Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

What do you think he indicted them for then? Jaywalking?
He indicted them because he had to have some RUSSIANS! to try and prop up his giant nothingburger,.

Funny thing is that some of them showed up for their court date, and he and his clown car of "investigators" couldn't backpedal fast enough.

He indicted them because the Dutch hacked their computers and used the camera on the computers to see the specific people who were doing the crime.
He indicted them with illegally-obtained and inadmissible evidence?

Illegally obtained? It was two countries sharing intel.
You said, quote: "He indicted them because the Dutch hacked their computers..."

Hacking is illegal. Please tell me you know this.

Hacking the Russian computers is not illegal when they are investigating a crime... and when it comes to intelligence agencies when conducting intelligence gathering and trying to protect their country and pass along information to allies.
Stay tuned for the link as it's just breaking right now.
Now where do the democrats stand?
I'm hoping they are relieved that Trump has been cleared of any wrongdoing.
of any wrong doing? Tell me that when he's found innocent of money laundering paying off women who he's slept with with campaign money, illegal use of charitable monies etc etc etc etc
Bless your heart, Ed. You're one of those never ever tRumpers
Old Eddie's having a very, very bad day. :(
Stay tuned for the link as it's just breaking right now.
Now where do the democrats stand?
I'm hoping they are relieved that Trump has been cleared of any wrongdoing.

Yeah it’s happening live. Basically a nothing burger. Complete and total vindication.

Until we get to see the report and not just the opinion of somebody as to what I says, we have no clue what is in it.

We the people deserve to see what we paid for.

Legally he cannot release the full report. He has to protect innocents. Just a synopsis

They can redact the names of the innocent. A synopsis is just a person's opinion of what it says.

So that is what they are doing I believe but that takes longer than just providing a synopsis.
Thank God it's back to much more important things like the NCAA tourney. I was angry when they interrupted my game. Priorities.
And now 50% of the country knows what 50% of the country knew two years ago.

On what basis do you believe you have authority to dictate to others?

On the basis of being a member of human society who cares about others and the earth. I doubt that you can understand that though
Oh, I can understand it, all right. Never met a leftist yet who didn't believe he had the moral authority to be a dictator.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

― C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)

C.S. Lewis says you can fuck off, we don't need your interference.
Feel free to believe that those of us who want to save the earth and work for social justice are tyrants go right ahead. I live by certain rules and values of civilized society in which we are interdependent . Obviously you prefer social Darwinism, but you might discover that you are not one of the fittest .
And looky there, right on cue -- a promise of death. You bozos just can't help it, can you?

"Social justice" is a code word that means "taking from people who earned it and giving it to those who didn't".

I'm sure it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy as a white liberal knowing how superior you are to minorities who need you to do their thinking for them.

But you need to come to terms with your inherent impotence that no little blue pill can cure. There will be no Revolution. You will not be given a seat on the Politburo, especially given your complete unwillingness to do any wet work in your desired Revolution. In the insanely unlikely event there is a Revolution, you will work in a tractor factory 6 days a week, and you'd damn well better make the right noises in the Party meetings or you'll be put in a mass grave alongside those you believe aren't ideologically pure.

Good Gaea's gargantuan gazongas, but Commies are stupid.

So I suggest you sit down and shut up and let the adults handle things. Keep your Commie wet dreams to yourself. Rational people aren't interested.
That is quite an insane and unhinged boatload of bizarre bovine excrement! You are over the edge Pal. There is more to social justice than combatting wealth and income disparity although that is part of it. You apparently think that a Plutocracy is good for Democracy. That is insane. Remember the French Revolution? No that is not a threat. It is an attempt to impart some wisdom about history and its tendency to repeat itself when people are too stupid to learn by it. and no fool, I am not a Communist , nor am I promoting a revolution. There is a lot of wiggling room between the libertarian/ laissez faire world that you seek and a dictatorship.
It's always funny when people who can't think for themselves try to dictate what other people think.

History proves I'm right. You know, the thing you claim to know but are profoundly ignorant of.

You know what I think is best? Government providing the basics as defined in the Constitution and leaving people the hell alone.

