Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Here's what's going on:

Mani and Avi were convenient scapegoats.
FA and I are likely the next two to go to the gallows on bullshit "evidence."

Mertex is acting like the love child of Kim Jong Un and Sarah Palin, spewing propaganda from the Ministry Of Truth, and everyone's drinking that KoolAid by the gallon.

Rosie is after FA because of this from the Game 2 neighborhood:

I don’t see anything that Rosie stated that needs to be outed anyway. Basically her contributions can be chalked up to claiming that we are playing incorrectly, she is better than we are, she knows more than we do and that she is supreme. All while being hopelessly incorrect.
IOW, she plays like an idiot and I don’t see any real gains in discussing her thoughts on the game so far. It would be different IF she bothered to reveal any uses for her PR role but alas, that information is dead with her.

So she's all butthurt and trying to get him lynched, going on about how slimey he is. But that's okay, she's not a problem, that's just how Rosie plays.

And there's MeBelle, who hasn't made a single contributing post and and refuses to vote, but that's how she plays, it's all good.

Then there's TN, that threw the game and caused the reset and has been caught lying, but that's okay, he's gotta be Town.

And Cafe, Aye, and Shaitra kinda sorta acknowledge each other's presence while trying to figure out how to win on their own.

Yep, that just about sums it up.

And there you MeBelle a pass. You're doing a fine job of pulling the wool over Cafe's eyes.....keep doing it, I think she'll eventually buy your BS.
TN - I am teetering. Grandma is being an enemy and no one's friend. Convince me she is more my enemy than FA is and I will change my vote.

Cafe is the third Scum. She pretends to go after and then refuses to bus FA.

Regards from Rosie

That's odd, because I find that Grandma keeps defending FA, ever so subtle, but she she did in the post below. She keeps saying that MeBelle seems suspicious, but she never votes for her....why would that be? And, I don't think Cafe is Scum, I think she just over analyzes the wrong stuff. Could it be that Scum is Grandma/MeBelle/FA instead of Grandma/MeBelle/tn?

CaféAuLait;9588112 said:
I'll also add, the night kills follow the exact pattern FA set out in our neighborhood QT for game 3.

He stated if he were scum he would take out those not as vocal on the game first then move towards those who were more vocal to ensure suspicion did not fall on scum.

SR was voting here and there but really was not too vocal, she was trying to teach us how to play and I believe throwing out votes here and there but was not too forceful as to who she believed was scum, except stating she 'her biggest desire was Grandma". Her experience probably had her killed on night 1 as well.

RD, was not too vocal either, kinda quiet too with a statement here and there.

That's very interesting. Very interesting.

But weren't MeBelle, TN and Shaitra quieter than Scarlet and R.D.?
TN - I am teetering. Grandma is being an enemy and no one's friend. Convince me she is more my enemy than FA is and I will change my vote.

Cafe is the third Scum. She pretends to go after and then refuses to bus FA.

Regards from Rosie

That's odd, because I find that Grandma keeps defending FA, ever so subtle, but she she did in the post below. She keeps saying that MeBelle seems suspicious, but she never votes for her....why would that be? And, I don't think Cafe is Scum, I think she just over analyzes the wrong stuff. Could it be that Scum is Grandma/MeBelle/FA instead of Grandma/MeBelle/tn?

CaféAuLait;9588112 said:
I'll also add, the night kills follow the exact pattern FA set out in our neighborhood QT for game 3.
He stated if he were scum he would take out those not as vocal on the game first then move towards those who were more vocal to ensure suspicion did not fall on scum.

SR was voting here and there but really was not too vocal, she was trying to teach us how to play and I believe throwing out votes here and there but was not too forceful as to who she believed was scum, except stating she 'her biggest desire was Grandma". Her experience probably had her killed on night 1 as well.

RD, was not too vocal either, kinda quiet too with a statement here and there.

That's very interesting. Very interesting.

But weren't MeBelle, TN and Shaitra quieter than Scarlet and R.D.?

Cafe is doing just what TN did as Scum. Remember the big colorful charts? TN figured he could dazzle us with BS and it worked, didn't it.

Cafe cuts and pastes some vote counts and that makes her Town?

What makes her Scum is voting/unvoting Grandma and FA. She wants to seem to be ultra-helpful Town, but then pulls her votes very quickly so as to not bus the other two Scum.

You already know not to trust Grandma. You are correctly figuring not to trust FA.

