Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Here is my read:

Scum: Scarlet, FA_Q2, Avatar

Everyone else Town.

Regards from Rosie

Based on what exactly?

Scarlet based on the reset -she knows what that means.

FA based upon being slimy like Manifold.

And you on your urge to direct everyone else that shows when you are Scum.

Regards from Rosie

Not only that, FA and Avi are both voting for me, what a coincidence. Scum wanting to start a wagon....hmmmm, easy lynch is what they are hoping.

Girl power...

Vote Avatar

Why do you have to kill Mani Rosie?

He drove the bus that caused my being lynched as Scum in Game Two. I owe him a death.

Regards from Rosie

I believe this is the line of reasoning which Avatar is railing against. Past game voting should not come into play here. The same way Mebelle's hammers should not have come into play in game 3. You said she "deserved to see how it felt" and you to started a wagon on MeBelle and SR drove it home. This type of play is NOT good for town, period. I've not clue if this is a game ploy for you or if you may be scum repeating past game play to get people to think you are avenging some past slight.

Vote: Rosie

Leaning town:


Leaning scum:


Reasoning is simple, everyone states Grandma has a way of bringing town together, I don't see that yet. But it may be early and my vision my be skewed because of the reset. I
Vote: Cafe

I want to see what happens here and stop people from jumping all over each fad.

AS for the mason thing, as much wifom around the masons is good. I could be a mason. I might not. The people I listed could be my partners. They might not. So will you be my mason?

Oh TN, I actually AM a lawyer in real life. I do DUI defense.
Weird reasoning. I state you read town to me, but found a comment a little out of place, and say you still read town to me and then you say "I'm jumping on a fad?" Thus your vote for me? Guess I don't know the game lingo enough yet to know what jumping on a fad means. I'll learn, I suppose.
Nope. Everyone's fad jumping. It's not personal to you. That just means following what's shiny. No one sits still. I use achronistic expressions from time to time.
My first vote in the game was for Rosie- for the same reason since she mentioned past vendetta and a NK. So I can't see any fad TBH. I switched my vote to Grandma, because I did not realize the game had been totally reset. Either way, past game vendettas should never be a reason to vote for someone. It's bad for town.
My vote was just 2 pages in or post 23 on this thread. My vote is not "fad" it's my original vote. I suppose one might see something that is not there though.
CaféAuLait;9486973 said:
My vote was just 2 pages in or post 23 on this thread. My vote is not "fad" it's my original vote. I suppose one might see something that is not there though.

And you are not seeing what is there. Avatar cannot even string the phrase "let TN defend TN" together...not even once despite it being the topic of discussion with him by a few of us,

and yet you tunnel early on a vote and phrase way back close to the reset.. I also had reasons for FA and Avatar - but you tunneled instead.

Perhaps your username should be "Mole".

Regards from Rosie
CaféAuLait;9486973 said:
My vote was just 2 pages in or post 23 on this thread. My vote is not "fad" it's my original vote. I suppose one might see something that is not there though.

And you are not seeing what is there. Avatar cannot even string the phrase "let TN defend TN" together...not even once despite it being the topic of discussion with him by a few of us,

and yet you tunnel early on a vote and phrase way back close to the reset.. I also had reasons for FA and Avatar - but you tunneled instead.

Perhaps your username should be "Mole".

Regards from Rosie

My vote has nothing to do with TN but your seeming constant need to bring up old vendettas, there is more than one example in the game so far of this behavior Something I mentioned before Avatar did, as far as I recall. SR calls my vote "a fad", she explains it's going for something shiny. Well

Problem I see with that reasoning is everyone seems to be voting Avatar, given SRs reasoning this is a fad as well- avatar is shiny right now, because people feel he is defending TN. .

As far as I can tell the only reason people are going after TN is the fact I mentioned he was scum before the reset, which I did not know anything of how it worked.

If I see TN making scummy posts or feel AVatar is being scummy somehow, then I'll switch votes. Until then, it will remain where it is.
Vote: Cafe

I want to see what happens here and stop people from jumping all over each fad.

AS for the mason thing, as much wifom around the masons is good. I could be a mason. I might not. The people I listed could be my partners. They might not. So will you be my mason?

Oh TN, I actually AM a lawyer in real life. I do DUI defense.

I know about your lawyering.

I don't mind being your mason if you answer me this.

What is your preferred zerg-hunting weapon?
Vote: Cafe

I want to see what happens here and stop people from jumping all over each fad.

AS for the mason thing, as much wifom around the masons is good. I could be a mason. I might not. The people I listed could be my partners. They might not. So will you be my mason?

Oh TN, I actually AM a lawyer in real life. I do DUI defense.

I know about your lawyering.

I don't mind being your mason if you answer me this.

What is your preferred zerg-hunting weapon?
What's a Zerg?

What does wifom mean?

Is there a defense to DUI? (j/k :smiliehug:)
I gave you two reasons why I am voting for you mertex. Neither were revenge for game 2. And neither have been addressed.

Interestingly Rosie is acting quite a bit like she was in game 2. Makes me wonder if she is scum again.

If you guys think I am scum because I objected to jumping on the TN wagon I don't know that I can reason with you. I am simply tired of lynches occurring because of revenge or activity from other games or activity irrelevant to this game. It doesn't help us win. My vote has been because of what I've seen so far in this game.
I gave you two reasons why I am voting for you mertex. Neither were revenge for game 2. And neither have been addressed.

Interestingly Rosie is acting quite a bit like she was in game 2. Makes me wonder if she is scum again.

If you guys think I am scum because I objected to jumping on the TN wagon I don't know that I can reason with you. I am simply tired of lynches occurring because of revenge o or activity irrelevant to this game. It doesn't help us win. My vote has been because of what I've seen so far in this game.
You hedge every post.
So far my reads are:

Leaning Town


Leaning Scum
So far my reads are:

Leaning Town


Leaning Scum

Well, you're not helping town. I know I'm not Scum. Avatar and FA are wanting to get a wagon going...that sounds scummy to me. You putting Avatar into Town sounds scummy, two wouldn't be working together again, would you?
You seem to be going for me hard R.D. Rosie is too. It's very interesting considering I haven't really gone after either of you, though I have made a note of Rosie.

Why are you two being so defensive of Mertex? Or was it the fact that I went for Grandma first? You seem to be on me for defending TN despite the fact that I have no problem lynching him if we have evidence. Yet, I give reasons based on responses this game for mertex and you guys get really defensive. Why? I can't imagine that it's because the three of you are all the scum, though i suspect at least one of you may be.

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