Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Vote Count: 3.3

FA_Q2 (3): Shaitra♀, RosieS♀, Mertex♀
TN5421 (1): AyeCantSeeYou♀
Grandma (1): tn5421♂

Not Voting (4): MeBelle60♀, FA_Q2♂, Grandma♀, CafeAuLait♀

~ With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/13/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Shaitra's on V/LA (no current deadline).

I find it highly interesting that Mertex took her vote off someone that beyond a shadow of a doubt was working against our win condition and voted for FA.

And yet again there's someone calling me scum - someone that's been caught lying.

I'm done being a scapegoat.:mad::mad::mad:

Town - you have 4 people that are working hard against our win condition - MeBelle, Rosie, Mertex, and TN.

Not all 4 can be Scum. Like I said earlier, I wouldn't be surprised if 3 were Masons. :frown:

But certainly one is Scum, likely 2.

Take you pick. I could vote for any of them, they're all useless to Town.

Funny, I voted for MeBelle soon after the beginning of day 3, and did you support me on it? No, you keep saying that MeBelle sounds scummy, but when it comes to voting for her you don't follow through. Why is that? Because, you want to appear like you're not working with her, but your actions tell a different story. Why don't you vote for her....I'll be glad to switch my vote back to her, but I know you won't, you're all talk.
Who the hell isn't Grandma attacking this time? Gonna blame it on the Nyquil AGAIN, Grandma?

You are acting just as Avatar did. He turned himself around and I was not a part of lynching him once he did.

I don't think you can quit bitching long enuff to not get hung, Grandma.

Why shouldnt you get lynched just for accusing wildly and having no good reasons at all for your accusations?

Like I said she would, Cafe has moved from bussng her fellow Scum. What a surprise, not.

And FA is slimey Scum - just as he has been revealed to be. Trust that snake? Whatever for?

I wanna hear from MeBelle and I would like reads on these 3 from Aye.

Regards from Rosie

MeBelle is quiet, like she has been in the other games. I don't like that she hasn't voted. She had no problem voting in the other games, even being the hammer vote. Why the sudden stop in voting this game? Doesn't make any sense to me. It isn't helping us at all and comes off, to me, as being anti town.

Cafe is posting and analyzing things so many different ways, it comes off as being confusing. Does it help us? At times, yes, but other times it causes confusion. Could it be intentional? Yes, if she's scum. I don't know if she is though.

FA is posting, mostly defending himself against accusations from others. Is that screaming scum? No. It's what I expect from townies. Even though you've claimed he's scum for game play in another game, he hasn't said the same about you. Several posts come off as trying to figure out who scum are. Is that a play on us? I don't know.

Grandma I suspected early on because of the way her posts came off. She came back, apologized, and said it was because of being sick. Her posts changed from that point on, mostly in defense of herself.

What I do know is that in the games I've played, we've always gone after our own relentlessly. Those that post, analyzing and trying to figure things out, are the ones we've wound up lynching nearly every time. How many times has that worked out for us? So far, it hasn't. The micro game is the only game where we got it right. SR was right at the beginning of this game when she mentioned content. Where is the content, and where isn't it?
Funny, I voted for MeBelle soon after the beginning of day 3, and did you support me on it? No, you keep saying that MeBelle sounds scummy, but when it comes to voting for her you don't follow through. Why is that? Because, you want to appear like you're not working with her, but your actions tell a different story. Why don't you vote for her....I'll be glad to switch my vote back to her, but I know you won't, you're all talk.

Mertex, at this point, do you really believe MeBelle is working against us? If you really believe that, I'll change my vote. Not voting the past 2 days is really bugging me.
Who the hell isn't Grandma attacking this time? Gonna blame it on the Nyquil AGAIN, Grandma?

You are acting just as Avatar did. He turned himself around and I was not a part of lynching him once he did.

I don't think you can quit bitching long enuff to not get hung, Grandma.

