Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

i dont think we have had night there ma....since you outed yourself...again the scum do not have to be active long as we are killing each other off
No, SB. I already did that once. All the strong arming now doesn't sit well with me. All the compromises are being made by the same few.
Holy crap, I have a lot of catching up to do.

I did check the vote count already and you can count me out on voting for bones or MeBelle this round, anyone else is fair game if it comes down to it to avoid a no-lynch.

I'm going to be pretty busy today but I'll make sure to check in when I can just in case I have to change my vote to get a lynch. But for now I'm good with keeping it on Mertex.
I am not comfortable switching to Mertex. I think she's a townie and a contributing player who is actively participating. Just putting that out there because if I'm forced to be the hammer here and she is town, and I survive the night, I need a good explanation from those of you who are insisting on her which I have not seen. I already hammered a townie with Sameech.

If the rest of you can defend those you think are town, I can too. If I'm wrong, and she ends up guilty, then I deserve to go next. I would rather people play and that means checking in here once a day at least. I feel fine with a Luissa vote. I'll check back later.
I would be more than willing to vote for Luissa. She does not participate enough like Mertex and Bones do. I would be very happy to go that way.

Rosie participated a lot. ;)

But vote for me, you will regret it..... Unless you are mafia? You and Mertex sure love to mention me a lot, and I am not scum. Maybe I should rethink my vote?
I don't think I will this time, but I know who I am voting for next time. I think you and Mertex are using my lack of posting to your advantage.
I can get behind a Luissa lynch. She claims to be VT but now that people are talking about voting for her, she states we will regret it. (post 2608)

Vote: Luissa
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] helps...unless he's sleeping or at work...
Luissa is now at L-1 if my calculations are correct and mani or Mertex or TN will have to be the hammer.

Luissa-now is a good time to make a claim.
i hope tn comes back and tells us what the vote table means.....

vote: lu

we need information desperately

Vote : Luissa

I feel much, much better about this vote.

VOTE: Luissa

I can get behind a Luissa lynch. She claims to be VT but now that people are talking about voting for her, she states we will regret it. (post 2608)

Vote: Luissa

Vote: Luissa

Come back here [MENTION=8806]manifold[/MENTION]

even with mani it is still only 5...we need someone to flip and flip quickly...mertix?

We have five now.
mani said he would go with the flow as long as it was not me or ma.......i am sure mertex would rather vote someone else out than have yourself voted out....

lu, it is never too late to fight back
I can get behind a Luissa lynch. She claims to be VT but now that people are talking about voting for her, she states we will regret it. (post 2608)

Vote: Luissa

You will. :lol:

I am townie, but I might get some joy out of you guys listening to two people who are probably scum.
Think about it. I have never played this game before, which could probably be why I don't post much, plus there is the whole fact I have a job and a six year old. Yet from day one Wolf and Mertex have been after me. [MENTION=8806]manifold[/MENTION] has known me for awhile, he knows I am not that sneaky. Others also know I can post quite a bit for a few days, then not very much, and it has been no different in this game. Look at my posts from last week, it's not like I have been posting a lot elsewhere. So one might assume I am telling the truth when I say I have been busy the last week with real life stuff.

I am guessing I will be lynched soon due to a few being played. So I will put this out there. Wolf is for sure scum, he has pushed hard for me since day one knowing full well I was new to the game, and Mertex has been a close second. Right now I think Wolf, Mertex, Bones, and maybe someone random could be scum.

At this point, I actually can't wait to be lynched. Of course with my profession, we may be on the right side of law sometimes, we are still sharks. And I will get a good laugh at how wrong some have been, well technically I will laugh at how well a few played you. To me, it is a bad move by scum, it will expose their game plan. I was an easy target, and two people pushed hard for me. ;)

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