Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

tn5421 (4): Grandma♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀, Mertex♀, R.D.♀
Manifold (2): tn5421♂, RosieS♀
Grandma (2): Avatar4321♂, CafeAuLait♀
FA_Q2 (2): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀
Avatar4321 (1): ScarletRage♀
Mertex (1): Shaitra♀
R.D. (1): FA_Q2♂

Not Voting (0):

tn5421 (2): AyeCantSeeYou♀, R.D.♀
Manifold (2): tn5421♂, RosieS♀
Grandma (2): Avatar4321♂, CafeAuLait♀
FA_Q2 (2): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀
Avatar4321 (1): ScarletRage♀
Mertex (1): Shaitra♀
R.D. (1): FA_Q2♂
Shaitra (1): Mertex♀

Not Voting (1): Grandma♀,

Mertex (2): , Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂
FA_Q2 (2): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀
Manifold (2): tn5421♂, RosieS♀
tn5421 (1): R.D.♀
Grandma (1): CafeAuLait♀
Avatar4321 (1): ScarletRage♀

Not Voting (4): Grandma♀, Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀, Mertex♀

Mertex (2): , Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂
FA_Q2 (2): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀
Avatar4321 (2): Mertex♀ RosieS♀
Manifold (1): tn5421♂
tn5421 (1): R.D.♀
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀
CafeAuLait (1): ScarletRage♀

Not Voting (3): Grandma♀, Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀

FA_Q2 (3): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀, R.D.♀
Mertex (2): Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂
Avatar4321 (2): Mertex♀RosieS♀
Manifold (1): tn5421♂
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀
R.D. (1): ScarletRage♀

Not Voting (3): Grandma♀, Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀

FA_Q2 (4): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀, R.D.♀, Mertex♀
Mertex (3): Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀
Manifold (2): tn5421♂, Grandma♀
Avatar4321 (1): RosieS♀
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀
R.D. (1): ScarletRage♀

Not Voting (1): AyeCantSeeYou♀

FA_Q2 (4): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀, R.D.♀, Mertex♀
Mertex (4): Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀
Manifold (3): tn5421♂, Grandma♀, ScarletRage♀
Avatar4321 (1): RosieS♀
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀

Not Voting (0):

FA_Q2 (4): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀, R.D.♀, Mertex♀
Mertex (4): Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀
Manifold (3): tn5421♂, Grandma♀, ScarletRage♀
Avatar4321 (1): RosieS♀
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀

Manifold (L-1): tn5421♂, Grandma♀, ScarletRage♀, RosieS♀, Mertex♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀
Mertex (3): Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀,
Avatar4321 (1): Manifold♂
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀

Not Voting (2): MeBelle60♀,R.D.♀

Manifold (LYNCH!): tn5421♂, Grandma♀, ScarletRage♀, RosieS♀, Mertex♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀, Avatar4321♂
Mertex (2): FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀
Avatar4321 (1): Manifold♂
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀

Not Voting (2): MeBelle60♀, R.D.♀

Day 2

Avatar4321 (3): CafeAuLait♀, RosieS♀, MeBelle60♀
AyeCantSeeYou (1): Avatar4321♂

Not Voting (7): , R.D.♀ FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀tn5421♂, Grandma♀, , Mertex♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀,

Avatar4321 (4): CafeAuLait♀, RosieS♀, MeBelle60♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀
Grandma (1): Avatar4321♂
tn5421 (1): Grandma♀

Not Voting (5): FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀, tn5421♂, R.D.♀, Mertex♀

Avatar4321 (2): CafeAuLait♀, R.D.♀
Grandma (1): Mertex♀

Not Voting (8): FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀, tn5421♂, RosieS♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀, MeBelle60♀, Grandma♀, Avatar4321♂

Avatar4321 (4): CafeAuLait♀, R.D.♀, tn5421♂, FA_Q2♂
Grandma (1): Mertex♀
FA_Q2 (1): RosieS♀

Not Voting (5): Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀, MeBelle60♀, Grandma♀, Avatar4321♂

Avatar4321 (5): CafeAuLait♀, R.D.♀, tn5421♂, FA_Q2♂, Grandma♀
Grandma (4): Mertex♀, Avatar4321♂, RosieS♀, Shaitra♀

