Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

So far my reads are:

Leaning Town


Leaning Scum

Well, you're not helping town. I know I'm not Scum. Avatar and FA are wanting to get a wagon going...that sounds scummy to me. You putting Avatar into Town sounds scummy, two wouldn't be working together again, would you?

Funny, I haven't tried to get a wagon going for you. I am simply voting for you and I defended my reasoning. if anyone else wants to vote for you they are free to do so. If they want to vote for someone else, it doesn't matter to me. It's way too early to get wagons going.

Which is one of the reasons I objected to the TN wagon.

And I have no clue whether shaitra is scum or not. She isn't making my spidey sense tingle at the moment, but she is very crafty and i respect her as a player because she is difficult to read. She could be scum and if I find reason to think she is, I will vote for her. At this point I am tending toward town on her.
Cafe is falling for Avatar's line of bunkum, but R.D. is not.

That is plain to see.

Regards from Rosie

If you're accusing me of lying, could you tell me where I lied? As far as I can tell, I have not said anything I don't believe to be true.
You seem to be going for me hard R.D. Rosie is too. It's very interesting considering I haven't really gone after either of you, though I have made a note of Rosie.

Why are you two being so defensive of Mertex? Or was it the fact that I went for Grandma first? You seem to be on me for defending TN despite the fact that I have no problem lynching him if we have evidence. Yet, I give reasons based on responses this game for mertex and you guys get really defensive. Why? I can't imagine that it's because the three of you are all the scum, though i suspect at least one of you may be.

Oh poppycock. I'm simply replying to your posts because you talk out of both sides of your mouth. For example you never defended TN, you just keep posting how irrelevant others posts are for having voted him. In which case, thus far, all votes were just RVS to get the ball rolling.

I'm not being defensive of anyone or for myself. As far as I can tell Rosie vote you, how is that defending Mertex? I haven't even bothered to FOS you.

You're making no sense
So far my reads are:

Leaning Town


Leaning Scum

Well, you're not helping town. I know I'm not Scum. Avatar and FA are wanting to get a wagon going...that sounds scummy to me. You putting Avatar into Town sounds scummy, two wouldn't be working together again, would you?

Funny, I haven't tried to get a wagon going for you. I am simply voting for you and I defended my reasoning. if anyone else wants to vote for you they are free to do so. If they want to vote for someone else, it doesn't matter to me. It's way too early to get wagons going.

Which is one of the reasons I objected to the TN wagon.

And I have no clue whether shaitra is scum or not. She isn't making my spidey sense tingle at the moment, but she is very crafty and i respect her as a player because she is difficult to read. She could be scum and if I find reason to think she is, I will vote for her. At this point I am tending toward town on her.

Your only reason for voting for me was because I voted for tn. I have explained twice why I did that, and I have since removed my vote. You have no reason to vote for me other than you probably are scum and think that I'm an easy lynch. I probably am, considering I'm just a plain Townie but you aren't fooling anyone.

Shaitra voted for me out of the blue, just because I was scum last time, and when I returned the favor she then switched. What a coincidence that all of a sudden FA also thought I was scum. What have I said that makes you think I'm scum? You haven't explained anything, which makes you pretty scummy. That's why I found Rosie's feel that you, FA are scum to be accurate, plus I think Shaitra is your partner also.

My feel for scum:



Not able to tell:

Cafe is falling for Avatar's line of bunkum, but R.D. is not.

That is plain to see.

Regards from Rosie

If you're accusing me of lying, could you tell me where I lied? As far as I can tell, I have not said anything I don't believe to be true.

bun·kum [ búngkəm ]
nonsense: talk or writing dismissed as nonsensical or inaccurate

You are putting out nonsense ..A couple of players are falling for it. More than that aren't.

I myself am known for straight talking. If I were accusing you of lying, I would say you are lying.

Instead, I am saying your posts are bunkum.

Regards from Rosie.
Cafe is falling for Avatar's line of bunkum, but R.D. is not.

That is plain to see.

Regards from Rosie

If you're accusing me of lying, could you tell me where I lied? As far as I can tell, I have not said anything I don't believe to be true.

bun·kum [ búngkəm ]
nonsense: talk or writing dismissed as nonsensical or inaccurate

You are putting out nonsense ..A couple of players are falling for it. More than that aren't.

I myself am known for straight talking. If I were accusing you of lying, I would say you are lying.

Instead, I am saying your posts are bunkum.

Regards from Rosie.

If what I am writing is inaccurate than I'm not telling the truth about it.

So what is inaccurate? What part is nonsense? It's easy to make claims. Back them up Rosie:)
If you're accusing me of lying, could you tell me where I lied? As far as I can tell, I have not said anything I don't believe to be true.

bun·kum [ búngkəm ]
nonsense: talk or writing dismissed as nonsensical or inaccurate

You are putting out nonsense ..A couple of players are falling for it. More than that aren't.

I myself am known for straight talking. If I were accusing you of lying, I would say you are lying.

Instead, I am saying your posts are bunkum.

Regards from Rosie.

If what I am writing is inaccurate than I'm not telling the truth about it.

So what is inaccurate? What part is nonsense? It's easy to make claims. Back them up Rosie:)

Nope. Not gonna waste my time cutting and pasting your nonsense. I am not making a political this game everyone can read your bunkum themselves.

If they don't read, they are likely to fall for your latest bunkum.

There is no requirement for repetition of garbage from Scum in Mafia.

So, no, I will not repeat your Scum trash, Avatar.

