Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

CaféAuLait;9561756 said:
Why are you calling it a hammer vote? IIRC you only had three votes at the last vote count. I didn't check to see if anyone else had voted for you, but if it was a hammer, wouldn't you be dead by now?

I think he is dead and we are in twilight. You should know that since you just basically told MeBelle she would have put herself in a "precarious position" by not voting, or did you mean something else?

Where is the Vote Count from Wake indicating we had a lynch? I have gone over the posts more than once and did a search on Wake's posts and the last vote count is 2.6, and at that time Avatar only had 3 what is going on?

Did MeBelle vote? I certainly didn't see that post if she did.

RD, voting Avatar lynched him. Both Avatar and Grandma were at L-1 by Avatar's count if I recall correctly, maybe it was Grandma who put the count up most recently. I can't recall which.

Wake said he would not be back till later this evening in one post. So I imagine this twilight, will last longer than some have.
CaféAuLait;9561794 said:
It was you who were one of the voices claiming a NL is not town friendly. If you flip town I wont regret the hammer because, like this post, you have been anti town. I waited until the last 30 seconds, someone had to do it. As town you knew it needed to be done...shame on you.

Mebelle went for a NL and tough guy TN bailed

CaféAuLait;9561443 said:
A quick post by the person, hey I'm V/La be back soon, or on the 7th should be sufficient. It's different this game, everyone is pming Wake, unless that's what we are supposed to do? Last game everyone was posting it in the thread. Seems Wake has a lot to deal with if late as it stands, he probably forgot to pass it on.


I was in zero condition to post V/LA.
A tad delirious even...
With a fever of 103 I was lucky enough to get a PM to Wake.

Mebelle, that was not directed at you. You are the third person who went V/LA and we did not know. I am sorry to hear you were or are sick, my thoughts are with you.

TY, not offence taken...
FOS @ FAQ and Mertex.

Which I've contended consistently all through this game
CaféAuLait;9561394 said:
Mebelle and TN should both be looked at tomorrow. As well as the others I've mentioned
Why? Use twilight to give us what you have if you truly are town. I will suspect TN if you flip scum, that is only obvious but if not I am not so sure if his failure to follow through is a scum tell or just a general failure if you flip town.

Why tn? I thought TN was supposed to hammer Grandma. So if avatar flipped town I would suspect TN for not coming back for that. Funny how we all see different things in this game. I think it helps to talk so we can see how we all come to conclusions.

Explain your logic here then.

We are discussing things that would make TN look scummy so let’s look at the case IF we assumed TN is scum.

If both Avatar and Grandma were town. What would you do in that situation? I know that if I were TN I certainly would not hammer anyone – it would not make any sense. In this case, scum would not care what happens being that a no lynch and a townie lynch would be good for scum. They would let the cards lie exactly where they were.

If Avatar is scum and Grandma is town then TN would want to be damned sure that he hammers to save his scum teams hide. At that point in the day and the fact that he declared, the action would not be scummy at all. He would certainly NOT BRING attention to himself and then disappear. That makes no sense whatsoever.

If both Avatar and Grandma were scum then claiming intent to hammer MIGHT have been a gambit to go for a no lynch. THIS was what I was thinking at the time because he did not come back. If this were the case then a no lynch would have put Avatar/TN/Grandma at the top of my list for day 3. This is why I stated what I did, if Avatar flips scum then TN is a top candidate for day 3. This does strike me as a rather odd move though because it is so obvious but I am not going to get into WIFOM over this action and if they were both town then

If Grandma is town and Avatar scum then TN would have jumped over to grandma for the same reasons outlined above. Claiming to hammer and then failing to do so really does not help scum if one of those players is scum. It only leaves the door open for exactly what happened when RD hammered Avatar.

Essentially, I don't see a scenario where Avatar is town and claiming a hammer but failing to do so would help scum. It certainly leaves the door open for a no lynch BUT scum are not going to want that kind of attention so fast. We are only on day 2 and putting themselves out there like that would be a mistake. Again, they may be thinking the same thing BUT playing to WIFOM is not going to help anything so that is the way I see things.
FOS Mebelle, for going for a no lynch. TN for the same reason. Grandma, for the same reasons before I voted for Avi
CaféAuLait;9561889 said:
Does anyone else thing this is a good time to put up our reads? So we know what each thinks in case we are killed in the middle of the night?

Don't you think it would be wise to wait until we find out if Avatar is Town or Scum? It makes a big difference who you think is Scum based on what turns out.

If any of us are killed over night, based on who we voted for should be a clue.
My suspect list hasnt changed other than to take a closer look at TN and Mebelle for obvious reasons.
CaféAuLait;9561394 said:
Why? Use twilight to give us what you have if you truly are town. I will suspect TN if you flip scum, that is only obvious but if not I am not so sure if his failure to follow through is a scum tell or just a general failure if you flip town.

Why tn? I thought TN was supposed to hammer Grandma. So if avatar flipped town I would suspect TN for not coming back for that. Funny how we all see different things in this game. I think it helps to talk so we can see how we all come to conclusions.

