Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

I'll be back later with a VC.

I'm so grateful for all of you making Mafia a reality here, and will strive to do more to make the game a mainstay at USMB.
R.D. made the wrong choice - she should have hammered Grandma.

She probably is fully aware of that now, in the Dead Zone.

That Scum - unwittingly do their work for them and what do they do? They kill ya anyway.

"Thanks, R.D.! Now you're done". Dead R.D.

Be very careful that you are not helping Scum - don't do an R.D.

Regards from Rosie

She couldn't, she was already voting for Grandma, and it was looking like it was going to be a NL.....MeBelle was playing naive, and tn claims he fell asleep, yeah, sure....I think RD made the sacrifice because she knew they were going to come after her, anyway and she didn't want them getting away with a NL. Both R.D. and SR were suspicious of Grandma, and I still am....but MeBelle was so blatant, there's no way she's Town.
R.D. made the wrong choice - she should have hammered Grandma.

She probably is fully aware of that now, in the Dead Zone.

That Scum - unwittingly do their work for them and what do they do? They kill ya anyway.

"Thanks, R.D.! Now you're done". Dead R.D.

Be very careful that you are not helping Scum - don't do an R.D.

Regards from Rosie

She couldn't, she was already voting for Grandma, and it was looking like it was going to be a NL.....MeBelle was playing naive, and tn claims he fell asleep, yeah, sure....I think RD made the sacrifice because she knew they were going to come after her, anyway and she didn't want them getting away with a NL. Both R.D. and SR were suspicious of Grandma, and I still am....but MeBelle was so blatant, there's no way she's Town.

I tell you again....MeBelle plays eccentrically. I am also accused of playing anti-Town in Game 4, when I am full 100% Town this time.

MeBelle plays nutty just to throw ya off. Don't get thrown, Mertex.

Now, whether TN is telling us true or lying, I just do not know!

Regards from Rosie
I'm wondering though, that between MeBelle not voting and the 3 that voted for Grandma on Vote Count 2.7 - could 2 possibly be scum?

Are you pointing the finger @ yourself :eek:

Not at all. :)

I just don't think scum would put all their votes on one person. Have they done that before here? Any notice?
I think we need to look at SR and RD and try to figure out why scum NK'ed them.

I think you have your answer right here. R.D. was suspecting the same people that I have been suspecting, except for tn, but that last little trick he did, saying he was going to hammer Grandma and then disappearing, is BS, as far as I'm concerned, and he can very well replace Aye as one of the ones I've suspected. It's all very obvious. SR also suspected Grandma.

FOS Mebelle, for going for a no lynch. TN for the same reason. Grandma, for the same reasons before I voted for Avi
R.D. made the wrong choice - she should have hammered Grandma.

She probably is fully aware of that now, in the Dead Zone.

That Scum - unwittingly do their work for them and what do they do? They kill ya anyway.

"Thanks, R.D.! Now you're done". Dead R.D.

Be very careful that you are not helping Scum - don't do an R.D.

Regards from Rosie

She couldn't, she was already voting for Grandma, and it was looking like it was going to be a NL.....MeBelle was playing naive, and tn claims he fell asleep, yeah, sure....I think RD made the sacrifice because she knew they were going to come after her, anyway and she didn't want them getting away with a NL. Both R.D. and SR were suspicious of Grandma, and I still am....but MeBelle was so blatant, there's no way she's Town.

I tell you again....MeBelle plays eccentrically. I am also accused of playing anti-Town in Game 4, when I am full 100% Town this time.

MeBelle plays nutty just to throw ya off. Don't get thrown, Mertex.

Now, whether TN is telling us true or lying, I just do not know!

Regards from Rosie

Well, completely not voting Day 1 and not voting Day 2 is very anti-town. She isn't helping town by playing the way she does, she might as well be treated as Scum. But, tn is supposed to be an experienced player....either he doesn't really give a crap about this game or he's bluffing. He can go, too, as far as I'm concerned.

My reads on Scum are Grandma, MeBelle, tn

The rest in order of most suspect:
She couldn't, she was already voting for Grandma, and it was looking like it was going to be a NL.....MeBelle was playing naive, and tn claims he fell asleep, yeah, sure....I think RD made the sacrifice because she knew they were going to come after her, anyway and she didn't want them getting away with a NL. Both R.D. and SR were suspicious of Grandma, and I still am....but MeBelle was so blatant, there's no way she's Town.

I tell you again....MeBelle plays eccentrically. I am also accused of playing anti-Town in Game 4, when I am full 100% Town this time.

MeBelle plays nutty just to throw ya off. Don't get thrown, Mertex.

Now, whether TN is telling us true or lying, I just do not know!

Regards from Rosie

Well, completely not voting Day 1 and not voting Day 2 is very anti-town. She isn't helping town by playing the way she does, she might as well be treated as Scum. But, tn is supposed to be an experienced player....either he doesn't really give a crap about this game or he's bluffing. He can go, too, as far as I'm concerned.

My reads on Scum are Grandma, MeBelle, tn

The rest in order of most suspect:

Why did you drop FA? He plays similarly to TN and is distinctly unhelpful. Aye and Shaitra should not be more suspicious than he.

Regards from Rosie
I've seen enough from a few of you to know I'm not the only one suspicious of TN.

