Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

What exactly do you find illogical about the reasoning I gave about mertex?

I'm not claiming a smoking gun here. But I have provided reasons she is acting scummy to me.

I don't find things played out the way you're claiming. There are also inconsistencies with your accusations from player to player. What you call scummy for some, you give passes to others.

Indeed. One of the difficulties in having the Scum role is trying to pretend you do not know the things you know.

Thus, you wind up posting inconsistently, which is what R.D. has found in Avatar's posts.

I can/will switch to FA in order to have consensus, but I see Avatar as the stronger lynch candidate at this time. I fight to lynch Avatar or do I switch to FA now and hope Avatar gets lynched later?


Regards from Rosie

Avatar only has one vote, yours. If all the ones voting for FA are willing to switch to Avatar, I will gladly switch back to him. I had voted for him earlier but no one else was willing to do so. Grandma had said she thought Avi seemed Scummy, so, is she willing to switch to Avi and leave Mani for later?

I believe a mislynch is better for Town than a NL, because if it turns out we made a mistake, we can at least discard our notions about who was working with the person we lynched..

So, how many are willing to switch to Avatar?
I don't find things played out the way you're claiming. There are also inconsistencies with your accusations from player to player. What you call scummy for some, you give passes to others.

Indeed. One of the difficulties in having the Scum role is trying to pretend you do not know the things you know.

Thus, you wind up posting inconsistently, which is what R.D. has found in Avatar's posts.

I can/will switch to FA in order to have consensus, but I see Avatar as the stronger lynch candidate at this time. I fight to lynch Avatar or do I switch to FA now and hope Avatar gets lynched later?


Regards from Rosie

Avatar only has one vote, yours. If all the ones voting for FA are willing to switch to Avatar, I will gladly switch back to him. I had voted for him earlier but no one else was willing to do so. Grandma had said she thought Avi seemed Scummy, so, is she willing to switch to Avi and leave Mani for later?

I believe a mislynch is better for Town than a NL, because if it turns out we made a mistake, we can at least discard our notions about who was working with the person we lynched..

So, how many are willing to switch to Avatar?

Makes me think you are scared of me. Good. I like to make scum sweat.

Btw I can't help but notice you've already conceded that I am a mislynch. You're right. I am. Which makes me wonder why you are so eager to mislynch me than vote for someone you believe is scum. Unless you are too
Indeed. One of the difficulties in having the Scum role is trying to pretend you do not know the things you know.

Thus, you wind up posting inconsistently, which is what R.D. has found in Avatar's posts.

I can/will switch to FA in order to have consensus, but I see Avatar as the stronger lynch candidate at this time. I fight to lynch Avatar or do I switch to FA now and hope Avatar gets lynched later?


Regards from Rosie

Avatar only has one vote, yours. If all the ones voting for FA are willing to switch to Avatar, I will gladly switch back to him. I had voted for him earlier but no one else was willing to do so. Grandma had said she thought Avi seemed Scummy, so, is she willing to switch to Avi and leave Mani for later?

I believe a mislynch is better for Town than a NL, because if it turns out we made a mistake, we can at least discard our notions about who was working with the person we lynched..

So, how many are willing to switch to Avatar?

Makes me think you are scared of me. Good. I like to make scum sweat.

Btw I can't help but notice you've already conceded that I am a mislynch. You're right. I am. Which makes me wonder why you are so eager to mislynch me than vote for someone you believe is scum. Unless you are too

Oh puh-leeze.

Mertex wouldn't "suffer" if FA were lynched, but YOU said YOU would.

That is one of the weirdest things posted in any Mafia game. You will suffer from an FA lynch?

Well, here is a call for mercy. We lynch Avatar first to prevent his "suffering".

Regards from Rosie
Avatar only has one vote, yours. If all the ones voting for FA are willing to switch to Avatar, I will gladly switch back to him. I had voted for him earlier but no one else was willing to do so. Grandma had said she thought Avi seemed Scummy, so, is she willing to switch to Avi and leave Mani for later?

I believe a mislynch is better for Town than a NL, because if it turns out we made a mistake, we can at least discard our notions about who was working with the person we lynched..

So, how many are willing to switch to Avatar?

Makes me think you are scared of me. Good. I like to make scum sweat.

Btw I can't help but notice you've already conceded that I am a mislynch. You're right. I am. Which makes me wonder why you are so eager to mislynch me than vote for someone you believe is scum. Unless you are too

Oh puh-leeze.