Why shouldnt you get lynched just for accusing wildly and having no good reasons at all for your accusations?

Like I said she would, Cafe has moved from bussng her fellow Scum. What a surprise, not.

And FA is slimey Scum - just as he has been revealed to be. Trust that snake? Whatever for?

I wanna hear from MeBelle and I would like reads on these 3 from Aye.

Regards from Rosie

MeBelle is quiet, like she has been in the other games. I don't like that she hasn't voted. She had no problem voting in the other games, even being the hammer vote. Why the sudden stop in voting this game? Doesn't make any sense to me. It isn't helping us at all and comes off, to me, as being anti town.

Cafe is posting and analyzing things so many different ways, it comes off as being confusing. Does it help us? At times, yes, but other times it causes confusion. Could it be intentional? Yes, if she's scum. I don't know if she is though.

FA is posting, mostly defending himself against accusations from others. Is that screaming scum? No. It's what I expect from townies. Even though you've claimed he's scum for game play in another game, he hasn't said the same about you. Several posts come off as trying to figure out who scum are. Is that a play on us? I don't know.

Grandma I suspected early on because of the way her posts came off. She came back, apologized, and said it was because of being sick. Her posts changed from that point on, mostly in defense of herself.

What I do know is that in the games I've played, we've always gone after our own relentlessly. Those that post, analyzing and trying to figure things out, are the ones we've wound up lynching nearly every time. How many times has that worked out for us? So far, it hasn't. The micro game is the only game where we got it right. SR was right at the beginning of this game when she mentioned content. Where is the content, and where isn't it?

We haven't really been working together because, like you say, the ones that offer up suggestions end up getting painted as the Scum. The ones that say very little, skate off as Town, when they very well could be Scum. That's why I think MeBelle is Scum, she doesn't say anything, and her not voting didn't help Town at all....but Grandma, Cafe and even you in some posts have made excuses for her because that's how she played before.

Cafe has also said MeBelle seemed Scummy but then she finds some obscure reason to find someone else Scummy. Tn doesn't offer anything....just like when he was Scum, and he seems to skate away as Town by all the others. Shaitra has been quiet, yet nobody seems to want to accuse her as being Scum. The fact that FA hasn't said much is also reason to believe he's scum.

Maybe I better shut up, because all I get is everybody pointing their finger at me and claiming I'm scum. Frankly, I'm not going to defend myself doesn't seem to help, so the rest of you Townies, if you want to lose, continue to make excuses for the ones that stand out, and continue to vote for the ones that are trying to figure it out.
Funny, I voted for MeBelle soon after the beginning of day 3, and did you support me on it? No, you keep saying that MeBelle sounds scummy, but when it comes to voting for her you don't follow through. Why is that? Because, you want to appear like you're not working with her, but your actions tell a different story. Why don't you vote for her....I'll be glad to switch my vote back to her, but I know you won't, you're all talk.

Mertex, at this point, do you really believe MeBelle is working against us? If you really believe that, I'll change my vote. Not voting the past 2 days is really bugging me.

Yes...I really do believe she is Scum. I'm basing it on my own behavior when I was Scum. I was afraid to vote for the same people that WS and the other Scum were voting for because I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

If I had been in the same position as MeBelle, where Avatar could possibly have one Scum already voting for him, and my vote would hammer him, I wouldn't have known what to do, especially if the only other person with a wagon was Scum....and my vote would have hammered them, too. I would have wanted to talk to the experienced players and asked them what I should do, but Scum can't talk to each other during the day so, I think MeBelle opted for not voting and then made up some lame excuse as to why she didn't rather than making a big mistake and hammering one that already had one Scum voting for them, or hammering one of her partners.

That's just the way I see it, if I'm wrong, I really won't blame the rest of Town for thinking that I'm Scum....the MeBelle fiasco is the most obvious thing I have seen so far.

