Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Hitch up the wagon... :doubt:

I haven't seen anything really scummy from FA.

I'll tell you why FA is scummy. And not only that, I think that you Avatar and FA_Q2 may very well be our scum.

FA's very first post is a vote for R.D.
On his second post, he gives Cafe a "not Scum" pass just because she gave him some advice on how to get rid of ads with Adfender.
On his 3rd post he uses your confusion on the roles being re-randomized to make a statement that Wake is affirming that Aye and Myself are Scum, but he doesn't explain how he comes up with that conclusion.
On his next post he admits that his first impression was not correct, that we did indeed get new role pms, but not the PMs between tn and Wake. He then admits that all votes submitted are RVS, that there isn't much to go on other than voting for people and then seeing their reaction, but he then jumps on Avatar's switching his vote from you (Grandma), to me and uses the lame excuse that because of my OMGUS vote on Shaitra.

Avatar's first vote was for you.....of course if you three are Scum, he knew it was a safe time as he could change it later, and what a perfect opportunity for him to distance himself from you with a meaningless vote. And change he did. He changed his vote to me giving the lame explanation that I was voting for tn because he was Scum in the last game. That was totally untrue, and I had already given an explanation as to why I was voting for tn. It had to do with the re-randomizing issue, and because someone claimed that tn had outed himself as Scum when he asked for the QT, and then there was discussion that maybe the roles weren't reassigned, which would have left tn as Scum. Obviously Avatar didn't read my posts where I explained it, because he keeps insisting that I was voting for tn simply because he was Scum in the last game. He also made another mistake when he said that you and I were on the tn Wagon, and posted that on 7/21/14 at 12:14 p.m, but Wake had posted Vote Count 1.2 on 7/21/14 at 11:33 a.m. that clearly shows I was no longer voting for tn. How could he possibly miss that?

We know that Scum doesn't have to read every single post, they know who we are, and Avatar made a mistake by assuming that I voted for tn because he was scum in the previous game, and then made a claim that you and I were on the tn wagon, when just a few posts before that, Wake had posted the vote count that showed different.

Another suspicious move, Avatar FOS R.D. as Scum early on, and of course, FA very conveniently voted for R.D. on Vote Count 1.1.

That you have not found FA or Avatar Scummy, but are also claiming that I am Scum makes it obvious that the three of you are our Mafia team.

You're really going to argue that you and grandma werent on the TN wagon? despite vote 1.1

Mine was the first vote. One vote is scarcely a wagon. And it was an RVS vote based on his having caused the reset.

You sound scummier with each post, Avi...
Avatar is on my Scum list. He's not playing the way he usually does. He refuses to claim other than to say he's Town. I already hard claimed Vanilla Townie.

Wait, so you claimed to be a vanilla townie? Why on earth would you do that? There is a reason I always refuse to say anything other than I am town aligned. It's specifically so I don't give the scum information to determine who is what so early in the game. If I claim to be a mason, they will night kill me. If I claim to be vanilla town, they will focus on others who may be masons.

There is absolutely no point telling the scum who to focus on. It's incredibly anti town.

huge FOS on grandma right now

Would it kill you to read the thread?

Before the reset I was scum.

After the reset I am not scum.

"Some people" thought that resetting the roles meant that everyone got exactly the same roles they had before the reset.

I had to claim VT to get them off me and onto scum hunting.
2 days until deadline.

Who's the scummiest person on your lists, you guys?

Which is plenty of time for a lynch, why the rush? Plans this weekend or simply because you want one of the two leader lynched?

Usually we have our Day 1 lynch well ahead of deadline. Right now we're less than 40 hours away from a No Lynch. If we're gonna do it we need to get a move on.

Or does everyone think a No Lynch would be the better way to go?
The strongest reads are Avi and Mani. Both are "off." Avi's bossy and not flooding the board with posts.

Been busy this week. I had 3 trials to prepare for, managed to settle all three. A bit more of a priority than flooding the boards.

I also have never been trying to flood the boards in any of the games. I simply respond to things I feel like responding to. and considering I am still towards the top of the post count, I hardly see how you can say I am not saying anything.

I didn't say you weren't saying anything, I said you weren't flooding the boards.

And I get the Day 1 crown for RL distractions. Nobody's had a week like this, imagine Peyton Place, Twin Peaks, Dark Shadows, Dallas, General Hospital, and As the World Turns all rolled into one and running 20 hours per day.

