Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

CaféAuLait;9597973 said:
Protecting the Masons is a goal, but as bad as this game's going it wouldn't surprise me if they were Rosie, MeBelle, and TN.

Have you flipped that Grandma?

I was being semi-sarcastic.

Okay, since you are here, I was wondering if you were not that far off TBH, but TNs non action on you has me highly suspicious. Who is lying, one is not VT:

CaféAuLait;9597904 said:
Who the hell isn't Grandma attacking this time? Gonna blame it on the Nyquil AGAIN, Grandma?

You are acting just as Avatar did. He turned himself around and I was not a part of lynching him once he did.

I don't think you can quit bitching long enuff to not get hung, Grandma.

Why shouldnt you get lynched just for accusing wildly and having no good reasons at all for your accusations?

Like I said she would, Cafe has moved from bussng her fellow Scum. What a surprise, not.

And FA is slimey Scum - just as he has been revealed to be. Trust that snake? Whatever for?

I wanna hear from MeBelle and I would like reads on these 3 from Aye.

Regards from Rosie

I know you are wrong about me being scum, and as far as FA you have carried this past game slight with you and have even posted about it here.

Tell me why you think FA is scum because of something THIS game.

I've already said why. This is the last time., out of 3 times, I will repeat for you.

First, tho' hypocritical to refer to me and MeBelle from previously and then insist I only refer to THIS game.

You don't.

I said FA is Scum for voting only Avatar and beating a dead horse on Avatar. You see how that turned out. That was all he posted.

After lynching Avatar, all he has is it 'seems' this person is Scum and the other 'seems' Town.

Phoning it in, which is what Scum does. They already know who they want to kill.

Which 'seems' to be what FA is listing - who his Scum kills will be.

Regards from Rosie
CaféAuLait;9597904 said:
Who the hell isn't Grandma attacking this time? Gonna blame it on the Nyquil AGAIN, Grandma?

You are acting just as Avatar did. He turned himself around and I was not a part of lynching him once he did.

I don't think you can quit bitching long enuff to not get hung, Grandma.

Why shouldnt you get lynched just for accusing wildly and having no good reasons at all for your accusations?

Like I said she would, Cafe has moved from bussng her fellow Scum. What a surprise, not.

And FA is slimey Scum - just as he has been revealed to be. Trust that snake? Whatever for?

I wanna hear from MeBelle and I would like reads on these 3 from Aye.

Regards from Rosie

I know you are wrong about me being scum, and as far as FA you have carried this past game slight with you and have even posted about it here.

Tell me why you think FA is scum because of something THIS game.

I've already said why. This is the last time., out of 3 times, I will repeat for you.

First, tho' hypocritical to refer to me and MeBelle from previously and then insist I only refer to THIS game.

You don't.

I said FA is Scum for voting only Avatar and beating a dead horse on Avatar. You see how that turned out. That was all he posted.

After lynching Avatar, all he has is it 'seems' this person is Scum and the other 'seems' Town.

Phoning it in, which is what Scum does. They already know who they want to kill.

Which 'seems' to be what FA is listing - who his Scum kills will be.

Regards from Rosie

I mentioned it because you are always harping on previous games. It is out of your character IMO to stop said behavior. I was wondering if you noted Mebell's compliments towards you and if you wondered if this was the norm or could it be her trying to buddy up to you to ensure she stays put because she may be scum.

I removed my vote for FA because he actually stopped the wagon from moving forward on Day 2 on Avatar, he said he thought Avatar may be scum but did not vote and said 'this wagon is moving too quickly" and then people fell of Avatar. This is why I wanted to take a closer look at him before we end up in a probable losing situation with 4 town and 3 scum if we vote a townie out..

I did not want to see a vote go through for him too soon given we have, what 4 or 5 r/l days left to decide and it only takes 6 to lynch.
TN - I am teetering. Grandma is being an enemy and no one's friend. Convince me she is more my enemy than FA is and I will change my vote.

Cafe is the third Scum. She pretends to go after and then refuses to bus FA.

Regards from Rosie

What makes you think TN is town Rosie? Just wondering here.

His and MeBelle's play is highly anti-town and perhaps scummy, why the confidence in TN now?
CaféAuLait;9598199 said:
CaféAuLait;9597904 said:
I know you are wrong about me being scum, and as far as FA you have carried this past game slight with you and have even posted about it here.

Tell me why you think FA is scum because of something THIS game.

I've already said why. This is the last time., out of 3 times, I will repeat for you.

First, tho' hypocritical to refer to me and MeBelle from previously and then insist I only refer to THIS game.

You don't.

I said FA is Scum for voting only Avatar and beating a dead horse on Avatar. You see how that turned out. That was all he posted.

