Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Mertex, you list me towards the top of your scum list. Why?

You're not really at the top...I listed Grandma, MeBelle and tn as Scum, the rest are FOS, and you're only 2nd in that one mostly because you haven't posted a whole lot, and it seems like you are playing much like you did in Game 1, when you were Scum. I will probably be changing my FOS list, as soon as I have a chance to analyze the comments and the votes from every player. It seems like there is a lot to consider and I haven't been able to spend as much time analyzing as I have in other games.
Vote: FA_Q2

I'd like for him to explain why he was tunneling on Avatar who has flipped town. And also a reads list that is more than one person long.
Questions 3, 4, &5 - TN - You don't carry an alarm clock? no No alarm on your watch or cellphone? yes but forgot to set it No coffeepot or 5 Hour Energy? despise coffee, no 5 hour
Mertex has been pushing to lynch my townreads basically all game.

Grandma is acting suspiciously based on day one behavior. "Didn't know my role chnaged" stands out when you had rolled scum before the reset.

Also, there's this gem:

I can't post a reads list until I get satisfactory answers from TN, MeBelle, and Shaitra.

After that I can proceed with the list as well as why RD was killed.

You can't tell me the tone of this feels like it's coming from a town mindset. The wording implies that Grandma has insider information.

Out-Of-Game Note: Since when is Avatar4321 a Forum Moderator?
Since the town struck me down I've become more powerful than ever. Whahahaha

(consider this my bah post. Nothing in this means anything for the game).
Vote: FA_Q2

I'd like for him to explain why he was tunneling on Avatar who has flipped town. And also a reads list that is more than one person long.

I thought that was obvious – Avatar was stating things that made him seem really scummy. He kept posting contradictory information and essentially lying about TN and the chances that he rolled scum again. Avatar is usually far smarter than that and he was NOT acting like that this game. For all of his caution, the only thing I got from Avatar was misdirection. I was sure that he was scum.

Apparently I was wrong but there it is – he read scummy to me as well as many others here.

As far as other possible scum, I still have Mertex as a possible but she has been posting more townish lately. I don’t know if that is because she is trying to be more cautious now or if she really is town.

TN is somewhat suspicious because of the failed hammer but considering that Avatar is town, I am not so confident in that assessment. I would like to hear Café comment on this because she made the point that Avatar flipping town would make her more suspicious of TN and I tend to trust her assessments and Café reads town to me.

MaBelle seems the scummiest to me at the moment because of her refusal to vote period. Not only is that a complete reversal of previous play where she would hammer willy nilly. I understand her hesitation to hammer but to be completely absent in voting? What possible help can that be for town? On top of that, has Ma made a single post of substance? Not really. I don’t see how she can be town.

Grandma is somewhat scummy because of the early attempt at a hammer BUT she did warn us and I don’t see a whole lot of her play that seems scummy to me. ‘Hedging’ was called scummy but I see that all over the place here so I am not seeing that as a scum tell.


In that order

I belive that leaves Café, Aye, you and Rosie as town reads for me.
Vote: FA_Q2

I'd like for him to explain why he was tunneling on Avatar who has flipped town. And also a reads list that is more than one person long.

I thought that was obvious – Avatar was stating things that made him seem really scummy. He kept posting contradictory information and essentially lying about TN and the chances that he rolled scum again. Avatar is usually far smarter than that and he was NOT acting like that this game. For all of his caution, the only thing I got from Avatar was misdirection. I was sure that he was scum.

Apparently I was wrong but there it is – he read scummy to me as well as many others here.

As far as other possible scum, I still have Mertex as a possible but she has been posting more townish lately. I don’t know if that is because she is trying to be more cautious now or if she really is town.

TN is somewhat suspicious because of the failed hammer but considering that Avatar is town, I am not so confident in that assessment. I would like to hear Café comment on this because she made the point that Avatar flipping town would make her more suspicious of TN and I tend to trust her assessments and Café reads town to me.

MaBelle seems the scummiest to me at the moment because of her refusal to vote period. Not only is that a complete reversal of previous play where she would hammer willy nilly. I understand her hesitation to hammer but to be completely absent in voting? What possible help can that be for town? On top of that, has Ma made a single post of substance? Not really. I don’t see how she can be town.

Grandma is somewhat scummy because of the early attempt at a hammer BUT she did warn us and I don’t see a whole lot of her play that seems scummy to me. ‘Hedging’ was called scummy but I see that all over the place here so I am not seeing that as a scum tell.


In that order

I belive that leaves Café, Aye, you and Rosie as town reads for me.