This week's drama features Arrogant And Very Stupid Man-Child vs. Bitter 30-Something Shit-Stirring Spinster. The part of Neighbor That Doesn't Want To Be Involved But Gets Dragged In Anyway is being played by me.

I sleep in a t-shirt and underwear. Without my teeth in. When I first wake up, I go to the bathroom. When I come out of the bathroom I do not like seeing cops on the stairs while I'm in the hall in a t-shirt and underwear with no upper teeth and messy hair - especially since I haven't had my first half pot of coffee yet.

That was the first half hour of Monday. Every hour and day around it is just as whack.

But still, I've been in the game, more so than certain others of note.:doubt:
Four of you are pointing to Mertex, without any reasoning that is logical to me. I saw no other "group" going after anyone else at the time.

Of you four I picked FA, it could easily have been you, you both had votes, but I only get one. The point is to get a majority.

So you randomly pick someone to go after without trying to find out why they think she's scum?

Why do you not think she's scum?
@ Grandma

I did not think that everyone got same exact roles, I did not know the whole game was reset. I thought the roles were only reassigned between the 5 of us who saw or sent the PM. Me, FA_Q2 , Grandma , ScarletRage , and TN, the sender.

I believed this since there were posts after the reset, which read as if some did not get a new PM role. The fact there were 2 scum ( you and TN) between the 5 of us involved in the PM situation, the odds were highly likely someone got a duplicate role between the 5 of us, especially given the fact my role was duplicated.

That is why I asked on the forum and the responses were not clear. I believe something should have been written in the New Role PM to explain the game had been entirely reset- especially for newbies. Yeah, I still consider myself this, as I have yet to get through an entire game,-as the last one was cut very short.
2 days until deadline.

Who's the scummiest person on your lists, you guys?

Which is plenty of time for a lynch, why the rush? Plans this weekend or simply because you want one of the two leader lynched?

Usually we have our Day 1 lynch well ahead of deadline. Right now we're less than 40 hours away from a No Lynch. If we're gonna do it we need to get a move on.

Or does everyone think a No Lynch would be the better way to go?

Did you not read my post (below). You have claimed that Avatar seems Scummy, so why not vote for him. Or was your comment just for show?

I'm willing to change my vote from FA to Avatar, if I knew enough would do it to avoid a NL.

Avatar accused me of trying to save myself, said it made me look scummy, but yet, he is willing that we concentrate on lynching one of the top three, which takes him off the hook....isn't that the same as trying to save himself?

I don't find things played out the way you're claiming. There are also inconsistencies with your accusations from player to player. What you call scummy for some, you give passes to others.

Indeed. One of the difficulties in having the Scum role is trying to pretend you do not know the things you know.

Thus, you wind up posting inconsistently, which is what R.D. has found in Avatar's posts.

I can/will switch to FA in order to have consensus, but I see Avatar as the stronger lynch candidate at this time. I fight to lynch Avatar or do I switch to FA now and hope Avatar gets lynched later?


Regards from Rosie

Avatar only has one vote, yours. If all the ones voting for FA are willing to switch to Avatar, I will gladly switch back to him. I had voted for him earlier but no one else was willing to do so. Grandma had said she thought Avi seemed Scummy, so, is she willing to switch to Avi and leave Mani for later?

I believe a mislynch is better for Town than a NL, because if it turns out we made a mistake, we can at least discard our notions about who was working with the person we lynched..

So, how many are willing to switch to Avatar?
I don't like this massive hedge. Plus it gives Grandma an out regardless of the flip.

Define "hedge," please. I always put out these lists. It's good to compare each others' lists, and my lists can come in handy if I'm NK'd early as usual.

The reads list is null given they are en vogue here.

It's the "My track record shows that I'm usually wrong" is ugly hedgy shit.

Seriously, Scarlet, check me out in Games 2 and 3. I'm telling the ugly truth here. :(
Which is plenty of time for a lynch, why the rush? Plans this weekend or simply because you want one of the two leader lynched?

Usually we have our Day 1 lynch well ahead of deadline. Right now we're less than 40 hours away from a No Lynch. If we're gonna do it we need to get a move on.

Or does everyone think a No Lynch would be the better way to go?

Did you not read my post (below). You have claimed that Avatar seems Scummy, so why not vote for him. Or was your comment just for show?

I'm willing to change my vote from FA to Avatar, if I knew enough would do it to avoid a NL.

Avatar accused me of trying to save myself, said it made me look scummy, but yet, he is willing that we concentrate on lynching one of the top three, which takes him off the hook....isn't that the same as trying to save himself?

