I found the site far more workable on my tablets and phones without any apps. Still, I don't have any Apple products so that platform may have issues that I don't have with my devices.

I can browse this site far better now than before.

It may not be perfect, but I can do all my posting via tablet and phone and before this software?

Even with an app?

Not a chance. It was an exercise in futility.

just wondering why " UPLOAD A FILE " shows an image before posting but when posted the image is replaced by an attachment ????

without the image the post loses its relevancy ...

*** EDIT: when using PREVIEW is when image changes to attachment - a bit confusing because preview is meant to display how the post will appear ... A-OK if the image works when posted ????
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well in " PREVIEW " it changes to attachment but when posted the image reappears - as long as the image is visible in post no harm, just why preview is different is a little strange ... I like PREVIEW it should be a first option and not hidden behind MORE OPTIONS by extra clicking ....
I was telling a friend/admin on another vBulletin site about that feature that automatically shrinks/resizes images. He can't find it in his admin control panel. Does anyone know what it's called?

This site has had it on vBulletin and now XenForo.
Would this be the place to tell someone that I just began recognizing some nice new little capabilities which I hadn't before noticed?

It was a while ago that I saw this particular touch of intelligent design but I can't recall now what it was, exactly.

So, when I make another such discovery I want to know where to go to give the proper person/people their due accolades.

And as a dino & technofobe this should be high praise, indeed!

So, to whom it may concern: Cool!


Am I the only one having problems with ads interfering while I try to hit the REPLY button? I tried rebooting and can rule out problems on my end. Still happens after rebooting.
Am I the only one having problems with ads interfering while I try to hit the REPLY button? I tried rebooting and can rule out problems on my end. Still happens after rebooting.
Am I the only one having problems with ads interfering while I try to hit the REPLY button? I tried rebooting and can rule out problems on my end. Still happens after rebooting.

Adblock Plus - Surf the web without annoying ads

Adblock is your friend ...


Thanks, BreezeWood, I fixed it. I had downloaded Adobe free version and got lots more crap with it than I used to get. It was called Tutor something....but I removed it from my programs and I'm now fine. Thanks though!
The one thing you should all be p*ssed-off about is the fact that us OPs can't Edit our openers or, more importantly, our Thread Titles, two-three hours after posting! This should be changed simply because Breaking News stories change whilst threads are on the forum and we need to be able to show such changes to news stories in our titles — sometimes 24 hours later...

I didn't get much support for my idea last time, however it was probably a busy day for many of you so I'll see if anyone concurs today...
The one thing you should all be p*ssed-off about is the fact that us OPs can't Edit our openers or, more importantly, our Thread Titles, two-three hours after posting! This should be changed simply because Breaking News stories change whilst threads are on the forum and we need to be able to show such changes to news stories in our titles — sometimes 24 hours later...

I didn't get much support for my idea last time, however it was probably a busy day for many of you so I'll see if anyone concurs today...

supporting members are suppose to have 5 hours to edit - as mentioned before that does not work either, and if you notice after posting the amount of time indicated from when posted increases exponentially where if you posted 5 minutes ago the site says it was an hour + ....

Edit: time 5:05 - we'll see if I can edit later this evening - should be good till 10:05.

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