Not Voting (2): AyeCantSeeYou♀, MeBelle60♀

Avatar4321 (3): CafeAuLait♀, tn5421♂, FA_Q2♂
Grandma (4): Mertex♀, Avatar4321♂, RosieS♀, R.D.♀

Not Voting (4): AyeCantSeeYou♀, MeBelle60♀, Grandma♀, Shaitra♀

Avatar4321 (6): CafeAuLait♀, tn5421♂, FA_Q2♂ Grandma♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀, R.D.♀
Grandma (4): Mertex♀, Avatar4321♂, RosieS♀, Shaitra♀

Not Voting (1): MeBelle60♀
Those who are suspicious of MeBelle for not voting, what good reason would someone who was scum have for doing that? Now that we know there was definitely a town option she could have voted for, what does she really gain for not hammering Avatar?
You ask the last question and then inositol answered it. Why do you see this and then don't apt it to TN? I explains this in an earlier pay but can't link it at the moment because I am on my phone. It was in response to the same exact question from café during twilight.

The difference is that MA has not voted at all AND had not offered any substance. That makes her seem rather scummy. TN has at least been offering substance even if her excuse is overly lame.
Wow that was bad. let me try that again.

You ask the last question and then instantly answered it. Why do you see this and then don't apply it to TN? I explained this in an earlier post but can't really link it at the moment because I am on my phone. It was in response to the same exact question from café during twilight.

The difference is that MA has not voted at all AND had not offered any substance. That makes her seem rather scummy. TN has at least been offering substance even if her excuse is overly lame.

Maybe that will be a little more legible.
CaféAuLait;9588401 said:
I'm having a hell of a time deciding between TN and MeBelle.

Right now I'm leaning towards MeBelle. Several of us, myself and Avi included, told her she should vote and told her that no one would give her any flak over her choice. So he can't say she didn't hammer because she was scared.

So why didn't she hammer?

I still don't get why she did not vote, but this leads me to recalling MeBelle removing her vote from FA all of a sudden. I had forgotten about this.

Tell me please, what are your thoughts on FA, Grandma?

Well, he's not number one on my Scum list.

Yes, he's low volume and the content isn't super strong, but I'm not getting any real negative vibes from him as yet.

I'm getting much stronger vibes from others.

MeBelle not voting is at best Anti-Town. Her rare and empty posts don't help her case. That she didn't bother to come in here and answer my questions bothers me - she was posting in the basement.

Then there's TN - Post 1175 he says: "I don't think you realize how upset I am at not getting one of my top scumreads lynched."

Who did TN vote for on Day 1? Mani. In fact TN was the first, and for a while, the only vote on Mani.

And on Day 2, Post 768 he says:

Near-Confirmed Scum / Lynch Pool:

Who did TN vote for on Day 2? Who got lynched?

No mas pantalones.

And then there's Mertex. Hasn't tried to work with Town, whenever someone asks anyone a question, she'll jump in with some variation of "because he/she's SCUM, that's why!" She named nearly everyone as Scum. She pushed hard for both my lynch and Avi's - 2 VTs.

Rosie's still on the list, pissed off because FA didn't kiss her butt in the neighborhood chat back in Game 3. I find it odd that she shows no sympathy for Wolfie, all things considered.

So FA doesn't stand out.

I was going to wait until tomorrow, later today actually, to see what MeBelle said, but she's clearly avoiding the Game, so I'll say it now:

I'm certain that Scum killed R.D. because she was of no further use to them. About halfway through Day 2 cracks started appearing where she was glued to the other two. And then she jumped ship and hammered Avi.

I think Mertex wanted me lynched first, while I was still sick and wrecked on cough syrup - once I got better I'd be back to my normal Grandma self. Avi is Avi, she could wait until Day 3 and drum up a lynch for him then.

But MeBelle failed to Vote, TN failed to change his vote to me, and R.D. jumped ship.

Yes, R.D. was Town, but Scum often attach themselves to a reliable Townie. "Buddying up" is what it's called, a way for Scum to look Townish. R.D. was wising up to Mertex.

That's why Mertex went into her psychofail after the hammer fell on Day 2. She was trying to cover herself when her plan started falling apart.
CaféAuLait;9588049 said:
top scum picks

These are based on voting patterns:



Then TN ( which I think would be really stupid to be scum and pull the non-hammer)

Rest town.