Mertex wouldn't "suffer" if FA were lynched, but YOU said YOU would.

That is one of the weirdest things posted in any Mafia game. You will suffer from an FA lynch?

Well, here is a call for mercy. We lynch Avatar first to prevent his "suffering".

Regards from Rosie

Now you're just sounding delusional. Do you even understand what we are doing here. I've stated multiple times that I don't have a problem voting for FA if you give me a reason to. But you guys won't for whatever reason.

Btw please don't think your red herring worked. Mertex admitted I was a mislynch. How would she know I am one unless she is scum? And why is she trying to pretend as if it's a choice between lynching me and no lynch when we have three candidates with multiple votes? Especially when I'm not one of the top three.
Avatar only has one vote, yours. If all the ones voting for FA are willing to switch to Avatar, I will gladly switch back to him. I had voted for him earlier but no one else was willing to do so. Grandma had said she thought Avi seemed Scummy, so, is she willing to switch to Avi and leave Mani for later?

I believe a mislynch is better for Town than a NL, because if it turns out we made a mistake, we can at least discard our notions about who was working with the person we lynched..

So, how many are willing to switch to Avatar?

Makes me think you are scared of me. Good. I like to make scum sweat.

Btw I can't help but notice you've already conceded that I am a mislynch. You're right. I am. Which makes me wonder why you are so eager to mislynch me than vote for someone you believe is scum. Unless you are too

Oh puh-leeze.

Mertex wouldn't "suffer" if FA were lynched, but YOU said YOU would.

That is one of the weirdest things posted in any Mafia game. You will suffer from an FA lynch?

Well, here is a call for mercy. We lynch Avatar first to prevent his "suffering".

Regards from Rosie

Btw it was rd who said I'd suffer if we lynched FA
What I know so far in this game:

...count on being called scum by someone.

Fixed. :)

Short and to the point!

I left that one out. LOL

If your post is too short or too long for someone, count on being called scum by someone.

You forgot to add that questioning the norm is scummy.

As I have stated repeatedly from the beginning of this game, I am tired of us mislynching people because of roles they have had outside this game. If TN or anyone else is scum, I want some good reasoning, not just because they were scum or weren't scum before this game started, or because they were scum in this game before this game restarted.

Somehow that makes me scummy in a number of your eyes. So be it. But I don't know how opposing lynches based on bad reasoning is scummy.

Avi, for the first vote, how can it be nothing more than a guess if we have nothing more to go on? Scum aren't going to jump out and say their role, unless they're on a suicide mission. What do you suggest for using as a basis for the first vote?

Theoretically, we have a decent chance of lynching scum. In practice, townies are far more likely to get lynched.

What exactly do you find illogical about the reasoning I gave about mertex?

I'm not claiming a smoking gun here. But I have provided reasons she is acting scummy to me.

I don't find things played out the way you're claiming. There are also inconsistencies with your accusations from player to player. What you call scummy for some, you give passes to others.

I've noticed that as well. Definitely something to keep an eye on.

Previously, he was the only person pointing out that these inconsistiencies exist. Also, care to back up that statement with some facts?

Indeed. One of the difficulties in having the Scum role is trying to pretend you do not know the things you know.

Thus, you wind up posting inconsistently, which is what R.D. has found in Avatar's posts.

I can/will switch to FA in order to have consensus, but I see Avatar as the stronger lynch candidate at this time. I fight to lynch Avatar or do I switch to FA now and hope Avatar gets lynched later?


Regards from Rosie


1) you guys can't cite any inconsistencies, but I'm being inconsistent.
2) my inconsistencies are because I know things I am pretending not to know. What exactly am I pretending not to know?

Cause I can tell you that I have no clue who the scum is. I am just making my best guess based on behavior this game.

You don't have to lynch me, you'll probably just have me killed during the night.

I have already posted I cannot do NK in Game 4.

Mertex even repeated it.

Not reading the posts is another sign that a player is Scum.

Fight to lynch Avatar before FA or go for a lynch of Scum Avatar after FA?

Decisions, decisions.....

Regards from Rosie

Why even bother clarifying that point. It makes you look more suspicious.

Looked at the deadline in 2 days eck...

Got no time today soo...


You seem to be having a hard time remembering to bold D:

why manifold, scarlet?

Policy and I have concerns regarding the composution of all wagons. Vote the one who has said nothing useful. Less risk but more info.