That's claim that I'm beginning to sound Town, and yet Grandma, who was almost hammered is less scummy than me? I agree with Ma and tn, but you have it wrong about me.

It seems that in previous games those who didn't post were considered Scum, and those who posted too much (and no one knows what std the evaluaters were using) were also Scum. After the game, or after they were lynched, that theory was washed out. I post a lot because I want for once Town to win....but it seems some of you "Townies" would rather pick at some word or some obscure reason to think a person is Scum or because they were Scum before.

I'm going by the actions that were taken....Grandma, tn, MeBelle in the last lynch. Grandma obviously couldn't vote for herself, but then there was only Avatar left and tn was already voting for in my opinion, it presented a problem for both MeBelle and Grandma and tn (all Scum) to vote for the same person....why MeBelle opted not to vote yet again. I was thinking Aye was in the mix, but tn has stood out more....and he's gunning for me, which tells me that I may be right. Scum likes to get rid of those who suspect them, why Miss Scarlet, and R.D. were killed....they both suspected Grandma.

Why I'm keeping my vote where it is. If I'm wrong, go ahead and lynch me next, I'll admit that I'm not very good at figuring out Scum.
Meh, being wrong is a bad indication of scum. We have almost all been wrong this game. I lynched Avatar and there were 9 others that lynched mani.

It is not being wrong or how often you post – it is CONTENT that matters. I have stated why you make me suspicious before – that is already out there. Ma is suspicious because she has posted almost nothing of substance and refuses to vote – a scummy action. I placed grandma where I did because only the one post sticks out – an early attempt at a hammer. The rest of grandma’s posts don’t really ring scum.

As far as the RD kill, I am not sure why scum took him out. The three that he suspected are all on my scum list though. I would note that TN also seems to be fingering grandma. You think that he is bussing her? Giving Ma cover?

As for SR’s suspicions, she didn’t really have much on anyone considering that was RVS. Scum might have just picked SR out because she is fairly experienced (a trait that I think is overvalued here considering that knowing the specific community you are playing in is more important than experience IMHO). I don’t see her suspicions being all that telling considering that it was RVS.
Meh, being wrong is a bad indication of scum. We have almost all been wrong this game. I lynched Avatar and there were 9 others that lynched mani.
Except Scum isn't wrong.....they know who is Town, so when they vote for a Townie, they are not being wrong.

It is not being wrong or how often you post – it is CONTENT that matters. I have stated why you make me suspicious before – that is already out there. Ma is suspicious because she has posted almost nothing of substance and refuses to vote – a scummy action. I placed grandma where I did because only the one post sticks out – an early attempt at a hammer. The rest of grandma’s posts don’t really ring scum.
You voted for me and the reason was because you thought I made an OMGUS vote on Shaitra....which is not much of a reason, considering I didn't even keep my vote on her, but what the hey, sometimes we get a gut feeling that is totally wrong.

As far as the RD kill, I am not sure why scum took him out. The three that he suspected are all on my scum list though. I would note that TN also seems to be fingering grandma. You think that he is bussing her? Giving Ma cover?
I think MeBelle is Scum and this is her first time at being Scum. Since Scum is not able to talk to each other during the day, I am thinking that MeBelle didn't really know what to do. Grandma was on the block, so she couldn't very well vote for her, and tn had already voted for Avatar....and Scum doesn't like to pile on. So, in spite of the fact that she had already not voted on day 1, she opted to use her illness (which may or may not be real) as an excuse to not vote. Not a very Townie thing to do, if by a slim chance she should flip town. Tn's excuse that he fell asleep seems awfully lame, but I'm sticking with my vote, unless a wagon gets started on any of the other two (Grandma/tn).

The reason I could suspect you and Cafe (as Rosie suspects) is this post. Being overly complimentary over a suggestion on how to get rid of ads seems a bit Scummy, considering I also suggested a remedy and you didn't even acknowledge it. Covering for each other is what it appears like.

But, right now, I'm going to stick with my strongest gut feeling, based on her actions and my sense of logic as to why she did it.

CaféAuLait;9474289 said:
Not posting anything before my first post seems awfully scummy in general so
Vote: RD

As a side note: do you all get a list of garbage links at the end of every thread recently here on USMB? I have this crap infolinks adware and cant get rid of it. I am assuming it has something to do with the site and not my computer.

THAT is scummy – vote: USMessageboard


I had the same issue until I downloaded Adfender.

