Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

One thing that has been bothering me is Manifold's play on the previous day. We are getting close to deadline and he changes his vote to the person who still needed 2 votes to be lynched (Wolf) instead of lynching the other person (Aye). After he does that he THEN asks others why they think Aye is more suspect that Wolf.

As Mertex has already mentioned today, Manifold has been very quiet and flying under the radar. Sure he's thrown out some posts that looked helpful to finding scum, but I wonder if we look at them now we will see they really weren't helpful at all.

I also don't think he ever gave a reason why he thought Wolf was more scummy than Aye. That could mean that Aye is his partner. I have some investigating to do. ;)
It turned out after Game 1 ended that the least suspicious turned out to be the Mafia, so I'm turning my list upside down...

My list of most Scummy to least now reads.....:








Luissa never gives much of an explanation as to why. My suspicion is that she doesn't even read the posts, doesn't have to because Mafia knows who is who. She accused me of coming after her when in reality I had been defending her, which clearly says to me she hasn't been reading the posts. A smart Townie reads the posts to make sure they don't miss anything....Luissa, not so much, so flags have been going up.

R.D. not really suspicious, but because you are not suspicious, I'm beginning to get suspicious....does that make sense?

Mani, you haven't been saying much. You offer some helpful comments but have never come under fire, which makes me suspicious of you.

TN, I really can't read you very well. You've been quiet and haven't really come after anyone, which is highly suspect. Most of us Townies have stuck our necks out for someone, whether they turned out to be Town or Mafia. The fact that you have remained neutral seems scummy to me.

Shaitra, I wasn't really suspicious of you, thinking you are Town, but that alone is not enough. You've played Mafia before, so you may just be exercising much care not to trip yourself.

MeBelle, for the longest time I was suspicious of you, but since nobody else has made the claim of being doctor, I relaxed my feelings. However, I don't understand why Mafia hasn't done you in...hmmmm since you claimed to be Doc.

AyeCantSeeYou, even though you annoy me with your posters and antics, I still don't get vibes that you are act like Mafia, but your voting pattern is helping to keep you off the radar.

You attacked me from the start, before I had a chance to do much of anything and now you are pissed I am onto why you spend most of your time causing drama and attacking others.

Sorry.....but go look at my posts again, I was actually defending you when Wolfsister or someone else was saying you were Scum and not posting and not helping. How you could misinterpret that is beyond me, unless you didn't read the posts. I re-posted them for you once, if you are not able to understand that, then you are either Scum or, you don't care.

Oh! Sorry, from almost the start of the game.
And I don't care for your comments towards me. Vote for me. I don't care if you do that, I do care about your rude comments today.
This game was suppose to be fun. You have kind of ruined that for me. So go right ahead and vote me out of the game.

I have my vote in, I am not changing it. So as of right now I am done with this round. I won't argue all day and all night on how much I care about a game I just started playing and knew a little about.
Mertex, this is my first time playing of course I am not going to be the Jordan of mafia games my first time out... Of course that is what you expected.
And you haven't defended me one bit. All you have done is attack.
Another reason I have suspected you for awhile. Anytime someone votes for you, you become dramatic, just like Rosie.
My vote still stands, either way.
If you have a problem with that, too bad. Get over it, it's a game.

Maybe that is something you need to remember, getting all emotional over being called Dummy....."Lying, cheating scum" is a lot worse, so I guess we need to refrain from calling you that even though you are sounding more and more like it.

When everyone was voting for you, I didn't.....when Wolfsister claimed you weren't helping much I told her she wasn't either, so go ahead and quote one of my posts where I was attacking you. The first time I came after you was when you lied about this very same thing....saying that I attacked you when you first entered the game and that is a flat-out lie. Either quote me or shut up.
mani, who else are you suspicious of?

One thing that has been bothering me is Manifold's play on the previous day. We are getting close to deadline and he changes his vote to the person who still needed 2 votes to be lynched (Wolf) instead of lynching the other person (Aye). After he does that he THEN asks others why they think Aye is more suspect that Wolf.

As Mertex has already mentioned today, Manifold has been very quiet and flying under the radar. Sure he's thrown out some posts that looked helpful to finding scum, but I wonder if we look at them now we will see they really weren't helpful at all.

