Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

And my vote's not on you. It's on Mani. You're reading scum, but not anywhere near as much as he.

And it is the Day 1 shot in the dark. No doubt I'll be reworking my reads list after the lynching (and hopefully this time I'll survive into Day 2 to post it.)

Oh, and now it's the 24th.

Hitch up the wagon... :doubt:

I haven't seen anything really scummy from FA.

I'll tell you why FA is scummy. And not only that, I think that you Avatar and FA_Q2 may very well be our scum.

FA's very first post is a vote for R.D.
On his second post, he gives Cafe a "not Scum" pass just because she gave him some advice on how to get rid of ads with Adfender.
On his 3rd post he uses your confusion on the roles being re-randomized to make a statement that Wake is affirming that Aye and Myself are Scum, but he doesn't explain how he comes up with that conclusion.
On his next post he admits that his first impression was not correct, that we did indeed get new role pms, but not the PMs between tn and Wake. He then admits that all votes submitted are RVS, that there isn't much to go on other than voting for people and then seeing their reaction, but he then jumps on Avatar's switching his vote from you (Grandma), to me and uses the lame excuse that because of my OMGUS vote on Shaitra.

Avatar's first vote was for you.....of course if you three are Scum, he knew it was a safe time as he could change it later, and what a perfect opportunity for him to distance himself from you with a meaningless vote. And change he did. He changed his vote to me giving the lame explanation that I was voting for tn because he was Scum in the last game. That was totally untrue, and I had already given an explanation as to why I was voting for tn. It had to do with the re-randomizing issue, and because someone claimed that tn had outed himself as Scum when he asked for the QT, and then there was discussion that maybe the roles weren't reassigned, which would have left tn as Scum. Obviously Avatar didn't read my posts where I explained it, because he keeps insisting that I was voting for tn simply because he was Scum in the last game. He also made another mistake when he said that you and I were on the tn Wagon, and posted that on 7/21/14 at 12:14 p.m, but Wake had posted Vote Count 1.2 on 7/21/14 at 11:33 a.m. that clearly shows I was no longer voting for tn. How could he possibly miss that?

We know that Scum doesn't have to read every single post, they know who we are, and Avatar made a mistake by assuming that I voted for tn because he was scum in the previous game, and then made a claim that you and I were on the tn wagon, when just a few posts before that, Wake had posted the vote count that showed different.

Another suspicious move, Avatar FOS R.D. as Scum early on, and of course, FA very conveniently voted for R.D. on Vote Count 1.1.

That you have not found FA or Avatar Scummy, but are also claiming that I am Scum makes it obvious that the three of you are our Mafia team.
What's your reasoning for thinking I'm scum? Why are you so sure Mertex is town?

I'm not sure she is town. You're piling on for no reason I can follow

You should know me better than that by now, R.D. I don't pile on. I choose for myself. I pointed to Mertex as being scummy because as yet she's done nothing to hunt scum. It's been all about self-preservation with her. She automatically points to everyone voting for her as being scum. She is at the very least anti-town.

I think R.D. was talking to Shaitra....funny that you thought she was talking to you. Feeling a little guilty, maybe?
Hitch up the wagon... :doubt:

I haven't seen anything really scummy from FA.

I'll tell you why FA is scummy. And not only that, I think that you Avatar and FA_Q2 may very well be our scum.

FA's very first post is a vote for R.D.
On his second post, he gives Cafe a "not Scum" pass just because she gave him some advice on how to get rid of ads with Adfender.
On his 3rd post he uses your confusion on the roles being re-randomized to make a statement that Wake is affirming that Aye and Myself are Scum, but he doesn't explain how he comes up with that conclusion.
On his next post he admits that his first impression was not correct, that we did indeed get new role pms, but not the PMs between tn and Wake. He then admits that all votes submitted are RVS, that there isn't much to go on other than voting for people and then seeing their reaction, but he then jumps on Avatar's switching his vote from you (Grandma), to me and uses the lame excuse that because of my OMGUS vote on Shaitra.

