Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

CaféAuLait;9593980 said:
Oh, I'm not saying you should change your vote. It's yours, do what you want.

I am curious why you think I'm scum.

1. I have mentioned it at least once if not twice. People state you bring town together, and I'm not seeing it TBH.

2. A post you made to Mertex where she listed her scum list and you came back to her and stated "you isolated one whole scum - Café?" Mertex questioned you on it, and your response was you did not include RD and a few others was because you saw them as a three headed entity.

3. Post 284 you tell Mertex you already "hard claimed Vanilla Townie" Avatar calls you on this later. After Avatar pointed it out I said I did not think it was weird because I had also without thinking it might expose Masons. Thing is, you never claimed Vanilla Townie prior to that post. It was almost as if you were goading Avatar to out his mason or VT role.

I think it's weird, unless I missed this hard claim of VT from you prior to post 284somewhere?

Cafe, you aren't reading closely. You need to pay closer attention to what's being said, and who's saying it.

And it's not just you, it's all of Town, we're gonna lose this game because NO ONE wants to work with anyone else.

You aren't seeing me bringing Town together because the first half of Day one was wasted on the reset nonsense, and for some dumbass reason everyone decided that I rolled Scum twice in a row. My odds of rolling Scum were exactly the same as yours - 23.07%. Now if everyone gets the stupid notion out of the blue that I'm Scum, then no one's going to bloody work with me, are they? No, they aren't. By the end of Day 1 I was feeling crappy, and through most of Day 2 I was sick. MeBelle gets a pass for it, but I nearly get lynched. Jebus. Finally I start feeling better, then you decide I'm Scum - and you claim that I'm not working with Town? I've done my damnedest to work with Town and everyone's turned their backs on me. I've been treated pretty badly this whole game, and not a goddamn one of you has an excuse for it.

2. A post you made to Mertex where she listed her scum list and you came back to her and stated "you isolated one whole scum - Café?" Mertex questioned you on it, and your response was you did not include RD and a few others was because you saw them as a three headed entity.

That's not at all what went down.

Post 569:

Quote: Originally Posted by Mertex
My reads based on the Mani vote....

I know I am Town, and Miss Scarlet is history, that leaves the following people who voted for Mani:

tn, Grandma, Rosie, AyeCantSeeYou and Avatar.

MeBelle and R.D. didn't vote.

Shaitra and FA voted for me.

Cafe voted for Rosie.

One in the Mani wagon has got to be Scum. I'm leaning tn or Grandma.

MeBelle, because she didn't vote and didn't give out much to go on, and the fact that she pulled her vote from FA at the time when it was looking like it was picking up makes me suspicious that she didn't want FA going down, so I'm going to say she seems Scummy.

My last one has got to be FA. MeBelle pulling her vote off him just too suspicious to be overlooked.

So, my Scum read:

tn or Grandma, MeBelle, FA

FOS: Aye/Shaitra/Avatar

Town: All the rest I think are Town.

Quote: Originally Posted by Grandma

"All the rest" = Cafe.

You isolated one whole Townie?


That's what really happened, Mertex isolated you as the lone TOWNIE. You and what I referred to as the 3 heads: Mertex, R.D., and Rosie. Mertex only picked you 4 as being Town. That means that she was accusing 7 others as being Scum : me, Avi, Aye, FA, MeBelle, Shaitra, and TN.

Yes I did refer to them as the 3 Heads because they worked very closely together. They made excuses for one another and voted against each other's perceived enemies - Mertex voted for FA on Day 1 because he had R.D. on his friggin' FoS list!
I think R.D. got NK'd because she started to break away from the trio.

The VT hard claim came in Posts 53, 54, 58, and 60.
The problem is that giving 4 of us new roles would throw off the game. 4 players (VTs) had to replace us.

Question is... which ones?

I very much doubt that the VT's that got "promoted" will admit to it, the new Masons would get NK'd and the new Scum would get lynched.

(at)Wake - how many roles were switched?

You thought that only the 4 mentioned in the PM (me, Scarlet, TN, and FA) were replaced. I surmised that since we 4 were Scum and Masons we would have had to have been replaced with VTs.

Would that not mean that we 4 were now ourselves VTs?

In all probability simple logic should have told every player that much. But pretty much everyone (except for the real Masons, surely) spent Day 1 looking at Scarlet as a Mason, and looking at TN as VT - because there's no way he could roll Scum again, and looking at me and FA as Scum. In other words, most of Town thought/thinks 3 of us re-rolled our original roles.

