Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Ours is a resilient country. Our institutions and culture are strong, and they can persist and hold the line against an amoral, unethical, classless, ignorant, incurious president.

And careful with your cultish demagoguery, as it cuts both ways. If we go into a recession,then you will also have to lay it at the feet of your cult leader.

No. One. Cried.

Yes. She. Did.

First 3 seconds of the video shows her in tears and the rest of the video is the guy consoling her. The cameraman went to the guy talking when he saw madcow crying. Hes like oh shit shes crying again! You can see the wet under her eyes. And rapid eye blinking is a common thing in someone who is getting emotional.

Yup, she was definitely crying. That down turned mouth, and the furrowed brow are proof positive. I find it amusing that the Director never went back to a shot of her either. Not good having your anchor bawling on air.

Well, now that I've seen the two seconds on the elusive vid, I'm not arguing that she was emotional.
It sure makes me wonder, though, why some of the folks here get such pleasure from seeing people cry. What's that say about the folks gloating over it?

Well, she may not be crying quite as much as you are.

Wishful thinking, there, boys. I never needed this investigation to despise Trump but I knew we were stuck with him for four years. So except for some mild curiosity, I'm not that excited about this. Just wondering why you're all such a bunch of sadists, is all.

Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.

However....if it becomes apparent that the
NY State court system is being abused
For the purposes of prosecutorial misconduct that is a Federal Crime and would open up the venue of the Federal court system. Sure NY State can start the fight....but can they finish it?

I don't think so.


Good luck with that. The NY courts are known as some of the most honorable courts in the country, given the amount of mob cases and high profile white crime cases they handle.
Just a few weeks ago, Trump and his loyal cutists were calling for Mueller's head..."he should be fired," they said; "he is a RINO...he only hired democrats on his team......he wasn't really a war hero,{ etc., etc., etc.

Following the usual moronic hypocrisy by Trumpsters, today Mueller comes off as an "avenger" of Trump's clean, moral and ethical presidential history......Go figure......

However, a few factors should be considered for those Trump backers who have not ALTOGETHER lost their minds:

First, no one but Trump's acolytes have seen Mueller's final report.

Second, Mueller has done a good job....mindful that almost 3 dozen individuals have been indicted.

Third, no one with some semblance of objectivity would NOT say that Trump surrounded himself with the lowest scum of "advisers"......selfish and corrupt crooks, traitors and con-men who somehow made it to his cadre of close associates.

Fourth, NO ONE can deny that Don, Jr. Kushner and Manafort DID collude with a hostile foreign adversary, and that Trump himself DID try to cover it up.

Fifth, NO ONE should assume that Trump AND his family members are out of the woods yet......Prosecutors in the states of VA and NY,, D.C.and, the SDof NY are all looking into the shady past of the corrupt Trump cadre and the various schemes that they've pulled before and after this scourge was sworn in.

Sixth.......the old and almost trite "high crimes and misdemeanors" as grounds for impeachment by the House only follows the "definition" given and applied by that same House ......The vast majority of sane American voters could never dispute that this current administration has proven corrupt, unethical and perhaps the most spewers of LIES since the beginning of this republic.

As the Trump cult membership dances to what they assume is a "victory" for their cult leader, they should also remember that once Trump is cast to the curb, they will have to defend their support of this clown...and that a future democrat president can be as villainous and their right to bitch will be laughed at "apres" Trump.
Since Mueller did such a great job....are Conservatives going to accept his conclusions about Trump?
Maybe....but the people will only see the endless attacks and out right lies the media will show....
And somehow you have the magical ability to defend against this, but others do not? How can that be? Are you suggesting information campaigns have serious, tangible effects? Cool, let's talk about russia getting Trump elected, then. ;)

Hmmmm, sounds like you're admitting that propaganda efforts are in the offing.
Unfortunately yea I know you're right. Sad when people are happy when investigations are opened with no proof of a crime yet no investigation is opened for someone on the left when the proof of the crime can't be denied.
MATTHEWS: “Why was there never an interrogation of this president? We were told for weeks by experts you cannot deal with an obstruction of justice charge or investigation without getting to motive. You don’t get to motive until you hear from the person himself who’s being targeted… How can they let Trump off the hook? So far tonight, we have no reason to believe Trump is going to be charged by rhetoric in the document itself, in the Mueller report, he will not be charged with obstruction or of collusion, without ever having to sit down with the special counsel and answer his damn questions. How can that happen?”
butt paste.jpg
As our board conservatives take a victory lap......are you willing to accept Muellers conclusions about Trump?