Let's see if Grandma and Cafe are able to put their suspicions into action or if they are just talk.
I've tried twice to get her in here to defend herself. If I see she's posting in the FZ tonight while blowing us off, then she'll get my vote.

Note - I'm on here VERY late at night. No one else is here. So if it comes to where mine is the hammer vote, I'll wait until 4 - 6 pm eastern time tomorrow (Sunday.)
I've tried twice to get her in here to defend herself. If I see she's posting in the FZ tonight while blowing us off, then she'll get my vote.

Note - I'm on here VERY late at night. No one else is here. So if it comes to where mine is the hammer vote, I'll wait until 4 - 6 pm eastern time tomorrow (Sunday.)

Uh, huh, here come the excuses.
Mertex, Shaitra lost her father a day or so ago. She voted before going off to attend the wake and funeral.

Shaitra left instructions that if she doesn't get back here in a timely fashion, Wake is to replace her.

More cannot be expected from anyone - our backbiters could take lessons from Shaitra.

I'm talking about you two, Grandma and FA.

Regards from Rosie
Mertex, Shaitra lost her father a day or so ago. She voted before going off to attend the wake and funeral.

Shaitra left instructions that if she doesn't get back here in a timely fashion, Wake is to replace her.

More cannot be expected from anyone - our backbiters could take lessons from Shaitra.

I'm talking about you two, Grandma and FA.

Regards from Rosie

You're right, I had completely forgotten about that. She's not high on my list of suspects, though. Sorry.
CaféAuLait;9594249 said:
Well, the other weird thing was Mertex had no clue Avatar was hammered. Strange- since we all were sitting there waiting on a vote one way or the other. Mertex seems to be playing as if she is not in the game at times. may think that everyone is sitting on their computer waiting for the next post on this game.

I have a life outside of this game. And, yes, I didn't know Avatar had been hammered because I'm not that experienced in this game and I thought that Wake had to post the Vote Count for it to count....and I kept checking Wake's posts and there was none indicating that there were enough for a lynch. People kept changing the votes and I didn't have time to keep checking every post to make sure who had voted for who. If you want to use that as your gauge to figure out that I'm Scum, go ahead, and you'll be wrong again.

Use your head and look at what really went on. MeBelle was like a deer in the headlights, didn't know what to do when she had to either vote for Grandma or Avatar. That she decided not to vote is not Town regardless of what excuse she is giving. She was able to send Wake a pm telling him she was sick, but she couldn't post it here? That's BS and if you want to buy it go're just helping us Townies lose this game. Unless, of course, you're Scum, then you are doing a great job of trying to go for minutia.

I'm not scum.

I pointed such out since you seem to use it quite a bit when you find someone has not been paying attention and stated they are scum or 'scum does not need to pay attention".

I know MeBelle was like a deer in the headlights, but I've gone back and forth wondering if she is a mason- therefore the reason she did not vote- it really makes no sense in my head for scum not to vote. I'll post more about MeBelle in a minute, because I noted strange behavior between 2 players here. Which again may denote mason behavior or pure scum play on MeBells part.

As I said we need to ensure this vote we get it right, if we don't and lynch a townie its 4 town vs. 3 after their night kill.

That is why I said this vote is critical. We need to be sure.
Who the hell isn't Grandma attacking this time? Gonna blame it on the Nyquil AGAIN, Grandma?

You are acting just as Avatar did. He turned himself around and I was not a part of lynching him once he did.

I don't think you can quit bitching long enuff to not get hung, Grandma.

Why shouldnt you get lynched just for accusing wildly and having no good reasons at all for your accusations?

Like I said she would, Cafe has moved from bussng her fellow Scum. What a surprise, not.

And FA is slimey Scum - just as he has been revealed to be. Trust that snake? Whatever for?

I wanna hear from MeBelle and I would like reads on these 3 from Aye.

Regards from Rosie

I know you are wrong about me being scum, and as far as FA you have carried this past game slight with you and have even posted about it here.

