Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

There's no wagon on TN. Only me and you are voting for him so far, RD. I'm not scum, so that would leave you if SR insists someone voting for TN is scum.

Mertex and grandma were voting before. I think that's the basis.

Are you even reading the posts? I voted for Rosie, changed to tn and now voting for Shiatra. I checked and last count Grandma wasn't even voting. And, she had voted for MeBelle. You know, they say that Scum doesn't have to read the posts because they already know who is Town.....but you're making a big mistake by not reading them and then making such a comment. That is very scummy.

And, I'm going to be away for the rest of the afternoon, but I will gladly talk to you when I get back.

Please do get back to me.

Keep in mind the TN wagon is not why I have Voted for you.
Around that time, yes.

Not really, Grandma unvoted in post 113, Mertex changed her vote in 121, and SR asked her question in post 139. Wake posted VC 1.2 in post 142. Time-wise, Grandma and Mertex changed their votes yesterday evening and SR asked her question around 11am central time today.

Actually she first said it on post 80 ( long before those two changed their vote


SR claims that the wagon on TN started way to fast and I agree. She explained her resoning in post 87 ( Then people start jumping off….

That does seem suspicious to me. That is the best that we have to go on at this time and I agree with Avatar’s reasoning as well – grandma does not read scummy at this time. Metex also jumped off the TN wagon for an OMGUS vote to Shiatra – OMGUS votes are scumy as well IMHO.
A bunch of votes, maybe that's what they're talking about?

It's a bunch of votes with no reasons attached, which tells me nothing.

I do understand what TN is saying though. Yes, there are several votes for him so far, but other than he accidentally replied to all on a pm which was corrected with the reset, what evidence is there that supports the votes?

Basically this. I don't think I could have said it any better myself.


I find it funny that everyone is like "TN needs to get here to defend himself" but don't really offer anything to defend against.

Of course not, it's RVS. But you've got to admit you seem to have scum tattooed to your forehead :D

The suggestion was more that instead of Avi pointing out the obvious, you can address your accusers yourself.

Using past games to suggest past games shouldn't be used is overthinking lawyerly doublethink at its best. Not very town like, but because of previous games we know it's his style, and nothing can be gleened from it.

I wasn't here to do so at the time. I still don't see many real questions directed at me, but I am answering the questions I do see.


How do town masons and vanilla townies work together?

Any role claims at this point only helps scum, since they definitely want to target masons for NKs.

So without implying or revealing one's townie role, how do we work together? Three games in and I still don't feel like I have a clue about how town is supposed to work as a team.

That's just it - there's no real way of knowing who you can trust in this game. Even those that have told their roles in prior games weren't believed by many. Any way you look at it, we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

Only 6 players know for sure the alignments of others; 3 scum who know each other and 3 masons who know each other.


TN, can you be my mason? RD, be my mason too. As long as you stop implying lawyers are scum, we'll be good to go.

Some lawyers are scum. Some scum are lawyers. Titus is neither in real life and probably neither in this game, as well.

Can I be in masons with you?


Promotion. We don't need a promotion. We jyst need to town it up.

Enough theory.

Who do you think is scum on the wagon on TN?

Strictly based on this question, on the assumption there has to be one.

Grandma or Aye


There's no wagon on TN. Only me and you are voting for him so far, RD. I'm not scum, so that would leave you if SR insists someone voting for TN is scum.

There were 4 votes on me not too long ago.


Not really, Grandma unvoted in post 113, Mertex changed her vote in 121, and SR asked her question in post 139. Wake posted VC 1.2 in post 142. Time-wise, Grandma and Mertex changed their votes yesterday evening and SR asked her question around 11am central time today.

Actually she first said it on post 80 ( long before those two changed their vote


SR claims that the wagon on TN started way to fast and I agree. She explained her resoning in post 87 ( Then people start jumping off….

That does seem suspicious to me. That is the best that we have to go on at this time and I agree with Avatar’s reasoning as well – grandma does not read scummy at this time. Metex also jumped off the TN wagon for an OMGUS vote to Shiatra – OMGUS votes are scumy as well IMHO.

Grandma rolled scum before The Reset. And I've been scum a few times in a row, so don't discount the possibility.
Just to clarify my votes:

Post 22, 07-19-2014, 07:15 PM, RVS vote:

Nor should they.

vote: MeBelle

because she's unlucky 13:D

Post 32, 07-19-2014, 08:14 PM

Quote: Originally Posted by CaféAuLait View Post
Grandma, not sure about PM's which I see went to her and three others. hummm

Leaning scum for Grandma, since she did get those PMs and seems to be unaware of what they meant

I came here first, then the computer wanted to update & restart, then I stepped on the poor cat's tail and had to profusely apologize to her, then I finished reading here, and finally I checked the PMs.

Damn, that ruins everything. I had such a wonderfully scummy plan all worked out too!


Vote: TN

because a facepalm just isn't enough.:mad:

Post 51, Yesterday, 02:25 AM

Quote: Originally Posted by ScarletRage View Post
Masons get a QT. That's how I knew TN was scum, in the prior game.

TN is getting wagoned too fast for my liking but he's also townreading me to quick too.

Bleh, will read tomorrow when sober.

For now... I leave you to eavesdrop on the house and observe drama.

I only voted for him because I was pissed off.

Post 113, Yesterday, 07:49 PM

I voted for TN because I got caught up in the drama and was very pissed off. Now that I've calmed down a bit I'm going to

vote: unvote

for now.