Avatar's first vote was for you.....of course if you three are Scum, he knew it was a safe time as he could change it later, and what a perfect opportunity for him to distance himself from you with a meaningless vote. And change he did. He changed his vote to me giving the lame explanation that I was voting for tn because he was Scum in the last game. That was totally untrue, and I had already given an explanation as to why I was voting for tn. It had to do with the re-randomizing issue, and because someone claimed that tn had outed himself as Scum when he asked for the QT, and then there was discussion that maybe the roles weren't reassigned, which would have left tn as Scum. Obviously Avatar didn't read my posts where I explained it, because he keeps insisting that I was voting for tn simply because he was Scum in the last game. He also made another mistake when he said that you and I were on the tn Wagon, and posted that on 7/21/14 at 12:14 p.m, but Wake had posted Vote Count 1.2 on 7/21/14 at 11:33 a.m. that clearly shows I was no longer voting for tn. How could he possibly miss that?

We know that Scum doesn't have to read every single post, they know who we are, and Avatar made a mistake by assuming that I voted for tn because he was scum in the previous game, and then made a claim that you and I were on the tn wagon, when just a few posts before that, Wake had posted the vote count that showed different.

Another suspicious move, Avatar FOS R.D. as Scum early on, and of course, FA very conveniently voted for R.D. on Vote Count 1.1.

That you have not found FA or Avatar Scummy, but are also claiming that I am Scum makes it obvious that the three of you are our Mafia team.

Vote Count 1.1 is meaningless. 1.4 is where the voting gets serious.

The first couple RL days, over 100 posts, were devoted to the reset kerfuffle. Interesting that during that period, in Post 41 I named those that hadn't posted yet, including you. I also said that I hoped you check your PMs.
Who made Post 42? You did. Posts 44 and 45 you said you never got a PM. Then in Post 95 you said that you may have DELETED your PMs.

After the reset drama we had a RVS voting stage. That means we all make random silly votes to get people talking. It's what they do at the main Mafia Scum site.

You did throw an OMGUS vote on Shaitra. Some see that as a Scum move.

Avatar is on my Scum list. He's not playing the way he usually does. He refuses to claim other than to say he's Town. I already hard claimed Vanilla Townie.

You're not paying very close attention to the game, are you?
I'm not sure she is town. You're piling on for no reason I can follow

You should know me better than that by now, R.D. I don't pile on. I choose for myself. I pointed to Mertex as being scummy because as yet she's done nothing to hunt scum. It's been all about self-preservation with her. She automatically points to everyone voting for her as being scum. She is at the very least anti-town.

I think R.D. was talking to Shaitra....funny that you thought she was talking to you. Feeling a little guilty, maybe?

Had you been following the thread, Scarlet thought that the early votes for TN were a wagon. RD jumped on that, cause she pays attention. I put in my 2 cents because I knew I'd be asked about the wagon as well.
Hitch up the wagon... :doubt:

I haven't seen anything really scummy from FA.

I'll tell you why FA is scummy. And not only that, I think that you Avatar and FA_Q2 may very well be our scum.

FA's very first post is a vote for R.D.
On his second post, he gives Cafe a "not Scum" pass just because she gave him some advice on how to get rid of ads with Adfender.
On his 3rd post he uses your confusion on the roles being re-randomized to make a statement that Wake is affirming that Aye and Myself are Scum, but he doesn't explain how he comes up with that conclusion.
On his next post he admits that his first impression was not correct, that we did indeed get new role pms, but not the PMs between tn and Wake. He then admits that all votes submitted are RVS, that there isn't much to go on other than voting for people and then seeing their reaction, but he then jumps on Avatar's switching his vote from you (Grandma), to me and uses the lame excuse that because of my OMGUS vote on Shaitra.

Avatar's first vote was for you.....of course if you three are Scum, he knew it was a safe time as he could change it later, and what a perfect opportunity for him to distance himself from you with a meaningless vote. And change he did. He changed his vote to me giving the lame explanation that I was voting for tn because he was Scum in the last game. That was totally untrue, and I had already given an explanation as to why I was voting for tn. It had to do with the re-randomizing issue, and because someone claimed that tn had outed himself as Scum when he asked for the QT, and then there was discussion that maybe the roles weren't reassigned, which would have left tn as Scum. Obviously Avatar didn't read my posts where I explained it, because he keeps insisting that I was voting for tn simply because he was Scum in the last game. He also made another mistake when he said that you and I were on the tn Wagon, and posted that on 7/21/14 at 12:14 p.m, but Wake had posted Vote Count 1.2 on 7/21/14 at 11:33 a.m. that clearly shows I was no longer voting for tn. How could he possibly miss that?

