Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies


"Not again...," Avatar sighed. His time was up, and now it was time to pay the piper.

Being familiar with getting killed early, Avatar shrugged off the grasping hands of the angry mob, and walked straight to the gallows himself. "Well, time to die again." With a few simple flicks of his hands he had his noose neatly tucked around his neck. In patient exasperation, he simply hopped off the platform and died.


Avatar, Vanilla Townie, has perished!

Night 2 begins.

Deadline expires 8/5/2014, @ 9pm central time.
My laptop is down, and someone else is here to commandeer the computer I'm using. It's complicated. I will be on to post the happenings the very latest by tomorrow. :smiliehug:
Alack! Alay! Murder in the streets!

R.D., Vanilla Townie, has been found in a puddle of blood!

It is now Day 3.

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!

Deadline ends 8/13/14, @8am central time.
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Well, if that doesn't tell us much, nothing else will. I still think Grandma, MeBelle and Aye are the culprits, but this time I'm going for the most obvious, will get the other two later unless my Townie friends decide they would rather take out another Townie and have me lynched.
I had a feeling that Avatar was telling the truth, but you can't get people to see what you see.

MeBelle's actions scream Scum. If the rest of you Townies want to give her a pass, well, we deserve to lose. Aye, has been too quiet. She did mention that my posting was anti-town because it was antagonistic, but funny, she doesn't pick up on Grandma telling people to ram car parts up their woowoo, and accused me of being dumb and gets downright nasty when accused of being Scum....I guess that's suppose to be Town-like in Aye's book? Hmmmm, I don't buy that. Grandma didn't change to being nice till some of you swung your vote over to Avatar. Grandma has been accusing me of being Scum along with R.D. and Rosie, well this ought to tell you she's been lying all along.

Well, if that doesn't tell us much, nothing else will. I still think Grandma, MeBelle and Aye are the culprits, but this time I'm going for the most obvious, will get the other two later unless my Townie friends decide they would rather take out another Townie and have me lynched.
I had a feeling that Avatar was telling the truth, but you can't get people to see what you see.

MeBelle's actions scream Scum. If the rest of you Townies want to give her a pass, well, we deserve to lose. Aye, has been too quiet. She did mention that my posting was anti-town because it was antagonistic, but funny, she doesn't pick up on Grandma telling people to ram car parts up their woowoo, and accused me of being dumb and gets downright nasty when accused of being Scum....I guess that's suppose to be Town-like in Aye's book? Hmmmm, I don't buy that. Grandma didn't change to being nice till some of you swung your vote over to Avatar. Grandma has been accusing me of being Scum along with R.D. and Rosie, well this ought to tell you she's been lying all along.


Elaborate my screaming pls.

Please clarify , boldy, for the gamers, that I have been ill (not Ebola ... yet) and I did notify you via pm.

TIA :)
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Well, if that doesn't tell us much, nothing else will. I still think Grandma, MeBelle and Aye are the culprits, but this time I'm going for the most obvious, will get the other two later unless my Townie friends decide they would rather take out another Townie and have me lynched.
I had a feeling that Avatar was telling the truth, but you can't get people to see what you see.

MeBelle's actions scream Scum. If the rest of you Townies want to give her a pass, well, we deserve to lose. Aye, has been too quiet. She did mention that my posting was anti-town because it was antagonistic, but funny, she doesn't pick up on Grandma telling people to ram car parts up their woowoo, and accused me of being dumb and gets downright nasty when accused of being Scum....I guess that's suppose to be Town-like in Aye's book? Hmmmm, I don't buy that. Grandma didn't change to being nice till some of you swung your vote over to Avatar. Grandma has been accusing me of being Scum along with R.D. and Rosie, well this ought to tell you she's been lying all along.


I have been quiet because my son is home from being overseas the past 3 years with the Air Force. He's leaving next Monday. I already posted about him being home and that I wouldn't be online as much. Since you think that means I'm scum, what about TN? He doesn't post much, and in fact, has posted far less than I have. Would that make him scum as well? How about Shiatra? Same thing - doesn't post much, but you haven't mentioned them being scum for the same thing, now have you?

