Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Actually today has had less involvement overall. I tend to apply more pressure and certainty with investment. I wasn't confused last game. I was just wrong.

Roles are independently assigned. TN has just as much chance of being scum as any other time. That's bullshit to townread him and bullshit to scumread him.

I'm also amazed you put in so many reads with most being null. Why bother?
Actually today has had less involvement overall. I tend to apply more pressure and certainty with investment. I wasn't confused last game. I was just wrong.

Roles are independently assigned. TN has just as much chance of being scum as any other time. That's bullshit to townread him and bullshit to scumread him.

I'm also amazed you put in so many reads with most being null. Why bother?

I mentioned confusion since you asked who was hexed first round, another someone said something about Mani IIRC and your response was "who where, I don't have time to read". As I said above it could be your flight and moving. I am unsure, but I giving what I see so far.

As far as my reads list, there are a total of 4 nulls, due to limited posts to glean info from. FA says null, but as stated I am leaning scum, it was a typo.
FOS on SR and TN for being nerds and using it as if it's your secret language.

It's a show and tell to SR on how to crumb things somewhat subtly.

And I want another buddy to play SC2 Arcade games with me, so that too.

Nothing really notable is happening right now so I don't really have much to contribute.
01) manifold♂ null
02) CafeAuLait♀ town
03) Avatar4321♂ town
04) AyeCantSeeYou♀ null
05) tn5421♂ Town? I can't imagine he picked up scum role three times in a row with the reset. But what do I know?
06) FA_Q2♂ leaning scum
07) ScarletRage♀ leaning scum now
08) R.D.♀ Townish
09) Shaitra♀null
10) Grandma♀ leaning scum for the same reason I gave earlier
11) Mertex♀ town
12) RosieS♀ leaning scum
13) MeBelle60♀ null

There ,I fixed it for you SR. :eusa_hand:

What I know so far in this game:

If you defend yourself against accusations, count on being called scum by someone.

If you ask someone something, count on being called scum by someone.

If you vote for someone, count on being called scum by someone.

If you don't vote for the same person someone else does, count on being called scum by someone.

If you vote too soon or not at the right time, count on being called scum by someone.

If you don't post enough or post too much for someone else to consider it normal, count on being called scum by someone.

In other words - damned if you do, damned if you don't.

What I know so far in this game:

If you defend yourself against accusations, count on being called scum by someone.

If you ask someone something, count on being called scum by someone.

If you vote for someone, count on being called scum by someone.

If you don't vote for the same person someone else does, count on being called scum by someone.

If you vote too soon or not at the right time, count on being called scum by someone.

If you don't post enough or post too much for someone else to consider it normal, count on being called scum by someone.

In other words - damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Mafiascum explained in 8 sentences! You go girl.
Avi and FA voted Metex with Shaitra and Grandma pointing to her as scum

At least one of those four are scum I think. With only two having votes so far ...


What's your reasoning for thinking I'm scum? Why are you so sure Mertex is town?

I'm not sure she is town. You're piling on for no reason I can follow

You should know me better than that by now, R.D. I don't pile on. I choose for myself. I pointed to Mertex as being scummy because as yet she's done nothing to hunt scum. It's been all about self-preservation with her. She automatically points to everyone voting for her as being scum. She is at the very least anti-town.
Here's my list so far:

Scum -


Null -


Anti-Town -


Leaning Town -


Town -


My track record shows that I'm usually wrong...

I don't like this massive hedge. Plus it gives Grandma an out regardless of the flip.

Define "hedge," please. I always put out these lists. It's good to compare each others' lists, and my lists can come in handy if I'm NK'd early as usual.
What's your reasoning for thinking I'm scum? Why are you so sure Mertex is town?

I'm not sure she is town. You're piling on for no reason I can follow

You should know me better than that by now, R.D. I don't pile on. I choose for myself. I pointed to Mertex as being scummy because as yet she's done nothing to hunt scum. It's been all about self-preservation with her. She automatically points to everyone voting for her as being scum. She is at the very least anti-town.

Hey Grandma,

Aside from my having no clue the game was reset, the same way you did not know, and my complete confusion about what had happened, what exactly reads anti-town about me?
Cafe, You're reading anti-town because you obsessed too much on the reset kerfuffle.

In Post 29 you said I leaned scum because I wasn't aware what the new PMs meant.
I knew what they meant. I came here to this thread first, saw the drama going on, then I read the PMs.

Post 33 you asked "Grandma, Wake fixed it and sent new roles?"
And I answered yes.

So in Post 35 you say:
Grandma, not sure about PM's which I see went to her and three others. hummm
Leaning scum for Grandma, since she did get those PMs and seems to be unaware of what they meant

Even though in Post 32 I said:
I came here first, then the computer wanted to update & restart, then I stepped on the poor cat's tail and had to profusely apologize to her, then I finished reading here, and finally I checked the PMs.

Damn, that ruins everything. I had such a wonderfully scummy plan all worked out too!

In Posts 56 and 59 you said you were targeting the recipients of the first PM: TN, FA, me, and Scarlet.

Then in post 66 you said you'd target those that said they did not get new roles.

I already said that I did get a new role.