We know that Scum doesn't have to read every single post, they know who we are, and Avatar made a mistake by assuming that I voted for tn because he was scum in the previous game, and then made a claim that you and I were on the tn wagon, when just a few posts before that, Wake had posted the vote count that showed different.

Another suspicious move, Avatar FOS R.D. as Scum early on, and of course, FA very conveniently voted for R.D. on Vote Count 1.1.

That you have not found FA or Avatar Scummy, but are also claiming that I am Scum makes it obvious that the three of you are our Mafia team.

Vote Count 1.1 is meaningless. 1.4 is where the voting gets serious.

The first couple RL days, over 100 posts, were devoted to the reset kerfuffle. Interesting that during that period, in Post 41 I named those that hadn't posted yet, including you. I also said that I hoped you check your PMs.
Who made Post 42? You did. Posts 44 and 45 you said you never got a PM. Then in Post 95 you said that you may have DELETED your PMs.

After the reset drama we had a RVS voting stage. That means we all make random silly votes to get people talking. It's what they do at the main Mafia Scum site.

You did throw an OMGUS vote on Shaitra. Some see that as a Scum move.

Avatar is on my Scum list. He's not playing the way he usually does. He refuses to claim other than to say he's Town. I already hard claimed Vanilla Townie.

You're not paying very close attention to the game, are you?

Craziest damn thing I was just about to make a post about post 44.

I wanted to ask how much time had elapsed between the start and reset of the game. Post 44 makes not sense to me. it was sent AFTER game start. It would have been something to remember, it is also the post that had me so damn confused.

This was the new PM

Re: Role PM: NEW ONE!

When I saw it, I was like WTF happened? It made an impression.

Post 44: Mertex states:

I was gone all day. When I came back I found Wake's pm where the game had started, but I didn't get any other PM.....

So, are we good to go?

We had our role PMs before the game started, then got a new role after the game started and before the reset. I think its strange thing to forget IMO.

Not to mention post 95 by Mertex as well.

I don't get why someone would deny a new role, unless they thought it might implicate them.
You should know me better than that by now, R.D. I don't pile on. I choose for myself. I pointed to Mertex as being scummy because as yet she's done nothing to hunt scum. It's been all about self-preservation with her. She automatically points to everyone voting for her as being scum. She is at the very least anti-town.

I think R.D. was talking to Shaitra....funny that you thought she was talking to you. Feeling a little guilty, maybe?

Had you been following the thread, Scarlet thought that the early votes for TN were a wagon. RD jumped on that, cause she pays attention. I put in my 2 cents because I knew I'd be asked about the wagon as well.

I'm following the thread alright, and this exchange has nothing to do directly with whatever Miss Scarlet might have thought. It is clear that R.D. is responding to Shaitra when she told her she was piling on....then you come out of the blue and defend yourself when she wasn't even talking to you. You were so eager to defend yourself because maybe you were piling on?

You're the one that needs to pay attention.

What's your reasoning for thinking I'm scum? Why are you so sure Mertex is town?

I'm not sure she is town. You're piling on for no reason I can follow

You should know me better than that by now, R.D. I don't pile on. I choose for myself. I pointed to Mertex as being scummy because as yet she's done nothing to hunt scum. It's been all about self-preservation with her. She automatically points to everyone voting for her as being scum. She is at the very least anti-town.
Avi and FA voted Metex with Shaitra and Grandma pointing to her as scum

At least one of those four are scum I think. With only two having votes so far ...


What's your reasoning for thinking I'm scum? Why are you so sure Mertex is town?

Given that RD said there was at least one scum in that group and she voted for me it seems that she is not really set in you being scum – it’s me that she thinks is scum.

Awfully jumpy when someone simply mentions that you might be scum…
I'm not sure she is town. You're piling on for no reason I can follow

You should know me better than that by now, R.D. I don't pile on. I choose for myself. I pointed to Mertex as being scummy because as yet she's done nothing to hunt scum. It's been all about self-preservation with her. She automatically points to everyone voting for her as being scum. She is at the very least anti-town.

