Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

I don't find things played out the way you're claiming. There are also inconsistencies with your accusations from player to player. What you call scummy for some, you give passes to others.

Indeed. One of the difficulties in having the Scum role is trying to pretend you do not know the things you know.

Thus, you wind up posting inconsistently, which is what R.D. has found in Avatar's posts.

I can/will switch to FA in order to have consensus, but I see Avatar as the stronger lynch candidate at this time. I fight to lynch Avatar or do I switch to FA now and hope Avatar gets lynched later?


Regards from Rosie


1) you guys can't cite any inconsistencies, but I'm being inconsistent.
2) my inconsistencies are because I know things I am pretending not to know. What exactly am I pretending not to know?

Cause I can tell you that I have no clue who the scum is. I am just making my best guess based on behavior this game.

You don't have to lynch me, you'll probably just have me killed during the night.

I have already posted I cannot do NK in Game 4.

Mertex even repeated it.

Not reading the posts is another sign that a player is Scum.

Fight to lynch Avatar before FA or go for a lynch of Scum Avatar after FA?

Decisions, decisions.....

Regards from Rosie
Indeed. One of the difficulties in having the Scum role is trying to pretend you do not know the things you know.

Thus, you wind up posting inconsistently, which is what R.D. has found in Avatar's posts.

I can/will switch to FA in order to have consensus, but I see Avatar as the stronger lynch candidate at this time. I fight to lynch Avatar or do I switch to FA now and hope Avatar gets lynched later?


Regards from Rosie


1) you guys can't cite any inconsistencies, but I'm being inconsistent.
2) my inconsistencies are because I know things I am pretending not to know. What exactly am I pretending not to know?

Cause I can tell you that I have no clue who the scum is. I am just making my best guess based on behavior this game.

You don't have to lynch me, you'll probably just have me killed during the night.

I have already posted I cannot do NK in Game 4.

Mertex even repeated it.

Not reading the posts is another sign that a player is Scum.

Fight to lynch Avatar before FA or go for a lynch of Scum Avatar after FA?

Decisions, decisions.....

Regards from Rosie

Rosies, you seem to thinking that I haven't read your posts because i wouldn't be surprised if you night killed me. You're wrong. I'm very much aware of what you have said. I just don't have any reason to believe you at this point.

You keep wanting to pretend that I am not reading as an excuse for not believing you. You guys keep giving me piss poor reasons for your votes, i ask for better reasoning and you pretend that means I haven't read what you've said.

1) you guys can't cite any inconsistencies, but I'm being inconsistent.
2) my inconsistencies are because I know things I am pretending not to know. What exactly am I pretending not to know?

Cause I can tell you that I have no clue who the scum is. I am just making my best guess based on behavior this game.

You don't have to lynch me, you'll probably just have me killed during the night.

I have already posted I cannot do NK in Game 4.

Mertex even repeated it.

Not reading the posts is another sign that a player is Scum.

Fight to lynch Avatar before FA or go for a lynch of Scum Avatar after FA?

Decisions, decisions.....

Regards from Rosie

Rosies, you seem to thinking that I haven't read your posts because i wouldn't be surprised if you night killed me. You're wrong. I'm very much aware of what you have said. I just don't have any reason to believe you at this point.

You keep wanting to pretend that I am not reading as an excuse for not believing you. You guys keep giving me piss poor reasons for your votes, i ask for better reasoning and you pretend that means I haven't read what you've said.

I "keep wanting to pretend"?

*I* do? LOL

Show where I have accused you of not reading posts prior to my post immediately before this one.

Inaccuracy in accusation is yet ANOTHER clue to Scummage.

Regards from Rosie
I don't find things played out the way you're claiming. There are also inconsistencies with your accusations from player to player. What you call scummy for some, you give passes to others.

Indeed. One of the difficulties in having the Scum role is trying to pretend you do not know the things you know.

Thus, you wind up posting inconsistently, which is what R.D. has found in Avatar's posts.

I can/will switch to FA in order to have consensus, but I see Avatar as the stronger lynch candidate at this time. I fight to lynch Avatar or do I switch to FA now and hope Avatar gets lynched later?


Regards from Rosie


1) you guys can't cite any inconsistencies, but I'm being inconsistent.
2) my inconsistencies are because I know things I am pretending not to know. What exactly am I pretending not to know?

Cause I can tell you that I have no clue who the scum is. I am just making my best guess based on behavior this game.

You don't have to lynch me, you'll probably just have me killed during the night.

1) Won't cite, not can't. Speaking for myself of course

I'm also making my guesses based on behaviors. For example you're acting as if you're the leader so far or will suffer greatly if FA is lynched.
Indeed. One of the difficulties in having the Scum role is trying to pretend you do not know the things you know.

Thus, you wind up posting inconsistently, which is what R.D. has found in Avatar's posts.