Vote FA-Q2

So now I'm scum based on my votes? This game keeps getting stranger by the minute.

When all else fails, blame the votes.

My vote went to Mani on Day 1 because of something SR said - "content". I thought we all knew it was a PL lynch, correct? There were 6 that did not vote for Mani - RD, Mebelle (both did not vote), Cafe, Mani, FA, and Shaitra. I don't expect anyone to vote for themselves, so that would leave 5. Yet, I'm suspicious for my vote? Yeah, ok. Whatever sinks our town boat again, because we're headed that way again in this game with that reasoning. I'm not the one steering people to vote for townies.
CaféAuLait;9586559 said:
I fell asleep while waiting.

Strange, you announced intent to hammer Grandma at 7am ET.

It's not uncommon for me to be up from late-afternoon one day to 8-11am the next day.


I don't think you realize how upset I am at not getting one of my top scumreads lynched.

If you were so upset over it, why didn't you put your vote in before falling asleep? Why tell others you'll be back to hammer hours later when you didn't intend to? That's how it comes across.
CaféAuLait;9588112 said:
I'll also add, the night kills follow the exact pattern FA set out in our neighborhood QT for game 3.

He stated if he were scum he would take out those not as vocal on the game first then move towards those who were more vocal to ensure suspicion did not fall on scum.

SR was voting here and there but really was not too vocal, she was trying to teach us how to play and I believe throwing out votes here and there but was not too forceful as to who she believed was scum, except stating she 'her biggest desire was Grandma". Her experience probably had her killed on night 1 as well.

RD, was not too vocal either, kinda quiet too with a statement here and there.

I thought RD was posting a reasonable amount. As pointed out by someone earlier, there were at least 3-4 others with fewer posts, myself included. I felt RD was posting much like herself in earlier games where she was town.
CaféAuLait;9588339 said:
CaféAuLait;9586559 said:
Strange, you announced intent to hammer Grandma at 7am ET.

It's not uncommon for me to be up from late-afternoon one day to 8-11am the next day.


I don't think you realize how upset I am at not getting one of my top scumreads lynched.

(Emphasis added)

Ok, then this leaves the obvious question, why the vote for Avatar if Grandma was one of your top scum reads?

Earlier during the day they were about equal.

Wow that was bad. let me try that again.

You ask the last question and then instantly answered it. Why do you see this and then don't apply it to TN? I explained this in an earlier post but can't really link it at the moment because I am on my phone. It was in response to the same exact question from café during twilight.

The difference is that MA has not voted at all AND had not offered any substance. That makes her seem rather scummy. TN has at least been offering substance even if her excuse is overly lame.

Maybe that will be a little more legible.

Them's fighting words.
CaféAuLait;9588401 said:
I'm having a hell of a time deciding between TN and MeBelle.

Right now I'm leaning towards MeBelle. Several of us, myself and Avi included, told her she should vote and told her that no one would give her any flak over her choice. So he can't say she didn't hammer because she was scared.

So why didn't she hammer?

I still don't get why she did not vote, but this leads me to recalling MeBelle removing her vote from FA all of a sudden. I had forgotten about this.

Tell me please, what are your thoughts on FA, Grandma?

Well, he's not number one on my Scum list.

Yes, he's low volume and the content isn't super strong, but I'm not getting any real negative vibes from him as yet.

I'm getting much stronger vibes from others.

MeBelle not voting is at best Anti-Town. Her rare and empty posts don't help her case. That she didn't bother to come in here and answer my questions bothers me - she was posting in the basement.

Then there's TN - Post 1175 he says: "I don't think you realize how upset I am at not getting one of my top scumreads lynched."

Who did TN vote for on Day 1? Mani. In fact TN was the first, and for a while, the only vote on Mani.

And on Day 2, Post 768 he says:

Near-Confirmed Scum / Lynch Pool:

Who did TN vote for on Day 2? Who got lynched?

No mas pantalones.

And then there's Mertex. Hasn't tried to work with Town, whenever someone asks anyone a question, she'll jump in with some variation of "because he/she's SCUM, that's why!" She named nearly everyone as Scum. She pushed hard for both my lynch and Avi's - 2 VTs.