You hunt for scum in your own way, and I'll hunt for scum my way. I have been reading all the posts and based on my previous game (when I was Scum and I could see the way that Town was pointing at other Townies as Scum) and the way that they were evaluating why they thought someone was Scum and I'm applying some of that in my choice. You obviously are not doing a very good job, because I happen to be Town, so your analysis is failing somehow. And your claim that I'm not hunting scum is lame.

Yes, I want to remain in the game, after all, that is our Win condition, to try and stay alive and lynch Scum. If I die, at least I hope that those who voted for me will not be overlooked by the rest of the Town, because obviously, some will be Scum. And, right now, I'm thinking that FA and Avatar are sounding a lot like Scum, and since FA already has several others thinking that he is Scum, I'm going to switch my vote to him.


Just another scummy jump on the wagon because you are under suspicion – more showing that you are likely scum.

That is fine though because if you and your scum team manage to pull a lynch on me it is just going to put you in the same seat tomorrow when I flip town. One town for one scum is a fair trade.
Avi and FA voted Metex with Shaitra and Grandma pointing to her as scum

At least one of those four are scum I think. With only two having votes so far ...


What's your reasoning for thinking I'm scum? Why are you so sure Mertex is town?

Given that RD said there was at least one scum in that group and she voted for me it seems that she is not really set in you being scum – it’s me that she thinks is scum.

Awfully jumpy when someone simply mentions that you might be scum…

I'm not used to it. Nobody voted for me in the other games.:eusa_angel:
CaféAuLait;9499400 said:
Craziest damn thing I was just about to make a post about post 44.

I wanted to ask how much time had elapsed between the start and reset of the game. Post 44 makes not sense to me. it was sent AFTER game start. It would have been something to remember, it is also the post that had me so damn confused.

This was the new PM

Re: Role PM: NEW ONE!

When I saw it, I was like WTF happened? It made an impression.

Post 44: Mertex states:

I was gone all day. When I came back I found Wake's pm where the game had started, but I didn't get any other PM.....

So, are we good to go?

We had our role PMs before the game started, then got a new role after the game started and before the reset. I think its strange thing to forget IMO.

Not to mention post 95 by Mertex as well.

I don't get why someone would deny a new role, unless they thought it might implicate them.

Don't be inane, Cafe. I got my original PM from Wake telling me my role before the game started, just like everyone else. I had many other pms, which I was deleting as I went along. I'm pretty sure now, that I deleted the original pm from wake as there was nothing much to it other than telling me I was Vanilla Townie.

I was gone all day Saturday, and when I got back late at night, I had a ton of pms, and if there was another pm from wake, if it was worded the same as the original I got, I must have thought I hadn't deleted the original one, and deleted it then. I hadn't even looked at the Game thread, so I didn't know about the hoopla with tn and re-starting the game. The first post I read was from tn which you can see below, didn't make much sense to wasn't until several posts later that I saw where there had been a mishap and the game had been restarted. It was all very confusing to me because I didn't know what had happened, and you were talking about pms that tn had sent to Wake which I knew I hadn't received. And there was talk about maybe only the people that got the PMs had gotten new roles, and that is why I asked if we were good to go.

When someone asked if everyone had gotten new role pms, since my role was the same as it had been to begin with, of course, I didn't think I had gotten another one, that is why I said what I did. Later, it became clear to me that maybe I had deleted the original pm from Wake telling me I was Vanilla Townie, and when I saw the new one, being the same as the original one, I didn't think it was a new one, I thought I had just not deleted it.

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. Your posts are rather confusing because you don't review them before you send them out, and your thinking that you have something is nothing but BS that you are trying to stir up. I'm not going to explain myself anymore regarding the pms, if you weren't able to understand when I explained it then you're the one with the problem.

I didn't have any problem understanding Rosie when she said that she was unable to vote for any NK this time to mean that she was town. You blew that out of proportion and tried to make it seem like you had caught Rosie in a slip, when you posted that Town doesn't make NK, then you said "only town does" which is a typo/error, because we know that Scum does, not you must have meant to say Scum, but you didn't even catch your own mistake. And, now, you're trying to find mistakes in my posts? :lol:

What the hell did you do?