I can/will switch to FA in order to have consensus, but I see Avatar as the stronger lynch candidate at this time. I fight to lynch Avatar or do I switch to FA now and hope Avatar gets lynched later?


Regards from Rosie


1) you guys can't cite any inconsistencies, but I'm being inconsistent.
2) my inconsistencies are because I know things I am pretending not to know. What exactly am I pretending not to know?

Cause I can tell you that I have no clue who the scum is. I am just making my best guess based on behavior this game.

You don't have to lynch me, you'll probably just have me killed during the night.

1) Won't cite, not can't. Speaking for myself of course

I'm also making my guesses based on behaviors. For example you're acting as if you're the leader so far or will suffer greatly if FA is lynched.

Which is why I've told you guys I would vote for FA if you give me some good reasons. Because I am going to suffer greatly if FA is lynched.

There is no reasoning with you guys.
I have already posted I cannot do NK in Game 4.

Mertex even repeated it.

Not reading the posts is another sign that a player is Scum.

Fight to lynch Avatar before FA or go for a lynch of Scum Avatar after FA?

Decisions, decisions.....

Regards from Rosie

Rosies, you seem to thinking that I haven't read your posts because i wouldn't be surprised if you night killed me. You're wrong. I'm very much aware of what you have said. I just don't have any reason to believe you at this point.

You keep wanting to pretend that I am not reading as an excuse for not believing you. You guys keep giving me piss poor reasons for your votes, i ask for better reasoning and you pretend that means I haven't read what you've said.

I "keep wanting to pretend"?

*I* do? LOL

Show where I have accused you of not reading posts prior to my post immediately before this one.

Inaccuracy in accusation is yet ANOTHER clue to Scummage.

Regards from Rosie

might be if i was referring only to you. You is also plural. That's the beauty of context.

1) you guys can't cite any inconsistencies, but I'm being inconsistent.
2) my inconsistencies are because I know things I am pretending not to know. What exactly am I pretending not to know?

Cause I can tell you that I have no clue who the scum is. I am just making my best guess based on behavior this game.

You don't have to lynch me, you'll probably just have me killed during the night.

1) Won't cite, not can't. Speaking for myself of course

I'm also making my guesses based on behaviors. For example you're acting as if you're the leader so far or will suffer greatly if FA is lynched.

Which is why I've told you guys I would vote for FA if you give me some good reasons. Because I am going to suffer greatly if FA is lynched.

There is no reasoning with you guys.

:lol: what?, you want I should change my reasons for you? This is the first vote I am not making any claims to know anything, it's all guesses
1) Won't cite, not can't. Speaking for myself of course

I'm also making my guesses based on behaviors. For example you're acting as if you're the leader so far or will suffer greatly if FA is lynched.

Which is why I've told you guys I would vote for FA if you give me some good reasons. Because I am going to suffer greatly if FA is lynched.

There is no reasoning with you guys.

:lol: what?, you want I should change my reasons for you? This is the first vote I am not making any claims to know anything, it's all guesses

You don't have to change a thing. Just don't throw out stupid accusations that don't make a lick of sense.
Looked at the deadline in 2 days eck...

Got no time today soo...

[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] wondering if we could get a more recent vote count. It looks like the top three contenders are FA, Mertex, and Mani. I am just not sure if ive missed votes in the last few pages.
Vote Count: 1.7

FA_Q2 (4): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀, R.D.♀, Mertex♀
Mertex (4): Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀
Manifold (3): tn5421♂, Grandma♀, ScarletRage♀
Avatar4321 (1): RosieS♀
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀

Not Voting (0):

~ With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 7/26/14, @ 3pm central.
~ [MENTION=8806]manifold[/MENTION]

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6
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So we have less than two days to make a choice, should we just assume it's going to be one of the top three at this point or should we be looking for alternatives?
So we have less than two days to make a choice, should we just assume it's going to be one of the top three at this point or should we be looking for alternatives?
At this point going for other alternatives is just going to end in a no-lynch and that is almost always bad for town so no, we are going to have to select from the top 3. Me, manifold or mertex.

I already gave my reasons for mertex. She has been all over the place, playing anti-town and trying to do anything that distracts from the fact she is on the chopping block. That is scummy behavior.
CaféAuLait;9499467 said:
CaféAuLait;9499400 said:
Craziest damn thing I was just about to make a post about post 44.

I wanted to ask how much time had elapsed between the start and reset of the game. Post 44 makes not sense to me. it was sent AFTER game start. It would have been something to remember, it is also the post that had me so damn confused.

This was the new PM

Re: Role PM: NEW ONE!

When I saw it, I was like WTF happened? It made an impression.

Post 44: Mertex states:

We had our role PMs before the game started, then got a new role after the game started and before the reset. I think its strange thing to forget IMO.