After lynching Avatar, all he has is it 'seems' this person is Scum and the other 'seems' Town.

Phoning it in, which is what Scum does. They already know who they want to kill.

Which 'seems' to be what FA is listing - who his Scum kills will be.

Regards from Rosie

I mentioned it because you are always harping on previous games. It is out of your character IMO to stop said behavior. I was wondering if you noted Mebell's compliments towards you and if you wondered if this was the norm or could it be her trying to buddy up to you to ensure she stays put because she may be scum.

I removed my vote for FA because he actually stopped the wagon from moving forward on Day 2 on Avatar, he said he thought Avatar may be scum but did not vote and said 'this wagon is moving too quickly" and then people fell of Avatar. This is why I wanted to take a closer look at him before we end up in a probable losing situation with 4 town and 3 scum if we vote a townie out..

I did not want to see a vote go through for him too soon given we have, what 4 or 5 r/l days left to decide and it only takes 6 to lynch.

You are doing what FA did....state you suspect people, vote for them and then unvote.

And then vote back again on the same one and think others will not note it. This is what FA did with Avatar.

I agree with Mertex that this see-saw voting unvoting on suspects is Scummy.

Stop it!

You have it backwards. MeBelle was an enemy LAST game and we had a pleasant time in the Dead Zone after both of us were dead.

THIS game I am friends with MeBelle.

Why shouldn't I be? It beats having to deal with Grandma gnawing my ass off being her nasty Scum self THIS game!

Regards from Rosie
CaféAuLait;9598380 said:
TN - I am teetering. Grandma is being an enemy and no one's friend. Convince me she is more my enemy than FA is and I will change my vote.

Cafe is the third Scum. She pretends to go after and then refuses to bus FA.

Regards from Rosie

What makes you think TN is town Rosie? Just wondering here.

His and MeBelle's play is highly anti-town and perhaps scummy, why the confidence in TN now?

I have an ear for sincerity. Avatar's contrition was sincere. Mertex's aggravation over being accused of being Scum this time rang true.

And TN's frustration over his really wanting to take Grandma out but failing to is honest.

The way Grandma is alienating everyone - who would not be upset with themselves when they reserved hammering her and then screwed it up?

Regards from Rosie
Vote Count: 3.1

Mebelle60 (1): Mertex♀
TN5421 (1): AyeCantSeeYou♀

Not Voting (7): MeBelle60♀, CafeAuLait♀, tn5421♂, FA_Q2♂ Grandma♀, RosieS♀, Shaitra♀

~ With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/13/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Shaitra's on V/LA (no current deadline).

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7


Can you please check your count? We only have 9 alive, how many to lynch? If it was 11 alive 6 to lynch in day two, is it only 5 this time?

02) CafeAuLait♀
04) AyeCantSeeYou♀
05) tn5421♂
06) FA_Q2♂
09) Shaitra♀
10) Grandma♀
11) Mertex♀
12) RosieS♀
13) MeBelle60♀
CaféAuLait;9598199 said:
I've already said why. This is the last time., out of 3 times, I will repeat for you.

First, tho' hypocritical to refer to me and MeBelle from previously and then insist I only refer to THIS game.

You don't.

I said FA is Scum for voting only Avatar and beating a dead horse on Avatar. You see how that turned out. That was all he posted.

After lynching Avatar, all he has is it 'seems' this person is Scum and the other 'seems' Town.

Phoning it in, which is what Scum does. They already know who they want to kill.

Which 'seems' to be what FA is listing - who his Scum kills will be.

Regards from Rosie

I mentioned it because you are always harping on previous games. It is out of your character IMO to stop said behavior. I was wondering if you noted Mebell's compliments towards you and if you wondered if this was the norm or could it be her trying to buddy up to you to ensure she stays put because she may be scum.

I removed my vote for FA because he actually stopped the wagon from moving forward on Day 2 on Avatar, he said he thought Avatar may be scum but did not vote and said 'this wagon is moving too quickly" and then people fell of Avatar. This is why I wanted to take a closer look at him before we end up in a probable losing situation with 4 town and 3 scum if we vote a townie out..

I did not want to see a vote go through for him too soon given we have, what 4 or 5 r/l days left to decide and it only takes 6 to lynch.

You are doing what FA did....state you suspect people, vote for them and then unvote.

And then vote back again on the same one and think others will not note it. This is what FA did with Avatar.

I agree with Mertex that this see-saw voting unvoting on suspects is Scummy.

Stop it!

You have it backwards. MeBelle was an enemy LAST game and we had a pleasant time in the Dead Zone after both of us were dead.