Actually it was you not checking the to line before sending your message that caused the reset. I knew you were scum when you asked for a qt bc I was a mason.

I had assumed be BCC'd everything, since thats what you do with roles.

CaféAuLait;9472709 said:
I am unable to vote for any NK this time.

If Manifold does not die perhaps I will push for a future game Scumkill.

For now, I hope us Townies lynch him THIS game.

Regards from Rosie

But town does not get NK, only town, thou doth protest too much. So, I am voting for you Rosie! ( even though we were once neighbors not too long ago, sorry! Missed you though when you left, I was all alone! :D )

Vote: Rosie

( although I was leaning for TN when he reveled his scumness before Wake sent out new roles) :eusa_shhh:

TN did what?!?

Why do I always miss the good stuff? :(

CaféAuLait;9472759 said:
TN did what?!?

Why do I always miss the good stuff? :(

TN was scum for this game. Then Wake had to reassign roles since TN asked about the scum QT and the PM went to several people, if not everyone.

You did not get those PMs Grandma?
What's your reasoning for thinking I'm scum? Why are you so sure Mertex is town?

Given that RD said there was at least one scum in that group and she voted for me it seems that she is not really set in you being scum – it’s me that she thinks is scum.

Awfully jumpy when someone simply mentions that you might be scum…

I'm not used to it. Nobody voted for me in the other games.:eusa_angel:

Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one that caught that.
CaféAuLait;9499400 said:
Craziest damn thing I was just about to make a post about post 44.

I wanted to ask how much time had elapsed between the start and reset of the game. Post 44 makes not sense to me. it was sent AFTER game start. It would have been something to remember, it is also the post that had me so damn confused.

This was the new PM

Re: Role PM: NEW ONE!

When I saw it, I was like WTF happened? It made an impression.

Post 44: Mertex states:

I was gone all day. When I came back I found Wake's pm where the game had started, but I didn't get any other PM.....

So, are we good to go?

We had our role PMs before the game started, then got a new role after the game started and before the reset. I think its strange thing to forget IMO.

Not to mention post 95 by Mertex as well.

I don't get why someone would deny a new role, unless they thought it might implicate them.

Don't be inane, Cafe. I got my original PM from Wake telling me my role before the game started, just like everyone else. I had many other pms, which I was deleting as I went along. I'm pretty sure now, that I deleted the original pm from wake as there was nothing much to it other than telling me I was Vanilla Townie.

I was gone all day Saturday, and when I got back late at night, I had a ton of pms, and if there was another pm from wake, if it was worded the same as the original I got, I must have thought I hadn't deleted the original one, and deleted it then. I hadn't even looked at the Game thread, so I didn't know about the hoopla with tn and re-starting the game. The first post I read was from tn which you can see below, didn't make much sense to wasn't until several posts later that I saw where there had been a mishap and the game had been restarted. It was all very confusing to me because I didn't know what had happened, and you were talking about pms that tn had sent to Wake which I knew I hadn't received. And there was talk about maybe only the people that got the PMs had gotten new roles, and that is why I asked if we were good to go.

When someone asked if everyone had gotten new role pms, since my role was the same as it had been to begin with, of course, I didn't think I had gotten another one, that is why I said what I did. Later, it became clear to me that maybe I had deleted the original pm from Wake telling me I was Vanilla Townie, and when I saw the new one, being the same as the original one, I didn't think it was a new one, I thought I had just not deleted it.

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. Your posts are rather confusing because you don't review them before you send them out, and your thinking that you have something is nothing but BS that you are trying to stir up. I'm not going to explain myself anymore regarding the pms, if you weren't able to understand when I explained it then you're the one with the problem.

I didn't have any problem understanding Rosie when she said that she was unable to vote for any NK this time to mean that she was town. You blew that out of proportion and tried to make it seem like you had caught Rosie in a slip, when you posted that Town doesn't make NK, then you said "only town does" which is a typo/error, because we know that Scum does, not you must have meant to say Scum, but you didn't even catch your own mistake. And, now, you're trying to find mistakes in my posts? :lol:

CaféAuLait;9472759 said:
TN did what?!?