I admit the entire reset has effed with my head- a lot. There have been several factors which drove such- or kept such going. Post 90 in BOLD letters, by Wake states RD's vote for TN was before the game reset.

Being curious I looked and I found RD voted for TN post 69. I did not see any other vote from RD for TN. So I was like huh, when was the game reset then, haven't we been playing? You and I both sought clarification but never got it for how many were given new roles.

This statement by Wake was not corrected by Wake until nearly 24 hours later and it was corrected within SDs post 93- in the tiny "reason edit section" as Wake edited her post and stated he was wrong- a whole new post should have been made by Wake IMO

Then TN states in post 124 he believes the game reset leaves a lot of room for people to have the same role twice. He knows this game, I don't know it. I assume he knows how the reset would work so one has a better chance to get the same role.

And in post 164 after Avatar says its probably impossible for TN ( you are mentioned too somehow) to get the same role, TN says again:

TN 164 "don’t discount possibility"

I've also thought you did not have to announce you were scum prior. But you did and this brought suspicion on you. So why mention it at all, I'm sure you did not want all the attention.
CaféAuLait;9594213 said:

I admit the entire reset has effed with my head- a lot. There have been several factors which drove such- or kept such going. Post 90 in BOLD letters, by Wake states RD's vote for TN was before the game reset.

Being curious I looked and I found RD voted for TN post 69. I did not see any other vote from RD for TN. So I was like huh, when was the game reset then, haven't we been playing? You and I both sought clarification but never got it for how many were given new roles.

This statement by Wake was not corrected by Wake until nearly 24 hours later and it was corrected within SDs post 93- in the tiny "reason edit section" as Wake edited her post and stated he was wrong- a whole new post should have been made by Wake IMO

Then TN states in post 124 he believes the game reset leaves a lot of room for people to have the same role twice. He knows this game, I don't know it. I assume he knows how the reset would work so one has a better chance to get the same role.

And in post 164 after Avatar says its probably impossible for TN ( you are mentioned too somehow) to get the same role, TN says again:

TN 164 "don’t discount possibility"

I've also thought you did not have to announce you were scum prior. But you did and this brought suspicion on you. So why mention it at all, I'm sure you did not want all the attention.

Everyone else - except Mertex :eusa_whistle: - knew about TN's silly mistake and the role resets. So if everyone knew about the role resets, why shouldn't I say that I was scum before the reset? It would be no different than Mani saying that he was scum in Game 2. Little did I know that people would conveniently read as much bullshit into it as possible.

Just so everyone is clear on this, the possibility of any player being a Mason is 21.07%. The possibility of a player being Scum is 21.07%. The possibility of a player being Vanilla Townie is 50.8%.
CaféAuLait;9594213 said:

I admit the entire reset has effed with my head- a lot. There have been several factors which drove such- or kept such going. Post 90 in BOLD letters, by Wake states RD's vote for TN was before the game reset.

Being curious I looked and I found RD voted for TN post 69. I did not see any other vote from RD for TN. So I was like huh, when was the game reset then, haven't we been playing? You and I both sought clarification but never got it for how many were given new roles.

This statement by Wake was not corrected by Wake until nearly 24 hours later and it was corrected within SDs post 93- in the tiny "reason edit section" as Wake edited her post and stated he was wrong- a whole new post should have been made by Wake IMO

Then TN states in post 124 he believes the game reset leaves a lot of room for people to have the same role twice. He knows this game, I don't know it. I assume he knows how the reset would work so one has a better chance to get the same role.

And in post 164 after Avatar says its probably impossible for TN ( you are mentioned too somehow) to get the same role, TN says again:

TN 164 "don’t discount possibility"

I've also thought you did not have to announce you were scum prior. But you did and this brought suspicion on you. So why mention it at all, I'm sure you did not want all the attention.

Everyone else - except Mertex :eusa_whistle: - knew about TN's silly mistake and the role resets. So if everyone knew about the role resets, why shouldn't I say that I was scum before the reset? It would be no different than Mani saying that he was scum in Game 2. Little did I know that people would conveniently read as much bullshit into it as possible.

Just so everyone is clear on this, the possibility of any player being a Mason is 21.07%. The possibility of a player being Scum is 21.07%. The possibility of a player being Vanilla Townie is 50.8%.

I was not saying you should not say such. I was saying your stating such brought much suspicion on you- why would you.