THIS game I am friends with MeBelle.

Why shouldn't I be? It beats having to deal with Grandma gnawing my ass off being her nasty Scum self THIS game!

Regards from Rosie

I have explained why I unvoted, there is no reason for us to rush and lynch a townie by accident. And I think the count is wrong, it would only take 5 to lynch FA. He was going to be at that number with as quick as his wagon was moving. We still have either 4 or 5 real life days to decide. I don't think it will hurt to ensure we all are on the same page for the same reasons.

We need to be sure or we will end up with a townie dead and only 4 of us left with three scum.

I have been stuck on Grandma and FA from day 1. I want to ensure I am not biased in my decision ( a lot on day one I was biased because of the whole role reset). One of these people is lying though:


They all claim VT, one can't be. I am.

Grandma has claimed over and over she is VT and in fact just posted a possible mason list which did not include her. So it makes me believe she is still claiming VT and not stating it to hide behind a mason role.

Mertex stated she was VT from day 1 after the whole thing about the PM role reset.

FA claimed VT and Avatar even questioned him on it.

I am seeing where this line of reasoning ends me up. Thus my vote for Mertex.
Oh and allow me to clarify, I don't believe Grandma to be a mason- given other posts, I did not finish my thought because I am in a hurry and on my way out.
CaféAuLait;9598515 said:

I have been stuck on Grandma and FA from day 1. I want to ensure I am not biased in my decision ( a lot on day one I was biased because of the whole role reset). One of these people is lying though:


They all claim VT, one can't be. I am.

Grandma has claimed over and over she is VT and in fact just posted a possible mason list which did not include her. So it makes me believe she is still claiming VT and not stating it to hide behind a mason role.

Mertex stated she was VT from day 1 after the whole thing about the PM role reset.

FA claimed VT and Avatar even questioned him on it.

I am seeing where this line of reasoning ends me up. Thus my vote for Mertex.

I disagree about Mertex. She is actively Scum seeking, even if the details escape her. LOL

Given the choice between FA and Grandma, FA is characteristically dishonest if you read that he did say I was dead so it did not matter.

Waiting for my being gone is flat out dishonest.

So I think FA is lying and Grandma is an excessively grouchy VT.

This could change if new info appears.

I did not unvote, my vote stays the same:

Vote: FA_ Q2

Regards from Rosie
CaféAuLait;9598031 said:
I've tried twice to get her in here to defend herself. If I see she's posting in the FZ tonight while blowing us off, then she'll get my vote.

Note - I'm on here VERY late at night. No one else is here. So if it comes to where mine is the hammer vote, I'll wait until 4 - 6 pm eastern time tomorrow (Sunday.)

Uh, huh, here come the excuses.

I'm leaning more towards her being a Mason and not scum, her non- voting seems more mason like and not scum like to me.

Why would scum not vote? If she was scum she knew Avatar was town, if Grandma was town then she knew that too, so why not vote? She knows her win condition is to kill town if she is scum. If grandma is scum then why wouldn't she vote Avatar?

Everyone was begging her to vote and she sat there and refused to hammer over and over.

See and here I am caught up in the WIFOM again.

Didn't you read my post where I explained it. You seem to be missing all that I said when I explained why MeBelle did what she did. If you don't get it from my post, you won't even if I explain it again. Either you are Scum or just not able to comprehend.
CaféAuLait;9598515 said:

I have been stuck on Grandma and FA from day 1. I want to ensure I am not biased in my decision ( a lot on day one I was biased because of the whole role reset). One of these people is lying though:


They all claim VT, one can't be. I am.

Grandma has claimed over and over she is VT and in fact just posted a possible mason list which did not include her. So it makes me believe she is still claiming VT and not stating it to hide behind a mason role.

Mertex stated she was VT from day 1 after the whole thing about the PM role reset.

FA claimed VT and Avatar even questioned him on it.

I am seeing where this line of reasoning ends me up. Thus my vote for Mertex.

Why should your word about being VT be considered more true than any of us? I know I am Town, and your sudden move toward me makes me think that Rosie may be right. Your acting dumb may just be a ploy and not real, as I had thought.

You have stated that you think MeBelle is Scum yet you won't cast a vote for her. Is it you, Grandma and MeBelle? Is that why you won't vote for any of them but just keep posting BS and unnecessary crap that we all have access to?

Your going to all that trouble to post all the Vote Counts is just fluff...I'm sure everyone knows how to use the Bookmark feature and can bring them up if they need to, you're not being helpful, you are just taking up bandwidth.
Here's what's going on:

Mani and Avi were convenient scapegoats.
FA and I are likely the next two to go to the gallows on bullshit "evidence."

