Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Mebelle and TN should both be looked at tomorrow. As well as the others I've mentioned
Why? Use twilight to give us what you have if you truly are town. I will suspect TN if you flip scum, that is only obvious but if not I am not so sure if his failure to follow through is a scum tell or just a general failure if you flip town.

Although I'm glad he didn't come back and change his vote, TN should have put in an appearance.
CaféAuLait;9561276 said:
CaféAuLait;9561168 said:
Excuse me? I've voted already.

oh don't get so offended. It's a valid question to ask.

Sorry, how so? Mebelle did not vote day 1 or day 2. I was trying to politely remind her to vote especially given that is what it says on our roles:

"Your weapon is your vote"

I most certainly did vote.

You could have pulled your vote off of one and out it on another. Now that's suspicious.

Wanting to make me hammer when I've clearly stated I would not be a hammer vote is scummy.

FTR I've been very ill that last few 'real' days. I pm'd Wake and assumed he let the group know.
You should know.

^ ^ ^
This was directed at Mertex.

Why would I know? You've managed to manipulate and convince others you are not Scum, but you haven't fooled me. I will be vindicated at the end, when you and your partners win once again after pulling the wool over the rest of Town's eyes.

I'm not biting any more of your bait today. Day 2's been pure shit and I'm ready to spend the next 48 hours clearing my head.
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] - could you please let us know when someone's V/LA? This is the 3rd time we thought someone bailed on us.
Mebelle and TN should both be looked at tomorrow. As well as the others I've mentioned
Why? Use twilight to give us what you have if you truly are town. I will suspect TN if you flip scum, that is only obvious but if not I am not so sure if his failure to follow through is a scum tell or just a general failure if you flip town.

Why tn? I thought TN was supposed to hammer Grandma. So if avatar flipped town I would suspect TN for not coming back for that. Funny how we all see different things in this game. I think it helps to talk so we can see how we all come to conclusions.
CaféAuLait;9561394 said:
Mebelle and TN should both be looked at tomorrow. As well as the others I've mentioned
Why? Use twilight to give us what you have if you truly are town. I will suspect TN if you flip scum, that is only obvious but if not I am not so sure if his failure to follow through is a scum tell or just a general failure if you flip town.

Why tn? I thought TN was supposed to hammer Grandma. So if avatar flipped town I would suspect TN for not coming back for that. Funny how we all see different things in this game. I think it helps to talk so we can see how we all come to conclusions.

But if he did come back and vote for me, I definitely would have flipped Town. Would he not be suspicious then?

I wish he would have come back and said something, one way or the other.
CaféAuLait;9561276 said:
oh don't get so offended. It's a valid question to ask.

Sorry, how so? Mebelle did not vote day 1 or day 2. I was trying to politely remind her to vote especially given that is what it says on our roles:

"Your weapon is your vote"

I most certainly did vote.

You could have pulled your vote off of one and out it on another. Now that's suspicious.

Wanting to make me hammer when I've clearly stated I would not be a hammer vote is scummy.

FTR I've been very ill that last few 'real' days. I pm'd Wake and assumed he let the group know.

Vote 1.10 by Wake states you did not vote. It's not suspicious for me to vote who I think is the scumiest. Wake did not pass on you were ill. I'm sorry to hear that, but from looking at it from a town position, without that knowledge it seems as if you are not participating.
I'm not surprised it was r.d. That switched. I got the impression earlier that she didn't care who was voted off. I don't know if it means anything though

It was you who were one of the voices claiming a NL is not town friendly. If you flip town I wont regret the hammer because, like this post, you have been anti town. I waited until the last 30 seconds, someone had to do it. As town you knew it needed to be done...shame on you.

Mebelle went for a NL and tough guy TN bailed
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] - could you please let us know when someone's V/LA? This is the 3rd time we thought someone bailed on us.

A quick post by the person, hey I'm V/La be back soon, or on the 7th should be sufficient. It's different this game, everyone is pming Wake, unless that's what we are supposed to do? Last game everyone was posting it in the thread. Seems Wake has a lot to deal with if late as it stands, he probably forgot to pass it on.
Mebelle and TN should both be looked at tomorrow. As well as the others I've mentioned
Why? Use twilight to give us what you have if you truly are town. I will suspect TN if you flip scum, that is only obvious but if not I am not so sure if his failure to follow through is a scum tell or just a general failure if you flip town.

Mertex since she has been a no vote both days and TN because he said he would come hammer and didnt
I'm not surprised it was r.d. That switched. I got the impression earlier that she didn't care who was voted off. I don't know if it means anything though

It was you who were one of the voices claiming a NL is not town friendly. If you flip town I wont regret the hammer because, like this post, you have been anti town. I waited until the last 30 seconds, someone had to do it. As town you knew it needed to be done...shame on you.

Mebelle went for a NL and tough guy TN bailed

I agree that a nl would be bad. I'm not commenting on your hammer vote but your overall disposition
^ ^ ^
This was directed at Mertex.

Why would I know? You've managed to manipulate and convince others you are not Scum, but you haven't fooled me. I will be vindicated at the end, when you and your partners win once again after pulling the wool over the rest of Town's eyes.

I'm not biting any more of your bait today. Day 2's been pure shit and I'm ready to spend the next 48 hours clearing my head.

While clearing it, I would appreciate it if you focus on not slinging shit my way when you go into bitch mode.

Thanks in advance,; no sarcasm at all.

Regards from Rosie
Stop it, Mertex.

You can't play anti-town and expect to be considered Town. Just sayin......:eusa_whistle:

I guess R.D. is making it easy for MeBelle to vote for Avatar and not vote against her win condition. Let's hope Avatar turns out to be Scum, otherwise it will be so obvious.

Huh? Mebelle decided not to vote and everyone else was sitting on their hands. I did the only thing I could do to avoid a no lynch.
Stop it, Mertex.

You can't play anti-town and expect to be considered Town. Just sayin......:eusa_whistle:

I guess R.D. is making it easy for MeBelle to vote for Avatar and not vote against her win condition. Let's hope Avatar turns out to be Scum, otherwise it will be so obvious.

Huh? Mebelle decided not to vote and everyone else was sitting on their hands. I did the only thing I could do to avoid a no lynch.

The crazy part of what you did, is I almost did the same thing about the same time- we would still be sitting at a no lynch! :eusa_shifty:

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