Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

You'd better stock up on the anti-depressants, bub.
You will find it impossible to quote me saying Donald Trump colluded with Russia, retard.

In fact, I have posted quite plainly and clearly many times I don't believe he personally did.

So keep on jerking off to yet another manufactured bullshit fantasy...bub.

More doubletalk from this clown. What a loser.
Go ahead. Find a post from me claiming Comrade Donald colluded with Russia.

I'll wait here.

Reading your posts kills more brain cells than alcohol. And you calling him Comrade alludes to it so you just double talked again. LMAO. Moron
Donald Trump is the Pied Piper of morons.

Yet the name “deantard” has stuck. How about some self awareness?
You poor poor Progs. Your disappointment is going to be Epic.
The details of exactly how the Russians interfered in our election will be interesting.

That none of you parroting tards has ever expressed any anger over a foreign enemy state interfering in our election is most certainly disappointing, yes. It is very disappointing to see just what sad and submissive little lickspittles you are.

Do you really want to limit opining about our elections to only American citizens?

And if you do, how are you going to prevent people in the US reading things posted on the internet by people in countries?

Shut down the internet in the US during election time?
Republicans don’t even want American citizens to vote. In fact they only want white Republicans to vote. That’s why they work so hard and spend so much money on voter suppression.
You poor poor Progs. Your disappointment is going to be Epic.
The details of exactly how the Russians interfered in our election will be interesting.

That none of you parroting tards has ever expressed any anger over a foreign enemy state interfering in our election is most certainly disappointing, yes. It is very disappointing to see just what sad and submissive little lickspittles you are.

Do you really want to limit opining about our elections to only American citizens?

And if you do, how are you going to prevent people in the US reading things posted on the internet by people in countries?

Shut down the internet in the US during election time?

Actually, the Progs would love to shut down the internet not just during elections, but for all the time...only approved speech by approved people should be allowed. All of the NoGoodBadThink people should be silenced, of even better, exterminated.
Inasmuch as i'd love to see Trump take it in the a**, it won't amount to a hill of beans

Now a 'Trump Recession', all prearranged for 2020 i'm told, definitely will slow the buffoon down

Doesn’t matter. All that investigation gave ammunition to states attorneys general that Trump just can’t run from.

Doesn't matter if he's guilty as sin either Dean

The elites of this country are immune

You will find it impossible to quote me saying Donald Trump colluded with Russia, retard.

In fact, I have posted quite plainly and clearly many times I don't believe he personally did.

So keep on jerking off to yet another manufactured bullshit fantasy...bub.

More doubletalk from this clown. What a loser.
Go ahead. Find a post from me claiming Comrade Donald colluded with Russia.

I'll wait here.

Reading your posts kills more brain cells than alcohol. And you calling him Comrade alludes to it so you just double talked again. LMAO. Moron
Donald Trump is the Pied Piper of morons.

Yet the name “deantard” has stuck. How about some self awareness?
Snowflakes just assume because they cry all the time that they can make someone else cry with words while acting like a juvenile.


You poor poor Progs. Your disappointment is going to be Epic.
The details of exactly how the Russians interfered in our election will be interesting.

That none of you parroting tards has ever expressed any anger over a foreign enemy state interfering in our election is most certainly disappointing, yes. It is very disappointing to see just what sad and submissive little lickspittles you are.

Do you really want to limit opining about our elections to only American citizens?

And if you do, how are you going to prevent people in the US reading things posted on the internet by people in countries?

Shut down the internet in the US during election time?

Actually, the Progs would love to shut down the internet not just during elections, but for all the time...only approved speech by approved people should be allowed. All of the NoGoodBadThink people should be silenced, of even better, exterminated.
The only person calling for media to be shut down is your master Donald J. Trump.

It's funny how you tards project your master's failings onto others.

Actually, it isn't funny. At all.
So is Heir Mueller going to make a statement after wasting two years and untold millions in taxpayer dollars on this open ended scavenger hunt? The only thing he accomplished was turning the FBI into a Secret Police force shaking down citizens for "Obstruction of Justice" or "lying to the FBI". Fucking weasel, at least have the balls to stand up and make a public statement.
Inasmuch as i'd love to see Trump take it in the a**, it won't amount to a hill of beans

Now a 'Trump Recession', all prearranged for 2020 i'm told, definitely will slow the buffoon down

Doesn’t matter. All that investigation gave ammunition to states attorneys general that Trump just can’t run from.

