Official Thread for Denial of GreenHouse Effect and Radiative Physics.

No such quote from unsurprising is that....

Why do you want a quote on your self-inconsistent thermodynamics theory from me? Have you already forgotten what your fake theory of thermodynamics is? Here it is .....

Grand Solar Minimum.... And Cooling....
No work is happening when the light stick is glowing. If you think work prior to the event is a criteria for spontaneity, then there is no possible experiment or event by man on earth that is spontaneous.

So let me believe that no work was done to make it happen...that wuwei is exactly how stupid you are.

Phosphorescence is not radio active decay! It is spontaneous release of atomic energy after work was done to raise the energy levels. No work is done by glowing mineral phosphors.

No...phosphorescence is the re emission of energy previously absorbed...not absorption of later emission of energy...We have covered this all before.

What? Do you simply erase all your losses and actually believe you are starting with a clean slate and that you have a winning argument this time? Do you know the definition of insanity?

It is spontaneous shortly after death then, while the chemicals are still reacting on their own.

Nope...the effect after death is the result of work having been is residual and soon stops when the energy stored by the work done runs out...not spontanoeus.. You really don't remember losing these points before? What makes you think these ridiculous examples are valid this time...

It is terribly tedious reminding you over and over and over again.

Really? Tell us about it then. Don't just run away.

Refer to any of the dozens of times it has been explained to both you and toddster...shouldn't be hard to find. Here is a hint..the latest theory begins with the letter A.

Molecules of any gas adjacent to a warmer surface must strike the surface with kinetic energy. The observed evidence is easy.

Yeah...the observed evidence is that the wall cools down because it is losing energy to the cooler evidence whatsoever that the wall gains any energy at all. Again..covered over and over...your ridiculous arguments lay shredded across the landscape of this board...look them up.

Hold on! Nobody here has ever stated or believed that energy can move from a less organized state to a more organized state.

Warm is more organized than cool...Low frequency is less organized than high frequency...the potential energy of a rock at the bottom of a hill is less organized than a rock at the top of a hill...the energy represented by pressurized air in a tire is more organized than the energy represented by the air in the never moves from a less organized state to a more organized state and yet every argument you make is trying to claim exactly that...that energy is moving spontaneously from a less organized state to a more organized state.

Therein lies the fundamental tedium of talking to you...the same stupid, poorly thought out, shitty examples of your lack of critical thinking skills over and over and over and over.

Also see post #453 in the same thread.
Man went into production...not spontaneous....same old thing..

Living creature...body is doing work to produce luminescence...luminescence stops shortly after death...not spontaneous.

Multiple theories on what sort of work is being done to move the energy from the surface to the corona...only you and toddster seem to think it is spontaneous.

The ground being unstable both rocks rolled down the hill.... You are saying #1 was spontaneous, # 2 was not spontaneous.
That is a pretty stupid way of thinking about gravitational potential energy turning into kinetic energy. Really stupid.

The definition of spontaneous is that there is no energy input from the outside...what is stupid is not being able to figure out what that means.

That goes back to your definition that that no process in physics is spontaneous if work was done prior to an energy release after all work is ended. And anything man-made cannot result in a spontaneous action.

It isn't my is science's definition... I just cut it and pasted it here...clearly it was a waste of time since anything that challenges your beliefs is immediately rejected. Another endless tedious characteristic you possess in spades.

At the end of that thread you simply disappeared. Ran away. Hid under the bed. Are you going to man up this time?


So now you are confusing energy input with work? No quote from me claiming what you unsurprising is that? You are either a bald faced liar or have a terrible reading comprehension problem...
No. You said energy can't move spontaneously from cold to warm without previous work.
Work was done to manufacture the ice cream.

Describe the work done to move cold to made the claim...lets hear specifically what work was done to move the energy..or just admit that you made the whole work being done up because you figured no one would ask you to describe the work.

Describe the work done to move cold to made the claim..