Please clarify , boldy, for the gamers, that I have been ill (not Ebola ... yet) and I did notify you via pm.

TIA :)

Don't worry about it, MeBelle. I'm scum too, according to Mertex, because I haven't been posting alot in this game. I guess putting family first means scum to some.

What's scummy to me is someone that doesn't keep up with the game. Scum have no reason to do so since there's nothing for them to figure out. Funny how Mertex wasn't even aware of most of what was posted and talked about before and directly after the votes for Avi to be lynched.
MeBelle has been ill. (Semi V/LA)

VC 3.1 will be up later today.
Grandma and Mertex are the people sticking out to me right now.

Why? Is there anything specific?

I ask because it will help those of us that are town understand where other players are coming from.

Why didn't you come back and hammer Grandma like you said you would before the end of Day 2?

That's a good point. Perhaps I didn't consider tn as much as I should have. The fact that you came after me for being aggressive but gave Grandma a pass was what makes me think you may be Scum, but you're right, tn has been holding back and he did that before when he was Scum.

Why didn't you come back and hammer Grandma like you said you would before the end of Day 2?

That's a good point. Perhaps I didn't consider tn as much as I should have. The fact that you came after me for being aggressive but gave Grandma a pass was what makes me think you may be Scum, but you're right, tn has been holding back and he did that before when he was Scum.

If I had caught Grandma's post in time, I would have asked what was going on with it. If my son wasn't home, I can almost guarantee it would have been brought up by me as soon as she did that.
R.D. made the wrong choice - she should have hammered Grandma.

She probably is fully aware of that now, in the Dead Zone.

That Scum - unwittingly do their work for them and what do they do? They kill ya anyway.

"Thanks, R.D.! Now you're done". Dead R.D.

Be very careful that you are not helping Scum - don't do an R.D.

Regards from Rosie
R.D. made the wrong choice - she should have hammered Grandma.

She probably is fully aware of that now, in the Dead Zone.

That Scum - unwittingly do their work for them and what do they do? They kill ya anyway.

"Thanks, R.D.! Now you're done". Dead R.D.

Be very careful that you are not helping Scum - don't do an R.D.

Regards from Rosie

Excellent post!

OT/I see a new addition to USMB vocab??
Vote Count: 2.6

Avatar4321 (3): CafeAuLait♀, tn5421♂, FA_Q2♂
Grandma (4): Mertex♀, Avatar4321♂, RosieS♀, R.D.♀

Not Voting (4): AyeCantSeeYou♀, MeBelle60♀, Grandma♀, Shaitra♀

~ With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/3/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Aye, take as much time as you want with your son. :smiliehug:

Vote Count: 2.7

Avatar4321 (6): CafeAuLait♀, tn5421♂, FA_Q2♂ Grandma♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀, R.D.♀
Grandma (4): Mertex♀, Avatar4321♂, RosieS♀, Shaitra♀

Not Voting (1): MeBelle60♀

~ With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/3/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Shaitra's on V/LA (no current deadline).
~ If I've missed anyone being on V/LA, please let me know via PM/etc.

A majority vote has been reached!

R.D. made the wrong choice - she should have hammered Grandma.

She probably is fully aware of that now, in the Dead Zone.

That Scum - unwittingly do their work for them and what do they do? They kill ya anyway.

"Thanks, R.D.! Now you're done". Dead R.D.

Be very careful that you are not helping Scum - don't do an R.D.

Regards from Rosie

RD couldn't have hammered Grandma since she was already voting for her from Vote Count 2.6 on. I went back and read through her posts from that point to now to see if she had taken her vote off, but she didn't until approx. 30 seconds before she hammered Avi.
I'm wondering though, that between MeBelle not voting and the 3 that voted for Grandma on Vote Count 2.7 - could 2 possibly be scum?

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