Why do I always miss the good stuff? :(

TN was scum for this game. Then Wake had to reassign roles since TN asked about the scum QT and the PM went to several people, if not everyone.

You did not get those PMs Grandma?

Wow, you really felt the need to get personal there. My first vote for Rosie, was a RVS, with bit of suspicion and a lot of joking around with Rosie. I would not have included the neighborly stuff and or smiley if I was being terribly serious. Just throwing a vote out there.

I moved my vote because it was a silly-assed RVS, look at my response to her reply to me, yet another playful joke. However, Rosie kept speaking about revenge votes for past game and this rubbed me wrong and I then voted for her again.

Your statements which I pointed out just don't make sense to me. period.
Avatar is still my scummiest, with FA_Q2 a close second.

Now I am not sure if Miss Scarlet or Cafe is the third goon. But I suspect one of the two is.

I was Town before and after reset, so Town I remain.

Regards from Rosie
CaféAuLait;9499400 said:
I'll tell you why FA is scummy. And not only that, I think that you Avatar and FA_Q2 may very well be our scum.

FA's very first post is a vote for R.D.
On his second post, he gives Cafe a "not Scum" pass just because she gave him some advice on how to get rid of ads with Adfender.
On his 3rd post he uses your confusion on the roles being re-randomized to make a statement that Wake is affirming that Aye and Myself are Scum, but he doesn't explain how he comes up with that conclusion.
On his next post he admits that his first impression was not correct, that we did indeed get new role pms, but not the PMs between tn and Wake. He then admits that all votes submitted are RVS, that there isn't much to go on other than voting for people and then seeing their reaction, but he then jumps on Avatar's switching his vote from you (Grandma), to me and uses the lame excuse that because of my OMGUS vote on Shaitra.

Avatar's first vote was for you.....of course if you three are Scum, he knew it was a safe time as he could change it later, and what a perfect opportunity for him to distance himself from you with a meaningless vote. And change he did. He changed his vote to me giving the lame explanation that I was voting for tn because he was Scum in the last game. That was totally untrue, and I had already given an explanation as to why I was voting for tn. It had to do with the re-randomizing issue, and because someone claimed that tn had outed himself as Scum when he asked for the QT, and then there was discussion that maybe the roles weren't reassigned, which would have left tn as Scum. Obviously Avatar didn't read my posts where I explained it, because he keeps insisting that I was voting for tn simply because he was Scum in the last game. He also made another mistake when he said that you and I were on the tn Wagon, and posted that on 7/21/14 at 12:14 p.m, but Wake had posted Vote Count 1.2 on 7/21/14 at 11:33 a.m. that clearly shows I was no longer voting for tn. How could he possibly miss that?

We know that Scum doesn't have to read every single post, they know who we are, and Avatar made a mistake by assuming that I voted for tn because he was scum in the previous game, and then made a claim that you and I were on the tn wagon, when just a few posts before that, Wake had posted the vote count that showed different.

Another suspicious move, Avatar FOS R.D. as Scum early on, and of course, FA very conveniently voted for R.D. on Vote Count 1.1.

That you have not found FA or Avatar Scummy, but are also claiming that I am Scum makes it obvious that the three of you are our Mafia team.

Vote Count 1.1 is meaningless. 1.4 is where the voting gets serious.

The first couple RL days, over 100 posts, were devoted to the reset kerfuffle. Interesting that during that period, in Post 41 I named those that hadn't posted yet, including you. I also said that I hoped you check your PMs.
Who made Post 42? You did. Posts 44 and 45 you said you never got a PM. Then in Post 95 you said that you may have DELETED your PMs.

After the reset drama we had a RVS voting stage. That means we all make random silly votes to get people talking. It's what they do at the main Mafia Scum site.

You did throw an OMGUS vote on Shaitra. Some see that as a Scum move.

Avatar is on my Scum list. He's not playing the way he usually does. He refuses to claim other than to say he's Town. I already hard claimed Vanilla Townie.

You're not paying very close attention to the game, are you?

Craziest damn thing I was just about to make a post about post 44.