Work can make photons move from colder matter to warmer matter? Excellent!
Sure, why not, now describe the work from the ice cream to any warmer object! That isn’t happening , LOL

Sure, why not, now describe the work from the ice cream to any warmer object!

That's SSDD's theory.
Stefan-Boltzmann says no work is needed for objects above 0K to emit.
hey yo, the dude from the camera company called me this morning. guess what he said, he said that the sensor will detect current flow in the direction from the camera to the cold object and this reverse flow is recognized and temperature calculated. The warmer objects are detected with the flow from the warm object through the sensor to the camera and the temperature is calculated. two way flow, but not in the manner you thought. The sensor controls the flow. BTW, the same as SSDD explained as well.

Like I said...the sensors in the array only know whether they are warming up or cooling down...they calculate how much and how fast the change is happening in either direction and convert it to a color pixel on a screen..

You will never convince them though...they are sure that cold energy is beaming from ice to warmer is the foundation of their faith and noting will change their minds.
So now you are confusing energy input with work? No quote from me claiming what you unsurprising is that? You are either a bald faced liar or have a terrible reading comprehension problem...

That is a really trite troll trick. How surprising is that? You are the one who defined energy input as work. You said the sun energy was work. You are the one who said anything man-made can not be spontaneous.

Are you now saying that if energy was input to an object, the object can still radiate spontaneously even though no external energy is being input to the object while it radiates? You dodged a similar question once are you going to dodge it again?

Are you now saying that man-made objects can radiate spontaneously if no external energy is input to it while it radiates? You also dodged that question once are you going to dodge it again?

Give an example of a process that you think is spontaneous. You failed once before. Are you going to dodge it?

No such quote from unsurprising is that....

Why do you want a quote on your self-inconsistent thermodynamics theory from me? Have you already forgotten what your fake theory of thermodynamics is? Here it is .....

Grand Solar Minimum.... And Cooling....
No work is happening when the light stick is glowing. If you think work prior to the event is a criteria for spontaneity, then there is no possible experiment or event by man on earth that is spontaneous.

So let me believe that no work was done to make it happen...that wuwei is exactly how stupid you are.

Phosphorescence is not radio active decay! It is spontaneous release of atomic energy after work was done to raise the energy levels. No work is done by glowing mineral phosphors.

No...phosphorescence is the re emission of energy previously absorbed...not absorption of later emission of energy...We have covered this all before.

What? Do you simply erase all your losses and actually believe you are starting with a clean slate and that you have a winning argument this time? Do you know the definition of insanity?

It is spontaneous shortly after death then, while the chemicals are still reacting on their own.

Nope...the effect after death is the result of work having been is residual and soon stops when the energy stored by the work done runs out...not spontanoeus.. You really don't remember losing these points before? What makes you think these ridiculous examples are valid this time...

It is terribly tedious reminding you over and over and over again.

Really? Tell us about it then. Don't just run away.

Refer to any of the dozens of times it has been explained to both you and toddster...shouldn't be hard to find. Here is a hint..the latest theory begins with the letter A.

Molecules of any gas adjacent to a warmer surface must strike the surface with kinetic energy. The observed evidence is easy.

Yeah...the observed evidence is that the wall cools down because it is losing energy to the cooler evidence whatsoever that the wall gains any energy at all. Again..covered over and over...your ridiculous arguments lay shredded across the landscape of this board...look them up.

Hold on! Nobody here has ever stated or believed that energy can move from a less organized state to a more organized state.

Warm is more organized than cool...Low frequency is less organized than high frequency...the potential energy of a rock at the bottom of a hill is less organized than a rock at the top of a hill...the energy represented by pressurized air in a tire is more organized than the energy represented by the air in the never moves from a less organized state to a more organized state and yet every argument you make is trying to claim exactly that...that energy is moving spontaneously from a less organized state to a more organized state.

Therein lies the fundamental tedium of talking to you...the same stupid, poorly thought out, shitty examples of your lack of critical thinking skills over and over and over and over.

