Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

CaféAuLait;9492507 said:

This is solely because your play screams town. You looked rather scummy to me last game. I want to look under the hood.

Noted: Lack of engagement over my Cafe vote.

Um, are you saying I did not engage you or RD did not engage you over your vote for me?

I'm saying no one really noticed it. So I moved on. I'm drawing reactions for later as I doubt I'm getting scum in the first five seconds.

Wait. Get reads. Set up traps. Scum fall in.
CaféAuLait;9492507 said:

This is solely because your play screams town. You looked rather scummy to me last game. I want to look under the hood.

Noted: Lack of engagement over my Cafe vote.

Um, are you saying I did not engage you or RD did not engage you over your vote for me?

I'm saying no one really noticed it. So I moved on. I'm drawing reactions for later as I doubt I'm getting scum in the first five seconds.

Wait. Get reads. Set up traps. Scum fall in.

Ok, just trying to get a feel for how you play the game.
Here's my list so far:

Scum -


Null -


Anti-Town -


Leaning Town -


Town -


My track record shows that I'm usually wrong...
Here's my list so far:

Scum -


Null -


Anti-Town -


Leaning Town -


Town -


My track record shows that I'm usually wrong...

Yes, you are wrong....I'm not Scum. Don't know why several of you think I'm Scum. When I was Scum in Game 3, nobody even suspected, now that I'm Town, you all want to make me into Scum, geez.... Don't be fooled....I'm definitely Town.
You're being overly, no make that WAY overly defensive. Plus, you aren't doing a lot to find scum.

Geez, what else are we supposed to do besides pick up clues on their posts? What is it that you are doing that I'm not doing?'re not trying to use your head, you missed picking me when I was Scum, so now that I'm Town, you are trying to make up for it.

Well, go ahead, vote for me and see how well your "actions to find scum" worked.
What am I doing that you aren't doing?

I'm hunting scum.

I'm not voting just yet. It's hard vote time, so I'm holding off for a bit.
What am I doing that you aren't doing?

I'm hunting scum.

I'm not voting just yet. It's hard vote time, so I'm holding off for a bit. how exactly do you hunt? Sounds like malarky/scummy to me.
I know about your lawyering.

I don't mind being your mason if you answer me this.

What is your preferred zerg-hunting weapon?
What's a Zerg?

What does wifom mean?

Is there a defense to DUI? (j/k :smiliehug:)

A Zerg is an evil hive creature in Starcraft. My favorite Zerg killing weapon is a goliath. Air ground attacks... just get mobile detection and you're good to go. Siege Tanks close second. Of course, on the mafia section, I prefer to lynch them.

Wifom = Wine in front of me. It's basically a strategy term. If the scum think you are the mason, they want to shoot you. So you do something obviously not masony. Scum then think well shit... they can't be a mason. The next layer is well, that's what the mason wants me to think. But maybe they want me to think that's what they want me to think... so on and so forth.

LOL, yup, not driving, biologically registers high on the device, device is faulty (but Orwellian CA legislature limits that defense regarding breath machines), just to name a few.
NO, no no. Nothing defeats the awesome power of the stimed bio ball with medivac support :badgrin:
What am I doing that you aren't doing?

I'm hunting scum.

I'm not voting just yet. It's hard vote time, so I'm holding off for a bit. how exactly do you hunt? Sounds like malarky/scummy to me.

Ask questions, get answers, vote and see reactions.

Game 4 and you are pretending that you have not even managed to get any idea on scum hunting?

We might not be the best at getting together and killing scum yet (game 3 was the first game that I think we would have finally lynched all the scum but did not get the chance to see) but many here are at least trying to locate scum.

Most minus you as you seem to busy guarding your own skin - something not very town-like.
I know about your lawyering.

I don't mind being your mason if you answer me this.

What is your preferred zerg-hunting weapon?
What's a Zerg?

What does wifom mean?

