Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

So sorry to hear Shaitra, you and yours are most definitely in my thoughts. :smiliehug:


Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.
Just an update for everyone. I won't be around much this weekend. My Dad's wake is Saturday and the funeral on Sunday. We have family and stuff coming in tomorrow so I may not be able to post more than once or twice each day. Sorry, not trying to bring personal stuff in but I did want to explain my absence.

Sorry to hear about your dad passing, Shaitra, and don't worry about it. We'll see you when we see you. My thoughts and prayers for you and your family at this difficult time.
Vote: FA_Q2

I'd like for him to explain why he was tunneling on Avatar who has flipped town. And also a reads list that is more than one person long.

I thought that was obvious – Avatar was stating things that made him seem really scummy. He kept posting contradictory information and essentially lying about TN and the chances that he rolled scum again. Avatar is usually far smarter than that and he was NOT acting like that this game. For all of his caution, the only thing I got from Avatar was misdirection. I was sure that he was scum.

Apparently I was wrong but there it is – he read scummy to me as well as many others here.

As far as other possible scum, I still have Mertex as a possible but she has been posting more townish lately. I don’t know if that is because she is trying to be more cautious now or if she really is town.

TN is somewhat suspicious because of the failed hammer but considering that Avatar is town, I am not so confident in that assessment. I would like to hear Café comment on this because she made the point that Avatar flipping town would make her more suspicious of TN and I tend to trust her assessments and Café reads town to me.

MaBelle seems the scummiest to me at the moment because of her refusal to vote period. Not only is that a complete reversal of previous play where she would hammer willy nilly. I understand her hesitation to hammer but to be completely absent in voting? What possible help can that be for town? On top of that, has Ma made a single post of substance? Not really. I don’t see how she can be town.

Grandma is somewhat scummy because of the early attempt at a hammer BUT she did warn us and I don’t see a whole lot of her play that seems scummy to me. ‘Hedging’ was called scummy but I see that all over the place here so I am not seeing that as a scum tell.


In that order

I belive that leaves Café, Aye, you and Rosie as town reads for me.

I don't understand why TN is more town after he failed to come back and hammer just because Avatar flipped town. TN's excuse for not hammering is he fell asleep. I feel his inaction kept people focused on Avatar instead of Grandma. So could you explain why this feels town to you?
Those who are suspicious of MeBelle for not voting, what good reason would someone who was scum have for doing that? Now that we know there was definitely a town option she could have voted for, what does she really gain for not hammering Avatar?
Those who are suspicious of MeBelle for not voting, what good reason would someone who was scum have for doing that? Now that we know there was definitely a town option she could have voted for, what does she really gain for not hammering Avatar?

I agree, even if she did not speak to her alleged scum partners as Mertex ponders in a previous post and was confused about what to do- it seems to me her not voting casts more suspicion on her than if she were to vote. The entire vote was really not up to her, given she was ill. She came back to a situation where she could choose our townie and hammer a townie or I suppose if she were scum then she might have known she was choosing between two townies or one scum and one townie. Why not just launch the hammer on the person she knew to be town, if she is scum? It would almost have taken suspicion off of her- given she only had to choose between the two. Additionally, she did not vote the first go round, so there would have been no real voting block of scum revealed IMO if she had hammered Avatar or even Grandma.
top scum picks

These are based on voting patterns:



Then TN ( which I think would be really stupid to be scum and pull the non-hammer)

Rest town.

Vote FA-Q2
I'll also add, the night kills follow the exact pattern FA set out in our neighborhood QT for game 3.

He stated if he were scum he would take out those not as vocal on the game first then move towards those who were more vocal to ensure suspicion did not fall on scum.

SR was voting here and there but really was not too vocal, she was trying to teach us how to play and I believe throwing out votes here and there but was not too forceful as to who she believed was scum, except stating she 'her biggest desire was Grandma". Her experience probably had her killed on night 1 as well.

RD, was not too vocal either, kinda quiet too with a statement here and there.
CaféAuLait;9588112 said:
I'll also add, the night kills follow the exact pattern FA set out in our neighborhood QT for game 3.

He stated if he were scum he would take out those not as vocal on the game first then move towards those who were more vocal to ensure suspicion did not fall on scum.

SR was voting here and there but really was not too vocal, she was trying to teach us how to play and I believe throwing out votes here and there but was not too forceful as to who she believed was scum, except stating she 'her biggest desire was Grandma". Her experience probably had her killed on night 1 as well.

RD, was not too vocal either, kinda quiet too with a statement here and there.

That's very interesting. Very interesting.

But weren't MeBelle, TN and Shaitra quieter than Scarlet and R.D.?
CaféAuLait;9588112 said:
I'll also add, the night kills follow the exact pattern FA set out in our neighborhood QT for game 3.

He stated if he were scum he would take out those not as vocal on the game first then move towards those who were more vocal to ensure suspicion did not fall on scum.