Rosie's still on the list, pissed off because FA didn't kiss her butt in the neighborhood chat back in Game 3. I find it odd that she shows no sympathy for Wolfie, all things considered.

So FA doesn't stand out.

I was going to wait until tomorrow, later today actually, to see what MeBelle said, but she's clearly avoiding the Game, so I'll say it now:

I'm certain that Scum killed R.D. because she was of no further use to them. About halfway through Day 2 cracks started appearing where she was glued to the other two. And then she jumped ship and hammered Avi.

I think Mertex wanted me lynched first, while I was still sick and wrecked on cough syrup - once I got better I'd be back to my normal Grandma self. Avi is Avi, she could wait until Day 3 and drum up a lynch for him then.

But MeBelle failed to Vote, TN failed to change his vote to me, and R.D. jumped ship.

Yes, R.D. was Town, but Scum often attach themselves to a reliable Townie. "Buddying up" is what it's called, a way for Scum to look Townish. R.D. was wising up to Mertex.

That's why Mertex went into her psychofail after the hammer fell on Day 2. She was trying to cover herself when her plan started falling apart.

Grandma, you keep manufacturing BS, which only shows that you are desperately trying to avoid being seen as Scum.

You think MeBelle is Scum and suspect her, but I would be willing to bet that you're just saying that to remove suspicion and will not vote for her, or allow her to be lynched.
You're still at the top of my list for being Scum, but I think MeBelle needs to be lynched first because she is a nuisance, not helping town, but helping Scum.

You are so transparent.
CaféAuLait;9588112 said:
I'll also add, the night kills follow the exact pattern FA set out in our neighborhood QT for game 3.

He stated if he were scum he would take out those not as vocal on the game first then move towards those who were more vocal to ensure suspicion did not fall on scum.

SR was voting here and there but really was not too vocal, she was trying to teach us how to play and I believe throwing out votes here and there but was not too forceful as to who she believed was scum, except stating she 'her biggest desire was Grandma". Her experience probably had her killed on night 1 as well.

RD, was not too vocal either, kinda quiet too with a statement here and there.

I thought RD was posting a reasonable amount. As pointed out by someone earlier, there were at least 3-4 others with fewer posts, myself included. I felt RD was posting much like herself in earlier games where she was town.

She seemed more aggressive to me.

I'm going to have another look at the previous games. It's too easy to get things wrong going simply by memory. It also makes it way to easy for others to influence one's thinking...
CaféAuLait;9588401 said:
I still don't get why she did not vote, but this leads me to recalling MeBelle removing her vote from FA all of a sudden. I had forgotten about this.

Tell me please, what are your thoughts on FA, Grandma?

Well, he's not number one on my Scum list.

Yes, he's low volume and the content isn't super strong, but I'm not getting any real negative vibes from him as yet.

I'm getting much stronger vibes from others.

MeBelle not voting is at best Anti-Town. Her rare and empty posts don't help her case. That she didn't bother to come in here and answer my questions bothers me - she was posting in the basement.

Then there's TN - Post 1175 he says: "I don't think you realize how upset I am at not getting one of my top scumreads lynched."

Who did TN vote for on Day 1? Mani. In fact TN was the first, and for a while, the only vote on Mani.

And on Day 2, Post 768 he says:

Near-Confirmed Scum / Lynch Pool:

Who did TN vote for on Day 2? Who got lynched?

No mas pantalones.

And then there's Mertex. Hasn't tried to work with Town, whenever someone asks anyone a question, she'll jump in with some variation of "because he/she's SCUM, that's why!" She named nearly everyone as Scum. She pushed hard for both my lynch and Avi's - 2 VTs.

Rosie's still on the list, pissed off because FA didn't kiss her butt in the neighborhood chat back in Game 3. I find it odd that she shows no sympathy for Wolfie, all things considered.

So FA doesn't stand out.

I was going to wait until tomorrow, later today actually, to see what MeBelle said, but she's clearly avoiding the Game, so I'll say it now:

I'm certain that Scum killed R.D. because she was of no further use to them. About halfway through Day 2 cracks started appearing where she was glued to the other two. And then she jumped ship and hammered Avi.