Explain your logic here then.

We are discussing things that would make TN look scummy so let’s look at the case IF we assumed TN is scum.

If both Avatar and Grandma were town. What would you do in that situation? I know that if I were TN I certainly would not hammer anyone – it would not make any sense. In this case, scum would not care what happens being that a no lynch and a townie lynch would be good for scum. They would let the cards lie exactly where they were.

If Avatar is scum and Grandma is town then TN would want to be damned sure that he hammers to save his scum teams hide. At that point in the day and the fact that he declared, the action would not be scummy at all. He would certainly NOT BRING attention to himself and then disappear. That makes no sense whatsoever.

If both Avatar and Grandma were scum then claiming intent to hammer MIGHT have been a gambit to go for a no lynch. THIS was what I was thinking at the time because he did not come back. If this were the case then a no lynch would have put Avatar/TN/Grandma at the top of my list for day 3. This is why I stated what I did, if Avatar flips scum then TN is a top candidate for day 3. This does strike me as a rather odd move though because it is so obvious but I am not going to get into WIFOM over this action and if they were both town then

If Grandma is town and Avatar scum then TN would have jumped over to grandma for the same reasons outlined above. Claiming to hammer and then failing to do so really does not help scum if one of those players is scum. It only leaves the door open for exactly what happened when RD hammered Avatar.

Essentially, I don't see a scenario where Avatar is town and claiming a hammer but failing to do so would help scum. It certainly leaves the door open for a no lynch BUT scum are not going to want that kind of attention so fast. We are only on day 2 and putting themselves out there like that would be a mistake. Again, they may be thinking the same thing BUT playing to WIFOM is not going to help anything so that is the way I see things.

I did not think of the possibility both my be town. I was basing my statement if Avatar ( TN vote was on Avatar) flipped town, as I said above. So my conclusion was TN would not want to vote Grandma and hammer and put on some show by stating he would hammer Grandma, therefore Grandma would be the number one suspect in my head, of course followed by TN**.

But since you mentioned this, Grandma, read that how I wrote it and responded immediately, stating she was town and would flip town, therefore I was wrong. Hummmm

Do you think I am getting caught up in WIFOM?

( **This came to mind because of game 2 where I stated I would hammer Mebelle and be back hours later. While waiting for my return TN, SR and someone else wondered if I would not come back my stated time- just to confuse town and leave them with a no-lynch)
This is what I have for the unofficial vote count:

Avatar4321 (6): CafeAuLait♀, tn5421♂, FA_Q2♂, Aye, Grandma, R.D
Grandma (4): Mertex♀, Avatar4321♂, RosieS♀, Shaitra

Not Voting (1): MeBelle60

I agree with Cafe that we should all put in our reads just in case.
CaféAuLait;9561889 said:
Does anyone else thing this is a good time to put up our reads? So we know what each thinks in case we are killed in the middle of the night?

Don't you think it would be wise to wait until we find out if Avatar is Town or Scum? It makes a big difference who you think is Scum based on what turns out.

If any of us are killed over night, based on who we voted for should be a clue.

I was trying to make a list(s) based on his flipping scum and his flipping town.
One concern which I just thought of may expose masons if he does flip town though. So I don't know. I see one person saying its a good idea and one stating its a bad idea.

If Avatar flips town:

Grandma was behind Avatar for me. So she is my number one now.

Mebelle was on my FOS list, but she has risen to a higher level of HOS because of the vote. I said a few pages back ( before the vote) her play is reminding me of ZZZX in game 3. It is almost mirroring it.

With the way this vote went, TN who was reading town, is now HOS for me. But he might say, he just fell asleep, be careful.

FA is still on my HOS list, again I can give no reason other than his posting seems off


I already gave my 3 main choices, and now MeBelle and TN are looking suspicious. But a lot depends on which way Avi flips and what TN has to say for himself.
I forgot one, Mertex. I just added her since she did not seem to be paying attention Avatar was hammered. I believe everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting to see what would happen. Heck, there were 29 people reading about the time the vote deadline was supposed to be in. 29 people tells me even people not playing the game KNEW the hammer or no lynch was coming. Why wouldn't Mertex realize this too?

I did not put up my reads list if Avatar flips town, in case I expose Masons.
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] - could you please let us know when someone's V/LA? This is the 3rd time we thought someone bailed on us.

I will start taking note of V/LAs on the Vote Counts.

VC and death scene incoming.
Vote Count: 2.7

Avatar4321 (6): CafeAuLait♀, tn5421♂, FA_Q2♂ Grandma♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀, R.D.♀
Grandma (4): Mertex♀, Avatar4321♂, RosieS♀, Shaitra♀

Not Voting (1): MeBelle60♀

~ With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/3/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Shaitra's on V/LA (no current deadline).
~ If I've missed anyone being on V/LA, please let me know via PM/etc.

A majority vote has been reached!

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6

Forum List