I'm on board for this. It's not like he's likely to be a PR.

@RosieS: Convince me that Avatar is scum. Otherwise we should consider lynching Manifold today.


Makes me think you are scared of me. Good. I like to make scum sweat.

Btw I can't help but notice you've already conceded that I am a mislynch. You're right. I am. Which makes me wonder why you are so eager to mislynch me than vote for someone you believe is scum. Unless you are too

Oh puh-leeze.

Mertex wouldn't "suffer" if FA were lynched, but YOU said YOU would.

That is one of the weirdest things posted in any Mafia game. You will suffer from an FA lynch?

Well, here is a call for mercy. We lynch Avatar first to prevent his "suffering".

Regards from Rosie

Now you're just sounding delusional. Do you even understand what we are doing here. I've stated multiple times that I don't have a problem voting for FA if you give me a reason to. But you guys won't for whatever reason.

Btw please don't think your red herring worked. Mertex admitted I was a mislynch. How would she know I am one unless she is scum? And why is she trying to pretend as if it's a choice between lynching me and no lynch when we have three candidates with multiple votes? Especially when I'm not one of the top three.


1) you guys can't cite any inconsistencies, but I'm being inconsistent.
2) my inconsistencies are because I know things I am pretending not to know. What exactly am I pretending not to know?

Cause I can tell you that I have no clue who the scum is. I am just making my best guess based on behavior this game.

You don't have to lynch me, you'll probably just have me killed during the night.

1) Won't cite, not can't. Speaking for myself of course

I'm also making my guesses based on behaviors. For example you're acting as if you're the leader so far or will suffer greatly if FA is lynched.

Which is why I've told you guys I would vote for FA if you give me some good reasons. Because I am going to suffer greatly if FA is lynched.

There is no reasoning with you guys.
Makes me think you are scared of me. Good. I like to make scum sweat.

Btw I can't help but notice you've already conceded that I am a mislynch. You're right. I am. Which makes me wonder why you are so eager to mislynch me than vote for someone you believe is scum. Unless you are too

Oh puh-leeze.

Mertex wouldn't "suffer" if FA were lynched, but YOU said YOU would.

That is one of the weirdest things posted in any Mafia game. You will suffer from an FA lynch?

Well, here is a call for mercy. We lynch Avatar first to prevent his "suffering".

Regards from Rosie

Btw it was rd who said I'd suffer if we lynched FA

Incorrect, see my big post above this one, you liar.
Oh puh-leeze.

Mertex wouldn't "suffer" if FA were lynched, but YOU said YOU would.

That is one of the weirdest things posted in any Mafia game. You will suffer from an FA lynch?

Well, here is a call for mercy. We lynch Avatar first to prevent his "suffering".

Regards from Rosie

Btw it was rd who said I'd suffer if we lynched FA

Incorrect, see my big post above this one, you liar.

Not incorrect at all. In fact you also quoted the post where rd said it. I responded sarcastically that clearly I am willing to switch my vote if they give me a reason to because I'd be suffering oh so much
Makes me think you are scared of me. Good. I like to make scum sweat.

Btw I can't help but notice you've already conceded that I am a mislynch. You're right. I am. Which makes me wonder why you are so eager to mislynch me than vote for someone you believe is scum. Unless you are too

Oh puh-leeze.

Mertex wouldn't "suffer" if FA were lynched, but YOU said YOU would.

That is one of the weirdest things posted in any Mafia game. You will suffer from an FA lynch?

Well, here is a call for mercy. We lynch Avatar first to prevent his "suffering".

Regards from Rosie

Now you're just sounding delusional. Do you even understand what we are doing here. I've stated multiple times that I don't have a problem voting for FA if you give me a reason to. But you guys won't for whatever reason.

Btw please don't think your red herring worked. Mertex admitted I was a mislynch. How would she know I am one unless she is scum? And why is she trying to pretend as if it's a choice between lynching me and no lynch when we have three candidates with multiple votes? Especially when I'm not one of the top three.

I read that post from [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION] that Mani was a poss mislynch.
Ohoo, I hit post too soon

I've stated multiple times that I don't have a problem voting for FA if you give me a reason to. But you guys won't for whatever reason.
Avi, I know I've given you my reason. Why keep up that line of nonsense?
I'll add my 2 cents on Avatar. This whole thing seemed to start, because he said we should not lynch TN based on the PMs which reset the game ( which was a lot of my fault, since I did not know the game had been reset) . Then, it somehow morphed into Avatar defending TN, and then FA was brought into the convo since both Avatar and FA had a vote on Mertex IIRC. I have FA on my scum list, I don't have a solid reason, except, his posts seems a lot different this game.