I think Mertex wanted me lynched first, while I was still sick and wrecked on cough syrup - once I got better I'd be back to my normal Grandma self. Avi is Avi, she could wait until Day 3 and drum up a lynch for him then.

But MeBelle failed to Vote, TN failed to change his vote to me, and R.D. jumped ship.

Yes, R.D. was Town, but Scum often attach themselves to a reliable Townie. "Buddying up" is what it's called, a way for Scum to look Townish. R.D. was wising up to Mertex.

That's why Mertex went into her psychofail after the hammer fell on Day 2. She was trying to cover herself when her plan started falling apart.

Grandma, you keep manufacturing BS, which only shows that you are desperately trying to avoid being seen as Scum.

You think MeBelle is Scum and suspect her, but I would be willing to bet that you're just saying that to remove suspicion and will not vote for her, or allow her to be lynched.
You're still at the top of my list for being Scum, but I think MeBelle needs to be lynched first because she is a nuisance, not helping town, but helping Scum.

You are so transparent.

That you're voting for her makes me think she's Town.
Well, he's not number one on my Scum list.

Yes, he's low volume and the content isn't super strong, but I'm not getting any real negative vibes from him as yet.

I'm getting much stronger vibes from others.

MeBelle not voting is at best Anti-Town. Her rare and empty posts don't help her case. That she didn't bother to come in here and answer my questions bothers me - she was posting in the basement.

Then there's TN - Post 1175 he says: "I don't think you realize how upset I am at not getting one of my top scumreads lynched."

Who did TN vote for on Day 1? Mani. In fact TN was the first, and for a while, the only vote on Mani.

And on Day 2, Post 768 he says:

Who did TN vote for on Day 2? Who got lynched?

No mas pantalones.

And then there's Mertex. Hasn't tried to work with Town, whenever someone asks anyone a question, she'll jump in with some variation of "because he/she's SCUM, that's why!" She named nearly everyone as Scum. She pushed hard for both my lynch and Avi's - 2 VTs.

Rosie's still on the list, pissed off because FA didn't kiss her butt in the neighborhood chat back in Game 3. I find it odd that she shows no sympathy for Wolfie, all things considered.

So FA doesn't stand out.

I was going to wait until tomorrow, later today actually, to see what MeBelle said, but she's clearly avoiding the Game, so I'll say it now:

I'm certain that Scum killed R.D. because she was of no further use to them. About halfway through Day 2 cracks started appearing where she was glued to the other two. And then she jumped ship and hammered Avi.

I think Mertex wanted me lynched first, while I was still sick and wrecked on cough syrup - once I got better I'd be back to my normal Grandma self. Avi is Avi, she could wait until Day 3 and drum up a lynch for him then.

But MeBelle failed to Vote, TN failed to change his vote to me, and R.D. jumped ship.

Yes, R.D. was Town, but Scum often attach themselves to a reliable Townie. "Buddying up" is what it's called, a way for Scum to look Townish. R.D. was wising up to Mertex.

That's why Mertex went into her psychofail after the hammer fell on Day 2. She was trying to cover herself when her plan started falling apart.

Grandma, you keep manufacturing BS, which only shows that you are desperately trying to avoid being seen as Scum.

You think MeBelle is Scum and suspect her, but I would be willing to bet that you're just saying that to remove suspicion and will not vote for her, or allow her to be lynched.
You're still at the top of my list for being Scum, but I think MeBelle needs to be lynched first because she is a nuisance, not helping town, but helping Scum.

You are so transparent.

That you're voting for her makes me think she's Town.

I knew you were just making that comment about MeBelle's weird actions just for show...when push comes to shove you'll try and protect your partner in crime.

I'm not surprised that you say you think MeBelle is Town....but you "know" she is Scum.
I don't "know" anything - except that you're scum.

You want to lynch her, go ahead. Myself, I'm going to re-read some old games...
Vote Count: 3.2

FA_Q2 (3): Shaitra♀, CafeAuLait♀, RosieS♀
Mebelle60 (1): Mertex♀
TN5421 (1): AyeCantSeeYou♀
Grandma (1): tn5421♂

Not Voting (3): MeBelle60♀, FA_Q2♂, Grandma♀

~ With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/13/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Shaitra's on V/LA (no current deadline).
~ Apologies for the delay. Brought to you by your stereotypically overworked health care provider. :D

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7
3.1 | 3.2
Last edited:
CaféAuLait;9588112 said:
I'll also add, the night kills follow the exact pattern FA set out in our neighborhood QT for game 3.