I have been trying to stop my bias by asking myself questions, but I wonder if it's not WIFOM.
Well, the other weird thing was Mertex had no clue Avatar was hammered. Strange- since we all were sitting there waiting on a vote one way or the other. Mertex seems to be playing as if she is not in the game at times.

There are only 3 VT's left, and 3 scum, and you 3 masons.

Town Mason
Town Mason
Town Mason
Vanilla Townie - R.D.
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie - Manifold
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie - Avatar4321
Vanilla Townie - ScarletRage
Vanilla Townie
Mafia Goon
Mafia Goon
Mafia Goon

I can tell you I am VT which I am sure you have read here prior. You can choose to disbelieve me, I have no control over that. I hope you believe it. This leaves 5 people for you to discern who is scum. THERE MUST BE ONE Scum selection you may have discussed last night.

We are getting close to losing again especially if we mislynch this time around. It will leave only 4 townies left if we lynch a townie with 3 scum murdering one of us, leaving a total of 4 vs 3. I am unsure how to get this done but you all need to push your biggest hunch IMO and the last of us VT's need to follow your lead.
CaféAuLait;9594247 said:
CaféAuLait;9594213 said:

I admit the entire reset has effed with my head- a lot. There have been several factors which drove such- or kept such going. Post 90 in BOLD letters, by Wake states RD's vote for TN was before the game reset.

Being curious I looked and I found RD voted for TN post 69. I did not see any other vote from RD for TN. So I was like huh, when was the game reset then, haven't we been playing? You and I both sought clarification but never got it for how many were given new roles.

This statement by Wake was not corrected by Wake until nearly 24 hours later and it was corrected within SDs post 93- in the tiny "reason edit section" as Wake edited her post and stated he was wrong- a whole new post should have been made by Wake IMO

Then TN states in post 124 he believes the game reset leaves a lot of room for people to have the same role twice. He knows this game, I don't know it. I assume he knows how the reset would work so one has a better chance to get the same role.

And in post 164 after Avatar says its probably impossible for TN ( you are mentioned too somehow) to get the same role, TN says again:

TN 164 "don’t discount possibility"

I've also thought you did not have to announce you were scum prior. But you did and this brought suspicion on you. So why mention it at all, I'm sure you did not want all the attention.

Everyone else - except Mertex :eusa_whistle: - knew about TN's silly mistake and the role resets. So if everyone knew about the role resets, why shouldn't I say that I was scum before the reset? It would be no different than Mani saying that he was scum in Game 2. Little did I know that people would conveniently read as much bullshit into it as possible.

Just so everyone is clear on this, the possibility of any player being a Mason is 21.07%. The possibility of a player being Scum is 21.07%. The possibility of a player being Vanilla Townie is 50.8%.

I was not saying you should not say such. I was saying your stating such brought much suspicion on you- why would you.

I have been trying to stop my bias by asking myself questions, but I wonder if it's not WIFOM.

There's so much WIFOM in this game that we're all drowning.

Everyone thinks they're Hercule Poirot or Miss Marple, zeroing in on some tiny little detail that will solve the mystery. The reality is that the tiny little detail is often a confused memory, a meaningless human error, a comment taken the wrong way, or deliberate disinformation.
CaféAuLait;9594288 said:

There are only 3 VT's left, and 3 scum, and you 3 masons.

Town Mason
Town Mason
Town Mason
Vanilla Townie - R.D.
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie - Manifold
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie - Avatar4321
Vanilla Townie - ScarletRage
Vanilla Townie
Mafia Goon
Mafia Goon
Mafia Goon

I can tell you I am VT which I am sure you have read here prior. You can choose to disbelieve me, I have no control over that. I hope you believe it. This leaves 5 people for you to discern who is scum. THERE MUST BE ONE Scum selection you may have discussed last night.

We are getting close to losing again especially if we mislynch this time around. It will leave only 4 townies left if we lynch a townie with 3 scum murdering one of us, leaving a total of 4 vs 3. I am unsure how to get this done but you all need to push your biggest hunch IMO and the last of us VT's need to follow your lead.

The Masons are clueless.
The above post leads me to this: Mertex, grandma and FA have all claimed to be VT as well as me. At least One of those three is lying or is a mason and claiming VT, which is fine. You as masons will know if any of them are masons though. I would start with one of those three I listed above or anyone else I may have missed hard claiming VT- if you might have discussed their being scummy last night- There can't be 4 VTs left.
CaféAuLait;9594288 said:

There are only 3 VT's left, and 3 scum, and you 3 masons.