I wanted to ask how much time had elapsed between the start and reset of the game. Post 44 makes not sense to me. it was sent AFTER game start. It would have been something to remember, it is also the post that had me so damn confused.

This was the new PM

Re: Role PM: NEW ONE!

When I saw it, I was like WTF happened? It made an impression.

Post 44: Mertex states:

I was gone all day. When I came back I found Wake's pm where the game had started, but I didn't get any other PM.....

So, are we good to go?

We had our role PMs before the game started, then got a new role after the game started and before the reset. I think its strange thing to forget IMO.

Not to mention post 95 by Mertex as well.

I don't get why someone would deny a new role, unless they thought it might implicate them.

Cafe makes a good point about the role pm's. I went back and checked the title of my second one just to make sure she had that right. She does indeed. So it should have been obvious that the second role pm was not the original one.

vote: Mertex
Hitch up the wagon... :doubt:

I haven't seen anything really scummy from FA.

I'll tell you why FA is scummy. And not only that, I think that you Avatar and FA_Q2 may very well be our scum.

FA's very first post is a vote for R.D.
On his second post, he gives Cafe a "not Scum" pass just because she gave him some advice on how to get rid of ads with Adfender.
On his 3rd post he uses your confusion on the roles being re-randomized to make a statement that Wake is affirming that Aye and Myself are Scum, but he doesn't explain how he comes up with that conclusion.
On his next post he admits that his first impression was not correct, that we did indeed get new role pms, but not the PMs between tn and Wake. He then admits that all votes submitted are RVS, that there isn't much to go on other than voting for people and then seeing their reaction, but he then jumps on Avatar's switching his vote from you (Grandma), to me and uses the lame excuse that because of my OMGUS vote on Shaitra.

Avatar's first vote was for you.....of course if you three are Scum, he knew it was a safe time as he could change it later, and what a perfect opportunity for him to distance himself from you with a meaningless vote. And change he did. He changed his vote to me giving the lame explanation that I was voting for tn because he was Scum in the last game. That was totally untrue, and I had already given an explanation as to why I was voting for tn. It had to do with the re-randomizing issue, and because someone claimed that tn had outed himself as Scum when he asked for the QT, and then there was discussion that maybe the roles weren't reassigned, which would have left tn as Scum. Obviously Avatar didn't read my posts where I explained it, because he keeps insisting that I was voting for tn simply because he was Scum in the last game. He also made another mistake when he said that you and I were on the tn Wagon, and posted that on 7/21/14 at 12:14 p.m, but Wake had posted Vote Count 1.2 on 7/21/14 at 11:33 a.m. that clearly shows I was no longer voting for tn. How could he possibly miss that?

We know that Scum doesn't have to read every single post, they know who we are, and Avatar made a mistake by assuming that I voted for tn because he was scum in the previous game, and then made a claim that you and I were on the tn wagon, when just a few posts before that, Wake had posted the vote count that showed different.

Another suspicious move, Avatar FOS R.D. as Scum early on, and of course, FA very conveniently voted for R.D. on Vote Count 1.1.

That you have not found FA or Avatar Scummy, but are also claiming that I am Scum makes it obvious that the three of you are our Mafia team.

You're really going to argue that you and grandma werent on the TN wagon? despite vote 1.1
Vote Count: 1.6

FA_Q2 (4): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀, R.D.♀, Mertex♀
Mertex (3): Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀
Manifold (2): tn5421♂, Grandma♀
Avatar4321 (1): RosieS♀
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀
R.D. (1): ScarletRage♀

Not Voting (1): AyeCantSeeYou♀

~ With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 7/26/14, @ 3pm central.

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5
Avatar is on my Scum list. He's not playing the way he usually does. He refuses to claim other than to say he's Town. I already hard claimed Vanilla Townie.

Wait, so you claimed to be a vanilla townie? Why on earth would you do that? There is a reason I always refuse to say anything other than I am town aligned. It's specifically so I don't give the scum information to determine who is what so early in the game. If I claim to be a mason, they will night kill me. If I claim to be vanilla town, they will focus on others who may be masons.

There is absolutely no point telling the scum who to focus on. It's incredibly anti town.

huge FOS on grandma right now

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