Also see post #453 in the same thread.
Man went into production...not spontaneous....same old thing..

Living creature...body is doing work to produce luminescence...luminescence stops shortly after death...not spontaneous.

Multiple theories on what sort of work is being done to move the energy from the surface to the corona...only you and toddster seem to think it is spontaneous.

The ground being unstable both rocks rolled down the hill.... You are saying #1 was spontaneous, # 2 was not spontaneous.
That is a pretty stupid way of thinking about gravitational potential energy turning into kinetic energy. Really stupid.

The definition of spontaneous is that there is no energy input from the outside...what is stupid is not being able to figure out what that means.

That goes back to your definition that that no process in physics is spontaneous if work was done prior to an energy release after all work is ended. And anything man-made cannot result in a spontaneous action.

It isn't my is science's definition... I just cut it and pasted it here...clearly it was a waste of time since anything that challenges your beliefs is immediately rejected. Another endless tedious characteristic you possess in spades.

At the end of that thread you simply disappeared. Ran away. Hid under the bed. Are you going to man up this time?


So now you are confusing energy input with work? No quote from me claiming what you unsurprising is that? You are either a bald faced liar or have a terrible reading comprehension problem...

So now you are confusing energy input with work?

You never did explain why the cooler surface of the Sun is allowed to radiate toward the hotter corona.
What are you afraid of......besides exposing your own idiocy?
No such quote from unsurprising is that....

Why do you want a quote on your self-inconsistent thermodynamics theory from me? Have you already forgotten what your fake theory of thermodynamics is? Here it is .....

Grand Solar Minimum.... And Cooling....
No work is happening when the light stick is glowing. If you think work prior to the event is a criteria for spontaneity, then there is no possible experiment or event by man on earth that is spontaneous.

So let me believe that no work was done to make it happen...that wuwei is exactly how stupid you are.

Phosphorescence is not radio active decay! It is spontaneous release of atomic energy after work was done to raise the energy levels. No work is done by glowing mineral phosphors.

No...phosphorescence is the re emission of energy previously absorbed...not absorption of later emission of energy...We have covered this all before.

What? Do you simply erase all your losses and actually believe you are starting with a clean slate and that you have a winning argument this time? Do you know the definition of insanity?

It is spontaneous shortly after death then, while the chemicals are still reacting on their own.

Nope...the effect after death is the result of work having been is residual and soon stops when the energy stored by the work done runs out...not spontanoeus.. You really don't remember losing these points before? What makes you think these ridiculous examples are valid this time...

It is terribly tedious reminding you over and over and over again.

Really? Tell us about it then. Don't just run away.

Refer to any of the dozens of times it has been explained to both you and toddster...shouldn't be hard to find. Here is a hint..the latest theory begins with the letter A.

Molecules of any gas adjacent to a warmer surface must strike the surface with kinetic energy. The observed evidence is easy.

Yeah...the observed evidence is that the wall cools down because it is losing energy to the cooler evidence whatsoever that the wall gains any energy at all. Again..covered over and over...your ridiculous arguments lay shredded across the landscape of this board...look them up.

Hold on! Nobody here has ever stated or believed that energy can move from a less organized state to a more organized state.

Warm is more organized than cool...Low frequency is less organized than high frequency...the potential energy of a rock at the bottom of a hill is less organized than a rock at the top of a hill...the energy represented by pressurized air in a tire is more organized than the energy represented by the air in the never moves from a less organized state to a more organized state and yet every argument you make is trying to claim exactly that...that energy is moving spontaneously from a less organized state to a more organized state.

Therein lies the fundamental tedium of talking to you...the same stupid, poorly thought out, shitty examples of your lack of critical thinking skills over and over and over and over.

Also see post #453 in the same thread.
Man went into production...not spontaneous....same old thing..

Living creature...body is doing work to produce luminescence...luminescence stops shortly after death...not spontaneous.

Multiple theories on what sort of work is being done to move the energy from the surface to the corona...only you and toddster seem to think it is spontaneous.