Doesn't matter if he's guilty as sin either Dean

The elites of this country are immune

I guess we’ll see won’t we?
Okay, who here is going to read it for us once it's released? g5000? I'm sure not reading the whole thing but we're in for a LOT of spin, folks. Spin and spit flying.
I pre-ordered it on Amazon a few days ago. Don't know how long it will be until it is delivered.

I intend to read all of it. I'll probably be the only person on this forum who will, as usual.

Of course, the pseuedocons will never read it because it is longer than a tweet. They will just parrot what Hannity and Rush and "Individual 1" tell them to parrot. As usual.

I expect at least a hundred "BOMBSHELL" topics, half of them by easyt65, with a lot of manufactured bullshit.
Bless your biased little heart

You're already in line waiting for instructions to parrot. I expect your CTRL, C, and V keys will get quite a workout.
No, I don't think so, G. But he'll declare everyone a hypocrite and disingenuous, I'll betcha.
More doubletalk from this clown. What a loser.
Go ahead. Find a post from me claiming Comrade Donald colluded with Russia.

I'll wait here.

Reading your posts kills more brain cells than alcohol. And you calling him Comrade alludes to it so you just double talked again. LMAO. Moron
Donald Trump is the Pied Piper of morons.

Yet the name “deantard” has stuck. How about some self awareness?
Snowflakes just assume because they cry all the time that they can make someone else cry with words while acting like a juvenile.



The irony. You’re the epitome of a TDS snowflake and you don’t know the law or economics. LMAO. Deantard
I recommend that those who need some calm and reasoned thoughts on this whole thing check out the work of Dan Abrams. He has a one hour show on SiriusXM where he dives into the law surrounding this issue.

The report can be as concise as one sentence or it can be voluminous. It likely won’t tell us about any wrongdoing that Trump himself did unless he directly conspired with Russian agents to influence the election. It won’t go into obstruction or any of the other shit that Trump may have done.

That will all come out in the wash of the SDNY investigations and the Congressional oversight investigations.

Those are just getting started.

Enjoy the ride, Trombies.
We are finally at the very beginning.

Everything so far was just the initial investigation.

With Democrats in control of the house you can bet this report will be made public.

It may take a while and they can run but they can’t hide.

How? The AG doesn’t have to release it. Please explain. This should be awesome.
Republicans can keep this report away from the American people indefinitely?

Is that what you think?

This isn’t Russia yet, comrade.

There is the law and if the report says no collusion that is what Barr can say. Why release the report? You’re so stupid. Learn the law. Dumbass

Excuse me, but if you wanted to be treated like a child by the state, so be it. You deserve Dicktator Don.
But you don't speak for me.

I do speak for you. Know your role.
I recommend that those who need some calm and reasoned thoughts on this whole thing check out the work of Dan Abrams. He has a one hour show on SiriusXM where he dives into the law surrounding this issue.

The report can be as concise as one sentence or it can be voluminous. It likely won’t tell us about any wrongdoing that Trump himself did unless he directly conspired with Russian agents to influence the election. It won’t go into obstruction or any of the other shit that Trump may have done.

That will all come out in the wash of the SDNY investigations and the Congressional oversight investigations.

Those are just getting started.

Enjoy the ride, Trombies.

Unless it explicitly states he is guilty of collusion we likely won’t see much of it.
CNN is reporting that AG Barr may release Mueller's "principal conclusions" to Congress this weekend.
Oh boy. That will be HUGE.


I seriously think the Rs should demand that all the conclusions be read to the public on all networks at least 10 times throughout the day.
You poor poor Progs. Your disappointment is going to be Epic.
The details of exactly how the Russians interfered in our election will be interesting.

That none of you parroting tards has ever expressed any anger over a foreign enemy state interfering in our election is most certainly disappointing, yes. It is very disappointing to see just what sad and submissive little lickspittles you are.

Do you really want to limit opining about our elections to only American citizens?

And if you do, how are you going to prevent people in the US reading things posted on the internet by people in countries?

Shut down the internet in the US during election time?

Actually, the Progs would love to shut down the internet not just during elections, but for all the time...only approved speech by approved people should be allowed. All of the NoGoodBadThink people should be silenced, of even better, exterminated.
The only person calling for media to be shut down is your master Donald J. Trump.

It's funny how you tards project your master's failings onto others.

Actually, it isn't funny. At all.

And yet, despite his tweets, nobody has been silenced by Trump. Numerous conservatives, however, have been banned and deplatformed.

Thus proving once again that: Progs are always wailing about Fascism descending upon America, but it always lands smack dab in the midst of their ranks.
Collusion with Russia is only one small part of the investigation. But that is all Trump and his parroting mob will discuss.

REPORT: Donald Trump shot a man on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight.

TARD HERD: See? No collusion!

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