SR was voting here and there but really was not too vocal, she was trying to teach us how to play and I believe throwing out votes here and there but was not too forceful as to who she believed was scum, except stating she 'her biggest desire was Grandma". Her experience probably had her killed on night 1 as well.

RD, was not too vocal either, kinda quiet too with a statement here and there.

That's very interesting. Very interesting.

But weren't MeBelle, TN and Shaitra quieter than Scarlet and R.D.?

If I recall correctly, he did not say he would take out the absolute quietest first, but those who are quiet and not as vocal and move his way up.

I agree to a point about MeBelle, but she could have hammered you at any moment or avatar and declined. She did not vote either round, so she is either playing really stupidly for scum and bringing a lot of attention to herself, or she is playing the same way she has always played.- haphazardly. I do find her lack of upset, like last game interesting though too. Last game she was terribly vocal and calling for a mod when people questioned her V/LA status and she said she was being called a 'liar' and it was against the rules. So that changed or she realized it was not a personal attack to suggest scum may be lying.

If TN is scum he pulled a really, really stupid scummy heylookatmeI'mscum move by not hammering you-when he stated he would. That is why he remains on my possible scum list.
I'm having a hell of a time deciding between TN and MeBelle.

Right now I'm leaning towards MeBelle. Several of us, myself and Avi included, told her she should vote and told her that no one would give her any flak over her choice. So he can't say she didn't hammer because she was scared.

So why didn't she hammer?
I meant to say SHE:

"So SHE can't say she didn't hammer because she was scared."
I'm having a hell of a time deciding between TN and MeBelle.

Right now I'm leaning towards MeBelle. Several of us, myself and Avi included, told her she should vote and told her that no one would give her any flak over her choice. So he can't say she didn't hammer because she was scared.

So why didn't she hammer?

I told her the same thing, no one would question you. She still did not hammer and then said my not removing my vote and voting for you was scummy of me. So I was suspicious, but then thought about it and again, its like TN, they are both scum moves but would scum be so blatant. Not to mention, their behavior would given scum fodder for town to chew on, it looks suspicious- so scum would play it up IMO.

So are scum acting very strangely this game in a fashion which knows would bring suspicion to themselves? I am leaning no, but it does not mean I can't look at more evidence or won't keep my mind open. My vote stands.
Oh, I'm not saying you should change your vote. It's yours, do what you want.

I am curious why you think I'm scum.
CaféAuLait;9586559 said:

Why didn't you come back and hammer Grandma like you said you would before the end of Day 2?

I fell asleep while waiting.

Strange, you announced intent to hammer Grandma at 7am ET.

It's not uncommon for me to be up from late-afternoon one day to 8-11am the next day.


I don't think you realize how upset I am at not getting one of my top scumreads lynched.
TN, I'm very confused at your vote.

You said it was because of my confusion over the role reset, but I explained myself for the umpteenth time.

I'll ask you directly - Why am I scum for not reading my PMs before I came to the game, and why is Mertex being given a free pass for what has been pointed out as her behavior as scum?
CaféAuLait;9586559 said:
I fell asleep while waiting.

Strange, you announced intent to hammer Grandma at 7am ET.

It's not uncommon for me to be up from late-afternoon one day to 8-11am the next day.


I don't think you realize how upset I am at not getting one of my top scumreads lynched.

(Emphasis added)

Ok, then this leaves the obvious question, why the vote for Avatar if Grandma was one of your top scum reads?
Featherhugs for you, Shaitra.

Vote: FA_Q2

If Cafe sticks with this, I can feel confident she is Town. If she drops FA soon, I can feel confident she and he teamed up it this way in Scum night talk to take suspicion off of her.

As they say - timing is everything!

Regards from Rosie
I'm having a hell of a time deciding between TN and MeBelle.

Right now I'm leaning towards MeBelle. Several of us, myself and Avi included, told her she should vote and told her that no one would give her any flak over her choice. So he can't say she didn't hammer because she was scared.

So why didn't she hammer?

I still don't get why she did not vote, but this leads me to recalling MeBelle removing her vote from FA all of a sudden. I had forgotten about this.

Tell me please, what are your thoughts on FA, Grandma?
Featherhugs for you, Shaitra.

Vote: FA_Q2

If Cafe sticks with this, I can feel confident she is Town. If she drops FA soon, I can feel confident she and he teamed up it this way in Scum night talk to take suspicion off of her.

As they say - timing is everything!

Regards from Rosie

Rosie, FA has been on my scum list since day 1. Nothing has changed. Avatar looked really scummy after the Mani vote and I became focused on Avatar unfortunately. I'm not scum, but I suppose this is just the game to be suspicious of each other. Anyway, we will all believe as we see fit, I'm just asking you keep you mind open to see any suspicious comments or voting activity. I'm going to post the vote count to see if anyone notes any patterns.

Forum List