The ground being unstable both rocks rolled down the hill.... You are saying #1 was spontaneous, # 2 was not spontaneous.
That is a pretty stupid way of thinking about gravitational potential energy turning into kinetic energy. Really stupid.

The definition of spontaneous is that there is no energy input from the outside...what is stupid is not being able to figure out what that means.

That goes back to your definition that that no process in physics is spontaneous if work was done prior to an energy release after all work is ended. And anything man-made cannot result in a spontaneous action.

It isn't my is science's definition... I just cut it and pasted it here...clearly it was a waste of time since anything that challenges your beliefs is immediately rejected. Another endless tedious characteristic you possess in spades.

At the end of that thread you simply disappeared. Ran away. Hid under the bed. Are you going to man up this time?


So now you are confusing energy input with work? No quote from me claiming what you unsurprising is that? You are either a bald faced liar or have a terrible reading comprehension problem...

So now you are confusing energy input with work?

You never did explain why the cooler surface of the Sun is allowed to radiate toward the hotter corona.
What are you afraid of......besides exposing your own idiocy?
can't make up your kind of stupid.
No such quote from unsurprising is that....

Why do you want a quote on your self-inconsistent thermodynamics theory from me? Have you already forgotten what your fake theory of thermodynamics is? Here it is .....

Grand Solar Minimum.... And Cooling....
No work is happening when the light stick is glowing. If you think work prior to the event is a criteria for spontaneity, then there is no possible experiment or event by man on earth that is spontaneous.

So let me believe that no work was done to make it happen...that wuwei is exactly how stupid you are.

Phosphorescence is not radio active decay! It is spontaneous release of atomic energy after work was done to raise the energy levels. No work is done by glowing mineral phosphors.

No...phosphorescence is the re emission of energy previously absorbed...not absorption of later emission of energy...We have covered this all before.

What? Do you simply erase all your losses and actually believe you are starting with a clean slate and that you have a winning argument this time? Do you know the definition of insanity?

It is spontaneous shortly after death then, while the chemicals are still reacting on their own.

Nope...the effect after death is the result of work having been is residual and soon stops when the energy stored by the work done runs out...not spontanoeus.. You really don't remember losing these points before? What makes you think these ridiculous examples are valid this time...

It is terribly tedious reminding you over and over and over again.

Really? Tell us about it then. Don't just run away.

Refer to any of the dozens of times it has been explained to both you and toddster...shouldn't be hard to find. Here is a hint..the latest theory begins with the letter A.

Molecules of any gas adjacent to a warmer surface must strike the surface with kinetic energy. The observed evidence is easy.

Yeah...the observed evidence is that the wall cools down because it is losing energy to the cooler evidence whatsoever that the wall gains any energy at all. Again..covered over and over...your ridiculous arguments lay shredded across the landscape of this board...look them up.

Hold on! Nobody here has ever stated or believed that energy can move from a less organized state to a more organized state.

Warm is more organized than cool...Low frequency is less organized than high frequency...the potential energy of a rock at the bottom of a hill is less organized than a rock at the top of a hill...the energy represented by pressurized air in a tire is more organized than the energy represented by the air in the never moves from a less organized state to a more organized state and yet every argument you make is trying to claim exactly that...that energy is moving spontaneously from a less organized state to a more organized state.

Therein lies the fundamental tedium of talking to you...the same stupid, poorly thought out, shitty examples of your lack of critical thinking skills over and over and over and over.

Also see post #453 in the same thread.
Man went into production...not spontaneous....same old thing..

Living creature...body is doing work to produce luminescence...luminescence stops shortly after death...not spontaneous.

Multiple theories on what sort of work is being done to move the energy from the surface to the corona...only you and toddster seem to think it is spontaneous.

The ground being unstable both rocks rolled down the hill.... You are saying #1 was spontaneous, # 2 was not spontaneous.
That is a pretty stupid way of thinking about gravitational potential energy turning into kinetic energy. Really stupid.

