new post.
Last edited:
Is there any information posted about this software somewhere, maybe a Q&A, tutorial, or something? I was on vacation when the conversion to the new software occurred so I'm wondering if I missed something or is everyone just clicking on buttons trying to figure out how to use it?

This thread and some others has been very helpful. We're working out little problems in the Coffee Shop too and in similar threads. Most of us are starting to get the hang of it, and I am guessing will get comfortable enough that we won't even think about going back to the old software.

For instance I was highly annoyed that the "Watched Thread" feature didn't work like the old User CP to find threads we are active in--and it was a pain to scroll all the way to the bottom for the 'all watched threads' button. But if you click on Watched Threads and then immediately the 'more information' that is right there, it DOES work like the old User CP for that purpose. Kudos to one of our Coffee Shoppers who discovered that.....otherwise we never would have thought that 'more or additional information' phrase was the link that it is.
Thanks for the info. I think the software is really better than what we had, however it's really hard getting use to the differences. The change to only allowing positive feedback on posts seems absurd. If you're going to do that, then it would be best just to get rid of the ratings since they become totally meaningless.
Is there any information posted about this software somewhere, maybe a Q&A, tutorial, or something? I was on vacation when the conversion to the new software occurred so I'm wondering if I missed something or is everyone just clicking on buttons trying to figure out how to use it?

This thread and some others has been very helpful. We're working out little problems in the Coffee Shop too and in similar threads. Most of us are starting to get the hang of it, and I am guessing will get comfortable enough that we won't even think about going back to the old software.

For instance I was highly annoyed that the "Watched Thread" feature didn't work like the old User CP to find threads we are active in--and it was a pain to scroll all the way to the bottom for the 'all watched threads' button. But if you click on Watched Threads and then immediately the 'more information' that is right there, it DOES work like the old User CP for that purpose. Kudos to one of our Coffee Shoppers who discovered that.....otherwise we never would have thought that 'more or additional information' phrase was the link that it is.
Thanks for the info. I think the software is really better than what we had, however it's really hard getting use to the differences. The change to only allowing positive feedback on posts seems absurd. If you're going to do that, then it would be best just to get rid of the ratings since they become totally meaningless.

See my edit on the Watched Thread thing.

But I really do disagree that the positive feedback posts are absurd or meaningless. I much prefer just hitting a thanks or agree button than typing out a post to say nothing more than thanks or I agree. And it cuts down on a lot of clutter on a thread. And as previously explained, it eliminates the ability of the trolls to abuse the feature and harass members by 'disagreeing' with every post they make however innocuous. The new system is for grown ups instead of bullying children, and I like it a lot. If I disagree strongly enough with somebody's post to take my time to say so, I can type out what I disagree with.
Is there any information posted about this software somewhere, maybe a Q&A, tutorial, or something? I was on vacation when the conversion to the new software occurred so I'm wondering if I missed something or is everyone just clicking on buttons trying to figure out how to use it?

This thread and some others has been very helpful. We're working out little problems in the Coffee Shop too and in similar threads. Most of us are starting to get the hang of it, and I am guessing will get comfortable enough that we won't even think about going back to the old software.

For instance I was highly annoyed that the "Watched Thread" feature didn't work like the old User CP to find threads we are active in--and it was a pain to scroll all the way to the bottom for the 'all watched threads' button. But if you click on Watched Threads and then immediately the 'more information' that is right there, it DOES work like the old User CP for that purpose. Kudos to one of our Coffee Shoppers who discovered that.....otherwise we never would have thought that 'more or additional information' phrase was the link that it is.
Thanks for the info. I think the software is really better than what we had, however it's really hard getting use to the differences. The change to only allowing positive feedback on posts seems absurd. If you're going to do that, then it would be best just to get rid of the ratings since they become totally meaningless.

See my edit on the Watched Thread thing.

But I really do disagree that the positive feedback posts are absurd or meaningless. I much prefer just hitting a thanks or agree button than typing out a post to say nothing more than thanks or I agree. And it cuts down on a lot of clutter on a thread. And as previously explained, it eliminates the ability of the trolls to abuse the feature and harass members by 'disagreeing' with every post they make however innocuous. The new system is for grown ups instead of bullying children, and I like it a lot. If I disagree strongly enough with somebody's post to take my time to say so, I can type out what I disagree with.