Would-be tyrants like you, who hate America and the Constitution? Yeah, that's bad for everybody. More of that history stuff.
He indicted them because he had to have some RUSSIANS! to try and prop up his giant nothingburger,.

Funny thing is that some of them showed up for their court date, and he and his clown car of "investigators" couldn't backpedal fast enough.

He indicted them because the Dutch hacked their computers and used the camera on the computers to see the specific people who were doing the crime.
He indicted them with illegally-obtained and inadmissible evidence?

Illegally obtained? It was two countries sharing intel.
You said, quote: "He indicted them because the Dutch hacked their computers..."

Hacking is illegal. Please tell me you know this.

Hacking the Russian computers is not illegal when they are investigating a crime... and when it comes to intelligence agencies when conducting intelligence gathering and trying to protect their country and pass along information to allies.
I'm certain it's against Russian law to hack their government computers. So why should we object if they hack our computers?
One inescapable observation from Mueller report. Putin’s attempts to sow discord in the American public worked beyond his wildest dreams. And two of the three major cable news channels were his useful idiots.

Doug McKelway (@dougmckelway) March 24, 2019

In all reality, the discord was already there, and Putler's (Litwin) Facebook shenanigans were incredibly insignificant and small potatoes.

IOW, you're giving Putin way too much credit for something that was organically occurring anyway.
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Thank God this two-year long national nightmare is over. Donald Trump is now the President of everyone, right, left, and center.

Not over though the Leftist Unhinged Maniacs will NOT give up EVER you should know that, they will NOT stop UNTIL they are forced to stop. It's like a Serial Killer, they don't stop until they are forced to stop either by death or being arrested and taken OUT of Civilised Society.
Sleazy Adam Schiff and slimy Eric Swalwell should IMMEDIATELY resign. They’ve disgraced themselves, the US Congress, their colleagues, their Party, and anyone claiming them. No serious person should ever include their opinions in any serious conversation from this point on.

Dan Bongino (@dbongino) March 24, 2019
In case anyone here is keeping score, Trump wins yet again and the lefttards lose yet again. This is a very one sided game indeed. Can it be that Trump alone is smarter than all of the dumb democommies combined? From the looks of their most recent recruits like AOC, apparently so.
Are you sure about that Dude. Only in the minds of idiots and the delusional did he win. It is far from over. He has not been exonerated. If there was a winner today, it's the American people and all those who want to restore decency and sanity to government .

You might want to read some of this

The American people will be winners because, now, this mess is sure to drag on to the election, disrupt and cast a cloud over the campaign and likely result in the Orange Blob's fat ass being kicked out of office along with the piece of shit known as Pence.
He indicted them because he had to have some RUSSIANS! to try and prop up his giant nothingburger,.

Funny thing is that some of them showed up for their court date, and he and his clown car of "investigators" couldn't backpedal fast enough.

He indicted them because the Dutch hacked their computers and used the camera on the computers to see the specific people who were doing the crime.
He indicted them with illegally-obtained and inadmissible evidence?

Illegally obtained? It was two countries sharing intel.
You said, quote: "He indicted them because the Dutch hacked their computers..."

Hacking is illegal. Please tell me you know this.

Hacking the Russian computers is not illegal when they are investigating a crime... and when it comes to intelligence agencies when conducting intelligence gathering and trying to protect their country and pass along information to allies.
"...trying to protect their country..."

You misspelled "Democrats".
He indicted them because the Dutch hacked their computers and used the camera on the computers to see the specific people who were doing the crime.
He indicted them with illegally-obtained and inadmissible evidence?

Illegally obtained? It was two countries sharing intel.
You said, quote: "He indicted them because the Dutch hacked their computers..."

Hacking is illegal. Please tell me you know this.

Hacking the Russian computers is not illegal when they are investigating a crime... and when it comes to intelligence agencies when conducting intelligence gathering and trying to protect their country and pass along information to allies.
I'm certain it's against Russian law to hack their government computers. So why should we object if they hack our computers?

Pretty sure? Well when they are committing a crime, you think it is illegal to hack the computers of people that are committing a crime? Quit being ridiculous.

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