Regards from Rosie

Vote Count: 1.4

Mertex (2): , Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂
FA_Q2 (2): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀
Avatar4321 (2): Mertex♀RosieS♀
Manifold (1): tn5421♂
tn5421 (1): R.D.♀
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀
CafeAuLait (1): ScarletRage♀

Not Voting (3): Grandma♀, Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀

~ With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 7/26/14, @ 3pm central.

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3
Well, you're not helping town. I know I'm not Scum. Avatar and FA are wanting to get a wagon going...that sounds scummy to me. You putting Avatar into Town sounds scummy, two wouldn't be working together again, would you?

Funny, I haven't tried to get a wagon going for you. I am simply voting for you and I defended my reasoning. if anyone else wants to vote for you they are free to do so. If they want to vote for someone else, it doesn't matter to me. It's way too early to get wagons going.

Which is one of the reasons I objected to the TN wagon.

And I have no clue whether shaitra is scum or not. She isn't making my spidey sense tingle at the moment, but she is very crafty and i respect her as a player because she is difficult to read. She could be scum and if I find reason to think she is, I will vote for her. At this point I am tending toward town on her.

Your only reason for voting for me was because I voted for tn. I have explained twice why I did that, and I have since removed my vote. You have no reason to vote for me other than you probably are scum and think that I'm an easy lynch. I probably am, considering I'm just a plain Townie but you aren't fooling anyone.

Shaitra voted for me out of the blue, just because I was scum last time, and when I returned the favor she then switched. What a coincidence that all of a sudden FA also thought I was scum. What have I said that makes you think I'm scum? You haven't explained anything, which makes you pretty scummy. That's why I found Rosie's feel that you, FA are scum to be accurate, plus I think Shaitra is your partner also.

My feel for scum:



Not able to tell:


I explained why I made that vote. It was a RVS vote.

If you go back and look, I didn't immediately move my vote after you OMGUS'd me. I unvoted for you because enough of your posts seemed town that I gave you a benefit of a doubt though you still have several posts that seem scummy. I'm not scum this game.
So far my reads are:

Leaning Town


Leaning Scum

I did my reads earlier at work and didn't have time to give some of my thoughts on why I was reading folks the way I was.

I'm leaning town on Cafe because she is asking questions and the feel of her posts are like they were in the last game.

Avatar's posts are much like the last couple of games where he was also town.

TN has already posted a lot more in this game than in his other games. Since he appears to be playing differently, I put that difference down to being town.

RD is also posting like she has in other games and is actively reading and calling people on their posts. She is probably my strongest town read at the moment.

For the people I have listed as null, it's mostly I haven't seen enough posts in this game to get a feel for them or haven't seen a post that screams town to me.

Both Rosie and Mertex have posted things that seem scummy and things that seem town. I'm leaning scum but not enough to vote just yet.
So far my reads are:

Leaning Town


Leaning Scum

I did my reads earlier at work and didn't have time to give some of my thoughts on why I was reading folks the way I was.

I'm leaning town on Cafe because she is asking questions and the feel of her posts are like they were in the last game.

Avatar's posts are much like the last couple of games where he was also town.

TN has already posted a lot more in this game than in his other games. Since he appears to be playing differently, I put that difference down to being town.

RD is also posting like she has in other games and is actively reading and calling people on their posts. She is probably my strongest town read at the moment.

For the people I have listed as null, it's mostly I haven't seen enough posts in this game to get a feel for them or haven't seen a post that screams town to me.

Both Rosie and Mertex have posted things that seem scummy and things that seem town. I'm leaning scum but not enough to vote just yet.

What are your thoughts on Mani?
Vote: Cafe

I want to see what happens here and stop people from jumping all over each fad.

AS for the mason thing, as much wifom around the masons is good. I could be a mason. I might not. The people I listed could be my partners. They might not. So will you be my mason?

Oh TN, I actually AM a lawyer in real life. I do DUI defense.

I know about your lawyering.

I don't mind being your mason if you answer me this.

What is your preferred zerg-hunting weapon?
What's a Zerg?

What does wifom mean?

Is there a defense to DUI? (j/k :smiliehug:)

A Zerg is an evil hive creature in Starcraft. My favorite Zerg killing weapon is a goliath. Air ground attacks... just get mobile detection and you're good to go. Siege Tanks close second. Of course, on the mafia section, I prefer to lynch them.

Wifom = Wine in front of me. It's basically a strategy term. If the scum think you are the mason, they want to shoot you. So you do something obviously not masony. Scum then think well shit... they can't be a mason. The next layer is well, that's what the mason wants me to think. But maybe they want me to think that's what they want me to think... so on and so forth.

LOL, yup, not driving, biologically registers high on the device, device is faulty (but Orwellian CA legislature limits that defense regarding breath machines), just to name a few.
You seem to be going for me hard R.D. Rosie is too. It's very interesting considering I haven't really gone after either of you, though I have made a note of Rosie.

Why are you two being so defensive of Mertex? Or was it the fact that I went for Grandma first? You seem to be on me for defending TN despite the fact that I have no problem lynching him if we have evidence. Yet, I give reasons based on responses this game for mertex and you guys get really defensive. Why? I can't imagine that it's because the three of you are all the scum, though i suspect at least one of you may be.

Why do you think you have to go after someone before they can scumread you?

This is solely because your play screams town. You looked rather scummy to me last game. I want to look under the hood.

Noted: Lack of engagement over my Cafe vote.

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