Later on we can arm wrestle over Cafe and MeBelle, but again I say not to let MeBelle's weirdness distract you.

You and TN get a good head of steam wagon on Grandma going and I will delay, but by no means drop, FA. Watch your back- FA is a backstabbing scuzzball that Grandma and Cafe defend.

Regards from Rosie
TN - I am teetering. Grandma is being an enemy and no one's friend. Convince me she is more my enemy than FA is and I will change my vote.

Cafe is the third Scum. She pretends to go after and then refuses to bus FA.

Regards from Rosie

That's odd, because I find that Grandma keeps defending FA, ever so subtle, but she she did in the post below. She keeps saying that MeBelle seems suspicious, but she never votes for her....why would that be? And, I don't think Cafe is Scum, I think she just over analyzes the wrong stuff. Could it be that Scum is Grandma/MeBelle/FA instead of Grandma/MeBelle/tn?

That's very interesting. Very interesting.

But weren't MeBelle, TN and Shaitra quieter than Scarlet and R.D.?

Cafe is doing just what TN did as Scum. Remember the big colorful charts? TN figured he could dazzle us with BS and it worked, didn't it.

Cafe cuts and pastes some vote counts and that makes her Town?

What makes her Scum is voting/unvoting Grandma and FA. She wants to seem to be ultra-helpful Town, but then pulls her votes very quickly so as to not bus the other two Scum.

You already know not to trust Grandma. You are correctly figuring not to trust FA.

Later on we can arm wrestle over Cafe and MeBelle, but again I say not to let MeBelle's weirdness distract you.

You and TN get a good head of steam wagon on Grandma going and I will delay, but by no means drop, FA. Watch your back- FA is a backstabbing scuzzball that Grandma and Cafe defend.

Regards from Rosie

I'll be glad to change my vote for now.....being that there is a wagon on FA. If Cafe pulls her vote off FA, that will be a good indication of what you've been saying. That many can't be wrong.

Vote Count: 3.3

FA_Q2 (3): Shaitra♀, RosieS♀, Mertex♀
TN5421 (1): AyeCantSeeYou♀
Grandma (1): tn5421♂

Not Voting (4): MeBelle60♀, FA_Q2♂, Grandma♀, CafeAuLait♀

~ With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/13/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Shaitra's on V/LA (no current deadline).

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7
3.1 | 3.2
Last edited:
I didn't realize that Cafe had already pulled her vote of FA.....what's with all this "Unvote"?

Didn't Wake say it wasn't necessary....all you have to do is vote for someone else, or, if it is approaching the deadline, and you still don't want to vote for anyone, which is very scummy, and why I don't understand why everyone is giving MeBelle a pass on it....then at that time say you're not voting.

This unvoting is really confusing as you have to remember who did it or have to go back and check all the posts....a very Scummy move, in my opinion.
Cafe - Do you really need me to point out who I think is Scum?

Who's posting no volume? Who's doing everything they can to divide Town? Who's calling everyone Scum that disagrees with them? Who's clearly been lying?
Protecting the Masons is a goal, but as bad as this game's going it wouldn't surprise me if they were Rosie, MeBelle, and TN.
Vote Count: 3.3

FA_Q2 (3): Shaitra♀, RosieS♀, Mertex♀
TN5421 (1): AyeCantSeeYou♀
Grandma (1): tn5421♂

Not Voting (4): MeBelle60♀, FA_Q2♂, Grandma♀, CafeAuLait♀

~ With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/13/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Shaitra's on V/LA (no current deadline).

I find it highly interesting that Mertex took her vote off someone that beyond a shadow of a doubt was working against our win condition and voted for FA.

And yet again there's someone calling me scum - someone that's been caught lying.

I'm done being a scapegoat.:mad::mad::mad:

Town - you have 4 people that are working hard against our win condition - MeBelle, Rosie, Mertex, and TN.

Not all 4 can be Scum. Like I said earlier, I wouldn't be surprised if 3 were Masons. :frown:

But certainly one is Scum, likely 2.

Take you pick. I could vote for any of them, they're all useless to Town.
Yeah, right.

Ain't me who has been on an uninterrupted bitchfest.

That would


Regards from Rosie
Cafe - Do you really need me to point out who I think is Scum?

Who's posting no volume? Who's doing everything they can to divide Town? Who's calling everyone Scum that disagrees with them? Who's clearly been lying?


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