No, I'm not saying having the positive feedback is absurd. What am saying is the green bar is since you can do only positive feedback. I'm afraid that elimination of the negative feedback button will just encourage some people to express their negative feedback in replies leading to more flame wars. Anyway, I think I'll like the software once I figure it all out. As far as the ratings go, I rarely even look at them so it really doesn't matter to me.

BTW I would like to see a comment box open when you hit a button to approve of the post like we had on the old system. It's a lot easier than having to send a PM since you have the post right in front of you.
Is there any information posted about this software somewhere, maybe a Q&A, tutorial, or something? I was on vacation when the conversion to the new software occurred so I'm wondering if I missed something or is everyone just clicking on buttons trying to figure out how to use it?

This thread and some others has been very helpful. We're working out little problems in the Coffee Shop too and in similar threads. Most of us are starting to get the hang of it, and I am guessing will get comfortable enough that we won't even think about going back to the old software.

For instance I was highly annoyed that the "Watched Thread" feature didn't work like the old User CP to find threads we are active in--and it was a pain to scroll all the way to the bottom for the 'all watched threads' button. But if you click on Watched Threads and then immediately the 'more information' that is right there, it DOES work like the old User CP for that purpose. Kudos to one of our Coffee Shoppers who discovered that.....otherwise we never would have thought that 'more or additional information' phrase was the link that it is.
Thanks for the info. I think the software is really better than what we had, however it's really hard getting use to the differences. The change to only allowing positive feedback on posts seems absurd. If you're going to do that, then it would be best just to get rid of the ratings since they become totally meaningless.

See my edit on the Watched Thread thing.

But I really do disagree that the positive feedback posts are absurd or meaningless. I much prefer just hitting a thanks or agree button than typing out a post to say nothing more than thanks or I agree. And it cuts down on a lot of clutter on a thread. And as previously explained, it eliminates the ability of the trolls to abuse the feature and harass members by 'disagreeing' with every post they make however innocuous. The new system is for grown ups instead of bullying children, and I like it a lot. If I disagree strongly enough with somebody's post to take my time to say so, I can type out what I disagree with.

No, I'm not saying having the positive feedback is absurd. What am saying is the green bar is since you can do only positive feedback. I'm afraid that elimination of the negative feedback button will just encourage some people to express their negative feedback in replies leading to more flame wars. Anyway, I think I'll like the software once I figure it all out. As far as the ratings go, I rarely even look at them so it really doesn't matter to me.

BTW I would like to see a comment box open when you hit a button to approve of the post like we had on the old system. It's a lot easier than having to send a PM since you have the post right in front of you.

I agree with Flopper's prediction; it's already looking like it's going to lead to a lot more junk and therefore lower the bar. "Ratings" have no meaning as it stands, since they're not relative to anything. Nor does a green bar where it's impossible to have anything else.

Agree on the comment box too, or something like it.
If you have any questions or notice any bugs please post them up in here. We're here to help!
The board software is sending me "alerts" that I have been quoted. Problem is it's sending me an alert that I've been quoted when it's not me that's being quoted. I'm getting an alert for the member "ninja007."

Why is that?
If you have any questions or notice any bugs please post them up in here. We're here to help!
The board software is sending me "alerts" that I have been quoted. Problem is it's sending me an alert that I've been quoted when it's not me that's being quoted. I'm getting an alert for the member "ninja007."

Why is that?

Could it be that Ninja007 quoted someone who quoted you (or however many generations up?)
That still seems to send alerts.
If you have any questions or notice any bugs please post them up in here. We're here to help!
The board software is sending me "alerts" that I have been quoted. Problem is it's sending me an alert that I've been quoted when it's not me that's being quoted. I'm getting an alert for the member "ninja007."

Why is that?

Could it be that Ninja007 quoted someone who quoted you (or however many generations up?)
That still seems to send alerts.
If that's the case, it doesn't seem like a very useful feature. If you got alerts for just direct quotes, that is some one that replying to you then that would be useful.
If you have any questions or notice any bugs please post them up in here. We're here to help!
The board software is sending me "alerts" that I have been quoted. Problem is it's sending me an alert that I've been quoted when it's not me that's being quoted. I'm getting an alert for the member "ninja007."

Why is that?

Could it be that Ninja007 quoted someone who quoted you (or however many generations up?)
That still seems to send alerts.
Nope... I haven't posted anywhere in the entire thread.

Something is amiss.
Here's the alert...


... and here's the post, and I'm no where in it, but the alert says I'm quoted...


... ninja007 is in there though. I think the board software is confused... :eusa_think:

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