I didn’t think so

conservatives celebrate Mueller saying there is nothing them scream “fake news” about other conclusions about Trump

My guess is that Trump won't even be mentioned.

I was disconcerted when all the attorneys and investigators selected by Mueller were "Never Trumpers" but this makes the findings all that much sweeter!

This should be great news for everyone. Why are you angry that no collusion or criminal acts were found in our election? Don't you consider that to be a good thing for our country?

Why do you hate good things happening in our country? How do you justify your obstinate behavior?

I am sure the report will have much to say about the Trump campaign and actions as President

Let’s see what they have to say
Just a few weeks ago, Trump and his loyal cutists were calling for Mueller's head..."he should be fired," they said; "he is a RINO...he only hired democrats on his team......he wasn't really a war hero,{ etc., etc., etc.

Following the usual moronic hypocrisy by Trumpsters, today Mueller comes off as an "avenger" of Trump's clean, moral and ethical presidential history......Go figure......

However, a few factors should be considered for those Trump backers who have not ALTOGETHER lost their minds:

First, no one but Trump's acolytes have seen Mueller's final report.

Second, Mueller has done a good job....mindful that almost 3 dozen individuals have been indicted.

Third, no one with some semblance of objectivity would NOT say that Trump surrounded himself with the lowest scum of "advisers"......selfish and corrupt crooks, traitors and con-men who somehow made it to his cadre of close associates.

Fourth, NO ONE can deny that Don, Jr. Kushner and Manafort DID collude with a hostile foreign adversary, and that Trump himself DID try to cover it up.

Fifth, NO ONE should assume that Trump AND his family members are out of the woods yet......Prosecutors in the states of VA and NY,, D.C.and, the SDof NY are all looking into the shady past of the corrupt Trump cadre and the various schemes that they've pulled before and after this scourge was sworn in.

Sixth.......the old and almost trite "high crimes and misdemeanors" as grounds for impeachment by the House only follows the "definition" given and applied by that same House ......The vast majority of sane American voters could never dispute that this current administration has proven corrupt, unethical and perhaps the most spewers of LIES since the beginning of this republic.

There are 8 or 9 House committees reviewing about 25 allegations about Trump and his entourage ranging from the misuse of Foundation money to money laundering through the DB....Should be fun to watch.

As the Trump cult membership dances to what they assume is a "victory" for their cult leader, they should also remember that once Trump is cast to the curb, they will have to defend their support of this clown...and that a future democrat president can be as villainous and their right to bitch will be laughed at "apres" Trump.

There are already emoluments cases ongoing in I believe 2 courts, both filed by the state AGs.

"A lawsuit accusing President Trump of violating the constitution's emoluments clause can proceed, a federal judge said Friday. Never before has an emoluments case gone to trial in the U.S."

Emoluments Lawsuit Against Trump Can Go Forward, Judge Says
The best defense is a good offense. As a former FBI director Mueller's loyalty probably leaned more toward the Bureau than a president his fellow democrats hated. The FBI was about to be revealed as using bogus information from unreliable sources to obtain a warrant and using illegal surveillance until Mueller stepped in and began a (phony) investigation designed to deflect attention from what amounted to an attempted political coup. There was no evidence of collusion from the very beginning but Mueller persisted until the focus was on the President and a few small fish unrelated to the initial charge rather than the treasonous radical element in the FBI. Mueller may have succeeded in tarnishing the President and vindicating the former administration and radical elements in the FBI ....or not.

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