VOTE: TN5421
Vote Count: 3.1

Mebelle60 (1): Mertex♀
TN5421 (1): AyeCantSeeYou♀

Not Voting (7): MeBelle60♀, CafeAuLait♀, tn5421♂, FA_Q2♂ Grandma♀, RosieS♀, Shaitra♀

~ With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/13/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Shaitra's on V/LA (no current deadline).

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7
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I hate to say I'm suspicious of MeBelle just because she plays in a particular way. Reason being, many of you keep saying Avatar is playing suspicously and yet you have lynched an innocent townie in games 2, 3, and 4. I think we need to focus on interactions, who talks to who, what is said or left unsaid rather that focusing on posting styles.

Based on the lynch and the NK, I'd like to see reads lists from everyone. I'm working on mine and will post it as soon as I can.
I hate to say I'm suspicious of MeBelle just because she plays in a particular way. Reason being, many of you keep saying Avatar is playing suspicously and yet you have lynched an innocent townie in games 2, 3, and 4. I think we need to focus on interactions, who talks to who, what is said or left unsaid rather that focusing on posting styles.

Based on the lynch and the NK, I'd like to see reads lists from everyone. I'm working on mine and will post it as soon as I can.

MeBelle's non-interraction may be on purpose if she is Scum this go-round. She figured she got away with being a non-participant in previous games and in the end she turned out to be Town, but this time she may be Scum and playing us. I really don't think that not voting is helpful to Town in anyway, and she didn't even contribute anything except to say FOS = so and not even bother to give a reason why she thinks so.

I thought Avatar was too aggressive at first, but then he backed down and his comments really sounded like he was town. That's why I didn't vote for him to get lynched. And, you're right, posting styles are not as important as actions taken.
My reads are simple and the same: FA, Grandma, Cafe.

Everyone else Town.....and that list is getting rather small!

Regards from Rosie
I can't post a reads list until I get satisfactory answers from TN, MeBelle, and Shaitra.

After that I can proceed with the list as well as why RD was killed.

Questions 1 & 2 - Shaitra - You said you voted for me because SR suspected me. You pointed out her saying that my "hedge" was the reason for her suspicion. The "hedge" was nothing more than the disclaimer that I often post with my reads lists. I posted them the same way in Games 2 and 3 when I was a PR. And I post that disclaimer because some players think that I'm psychic or something and treat my reads lists as gospel - which is a mistake. The lists are opinions, nothing more, at least on the first Day or three. I posted them the same way in Games 2 and 3 when I was a PR. There was nothing at all out of the ordinary about my list.

So why did you not read my posts or ask me about the hedge before voting?

Why did you decide I'm Scum on such a flimsy bit of circumstantial evidence?

Questions 3, 4, &5 - TN - You don't carry an alarm clock? No alarm on your watch or cellphone? No coffeepot or 5 Hour Energy?

Questions 6 & 7- MeBelle - You claim illness, but you were able to make several fluff posts and even research Avi's "damns." Post 792 you say
Walls of information, perfect...NOT!
I'll bbl, I have a function to attend.

Behave y'all!!

I'm sorry, but you don't sound like the Spectre of Death is hounding you.

So, why didn't you make any serious posts? We needed the input.

Several of us were trying to get you to vote, one way or the other. We WANTED you to hammer. We would not have given you any shit over it.

So why did you note vote?

I have a question for everyone once I get the answers to these.
Grandma, I'm learning about the game as I play here and at One of the things I see over there is people make definitive claims. Hedges are seen as scummy. I didn't look at hedges as scummy in game 2 or 3 because I hadn't played a game at mafiascum yet. I read all the posts here. Why do you think I did not read your posts?

Another reason I suspect you is your playing style is different this game. You are much more forceful this game than you have been. Why is that?
TN, you have mentioned several times that you think Grandma is scum. I don't remember seeing your reasoning for this claim. Could you either explain it or tell my the post number where you have already explained it?
Grandma, I'm learning about the game as I play here and at One of the things I see over there is people make definitive claims. Hedges are seen as scummy. I didn't look at hedges as scummy in game 2 or 3 because I hadn't played a game at mafiascum yet. I read all the posts here. Why do you think I did not read your posts?

Another reason I suspect you is your playing style is different this game. You are much more forceful this game than you have been. Why is that?

I thought you didn't read them because I explained the hedge and even asked her to check my reads lists from Games 2 and 3.

Two reasons: One, I was sick during the last part of Day 1 and nearly all of Day 2. I'm a raging bitch when I'm sick. Two, in games 2 and 3 I was a PR. I had to be super careful to stay low-key, and there was extra pressure of figuring out who the other PRs were and protecting them while figuring out who Scum were and blocking them. I am able to relax a lot more this game, be more like my usual meanie self.
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Rosie, why FA, Grandma, and Cafe?

All FA did is shuffle players toward Avatar. We know how that turned out.

Grandma because there is a lack of helpfulness in this game from her, too.

Cafe has gone way overboard in the other direction and is trying too hard to be helpful, chummy and to fit in. Besides acting all naive, which is a scum tell. All of which makes her stick out like a sore thumb and appear every bit as scummy as the other two named above.

Regards from Rosie

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