Indeed. One of the difficulties in having the Scum role is trying to pretend you do not know the things you know.

Thus, you wind up posting inconsistently, which is what R.D. has found in Avatar's posts.

I can/will switch to FA in order to have consensus, but I see Avatar as the stronger lynch candidate at this time. I fight to lynch Avatar or do I switch to FA now and hope Avatar gets lynched later?


Regards from Rosie

Avatar only has one vote, yours. If all the ones voting for FA are willing to switch to Avatar, I will gladly switch back to him. I had voted for him earlier but no one else was willing to do so. Grandma had said she thought Avi seemed Scummy, so, is she willing to switch to Avi and leave Mani for later?

I believe a mislynch is better for Town than a NL, because if it turns out we made a mistake, we can at least discard our notions about who was working with the person we lynched..

So, how many are willing to switch to Avatar?

Do you think 6 people will switch their votes to Avi in the next day and a half? I don't.

It's more likely that 3 people will switch that vote to FA or you. Mani's the dark horse right now, 4 people would have to switch for him to get lynched.

Of the top 3 vote-getters Mani's still my #1 scum bet, then you, with FA a distant third.

So if I change my vote tomorrow evening it will be to you, Mertex.
Usually we have our Day 1 lynch well ahead of deadline. Right now we're less than 40 hours away from a No Lynch. If we're gonna do it we need to get a move on.

Or does everyone think a No Lynch would be the better way to go?

Did you not read my post (below). You have claimed that Avatar seems Scummy, so why not vote for him. Or was your comment just for show?

I'm willing to change my vote from FA to Avatar, if I knew enough would do it to avoid a NL.

Avatar accused me of trying to save myself, said it made me look scummy, but yet, he is willing that we concentrate on lynching one of the top three, which takes him off the hook....isn't that the same as trying to save himself?

Avatar only has one vote, yours. If all the ones voting for FA are willing to switch to Avatar, I will gladly switch back to him. I had voted for him earlier but no one else was willing to do so. Grandma had said she thought Avi seemed Scummy, so, is she willing to switch to Avi and leave Mani for later?

I believe a mislynch is better for Town than a NL, because if it turns out we made a mistake, we can at least discard our notions about who was working with the person we lynched..

So, how many are willing to switch to Avatar?

Do you think 6 people will switch their votes to Avi in the next day and a half? I don't.

It's more likely that 3 people will switch that vote to FA or you. Mani's the dark horse right now, 4 people would have to switch for him to get lynched.

Of the top 3 vote-getters Mani's still my #1 scum bet, then you, with FA a distant third.

So if I change my vote tomorrow evening it will be to you, Mertex.

Yep, I guess I was right when I FOS FA/AVatar/Grandma as our Scum Team.

I knew your "I think Avatar seems very scummy" was just for show, and this proves it. Now you're FOS FA to make it seem that you are not working with them, but after claiming that you thought Avatar was Scum, and just a couple of posts before this you tell him that he is sounding more and more Scummier, yet you are not willing to vote for him? Hmmmm, seems pretty obvious to me you're Scum.

My only hope is, that if you, FA and Avi succeed in lynching me, that the rest of Town won't be so slow to figure out that you three are Scum, and we can finally win a game.
Because you think you can get 6 people to vote for him?

Give it your best shot.

I was trying to figure out how many would be willing to switch. Obviously no one was, not even you, who claimed that Avatar seemed Scummy to you.

So, I'll keep my vote where it is.

I'm sticking with Mani for now, but if enough people switch to Avi or you I will too. But I still think Mani's the scummiest. I want everyone to switch to him.
I'm seriously down for any of the major wagons... maybe when I sober up tomorrow I can pick one.

My biggest desire is Grandma and I don't think she's one of the wagons.

The problem is Grandma's voting with me on Manifold and Mani is the safest.

No one sounds like themselves from a game ago. Blah.
I'm seriously down for any of the major wagons... maybe when I sober up tomorrow I can pick one.

My biggest desire is Grandma and I don't think she's one of the wagons.

The problem is Grandma's voting with me on Manifold and Mani is the safest.

No one sounds like themselves from a game ago. Blah.

lol. Were you drunk last game? That might be one reason that many don't 'sound' the same :D

I am starting to get jealous.
I'm seriously down for any of the major wagons... maybe when I sober up tomorrow I can pick one.

My biggest desire is Grandma and I don't think she's one of the wagons.

The problem is Grandma's voting with me on Manifold and Mani is the safest.

No one sounds like themselves from a game ago. Blah.

Why am I the safest? :dunno:

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