The definition of spontaneous is that there is no energy input from the outside...what is stupid is not being able to figure out what that means.

That goes back to your definition that that no process in physics is spontaneous if work was done prior to an energy release after all work is ended. And anything man-made cannot result in a spontaneous action.

It isn't my is science's definition... I just cut it and pasted it here...clearly it was a waste of time since anything that challenges your beliefs is immediately rejected. Another endless tedious characteristic you possess in spades.

At the end of that thread you simply disappeared. Ran away. Hid under the bed. Are you going to man up this time?


So now you are confusing energy input with work? No quote from me claiming what you unsurprising is that? You are either a bald faced liar or have a terrible reading comprehension problem...

So now you are confusing energy input with work?

You never did explain why the cooler surface of the Sun is allowed to radiate toward the hotter corona.
What are you afraid of......besides exposing your own idiocy?
can't make up your kind of stupid.

Says the guy who claimed "current flows from the camera to the cold object".
No such quote from unsurprising is that....

Why do you want a quote on your self-inconsistent thermodynamics theory from me? Have you already forgotten what your fake theory of thermodynamics is? Here it is .....

Grand Solar Minimum.... And Cooling....
So let me believe that no work was done to make it happen...that wuwei is exactly how stupid you are.

No...phosphorescence is the re emission of energy previously absorbed...not absorption of later emission of energy...We have covered this all before.

What? Do you simply erase all your losses and actually believe you are starting with a clean slate and that you have a winning argument this time? Do you know the definition of insanity?

Nope...the effect after death is the result of work having been is residual and soon stops when the energy stored by the work done runs out...not spontanoeus.. You really don't remember losing these points before? What makes you think these ridiculous examples are valid this time...

It is terribly tedious reminding you over and over and over again.

Refer to any of the dozens of times it has been explained to both you and toddster...shouldn't be hard to find. Here is a hint..the latest theory begins with the letter A.

Yeah...the observed evidence is that the wall cools down because it is losing energy to the cooler evidence whatsoever that the wall gains any energy at all. Again..covered over and over...your ridiculous arguments lay shredded across the landscape of this board...look them up.

Warm is more organized than cool...Low frequency is less organized than high frequency...the potential energy of a rock at the bottom of a hill is less organized than a rock at the top of a hill...the energy represented by pressurized air in a tire is more organized than the energy represented by the air in the never moves from a less organized state to a more organized state and yet every argument you make is trying to claim exactly that...that energy is moving spontaneously from a less organized state to a more organized state.

Therein lies the fundamental tedium of talking to you...the same stupid, poorly thought out, shitty examples of your lack of critical thinking skills over and over and over and over.

Also see post #453 in the same thread.
Man went into production...not spontaneous....same old thing..

Living creature...body is doing work to produce luminescence...luminescence stops shortly after death...not spontaneous.

Multiple theories on what sort of work is being done to move the energy from the surface to the corona...only you and toddster seem to think it is spontaneous.

The definition of spontaneous is that there is no energy input from the outside...what is stupid is not being able to figure out what that means.

It isn't my is science's definition... I just cut it and pasted it here...clearly it was a waste of time since anything that challenges your beliefs is immediately rejected. Another endless tedious characteristic you possess in spades.

At the end of that thread you simply disappeared. Ran away. Hid under the bed. Are you going to man up this time?


So now you are confusing energy input with work? No quote from me claiming what you unsurprising is that? You are either a bald faced liar or have a terrible reading comprehension problem...

So now you are confusing energy input with work?

You never did explain why the cooler surface of the Sun is allowed to radiate toward the hotter corona.
What are you afraid of......besides exposing your own idiocy?
can't make up your kind of stupid.