Tell me why you think FA is scum because of something THIS game.
Here's what's going on:

Mani and Avi were convenient scapegoats.
FA and I are likely the next two to go to the gallows on bullshit "evidence."

Mertex is acting like the love child of Kim Jong Un and Sarah Palin, spewing propaganda from the Ministry Of Truth, and everyone's drinking that KoolAid by the gallon.

Rosie is after FA because of this from the Game 2 neighborhood:

I don’t see anything that Rosie stated that needs to be outed anyway. Basically her contributions can be chalked up to claiming that we are playing incorrectly, she is better than we are, she knows more than we do and that she is supreme. All while being hopelessly incorrect.
IOW, she plays like an idiot and I don’t see any real gains in discussing her thoughts on the game so far. It would be different IF she bothered to reveal any uses for her PR role but alas, that information is dead with her.

So she's all butthurt and trying to get him lynched, going on about how slimey he is. But that's okay, she's not a problem, that's just how Rosie plays.

And there's MeBelle, who hasn't made a single contributing post and and refuses to vote, but that's how she plays, it's all good.

Then there's TN, that threw the game and caused the reset and has been caught lying, but that's okay, he's gotta be Town.

And Cafe, Aye, and Shaitra kinda sorta acknowledge each other's presence while trying to figure out how to win on their own.

Yep, that just about sums it up.

And there you MeBelle a pass. You're doing a fine job of pulling the wool over Cafe's eyes.....keep doing it, I think she'll eventually buy your BS.

I thought that was sarcasm on Grandma's part.

This is what I noted with MeBelle and Rosie.

They have been too friendly this game. MeBelle has been up Rosies ass, complementing her posts, quoting posts and saying she wished she could rep them etc. In fact the latest she wonders if Rosie had not created a new USMB meme. Rosie has said prior, when I pointed out MeBelle's strange play, 'that just how MeBelle plays. Since when does Rosie defend MeBelle? Last game Rosie pointed out MeBelle's anti-town game play over and over, this time it seems to get a pass.

I wondered if MeBelle was not ensuring a friend in Rosie and buttering her up to keep her butt in the game. Or if they may be part of the scum team. The crazy part about it is, Mebelle has not kept her vote on anyone for any period of time- does scum do that, it would seem no.

I am trying to consider all options before I make a decision this time, as I said earlier this vote is critical we get it right.
Protecting the Masons is a goal, but as bad as this game's going it wouldn't surprise me if they were Rosie, MeBelle, and TN.

Have you flipped that Grandma?

Like I said someone out of these three are lying about being VT:

Mertex, FA and you, Grandma.

I am VT so one of you is lying.
I've tried twice to get her in here to defend herself. If I see she's posting in the FZ tonight while blowing us off, then she'll get my vote.

Note - I'm on here VERY late at night. No one else is here. So if it comes to where mine is the hammer vote, I'll wait until 4 - 6 pm eastern time tomorrow (Sunday.)

Uh, huh, here come the excuses.

I caught a wagon full of shit for nearly hammering Avi in Day 2, so hell yeah I'm not hammering anyone in the middle of the night.

Isn't that Scum's job?
I've tried twice to get her in here to defend herself. If I see she's posting in the FZ tonight while blowing us off, then she'll get my vote.

Note - I'm on here VERY late at night. No one else is here. So if it comes to where mine is the hammer vote, I'll wait until 4 - 6 pm eastern time tomorrow (Sunday.)

Uh, huh, here come the excuses.

I'm leaning more towards her being a Mason and not scum, her non- voting seems more mason like and not scum like to me.

Why would scum not vote? If she was scum she knew Avatar was town, if Grandma was town then she knew that too, so why not vote? She knows her win condition is to kill town if she is scum. If grandma is scum then why wouldn't she vote Avatar?

Everyone was begging her to vote and she sat there and refused to hammer over and over.

See and here I am caught up in the WIFOM again.

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