He stated if he were scum he would take out those not as vocal on the game first then move towards those who were more vocal to ensure suspicion did not fall on scum.

SR was voting here and there but really was not too vocal, she was trying to teach us how to play and I believe throwing out votes here and there but was not too forceful as to who she believed was scum, except stating she 'her biggest desire was Grandma". Her experience probably had her killed on night 1 as well.

RD, was not too vocal either, kinda quiet too with a statement here and there.

Cafe, I've reading the old games until my eyes hurt. I should have started with your neighborhood QT. Could you point out the post number(s) where FA lists his options for NKs? I appreciate it.
Oh, I'm not saying you should change your vote. It's yours, do what you want.

I am curious why you think I'm scum.

1. I have mentioned it at least once if not twice. People state you bring town together, and I'm not seeing it TBH.

2. A post you made to Mertex where she listed her scum list and you came back to her and stated "you isolated one whole scum - Café?" Mertex questioned you on it, and your response was you did not include RD and a few others was because you saw them as a three headed entity.

3. Post 284 you tell Mertex you already "hard claimed Vanilla Townie" Avatar calls you on this later. After Avatar pointed it out I said I did not think it was weird because I had also without thinking it might expose Masons. Thing is, you never claimed Vanilla Townie prior to that post. It was almost as if you were goading Avatar to out his mason or VT role.

I think it's weird, unless I missed this hard claim of VT from you prior to post 284somewhere?
CaféAuLait;9588112 said:
I'll also add, the night kills follow the exact pattern FA set out in our neighborhood QT for game 3.

He stated if he were scum he would take out those not as vocal on the game first then move towards those who were more vocal to ensure suspicion did not fall on scum.

SR was voting here and there but really was not too vocal, she was trying to teach us how to play and I believe throwing out votes here and there but was not too forceful as to who she believed was scum, except stating she 'her biggest desire was Grandma". Her experience probably had her killed on night 1 as well.

RD, was not too vocal either, kinda quiet too with a statement here and there.

Cafe, I've reading the old games until my eyes hurt. I should have started with your neighborhood QT. Could you point out the post number(s) where FA lists his options for NKs? I appreciate it.



There may be more I am unsure.

It's just that SR was not focused or vocal about FA day 1 - and was NKed although she mentioned Grandma as being her "biggest desire" and threw a little shade towards TN and RD. RD has suspicions about FA day 1 but moved on day 2.

RD Was not focused on FA day 2, she was on Grandma then switched her vote to Avatar.
CaféAuLait;9588049 said:
top scum picks

These are based on voting patterns:



Then TN ( which I think would be really stupid to be scum and pull the non-hammer)

Rest town.

Vote FA-Q2

So now I'm scum based on my votes? This game keeps getting stranger by the minute.

When all else fails, blame the votes.

My vote went to Mani on Day 1 because of something SR said - "content". I thought we all knew it was a PL lynch, correct? There were 6 that did not vote for Mani - RD, Mebelle (both did not vote), Cafe, Mani, FA, and Shaitra. I don't expect anyone to vote for themselves, so that would leave 5. Yet, I'm suspicious for my vote? Yeah, ok. Whatever sinks our town boat again, because we're headed that way again in this game with that reasoning. I'm not the one steering people to vote for townies.

I did not state it was just your votes for lynching.

You have been on a lot of the big wagons then as it changed you switched your votes. So I thought you were focusing you vote on any wagon at all maybe to get someone lynched.

Day 1, You were on TN until SR said scum was on that wagon (there were 4 votes), along with Grandma and Mertex, then his wagon stalled after SRs comment. Then you jumped off for a bit and onto Mertex's wagon of 4 which stalled. When Mertex's wagon stalled you jumped onto Mani's wagon and he was lynched. It just seemed as if you were up for any lynch Day 1.
And as I am sitting here thinking about it and re-reading, I just read where FA actually stopped Avatar from being lynched so quickly day 2, he came in and said it was going too fact. I am reconsidering my vote for him- for now.


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