You continued the obsession on the new roles through Post 123. then you left. You came back Post 173.

You have no reason to vote for me, or for anyone else, based on the role reset that you obsessed on halfway through the game.

From Post 173 on, you seemed interested in why others were voting, but you didn't offer up anything of use yourself.

So, as of now, you're no longer anti-town on my list, you're probably scum.
Vote Count: 1.5

FA_Q2 (3): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀, R.D.♀
Mertex (2): Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂
Avatar4321 (2): Mertex♀RosieS♀
Manifold (1): tn5421♂
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀
R.D. (1): ScarletRage♀

Not Voting (3): Grandma♀, Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀

~ With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 7/26/14, @ 3pm central.

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4
What's your reasoning for thinking I'm scum? Why are you so sure Mertex is town?

I'm not sure she is town. You're piling on for no reason I can follow

You should know me better than that by now, R.D. I don't pile on. I choose for myself. I pointed to Mertex as being scummy because as yet she's done nothing to hunt scum. It's been all about self-preservation with her. She automatically points to everyone voting for her as being scum. She is at the very least anti-town.

You hunt for scum in your own way, and I'll hunt for scum my way. I have been reading all the posts and based on my previous game (when I was Scum and I could see the way that Town was pointing at other Townies as Scum) and the way that they were evaluating why they thought someone was Scum and I'm applying some of that in my choice. You obviously are not doing a very good job, because I happen to be Town, so your analysis is failing somehow. And your claim that I'm not hunting scum is lame.

Yes, I want to remain in the game, after all, that is our Win condition, to try and stay alive and lynch Scum. If I die, at least I hope that those who voted for me will not be overlooked by the rest of the Town, because obviously, some will be Scum. And, right now, I'm thinking that FA and Avatar are sounding a lot like Scum, and since FA already has several others thinking that he is Scum, I'm going to switch my vote to him.

Hitch up the wagon... :doubt:

I haven't seen anything really scummy from FA.

From my scummy 5 (remember that I just added in Cafe) I'm trying to choose one.

The strongest reads are Avi and Mani. Both are "off." Avi's bossy and not flooding the board with posts. Mani's very few posts are very empty.

The one thing that really stands out to me is Mani's Post 134:

How do town masons and vanilla townies work together?

Any role claims at this point only helps scum, since they definitely want to target masons for NKs.

So without implying or revealing one's townie role, how do we work together? Three games in and I still don't feel like I have a clue about how town is supposed to work as a team.

He's not that much of a noob. That post bugs the hell out of me.

Vote: Manifold
Cafe, You're reading anti-town because you obsessed too much on the reset kerfuffle.

In Post 29 you said I leaned scum because I wasn't aware what the new PMs meant.
I knew what they meant. I came here to this thread first, saw the drama going on, then I read the PMs.

Post 33 you asked "Grandma, Wake fixed it and sent new roles?"
And I answered yes.

So in Post 35 you say:
Grandma, not sure about PM's which I see went to her and three others. hummm
Leaning scum for Grandma, since she did get those PMs and seems to be unaware of what they meant

Even though in Post 32 I said:
I came here first, then the computer wanted to update & restart, then I stepped on the poor cat's tail and had to profusely apologize to her, then I finished reading here, and finally I checked the PMs.

Damn, that ruins everything. I had such a wonderfully scummy plan all worked out too!

In Posts 56 and 59 you said you were targeting the recipients of the first PM: TN, FA, me, and Scarlet.

Then in post 66 you said you'd target those that said they did not get new roles.

I already said that I did get a new role.

You continued the obsession on the new roles through Post 123. then you left. You came back Post 173.

You have no reason to vote for me, or for anyone else, based on the role reset that you obsessed on halfway through the game.

From Post 173 on, you seemed interested in why others were voting, but you didn't offer up anything of use yourself.

So, as of now, you're no longer anti-town on my list, you're probably scum.


When I was speaking to you this is how the convo went:

your post 22 you voted for Mebelle. after Avatar voted you.

my post 23 stated TN outed himself as scum in PM

your post 25 you say "TN did what, I always miss the good stuff?

( side note: as we are posting you are scum since you state later you were unaware of the reset and did not receive the PM change yet)

my post 26 asks if you got a PM change

my post 29 says I think it is weird you did not get the any PM and lean scum for you

you came back post 32 and said you came to the thread first then got the PM about the role change and then vote for TN

post 33 I say Wake sent a new role?

post 34 you said "yup"

post 35 I make a joke about Grandma was scum and no one would suspect put a big green smiley - but admittedly was still confused as I still did not know the game was reset. I was still thinking only the people who saw the PMs got a new role PM.

post 56 I vote for you because two players posts were confusing and made it sound like they did not get new roles, ( IIRC Mertex and Aye) this made me still think only the four of us who saw the PM got new roles.

Then you and I started asking Wake for confirmation if everyone got new roles and the issue was cleared.


My vote is not on you. I have put up reads, and one said something along these lines after stating "people always say Grandma brings town together and I have not seen that yet, but maybe its too soon." I thought this might be suspicious and mentioned it.

I asked why you read me as anti-town and if that may have been because of my last few reads on you.

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