Says the guy who claimed "current flows from the camera to the cold object".
it does, the sensor reacts opposite for cold objects than hot objects. It's that simple. The sensor cools down due to the reverse flow of PHOTONs and the rate of change. warm flows to cold, always. ALWAYs and now you still don't have evidence of a cold object emitting. The company says otherwise. you can go ask them yourself. Ask them how the sensor reacts to cold vs warm objects. They have a chat room.
So now you are confusing energy input with work? No quote from me claiming what you unsurprising is that? You are either a bald faced liar or have a terrible reading comprehension problem...

That is a really trite troll trick. How surprising is that? You are the one who defined energy input as work.


Of course you can't provide a quote from me saying that energy input is work either....guess you really can't have become so accustomed to simply interpreting everything so that it agrees with your beliefs that you can no longer simply comprehend what is being said to you.
Of course you can't provide a quote from me saying that energy input is work either....guess you really can't have become so accustomed to simply interpreting everything so that it agrees with your beliefs that you can no longer simply comprehend what is being said to you.
Still a tedious ill-tempered troll I see. You said the energy from the sun surface is work. I quoted the post where you said that.

You have an obsession to deny the science definition of spontaneous processes. You have become so accustomed to simply interpreting everything so that it agrees with your beliefs that you can no longer simply comprehend what is being said to you.

Of course you can't provide a quote from me saying that energy input is work either....guess you really can't have become so accustomed to simply interpreting everything so that it agrees with your beliefs that you can no longer simply comprehend what is being said to you.
Still a tedious ill-tempered troll I see. You said the energy from the sun surface is work. I quoted the post where you said that.

What is tedious is constantly having to point out that your claims of what I have said are nothing more than your own invention...

Lets see the quote from me stating that energy from the sun is work. I remember saying that alien waves would constitute work, but that was a means of moving energy...not the energy are simply to stupid to read words and know what is being said...
Of course you can't provide a quote from me saying that energy input is work either....guess you really can't have become so accustomed to simply interpreting everything so that it agrees with your beliefs that you can no longer simply comprehend what is being said to you.
Still a tedious ill-tempered troll I see. You said the energy from the sun surface is work. I quoted the post where you said that.

What is tedious is constantly having to point out that your claims of what I have said are nothing more than your own invention...

Lets see the quote from me stating that energy from the sun is work. I remember saying that alien waves would constitute work, but that was a means of moving energy...not the energy are simply to stupid to read words and know what is being said...

Lets see the quote from me stating that energy from the sun is work.

Light from the Sun's surface cannot spontaneously move toward the hotter corona, eh?
Of course you can't provide a quote from me saying that energy input is work either....guess you really can't have become so accustomed to simply interpreting everything so that it agrees with your beliefs that you can no longer simply comprehend what is being said to you.
Still a tedious ill-tempered troll I see. You said the energy from the sun surface is work. I quoted the post where you said that.

What is tedious is constantly having to point out that your claims of what I have said are nothing more than your own invention...

Lets see the quote from me stating that energy from the sun is work. I remember saying that alien waves would constitute work, but that was a means of moving energy...not the energy are simply to stupid to read words and know what is being said...

Lets see the quote from me stating that energy from the sun is work.

Light from the Sun's surface cannot spontaneously move toward the hotter corona, eh?

I see you can't read is a special kind of stupid that you have there..
I see you can't read is a special kind of stupid that you have there.
Calling everyone stupid is not an argument. You were given the thread where you said the surface of the sun does work. Live with it.

Of course you can't provide a quote from me saying that energy input is work either....guess you really can't have become so accustomed to simply interpreting everything so that it agrees with your beliefs that you can no longer simply comprehend what is being said to you.
Still a tedious ill-tempered troll I see. You said the energy from the sun surface is work. I quoted the post where you said that.

You have an obsession to deny the science definition of spontaneous processes. You have become so accustomed to simply interpreting everything so that it agrees with your beliefs that you can no longer simply comprehend what is being said to you.

you quoted the post that said what? I looked up your posts in here and no where did you post a quote from SSDD that said anything regarding the sun.
Of course you can't provide a quote from me saying that energy input is work either....guess you really can't have become so accustomed to simply interpreting everything so that it agrees with your beliefs that you can no longer simply comprehend what is being said to you.
Still a tedious ill-tempered troll I see. You said the energy from the sun surface is work. I quoted the post where you said that.