I also don't think he ever gave a reason why he thought Wolf was more scummy than Aye. That could mean that Aye is his partner. I have some investigating to do. ;)

I have my doubts about them both, one or the other maybe but not both of them.

Luissa playing dumb is gettin old too.
You attacked me from the start, before I had a chance to do much of anything and now you are pissed I am onto why you spend most of your time causing drama and attacking others.

Sorry.....but go look at my posts again, I was actually defending you when Wolfsister or someone else was saying you were Scum and not posting and not helping. How you could misinterpret that is beyond me, unless you didn't read the posts. I re-posted them for you once, if you are not able to understand that, then you are either Scum or, you don't care.

Oh! Sorry, from almost the start of the game.
And I don't care for your comments towards me. Vote for me. I don't care if you do that, I do care about your rude comments today.
This game was suppose to be fun. You have kind of ruined that for me. So go right ahead and vote me out of the game.

I have my vote in, I am not changing it. So as of right now I am done with this round. I won't argue all day and all night on how much I care about a game I just started playing and knew a little about.

Oh gawd.....another melodramatic diva. I don't care if you vote for me, but don't lie and say that it is because you think I'm is because you are Scum and you know that I am a Townie. Your non-participation was at first thought of just because you were on a phone and didn't have that much time....but you are all over the board and apparently don't have a just don't want to waste your time reading posts and trying to figure out who is town because you already know that, don't you.

Sorry.....but go look at my posts again, I was actually defending you when Wolfsister or someone else was saying you were Scum and not posting and not helping. How you could misinterpret that is beyond me, unless you didn't read the posts. I re-posted them for you once, if you are not able to understand that, then you are either Scum or, you don't care.

Oh! Sorry, from almost the start of the game.

And I don't care for your comments towards me. Vote for me. I don't care if you do that, I do care about your rude comments today.

This game was suppose to be fun. You have kind of ruined that for me. So go right ahead and vote me out of the game.

I have my vote in, I am not changing it. So as of right now I am done with this round. I won't argue all day and all night on how much I care about a game I just started playing and knew a little about.

Oh gawd.....another melodramatic diva. I don't care if you vote for me, but don't lie and say that it is because you think I'm is because you are Scum and you know that I am a Townie. Your non-participation was at first thought of just because you were on a phone and didn't have that much time....but you are all over the board and apparently don't have a just don't want to waste your time reading posts and trying to figure out who is town because you already know that, don't you.


You are calling me melodramatic diva? After you called me a dummy and said I didn't care/sucked at the game because I voted for you? :lol:
Look in the mirror, honey.
Vote for me, see who looks dumb if I am voted out.
Like I said I am not going to play that game. I voted, let me know if I am voted out. Other than That I will check back in later to see how this round is going.
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Zone 1 rules apply here. Please keep it civil.

Vote Count incoming.
Vote Count 5.1​
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

Not Voting (4): Mebelle60♀, manifold♂, tn5421♂, R.D.♀

Luissa (2): Shaitra♀, Mertex♀
Mertex (2): AyeCantSeeYou♀, Luissa♀

~ With 8 players, it takes 5 to lynch!
~ Deadline expires 6/25/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Zone 1 USMB rules are enacted.

The Road So Far...​

Town Cop ~
Town Doctor ~
Town Jailkeeper ~ Grandma
Town Bodyguard ~ strollingbones
Vanilla Townie ~
Vanilla Townie ~ Sameech
Vanilla Townie ~
Vanilla Townie ~
Vanilla Townie ~ Avatar4321
Vanilla Townie ~
Vanilla Townie ~ Wolfsister77
Mafia Godfather ~
Mafia Roleblocker ~
Mafia Goon ~ RosieS

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10 | 1.11 | 1.12 | 1.13 | 1.14 | 1.15
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4
3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4
4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 4.4 | 4.5 | 4.6 | 4.7 | 4.8 | 4.9 | 4.10 | 4.11 | 4.12 | 4.13 | 4.14

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Vote Count 5.1​

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

Not Voting (5): Luissa♀, Mebelle60♀, manifold♂, tn5421♂, R.D.♀

Luissa (2): Shaitra, Mertex

Mertex (1): AyeCantSeeYou

~ With 8 players, it takes 5 to lynch!