AdFender - Free download and software reviews - CNET

All ads are gone and it blocks so much more.
Well, YOU are definitely not scum. Not possible with that fantastic advice – very town of you :D

Thank you very much – that solved my annoyance

As for SR’s suspicions, she didn’t really have much on anyone considering that was RVS. Scum might have just picked SR out because she is fairly experienced (a trait that I think is overvalued here considering that knowing the specific community you are playing in is more important than experience IMHO). I don’t see her suspicions being all that telling considering that it was RVS.
That is true. On day 1 you really don't have anything to go on, and we were all guessing. The chances were stacked against us being able to lynch a Scum, but the fact that she fingered Grandma might have been a stroke of strong gut feel.
Mertex, you list me towards the top of your scum list. Why?

You're not really at the top...I listed Grandma, MeBelle and tn as Scum, the rest are FOS, and you're only 2nd in that one mostly because you haven't posted a whole lot, and it seems like you are playing much like you did in Game 1, when you were Scum. I will probably be changing my FOS list, as soon as I have a chance to analyze the comments and the votes from every player. It seems like there is a lot to consider and I haven't been able to spend as much time analyzing as I have in other games.

I went back and forth on MeBelle being scum after the weirdness of the last vote. Not only not voting but calling me scummy because I did not change my vote while she refused not to vote.

I don't know if scum would draw that much attention to themselves TBH. I was going to vote MeBelle as soon as today started, but I don't know anymore.
Questions 3, 4, &5 - TN - You don't carry an alarm clock? no No alarm on your watch or cellphone? yes but forgot to set it No coffeepot or 5 Hour Energy? despise coffee, no 5 hour

Okay, then. Questions answered.

Mertex has been pushing to lynch my townreads basically all game.

Grandma is acting suspiciously based on day one behavior. "Didn't know my role chnaged" stands out when you had rolled scum before the reset.

Also, there's this gem:

I can't post a reads list until I get satisfactory answers from TN, MeBelle, and Shaitra.

After that I can proceed with the list as well as why RD was killed.

You can't tell me the tone of this feels like it's coming from a town mindset. The wording implies that Grandma has insider information.

Out-Of-Game Note: Since when is Avatar4321 a Forum Moderator?

"Didn't know my role chnaged" stands out when you had rolled scum before the reset.


I explained this how many times?

Once more, then.

I came into the game after 7pm on the 19th. I went to the game first, and not my mailbox, because I had no reason to expect a PM from Wake, now, did I? I was late to the start and I wanted to get into the game. I was never made aware of a rule stating that PLAYERS MUST CHECK THEIR PMs FIRST. I saw your curious "what the hell happened ?" post, and read on, expecting to find a reason for it.

I didn't see anything, so I got into the game.

RVS voting stage, MeBelle made her "lucky 13" post, it looked like a perfect excuse for a silly RVS vote, so I made a silly RVS vote for her, while responding to Avi's silly RVS vote for me. (Post 22)

Post 23 Cafe sez:
( although I was leaning for TN when he reveled his scumness before Wake sent out new roles)


Post 25 I ask about it.

Posts 26 and 27 Cafe explains what happened. She then assumes that I never got the reset PM, and that notion winds up getting picked up on by others and carried throughout the game.

I DID get the PM. I just didn't go to my Inbox before coming to the game. Then the computer started updating and had to restart, et cetera, then I went to my Inbox, where I saw and read the new role PM.

I must say that I find it very interesting that I'm the bad guy for not expecting the game to have been fucked up before the first post, but Mertex gets a pass.
She came in, supposedly read the thread and saw that the game had been changed, yet her first post (42) she seems oblivious to the change, then in Post 44 she says
I was gone all day. When I came back I found Wake's pm where the game had started, but I didn't get any other PM.

Then, all the way up in Post 95 she says:
I got a pm saying I was a Townie, and now I don't remember if I deleted it, so if he sent me a second one that said the same thing, I might have thought it was the same one....I had so many PMs, rep and other things, I can't remember if I had already deleted my role PM once.

But she gets a pass and I'm the bad guy. Good to know.

My "inside information"? I don't have a QT. I'm not talking to anyone else during the game.

I'm reading the other games.

Look what I found In the Wicked Fenlands, two days after Game 3 started, Mertex (Scum) finally shows up in her neighborhood. Why was she 2 days late?

Post 11:

I just now saw this link....maybe Wake included it in another PM and I didn't see it...


The Wicked Fenlands - QuickTopic free message board hosting

But yeah, I'm the Scum...
But this Day isn't about me, or Mertex.

