Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

I'm still willing to die for Town. I put myself out there and the ones that wanted me out, Aye, Strollingbones, Mani, MeBelle didn't vote for me? Why? Maybe Mani wasn't keeping up, but Aye and Strollingbones were.....was it they were afraid it would be too obvious? It wasn't until after I took my vote off myself that they decided it was me? Why did they wait? Did they think it would be less obvious, to wait?

I'm still not afraid to die, but I noticed that Strollingbones sure started whimpering and sniveling as soon as her name came up....why is that? Aren't Townies supposed to not be afraid to die if it further the Town cause.

If Luissa is Mafia who is her partner? I can't think of anyone that she has aligned with, while SB has been working closely with Aye. Yet, I still think Aye is just going along with SB because she trusts her (much like I trusted Avatar in the first game). Even though Aye is suspect, I have a tendency to distrust R.D. more at this time.

R.D., the fact that you insist on keeping your vote on MeBelle knowing that Me and SB each have 4 votes (or had until everyone started switching) makes you suspect, also. TN said he would be willing to be the hammer if it was down to the wire, so at least he has an excuse, but you? Not voting makes it a definite no-lynch situation which we all know doesn't benefit Town. Now everyone has gone and switched their vote and the chances are that we'll end up with a no-lynch. That is not good for Town.

Go ahead and vote for me, all of you....I would rather die than have you all scampering again trying to figure out who scum is when it is right in front of your faces....arghhhh.

I'm not changing my vote. I think the Rosie/SB scenario makes perfect sense and SB sure was sniveling when her name came up, not too much like a Townie, to me.
o fuck this.....i dont feel good about the lu vote at for sniveling and whining.....i am simply trying to remain in the we all are suppose to far as giving myself up for the game....i cant do that yet...sorry.....

perhaps we dont need a hammer vote.....perhaps lu the town lawyer.....perhaps we all need to unvote

for now....we have a few more hours....


as i said i have no true direction in this matter....i am willing to waffle as much as it takes
Mertex-If you won't switch, that makes you as guilty as R.D. for causing a no-lynch.

Now it's up to manifold and TN.

I have a 5 year old and a job too. Lack of participation makes the game harder to play and generally scum don't have a need to be active.
Oh fuck it, now SB took her vote off Luissa.

I've had it with this game if you guys can't come to a consensus, we will be at a no-lynch and this game will be going until Dec.

I only hope you guys vote me out next or I'm killed.

Town has to be able to cooperate or scum have won.
I have to get busy with work, but I will say this before I am probably lynched. I voted for Bones, something a few protested quite a bit. :) Laters
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i really do not want to vote out another townie.....simple as that....

damn it lu....i dont like your hiding behind your knowing mani either....we need a solid alliance

if you join us...we have 5 votes...then all we have to do is decide how to use them....and not on each other damn it....
o you voted for me cause you are a dumbass.....

would you switch to mertex?

Maybe, she did protest me voting for you, then changed his mind. It now seems like she is pointing the finger at you.
I do know, I need to get some work done so I don't get fired. :lol:
@ me if need be.
i dont @ people that is just annoying.....okay lets ponder this for a few and then decide give mani a chance to get back....and i still wanna hear from tn about the vote table....
You guys have formed an alliance against other townies due to your friendships on the board. Yes, I will vote for Mertex because that means you guys will line up and vote me out next if I'm not killed. Unfortunately it has been this way since I voted for mebelle.
You guys have formed an alliance against other townies due to your friendships on the board. Yes, I will vote for Mertex because that means you guys will line up and vote me out next if I'm not killed. Unfortunately it has been this way since I voted for mebelle.

Ummm, yay.

[MENTION=8806]manifold[/MENTION] is my bestest buddy :rolleyes:
No, SB. I already did that once. All the strong arming now doesn't sit well with me. All the compromises are being made by the same few.

And now you make this comment, which makes me think you're not Scum after all. I still think SB is mafia.....the Rosie scenario makes perfect sense...Rosie was a good smart player, she figured that voting for her would get the FOS off SB and it appears to be working. Rosie even said she wished she had gotten off the game sooner. Now as for the third Mafia player, I'm at a loss, now that I don't think you are.

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