Not to mention post 95 by Mertex as well.

I don't get why someone would deny a new role, unless they thought it might implicate them.

Don't be inane, Cafe. I got my original PM from Wake telling me my role before the game started, just like everyone else. I had many other pms, which I was deleting as I went along. I'm pretty sure now, that I deleted the original pm from wake as there was nothing much to it other than telling me I was Vanilla Townie.

I was gone all day Saturday, and when I got back late at night, I had a ton of pms, and if there was another pm from wake, if it was worded the same as the original I got, I must have thought I hadn't deleted the original one, and deleted it then. I hadn't even looked at the Game thread, so I didn't know about the hoopla with tn and re-starting the game. The first post I read was from tn which you can see below, didn't make much sense to wasn't until several posts later that I saw where there had been a mishap and the game had been restarted. It was all very confusing to me because I didn't know what had happened, and you were talking about pms that tn had sent to Wake which I knew I hadn't received. And there was talk about maybe only the people that got the PMs had gotten new roles, and that is why I asked if we were good to go.

When someone asked if everyone had gotten new role pms, since my role was the same as it had been to begin with, of course, I didn't think I had gotten another one, that is why I said what I did. Later, it became clear to me that maybe I had deleted the original pm from Wake telling me I was Vanilla Townie, and when I saw the new one, being the same as the original one, I didn't think it was a new one, I thought I had just not deleted it.

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. Your posts are rather confusing because you don't review them before you send them out, and your thinking that you have something is nothing but BS that you are trying to stir up. I'm not going to explain myself anymore regarding the pms, if you weren't able to understand when I explained it then you're the one with the problem.

I didn't have any problem understanding Rosie when she said that she was unable to vote for any NK this time to mean that she was town. You blew that out of proportion and tried to make it seem like you had caught Rosie in a slip, when you posted that Town doesn't make NK, then you said "only town does" which is a typo/error, because we know that Scum does, not you must have meant to say Scum, but you didn't even catch your own mistake. And, now, you're trying to find mistakes in my posts? :lol:

CaféAuLait;9472759 said:
TN was scum for this game. Then Wake had to reassign roles since TN asked about the scum QT and the PM went to several people, if not everyone.

You did not get those PMs Grandma?

Wow, you really felt the need to get personal there. My first vote for Rosie, was a RVS, with bit of suspicion and a lot of joking around with Rosie. I would not have included the neighborly stuff and or smiley if I was being terribly serious. Just throwing a vote out there.

I moved my vote because it was a silly-assed RVS, look at my response to her reply to me, yet another playful joke. However, Rosie kept speaking about revenge votes for past game and this rubbed me wrong and I then voted for her again.

Your statements which I pointed out just don't make sense to me. period.

Nothing personal...I hope you're not one that takes everything personal. I'm just frustrated because I've explained myself several times and here you come....dragging it all out again.

What's not to understand about my comment. When I logged on late Saturday night, I first went and took care of all my PMs. So, if I came across a new PM role from Wake, because it was identical to the one I had received earlier, I just simply figured I had forgotten to delete it and deleted it (the new one) at that time. After finishing with my pm's...I went to the game thread, and it didn't make sense. I didn't know why tn posted "What the hell did you do" - and didn't know who he was talking to. After reading more posts, it became a little more clear that there had been a mishap. Someone asked if we had gotten new role PMs, and I said no, because I was not aware that I had gotten a second identical one, duh!

So what part of that do you not understand?
I can understand if you're confused because of reason number one. But you've given your reason for voting for TN as :

"It had to do with the re-randomizing issue, and because someone claimed that tn had outed himself as Scum when he asked for the QT, and then there was discussion that maybe the roles weren't reassigned, which would have left tn as Scum."

In other words, because TN outed himself as scum in a prior role. The fact that he was scum before the reissue of roles this game has absolutely no indication that he is still scum. You were criticizing Shaitra for doing the same exact thing, and then voted for her in response to her voting for you.

No, you have been claiming that I voted for tn because he was scum in the previous Game.

I voted for tn because there was some confusion as to whether or not Wake had actually re-assigned roles and it was suggested that tn might still be Scum (in this game). This is still Game 4, before roles were reassigned, it was Game 4.

There is a difference between "previous game" and "previous role". You have no proof that tn didn't draw the role of Scum in the re-randomizing of roles. I got the same one again, and so did Rosie according to what she is saying, so why wouldn't it be possible for tn to draw the same role.

I can't believe that you are that dense, you probably are Scum and grasping at straws to vote a Townie out.
why manifold, scarlet?

Policy and I have concerns regarding the composution of all wagons. Vote the one who has said nothing useful. Less risk but more info.

Makes sense. Mani's silence does make me uneasy. And his response to why he isn't speaking wasn't very townish

I would be willing to vote for him. And at least you're not trying to back out of giving reasons

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