Is there a defense to DUI? (j/k :smiliehug:)

A Zerg is an evil hive creature in Starcraft. My favorite Zerg killing weapon is a goliath. Air ground attacks... just get mobile detection and you're good to go. Siege Tanks close second. Of course, on the mafia section, I prefer to lynch them.

Wifom = Wine in front of me. It's basically a strategy term. If the scum think you are the mason, they want to shoot you. So you do something obviously not masony. Scum then think well shit... they can't be a mason. The next layer is well, that's what the mason wants me to think. But maybe they want me to think that's what they want me to think... so on and so forth.

LOL, yup, not driving, biologically registers high on the device, device is faulty (but Orwellian CA legislature limits that defense regarding breath machines), just to name a few.

I was making a tongue in cheek reference to MineralZ Evolution, an arcade game. It has an annoying song that goes on and on about hunting Zergs with shotguns.
So far my reads are:

Leaning Town


Leaning Scum

I did my reads earlier at work and didn't have time to give some of my thoughts on why I was reading folks the way I was.

I'm leaning town on Cafe because she is asking questions and the feel of her posts are like they were in the last game.

Avatar's posts are much like the last couple of games where he was also town.

TN has already posted a lot more in this game than in his other games. Since he appears to be playing differently, I put that difference down to being town.

RD is also posting like she has in other games and is actively reading and calling people on their posts. She is probably my strongest town read at the moment.

For the people I have listed as null, it's mostly I haven't seen enough posts in this game to get a feel for them or haven't seen a post that screams town to me.

Both Rosie and Mertex have posted things that seem scummy and things that seem town. I'm leaning scum but not enough to vote just yet.

What are your thoughts on Mani?

I'm null on Mani at the moment. I need to see more posts from him.

So far my reads are:

Leaning Town


Leaning Scum

Why do I not exist?

You do exist. I knew I was missing a few people when I listed my reads at work but forgot to go back and add people in I had missed. Right now I read you as town. I think scum would be happy to be left off the list. But then again, that's WIFOM.

This is solely because your play screams town. You looked rather scummy to me last game. I want to look under the hood.

Noted: Lack of engagement over my Cafe vote.

First, WIFOM...der. Don't know how I forgot that :lol:

Why engage you, I read that vote to be exactly the same as your vote for me. I scream town because I am town. I looked scummy before because you were wrong
FOS on SR and TN for being nerds and using it as if it's your secret language.
What am I doing that you aren't doing?

I'm hunting scum.

I'm not voting just yet. It's hard vote time, so I'm holding off for a bit. how exactly do you hunt? Sounds like malarky/scummy to me.

Ask questions, get answers, vote and see reactions.

Game 4 and you are pretending that you have not even managed to get any idea on scum hunting?

We might not be the best at getting together and killing scum yet (game 3 was the first game that I think we would have finally lynched all the scum but did not get the chance to see) but many here are at least trying to locate scum.

Most minus you as you seem to busy guarding your own skin - something not very town-like.

That's not true. I've been reading your posts and checking your game play....but there really isn't much you can go by on the first day. To pretend that you are making a very informed decision is scummy. The fact that both you and Avatar jumped on a lame no-reason to go after me is scummy, and it's too bad, because that doesn't appear as scum hunting to me, just easy pick.

Well, if you succeed, I suggest others take a hard look at you, because I'm Town and you're only hurting Town by going after a Townie.
Avi and FA voted Metex with Shaitra and Grandma pointing to her as scum

At least one of those four are scum I think. With only two having votes so far ...

Avi and FA voted Metex with Shaitra and Grandma pointing to her as scum

At least one of those four are scum I think. With only two having votes so far ...


What's your reasoning for thinking I'm scum? Why are you so sure Mertex is town?
Avi and FA voted Metex with Shaitra and Grandma pointing to her as scum

At least one of those four are scum I think. With only two having votes so far ...


What's your reasoning for thinking I'm scum? Why are you so sure Mertex is town?

I'm not sure she is town. You're piling on for no reason I can follow

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