My voting has nothing to do with anyone else's reads, it's anger issues and RVS - up until my unvote. Now I'm ready to start reading others.
Reads List:

Grandma - town
Avatar - could go either way right now - some posts read town, others scum
RD - town
Manifold - suspicious in that he's not contributing much, but I also know that's his meta. He's played the same way whether he was town or scum.
Mertex - suspicious as well - some posts come across as town, others as scum
FA - need more info - could go either way
SR - reading town

I'm going to hold off on voting for a few days until I get a better picture of all of us playing. Not even sure if a reads list will even help this early on, but thought I'd let everyone know where I am in it right now.
So telling you not to lynch based on irrelevant info is scummy to you?

Like you were told repeatedly, the topic was letting TN defend himself. Your continual deflection from that being what it was about as pertains to you is

S C U M M I E S T.

Get it yet?

Regards from Rosie
Here is my read:

Scum: Scarlet, FA_Q2, Avatar

Everyone else Town.

Regards from Rosie

I was reading SR as town, until she asked some to be her mason-thought this was a bit theatrical. Still leaning town though- for now.

I don't have very many reads yet to be honest.

Avatar always seems to take the devil advocate spot, so that does not seem strange to me at all.
So telling you not to lynch based on irrelevant info is scummy to you?

Like you were told repeatedly, the topic was letting TN defend himself. Your continual deflection from that being what it was about as pertains to you is

S C U M M I E S T.

Get it yet?

Regards Rosie

You realize you haven't made him defend anything because there is no substance to the votes, right ?
So telling you not to lynch based on irrelevant info is scummy to you?

Like you were told repeatedly, the topic was letting TN defend himself. Your continual deflection from that being what it was about as pertains to you is

S C U M M I E S T.

Get it yet?

Regards Rosie

You realize you haven't made him defend anything because there is no substance to the votes, right ?
This is first vote, there is no substance to read into unless people post. You're constant declaring which posts are worthy seems, well.....scummy
Like you were told repeatedly, the topic was letting TN defend himself. Your continual deflection from that being what it was about as pertains to you is

S C U M M I E S T.

Get it yet?

Regards Rosie

You realize you haven't made him defend anything because there is no substance to the votes, right ?
This is first vote, there is no substance to read into unless people post. You're constant declaring which posts are worthy seems, well.....scummy

You're only saying that because I've been suggesting that your wagon based on what happened in prior games is anti town.

You realize you haven't made him defend anything because there is no substance to the votes, right ?
This is first vote, there is no substance to read into unless people post. You're constant declaring which posts are worthy seems, well.....scummy

You're only saying that because I've been suggesting that your wagon based on what happened in prior games is anti town.

Nah. I think that "logic" is stale, overplayed and pretentious. Saying something doesn't make it so. But it does suggest you're unwilling to see other perspectives. Anti town or scum, I don't know :dunno:
Mertex and grandma were voting before. I think that's the basis.

Are you even reading the posts? I voted for Rosie, changed to tn and now voting for Shiatra. I checked and last count Grandma wasn't even voting. And, she had voted for MeBelle. You know, they say that Scum doesn't have to read the posts because they already know who is Town.....but you're making a big mistake by not reading them and then making such a comment. That is very scummy.

And, I'm going to be away for the rest of the afternoon, but I will gladly talk to you when I get back.

Please do get back to me.

Keep in mind the TN wagon is not why I have Voted for you.

You may be voting for me out of revenge that in game 2 I was so sure you were scum just because you were scum in Game 1. That is not a good Town position to take, I am Town this go-round and would like very much to work with other Townies in trying to find the Scum. I realize that the first lynch is usually a guess, but at least try to use some good reasoning before eliminating one of your own, unless, of course, you are Scum and have no problem with getting rid of a Townie. What exactly makes you think that I am Scum?
Not really, Grandma unvoted in post 113, Mertex changed her vote in 121, and SR asked her question in post 139. Wake posted VC 1.2 in post 142. Time-wise, Grandma and Mertex changed their votes yesterday evening and SR asked her question around 11am central time today.

Actually she first said it on post 80 ( long before those two changed their vote


SR claims that the wagon on TN started way to fast and I agree. She explained her resoning in post 87 ( Then people start jumping off….

That does seem suspicious to me. That is the best that we have to go on at this time and I agree with Avatar’s reasoning as well – grandma does not read scummy at this time. Metex also jumped off the TN wagon for an OMGUS vote to Shiatra – OMGUS votes are scumy as well IMHO.

Shaitra had an OMGUS vote on me, yet you didn't jump on that and say it was scummy? You seem a tad eager to start a wagon on me just because Avatar, without much reason has suggested that I am scum, and that in itself seems scummy.

Based on my experience from the last game, when I was Scum, I didn't want to vote for anyone that nobody else was voting on or had even mentioned, I felt that it would seem too obvious that I was Scum. I was doing what you are doing, jumping on someone else's suggestion in order to cover my tracks, which makes you appear rather scummy to me.

The reason that I had voted for tn was because of the information that was passed around at the beginning, that he had in essence let it out that he was Scum by asking for a link to the Scum QT. Someone then suggested that maybe Wake didn't really reassign the roles, and I couldn't remember if I had deleted my initial role pm....since the only one I remember seeing said I was Town. It made sense at the time, (that tn was scum) now, I'm not so sure.

Vote Count: 1.3

Mertex (2): , Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂
FA_Q2 (2): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀
Manifold (2): tn5421♂, RosieS♀
tn5421 (1): R.D.♀
Grandma (1): CafeAuLait♀
Avatar4321 (1): ScarletRage♀

Not Voting (4): Grandma♀, Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀, Mertex♀

~ With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 7/26/14, @ 3pm central.

1.1 | 1.2

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