What is tedious is constantly having to point out that your claims of what I have said are nothing more than your own invention...

Lets see the quote from me stating that energy from the sun is work. I remember saying that alien waves would constitute work, but that was a means of moving energy...not the energy are simply to stupid to read words and know what is being said...

Lets see the quote from me stating that energy from the sun is work.

Light from the Sun's surface cannot spontaneously move toward the hotter corona, eh?

I see you can't read is a special kind of stupid that you have there..

But enough about your silly claims.
I see you can't read is a special kind of stupid that you have there.
Calling everyone stupid is not an argument. You were given the thread where you said the surface of the sun does work. Live with it.


All you provided was yet another example of your tedious habit of interpreting everything rather than simply reading what was written.

I said that it is theorized that alfven waves move energy from the sun's surface...clearly you are either a liar or stupid...or perhaps a stupid liar...
Last edited:
Of course you can't provide a quote from me saying that energy input is work either....guess you really can't have become so accustomed to simply interpreting everything so that it agrees with your beliefs that you can no longer simply comprehend what is being said to you.
Still a tedious ill-tempered troll I see. You said the energy from the sun surface is work. I quoted the post where you said that.

You have an obsession to deny the science definition of spontaneous processes. You have become so accustomed to simply interpreting everything so that it agrees with your beliefs that you can no longer simply comprehend what is being said to you.

you quoted the post that said what? I looked up your posts in here and no where did you post a quote from SSDD that said anything regarding the sun.

He is just a liar...or he can't read... he has already demonstrated that he is perfectly willing to simply make shit up if he thinks it will help him support his position.
Of course you can't provide a quote from me saying that energy input is work either....guess you really can't have become so accustomed to simply interpreting everything so that it agrees with your beliefs that you can no longer simply comprehend what is being said to you.
Still a tedious ill-tempered troll I see. You said the energy from the sun surface is work. I quoted the post where you said that.

What is tedious is constantly having to point out that your claims of what I have said are nothing more than your own invention...

Lets see the quote from me stating that energy from the sun is work. I remember saying that alien waves would constitute work, but that was a means of moving energy...not the energy are simply to stupid to read words and know what is being said...

Lets see the quote from me stating that energy from the sun is work.

You can do better than that.

Photons from the Sun's surface can't spontaneously move toward the hotter corona<<<your claim.

So what is the work done that allows them to move toward the corona?
I see you can't read is a special kind of stupid that you have there.
Calling everyone stupid is not an argument. You were given the thread where you said the surface of the sun does work. Live with it.


All you provided was yet another example of your tedious habit of interpreting everything rather than simply reading what was written.

I said that it is theorized that alfven waves move energy from the sun's surface...clearly you are either a liar or stupid...or perhaps a stupid liar...

I said that it is theorized that alfven waves move energy from the sun's surface..

Nice try. We're not discussing why the corona gets hot.
We're discussing why the surface can radiate toward the hotter corona without violating the 2nd Law.
I see you can't read is a special kind of stupid that you have there.
Calling everyone stupid is not an argument. You were given the thread where you said the surface of the sun does work. Live with it.


All you provided was yet another example of your tedious habit of interpreting everything rather than simply reading what was written.

I said that it is theorized that alfven waves move energy from the sun's surface...clearly you are either a liar or stupid...or perhaps a stupid liar...

I said that it is theorized that alfven waves move energy from the sun's surface..

Nice try. We're not discussing why the corona gets hot.
We're discussing why the surface can radiate toward the hotter corona without violating the 2nd Law.
I already told you why, it is the source of heat for the universe, fusion from within!!

Are you now going to say fusion isn't work?

Oh, and you already stated you don't give two shits about why the corona is hotter. so why discuss it? Fusion is what generates the heat that actually fuels the corona.

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