I think many were pushing Avatar as scum initially, because of his resistance to vote without cause for TN, in fact, I saw this as town like behavior. SR even thought the wagon developed too soon on TN and then said she thought scum was on that wagon. Therefore kinda stating the same Avatar stated, but a hell of a lot more succinctly.

As far as defense of a player I have also been the recipient of Avatar defending me, he did so in game 3, when a few kept calling me scum, he asked for reasons and said I was not scum, so I don't see this as something new at all-defending players. I also don't see his wanting to ensure we have scum lynched as scummy, I think this is town like.

Mani asked earlier how town is supposed to act together, I am unsure, but if we have our own reads that people are not scum- but then one is accused of being scum while defending or agreeing with another player, I am unsure how we are supposed to find scum and come together as a town team.

I read Wake last night in a thread, and he said town in general loses because we allow ourselves to get caught up in the mayhem/drama instead of trying to focus on our mission of finding scum.
Oh puh-leeze.

Mertex wouldn't "suffer" if FA were lynched, but YOU said YOU would.

That is one of the weirdest things posted in any Mafia game. You will suffer from an FA lynch?

Well, here is a call for mercy. We lynch Avatar first to prevent his "suffering".

Regards from Rosie

Btw it was rd who said I'd suffer if we lynched FA

Incorrect, see my big post above this one, you liar.

This is a good enuff reason. Lynch him for being a big, fat liar.

We can get the Boy in his hidey-hole (Manifold) later.

Regards from Rosie
Here's my list so far:

Scum -


Null -


Anti-Town -


Leaning Town -


Town -


My track record shows that I'm usually wrong...

I don't like this massive hedge. Plus it gives Grandma an out regardless of the flip.

Define "hedge," please. I always put out these lists. It's good to compare each others' lists, and my lists can come in handy if I'm NK'd early as usual.

The reads list is null given they are en vogue here.

It's the "My track record shows that I'm usually wrong" is ugly hedgy shit.
Btw it was rd who said I'd suffer if we lynched FA

Incorrect, see my big post above this one, you liar.

This is a good enuff reason. Lynch him for being a big, fat liar.

We can get the Boy in his hidey-hole (Manifold) later.

Regards from Rosie

He did not lie, RD did say it here in post 324.

Avatar repeated it here in post 325

This is the same crap that was happening to me in game 3. I suppose this will be considered defending Avatar and it might have my head in a noose, but I don't care. We need to either speak out when we see inconsistencies or false claims. Stating Avatar lied when he did not and pointing out the evidence is just the facts.

We need facts to work with here. Somehow there must be a way to work together to find scum. I feel this may be achieved if and when we support those who appear to be town to expose those who may be scum. I am not 100 percent sure Avatar is town, but his actions, so far, seem to be that of town to me.
CaféAuLait;9504616 said:
Incorrect, see my big post above this one, you liar.

This is a good enuff reason. Lynch him for being a big, fat liar.

We can get the Boy in his hidey-hole (Manifold) later.

Regards from Rosie

He did not lie, RD did say it here in post 324.

Avatar repeated it here in post 325

This is the same crap that was happening to me in game 3. I suppose this will be considered defending Avatar and it might have my head in a noose, but I don't care. We need to either speak out when we see inconsistencies or false claims. Stating Avatar lied when he did not and pointing out the evidence is just the facts.

We need facts to work with here. Somehow there must be a way to work together to find scum. I feel this may be achieved if and when we support those who appear to be town to expose those who may be scum. I am not 100 percent sure Avatar is town, but his actions, so far, seem to be that of town to me.
Avi stepped in it, but I agree he simply misspoke not lied responding to my observation.

I also agree speaking up with what you notice is not defending it's simply sharing thoughts. But it's Avi himself who makes the accusation that's its scummy to do so when it suits him, that's one of the inconsistencies with him. To me that's anti town.
Vote Count: 1.8

FA_Q2 (4): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀, R.D.♀, Mertex♀
Mertex (4): Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀
Manifold (3): tn5421♂, Grandma♀, ScarletRage♀
Avatar4321 (1): RosieS♀
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀

Not Voting (0):

~ With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 7/26/14, @ 3pm central.

