Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Okay, who here is going to read it for us once it's released? g5000? I'm sure not reading the whole thing but we're in for a LOT of spin, folks. Spin and spit flying.
I pre-ordered it on Amazon a few days ago. Don't know how long it will be until it is delivered.

I intend to read all of it. I'll probably be the only person on this forum who will, as usual.

Of course, the pseuedocons will never read it because it is longer than a tweet. They will just parrot what Hannity and Rush and "Individual 1" tell them to parrot. As usual.

I expect at least a hundred "BOMBSHELL" topics, half of them by easyt65, with a lot of manufactured bullshit.
Thanks, G.
Until then it will just be business as usual around here.
We are finally at the very beginning.

Everything so far was just the initial investigation.

With Democrats in control of the house you can bet this report will be made public.

It may take a while and they can run but they can’t hide.

How? The AG doesn’t have to release it. Please explain. This should be awesome.
Republicans can keep this report away from the American people indefinitely?

Is that what you think?

This isn’t Russia yet, comrade.
Remember how many times Republicans said they love the constitution?

They wanna follow the constitution?

Well now they’re going to have a chance to see how the constitution actually works.

Think they’ll fight it?
are you going to fight it if your idle trump comes out smelling like a rose?...
You poor poor Progs. Your disappointment is going to be Epic.
The details of exactly how the Russians interfered in our election will be interesting.

That none of you parroting tards has ever expressed any anger over a foreign enemy state interfering in our election is most certainly disappointing, yes. It is very disappointing to see just what sad and submissive little lickspittles you are.

You'd better stock up on the anti-depressants, bub.
You will find it impossible to quote me saying Donald Trump colluded with Russia, retard.

In fact, I have posted quite plainly and clearly many times I don't believe he personally did.

So keep on jerking off to yet another manufactured bullshit fantasy...bub.

More doubletalk from this clown. What a loser.
Go ahead. Find a post from me claiming Comrade Donald colluded with Russia.

I'll wait here.
Inasmuch as i'd love to see Trump take it in the a**, it won't amount to a hill of beans

Now a 'Trump Recession', all prearranged for 2020 i'm told, definitely will slow the buffoon down

CNN is reporting that AG Barr may release Mueller's "principal conclusions" to Congress this weekend.
He can either give it up willingly or he can fight it and the courts will be on the side of the Democrats.

Conservatives did the right thing under Nixon. They’ll do it under the orange thing in the office.
We are finally at the very beginning.

Everything so far was just the initial investigation.

With Democrats in control of the house you can bet this report will be made public.

It may take a while and they can run but they can’t hide.

How? The AG doesn’t have to release it. Please explain. This should be awesome.
Republicans can keep this report away from the American people indefinitely?

Is that what you think?

This isn’t Russia yet, comrade.

There is the law and if the report says no collusion that is what Barr can say. Why release the report? You’re so stupid. Learn the law. Dumbass
Inasmuch as i'd love to see Trump take it in the a**, it won't amount to a hill of beans

Now a 'Trump Recession', all prearranged for 2020 i'm told, definitely will slow the buffoon down

Doesn’t matter. All that investigation gave ammunition to states attorneys general that Trump just can’t run from.
You poor poor Progs. Your disappointment is going to be Epic.
The details of exactly how the Russians interfered in our election will be interesting.

That none of you parroting tards has ever expressed any anger over a foreign enemy state interfering in our election is most certainly disappointing, yes. It is very disappointing to see just what sad and submissive little lickspittles you are.

You'd better stock up on the anti-depressants, bub.
You will find it impossible to quote me saying Donald Trump colluded with Russia, retard.

In fact, I have posted quite plainly and clearly many times I don't believe he personally did.

So keep on jerking off to yet another manufactured bullshit fantasy...bub.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy....zzzzzzzzz

You've been a big fan of the Mueller witch hunt, which is an epic fail.
You poor poor Progs. Your disappointment is going to be Epic.
The details of exactly how the Russians interfered in our election will be interesting.

That none of you parroting tards has ever expressed any anger over a foreign enemy state interfering in our election is most certainly disappointing, yes. It is very disappointing to see just what sad and submissive little lickspittles you are.

You'd better stock up on the anti-depressants, bub.
You will find it impossible to quote me saying Donald Trump colluded with Russia, retard.

In fact, I have posted quite plainly and clearly many times I don't believe he personally did.

So keep on jerking off to yet another manufactured bullshit fantasy...bub.

More doubletalk from this clown. What a loser.
Go ahead. Find a post from me claiming Comrade Donald colluded with Russia.

I'll wait here.

Reading your posts kills more brain cells than alcohol. And you calling him Comrade alludes to it so you just double talked again. LMAO. Moron
We are finally at the very beginning.

Everything so far was just the initial investigation.

With Democrats in control of the house you can bet this report will be made public.

It may take a while and they can run but they can’t hide.

How? The AG doesn’t have to release it. Please explain. This should be awesome.
Republicans can keep this report away from the American people indefinitely?

Is that what you think?

This isn’t Russia yet, comrade.