We have two players that are definitely guilty of Anti-Town behavior.

Question is, which one's Scum? :dunno:
CaféAuLait;9586703 said:
Mertex, you list me towards the top of your scum list. Why?

You're not really at the top...I listed Grandma, MeBelle and tn as Scum, the rest are FOS, and you're only 2nd in that one mostly because you haven't posted a whole lot, and it seems like you are playing much like you did in Game 1, when you were Scum. I will probably be changing my FOS list, as soon as I have a chance to analyze the comments and the votes from every player. It seems like there is a lot to consider and I haven't been able to spend as much time analyzing as I have in other games.

I went back and forth on MeBelle being scum after the weirdness of the last vote. Not only not voting but calling me scummy because I did not change my vote while she refused not to vote.

I don't know if scum would draw that much attention to themselves TBH. I was going to vote MeBelle as soon as today started, but I don't know anymore.

Remember, this would be the first time MeBelle would be Scum, (if she is Scum),.....she's not all that experienced on what to do....and she couldn't talk to the other Scum....why I think her actions were weird.
Questions 3, 4, &5 - TN - You don't carry an alarm clock? no No alarm on your watch or cellphone? yes but forgot to set it No coffeepot or 5 Hour Energy? despise coffee, no 5 hour

Okay, then. Questions answered.

Mertex has been pushing to lynch my townreads basically all game.

Grandma is acting suspiciously based on day one behavior. "Didn't know my role chnaged" stands out when you had rolled scum before the reset.

Also, there's this gem:

You can't tell me the tone of this feels like it's coming from a town mindset. The wording implies that Grandma has insider information.

Out-Of-Game Note: Since when is Avatar4321 a Forum Moderator?

"Didn't know my role chnaged" stands out when you had rolled scum before the reset.


I explained this how many times?

Once more, then.

I came into the game after 7pm on the 19th. I went to the game first, and not my mailbox, because I had no reason to expect a PM from Wake, now, did I? I was late to the start and I wanted to get into the game. I was never made aware of a rule stating that PLAYERS MUST CHECK THEIR PMs FIRST. I saw your curious "what the hell happened ?" post, and read on, expecting to find a reason for it.

I didn't see anything, so I got into the game.

RVS voting stage, MeBelle made her "lucky 13" post, it looked like a perfect excuse for a silly RVS vote, so I made a silly RVS vote for her, while responding to Avi's silly RVS vote for me. (Post 22)

Post 23 Cafe sez:


Post 25 I ask about it.

Posts 26 and 27 Cafe explains what happened. She then assumes that I never got the reset PM, and that notion winds up getting picked up on by others and carried throughout the game.

I DID get the PM. I just didn't go to my Inbox before coming to the game. Then the computer started updating and had to restart, et cetera, then I went to my Inbox, where I saw and read the new role PM.

I must say that I find it very interesting that I'm the bad guy for not expecting the game to have been fucked up before the first post, but Mertex gets a pass.
She came in, supposedly read the thread and saw that the game had been changed, yet her first post (42) she seems oblivious to the change, then in Post 44 she says

Then, all the way up in Post 95 she says:
I got a pm saying I was a Townie, and now I don't remember if I deleted it, so if he sent me a second one that said the same thing, I might have thought it was the same one....I had so many PMs, rep and other things, I can't remember if I had already deleted my role PM once.

But she gets a pass and I'm the bad guy. Good to know.

My "inside information"? I don't have a QT. I'm not talking to anyone else during the game.

I'm reading the other games.

Look what I found In the Wicked Fenlands, two days after Game 3 started, Mertex (Scum) finally shows up in her neighborhood. Why was she 2 days late?

Post 11:

I just now saw this link....maybe Wake included it in another PM and I didn't see it...


The Wicked Fenlands - QuickTopic free message board hosting

But yeah, I'm the Scum...

Grandma, you're trying to deflect again. When I first got the link, and I went into it, MeBelle was already in there asking where the others were. She must have gotten the link before I did, or came into the Forum right after getting the link, but it doesn't prove anything sinister.....only that I wasn't around when the link was issued....big deal, it was just a neighborhood and the other member, who was Moonglow didn't show up till 8 hours later, so quit trying to make something that happened in Game 3 make me Scummy in Game're really sounding desperate again.
Just an update for everyone. I won't be around much this weekend. My Dad's wake is Saturday and the funeral on Sunday. We have family and stuff coming in tomorrow so I may not be able to post more than once or twice each day. Sorry, not trying to bring personal stuff in but I did want to explain my absence.

Forum List