Mertex is acting like the love child of Kim Jong Un and Sarah Palin, spewing propaganda from the Ministry Of Truth, and everyone's drinking that KoolAid by the gallon.

Rosie is after FA because of this from the Game 2 neighborhood:

I don’t see anything that Rosie stated that needs to be outed anyway. Basically her contributions can be chalked up to claiming that we are playing incorrectly, she is better than we are, she knows more than we do and that she is supreme. All while being hopelessly incorrect.
IOW, she plays like an idiot and I don’t see any real gains in discussing her thoughts on the game so far. It would be different IF she bothered to reveal any uses for her PR role but alas, that information is dead with her.

So she's all butthurt and trying to get him lynched, going on about how slimey he is. But that's okay, she's not a problem, that's just how Rosie plays.

And there's MeBelle, who hasn't made a single contributing post and and refuses to vote, but that's how she plays, it's all good.

Then there's TN, that threw the game and caused the reset and has been caught lying, but that's okay, he's gotta be Town.

And Cafe, Aye, and Shaitra kinda sorta acknowledge each other's presence while trying to figure out how to win on their own.

Yep, that just about sums it up.

You say I've been caught lying but never went into detail.

Why don't you do that now instead of making yourself look like a complete idiot?

CaféAuLait;9594535 said:
Scum has to be loving the fuckwittery. We're handing them this game on a silver platter.

I bet you are loving it.

So, do tell TN, what have you been doing to ensure there is no fuckwittery? Throwing a vote on Mani then "forgetting it was there and meaning to come back to change it" when you were asked why the vote for Mani?

Then of course your being "upset" about missing your chance to get "your biggest scum target" after you "fell asleep" (creating chaos within town) and did not hammer after claiming intent- all the while voting for Avatar? Why just show up every once in awhile, you could have moved your vote if you truly thought Grandma was more scummy than Avatar a day prior.

You do realize I've been on "wake up in the afternoon fall asleep next morning" sleep schedule for a while, right?

TN - I am teetering. Grandma is being an enemy and no one's friend. Convince me she is more my enemy than FA is and I will change my vote.

Cafe is the third Scum. She pretends to go after and then refuses to bus FA.

Regards from Rosie

That's odd, because I find that Grandma keeps defending FA, ever so subtle, but she she did in the post below. She keeps saying that MeBelle seems suspicious, but she never votes for her....why would that be? And, I don't think Cafe is Scum, I think she just over analyzes the wrong stuff. Could it be that Scum is Grandma/MeBelle/FA instead of Grandma/MeBelle/tn?

That's very interesting. Very interesting.

But weren't MeBelle, TN and Shaitra quieter than Scarlet and R.D.?

Cafe is doing just what TN did as Scum. Remember the big colorful charts? TN figured he could dazzle us with BS and it worked, didn't it.

Cafe cuts and pastes some vote counts and that makes her Town?

What makes her Scum is voting/unvoting Grandma and FA. She wants to seem to be ultra-helpful Town, but then pulls her votes very quickly so as to not bus the other two Scum.

You already know not to trust Grandma. You are correctly figuring not to trust FA.

Later on we can arm wrestle over Cafe and MeBelle, but again I say not to let MeBelle's weirdness distract you.

You and TN get a good head of steam wagon on Grandma going and I will delay, but by no means drop, FA. Watch your back- FA is a backstabbing scuzzball that Grandma and Cafe defend.

Regards from Rosie

If FA flips scum, we need to have a serious look at Grandma and/or Cafe.

Vote: FA_Q2
TN, you are lying again.

Post 1175 you say:
I don't think you realize how upset I am at not getting one of my top scumreads lynched.

Post 1184 I out your lie:

Who did TN vote for on Day 1? Mani. In fact TN was the first, and for a while, the only vote on Mani.

And on Day 2, Post 768 he says:

Near-Confirmed Scum / Lynch Pool:
Who did TN vote for on Day 2? Who got lynched?

No mas pantalones.
Protecting the Masons is a goal, but as bad as this game's going it wouldn't surprise me if they were Rosie, MeBelle, and TN.

Here is where you said you think MeBelle is a mason.

No, CAFE said that MeBelle was a Mason. If you would have read on you would have seen where I said I was being semi-sarcastic. Cafe also said that Rosie's a Mason. That doesn't bother you?

TN, you are a real piece of work.

If I thought MeBelle was a Mason I would not vote for her.

Players who rarely post, and who post zero content are almost always scum.

She hasn't bothered coming here to defend herself since the 7th. I even @ her in Post 1231. She has, however posted in the FZ and the Announcements forums over the last couple days, in fact she was online when I voted for her.

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