There is the law and if the report says no collusion that is what Barr can say. Why release the report? You’re so stupid. Learn the law. Dumbass
After all those indictments and guilty pleas and Felonies and prison sentences you think this report has nothing in it. It’s already had all this other stuff in it.
Okay, who here is going to read it for us once it's released? g5000? I'm sure not reading the whole thing but we're in for a LOT of spin, folks. Spin and spit flying.
I pre-ordered it on Amazon a few days ago. Don't know how long it will be until it is delivered.

I intend to read all of it. I'll probably be the only person on this forum who will, as usual.

Of course, the pseuedocons will never read it because it is longer than a tweet. They will just parrot what Hannity and Rush and "Individual 1" tell them to parrot. As usual.

I expect at least a hundred "BOMBSHELL" topics, half of them by easyt65, with a lot of manufactured bullshit.
Bless your biased little heart
Alright, you order it and read it, too, TN. We'll be waiting for an unbiased summary from you.
CNN now reporting that the Justice Department has received the Mueller report. See the CNN link below:

A Department of Justice official says the department let the White House know it had the report at roughly 4:35 p.m. ET.

The report was delivered earlier this afternoon, per a Justice official. It was delivered to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's office and, within minutes, to Attorney General William Barr.

The official described the report as “comprehensive."


HuffPost: The Mueller Report Is Complete | HuffPost
So, no charges or indictment Of Trump for collusion or obstruction, huh? That's got to sting a little.
Why Trump suddenly says public should see Mueller's report - CNNPolitics

"Donald Trump, the President who refused to release his tax returns, just made an unexpected gesture towards transparency, saying he'd be happy for Americans to see Robert Mueller's final report.

"His comment is probably worth taking with a large pinch of salt.

"After all, just last week, Trump tweeted 'there should be no Mueller report.'

"The President, with his talent for shifting the terms of a debate, weighed in on the fate of Mueller's yet-to-be-filed final report before heading to Ohio on Wednesday.

"'I don't mind. I mean, frankly, I told the House, "If you want, let them see it,'" Trump said when asked whether the American public had the right to see the fruits of the special counsel's labors."

Will the Justice Department take the position a sitting president can not be indicted, and at the same time withhold any evidence of wrong doing without congress subpoenaing the full Mueller report?

I study liars. I've never seen one like Donald Trump.
We are finally at the very beginning.

Everything so far was just the initial investigation.

With Democrats in control of the house you can bet this report will be made public.

It may take a while and they can run but they can’t hide.

How? The AG doesn’t have to release it. Please explain. This should be awesome.
Republicans can keep this report away from the American people indefinitely?

Is that what you think?

This isn’t Russia yet, comrade.

There is the law and if the report says no collusion that is what Barr can say. Why release the report? You’re so stupid. Learn the law. Dumbass

Excuse me, but if you wanted to be treated like a child by the state, so be it. You deserve Dicktator Don.
But you don't speak for me.
You poor poor Progs. Your disappointment is going to be Epic.
The details of exactly how the Russians interfered in our election will be interesting.

That none of you parroting tards has ever expressed any anger over a foreign enemy state interfering in our election is most certainly disappointing, yes. It is very disappointing to see just what sad and submissive little lickspittles you are.

Do you really want to limit opining about our elections to only American citizens?

And if you do, how are you going to prevent people in the US reading things posted on the internet by people in countries?

Shut down the internet in the US during election time?
The details of exactly how the Russians interfered in our election will be interesting.

That none of you parroting tards has ever expressed any anger over a foreign enemy state interfering in our election is most certainly disappointing, yes. It is very disappointing to see just what sad and submissive little lickspittles you are.

You'd better stock up on the anti-depressants, bub.
You will find it impossible to quote me saying Donald Trump colluded with Russia, retard.

In fact, I have posted quite plainly and clearly many times I don't believe he personally did.

So keep on jerking off to yet another manufactured bullshit fantasy...bub.

More doubletalk from this clown. What a loser.
Go ahead. Find a post from me claiming Comrade Donald colluded with Russia.

I'll wait here.

Reading your posts kills more brain cells than alcohol. And you calling him Comrade alludes to it so you just double talked again. LMAO. Moron
Donald Trump is the Pied Piper of morons.
Okay, who here is going to read it for us once it's released? g5000? I'm sure not reading the whole thing but we're in for a LOT of spin, folks. Spin and spit flying.
I pre-ordered it on Amazon a few days ago. Don't know how long it will be until it is delivered.

I intend to read all of it. I'll probably be the only person on this forum who will, as usual.

Of course, the pseuedocons will never read it because it is longer than a tweet. They will just parrot what Hannity and Rush and "Individual 1" tell them to parrot. As usual.

I expect at least a hundred "BOMBSHELL" topics, half of them by easyt65, with a lot of manufactured bullshit.
Bless your biased little heart
Alright, you order it and read it, too, TN. We'll be waiting for an unbiased summary from you.
It's going to be longer than a tweet. Therefore, there is no way TN will read it. Not a chance.

And it might say some bad things about Trump and his organization. No way a willfully blind monkey will expose himself to that risk.

He'll wait for instructions from his masters.

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