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7
Also, Avatar wanted only the top three vote getters be under consideration for lynching......causing himself and myself to drop off.

I have been told only looking out for yourself is Scum.

And who jumped in and agreed about top vote getters - trying to divert the spotlight from Avatar?

Yup, FA. FA not wanting to bus Avatar. Taking on Town himself.

Suspicious? Heck yeah.

Regards from Rosie
Indeed. One of the difficulties in having the Scum role is trying to pretend you do not know the things you know.

Thus, you wind up posting inconsistently, which is what R.D. has found in Avatar's posts.

I can/will switch to FA in order to have consensus, but I see Avatar as the stronger lynch candidate at this time. I fight to lynch Avatar or do I switch to FA now and hope Avatar gets lynched later?


Regards from Rosie

Avatar only has one vote, yours. If all the ones voting for FA are willing to switch to Avatar, I will gladly switch back to him. I had voted for him earlier but no one else was willing to do so. Grandma had said she thought Avi seemed Scummy, so, is she willing to switch to Avi and leave Mani for later?

I believe a mislynch is better for Town than a NL, because if it turns out we made a mistake, we can at least discard our notions about who was working with the person we lynched..

So, how many are willing to switch to Avatar?

Makes me think you are scared of me. Good. I like to make scum sweat.

Btw I can't help but notice you've already conceded that I am a mislynch. You're right. I am. Which makes me wonder why you are so eager to mislynch me than vote for someone you believe is scum. Unless you are too

Don't play coy. You're Scum, and you know I'm Town, that's why you're voting for me. And, I'm not a bit scared of you, I just want to make sure that at least one Scum is lynched.

And, that's true, as Town, I don't know for sure that you are Scum, even though you sound a lot like Scum, but if you succeed in lynching me, you'll for sure not look so innocent to the rest when it is revealed that I'm Town.
Also, Avatar wanted only the top three vote getters be under consideration for lynching......causing himself and myself to drop off.

I have been told only looking out for yourself is Scum.

And who jumped in and agreed about top vote getters - trying to divert the spotlight from Avatar?

Yup, FA. FA not wanting to bus Avatar. Taking on Town himself.

Suspicious? Heck yeah.

Regards from Rosie

Because it makes sense. If you think we can still find a consensus then by all means, start the wagon but to be frank that might just end up with a no lynch and that is bad for town.

Your logic is rather convoluted as well. You claim that I am trying top keep the heat of of avatar but you seem to forget that I am one of those three that I said we should be focusing on. That certainly does not give avatar any cover if I actually were scum.

What is scummy is trying to start a wagon at the last min on players that don't have any real votes behind them. You even made that statement last game in the neighborhood when you said that it was not the time to start a wagon.

We need to start coalescing right now around someone that we think is scum.
Makes me think you are scared of me. Good. I like to make scum sweat.

Btw I can't help but notice you've already conceded that I am a mislynch. You're right. I am. Which makes me wonder why you are so eager to mislynch me than vote for someone you believe is scum. Unless you are too

Oh puh-leeze.

Mertex wouldn't "suffer" if FA were lynched, but YOU said YOU would.

That is one of the weirdest things posted in any Mafia game. You will suffer from an FA lynch?

Well, here is a call for mercy. We lynch Avatar first to prevent his "suffering".

Regards from Rosie

Now you're just sounding delusional. Do you even understand what we are doing here. I've stated multiple times that I don't have a problem voting for FA if you give me a reason to. But you guys won't for whatever reason.

Btw please don't think your red herring worked. Mertex admitted I was a mislynch. How would she know I am one unless she is scum? And why is she trying to pretend as if it's a choice between lynching me and no lynch when we have three candidates with multiple votes? Especially when I'm not one of the top three.

Quit lying. I didn't say you would be a mis-lynch. I'm town, so how the hell am I supposed to be 100% sure you are Scum other than that you have shown by your mis-statements that you are not reading the posts....a very Scummy give-away. Now you are outright lying saying that I have admitted you are Town. If I knew you were Town I wouldn't be voting against my own interest....don't play dumb, it doesn't become you and it makes you even more Scummy.

Yes, we have three candidates, but if nobody changes their votes, we don't have a majority on anyone, that's a fact. I'm surprised that as an experienced player you didn't know that.

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