~ Deadline expires 6/25/14, @ 4pm central.

~ Zone 1 USMB rules are enacted.

The Road So Far...​

Town Cop ~

Town Doctor ~

Town Jailkeeper ~ Grandma

Town Bodyguard ~ strollingbones

Vanilla Townie ~

Vanilla Townie ~ Sameech

Vanilla Townie ~

Vanilla Townie ~

Vanilla Townie ~ Avatar4321

Vanilla Townie ~

Vanilla Townie ~ Wolfsister77

Mafia Godfather ~

Mafia Roleblocker ~

Mafia Goon ~ RosieS

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10 | 1.11 | 1.12 | 1.13 | 1.14 | 1.15

2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4

3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4

4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 4.4 | 4.5 | 4.6 | 4.7 | 4.8 | 4.9 | 4.10 | 4.11 | 4.12 | 4.13 | 4.14

I also voted for Mertex. [MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION]
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One thing that has been bothering me is Manifold's play on the previous day. We are getting close to deadline and he changes his vote to the person who still needed 2 votes to be lynched (Wolf) instead of lynching the other person (Aye). After he does that he THEN asks others why they think Aye is more suspect that Wolf.

As Mertex has already mentioned today, Manifold has been very quiet and flying under the radar. Sure he's thrown out some posts that looked helpful to finding scum, but I wonder if we look at them now we will see they really weren't helpful at all.

I also don't think he ever gave a reason why he thought Wolf was more scummy than Aye. That could mean that Aye is his partner. I have some investigating to do. ;)

Investigate all you want. :)

You'll find I'm a townie.
I am kind of hoping I get voted out. That way, I know Mertex will probably be next. She seems too touchy, like Rosie.
I am kind of hoping I get voted out. That way, I know Mertex will probably be next. She seems too touchy, like Rosie.

But if you are town, we need you to help us.
Damn, I thought for sure it would be easier to figure I'm at a total loss....

Let's get this party started!

VOTE: Mertex

There are 3 players that haven't voted for scum. All 3 can't be a coincidence. Of those 3, Mertex has been the most suspicious to me throughout the game. In line after her would be RD. Luissa has come across as town.


So. The Bodyguard, SB believed Mebelle and probably protected her and is dead.

Gee, who a saw that coming?

How could she have voted if she was pink?

Was it a straight Mod kill?

There was no announcement on whether she was going to be replaced or not.

Yeah, she was pinked before the night came, so she couldn't have submitted the name of who she wanted to protect.

Most mods will let you submit actions before night happens.


Who are you suspicious of at this point?

I haven't done my own reads list yet today, so here we go.

~~~Line of Lynchability~~~

Vote: Mertex

It would not honestly surprise me to learn that Mertex and Luissa were scum bussing each other
Oh! Sorry, from almost the start of the game.

And I don't care for your comments towards me. Vote for me. I don't care if you do that, I do care about your rude comments today.

This game was suppose to be fun. You have kind of ruined that for me. So go right ahead and vote me out of the game.

I have my vote in, I am not changing it. So as of right now I am done with this round. I won't argue all day and all night on how much I care about a game I just started playing and knew a little about.

Oh gawd.....another melodramatic diva. I don't care if you vote for me, but don't lie and say that it is because you think I'm is because you are Scum and you know that I am a Townie. Your non-participation was at first thought of just because you were on a phone and didn't have that much time....but you are all over the board and apparently don't have a just don't want to waste your time reading posts and trying to figure out who is town because you already know that, don't you.


You are calling me melodramatic diva? After you called me a dummy and said I didn't care/sucked at the game because I voted for you? :lol:
Look in the mirror, honey.
Vote for me, see who looks dumb if I am voted out.

Yeah, well, vote for me and see how much past "dummy" you are going to appear.
I am kind of hoping I get voted out. That way, I know Mertex will probably be next. She seems too touchy, like Rosie.

I'm not the one whining and crying because someone called me "dummy".....:lol::lol:

Time for you to put your big girl panties on, Luissa, if you want to play.....of course, it may all be part of your Mafia cover-up....:lol::lol:

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