Town Mason
Town Mason
Town Mason
Vanilla Townie - R.D.
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie - Manifold
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie - Avatar4321
Vanilla Townie - ScarletRage
Vanilla Townie
Mafia Goon
Mafia Goon
Mafia Goon

I can tell you I am VT which I am sure you have read here prior. You can choose to disbelieve me, I have no control over that. I hope you believe it. This leaves 5 people for you to discern who is scum. THERE MUST BE ONE Scum selection you may have discussed last night.

We are getting close to losing again especially if we mislynch this time around. It will leave only 4 townies left if we lynch a townie with 3 scum murdering one of us, leaving a total of 4 vs 3. I am unsure how to get this done but you all need to push your biggest hunch IMO and the last of us VT's need to follow your lead.

The Masons are clueless.

I hope not, because if we mislynch this time, their mason status will be known pretty darn quick.

If we mislynch today then scum NK, that leaves us with 4 town left and 3 scum. I would bet scum would probably hit a mason next night kill given the odds. So probably 2 mason and 2 VT left. If we manage to hit scum day 4 lynch then, it's 4/2 but night falls then It's 3/2. It may be easier to weed them out by then, but it seems this vote is critical to me.
Here's what's going on:

Mani and Avi were convenient scapegoats.
FA and I are likely the next two to go to the gallows on bullshit "evidence."

Mertex is acting like the love child of Kim Jong Un and Sarah Palin, spewing propaganda from the Ministry Of Truth, and everyone's drinking that KoolAid by the gallon.

Rosie is after FA because of this from the Game 2 neighborhood:

I don’t see anything that Rosie stated that needs to be outed anyway. Basically her contributions can be chalked up to claiming that we are playing incorrectly, she is better than we are, she knows more than we do and that she is supreme. All while being hopelessly incorrect.
IOW, she plays like an idiot and I don’t see any real gains in discussing her thoughts on the game so far. It would be different IF she bothered to reveal any uses for her PR role but alas, that information is dead with her.

So she's all butthurt and trying to get him lynched, going on about how slimey he is. But that's okay, she's not a problem, that's just how Rosie plays.

And there's MeBelle, who hasn't made a single contributing post and and refuses to vote, but that's how she plays, it's all good.

Then there's TN, that threw the game and caused the reset and has been caught lying, but that's okay, he's gotta be Town.

And Cafe, Aye, and Shaitra kinda sorta acknowledge each other's presence while trying to figure out how to win on their own.

Yep, that just about sums it up.
Here's what's going on:

Mani and Avi were convenient scapegoats.
FA and I are likely the next two to go to the gallows on bullshit "evidence."

Mertex is acting like the love child of Kim Jong Un and Sarah Palin, spewing propaganda from the Ministry Of Truth, and everyone's drinking that KoolAid by the gallon.

Rosie is after FA because of this from the Game 2 neighborhood:

I don’t see anything that Rosie stated that needs to be outed anyway. Basically her contributions can be chalked up to claiming that we are playing incorrectly, she is better than we are, she knows more than we do and that she is supreme. All while being hopelessly incorrect.
IOW, she plays like an idiot and I don’t see any real gains in discussing her thoughts on the game so far. It would be different IF she bothered to reveal any uses for her PR role but alas, that information is dead with her.

So she's all butthurt and trying to get him lynched, going on about how slimey he is. But that's okay, she's not a problem, that's just how Rosie plays.

And there's MeBelle, who hasn't made a single contributing post and and refuses to vote, but that's how she plays, it's all good.

Then there's TN, that threw the game and caused the reset and has been caught lying, but that's okay, he's gotta be Town.

And Cafe, Aye, and Shaitra kinda sorta acknowledge each other's presence while trying to figure out how to win on their own.

Yep, that just about sums it up.

Man I laughed my ass off at you second paragraph.

I know why Rosie is after FA, she started after me as well because I told her she was playing in the past and then called her on something she said about FA- from game 2- it was not true.

I don't think Avatar was a scapegoat, I honestly believed his play to be terribly scummy as did several others IMO.

I don't think I'm trying to win this on my own, I've been asking plenty of questions, throwing out suggestions, and or asking for feedback hoping for information to go on. I'm new to this, so I am unsure what else I'm to do, or how I'm supposed to interact. Heck I try to interact and or others do and we all are called scum.

I've never said TN must be town, I think his not coming back to hammer you was or is very suspicious.

And since you brought up Mertex -given we all have (me, you, FA and Mertex) have all claimed to be VT, who is highest on your scumdar? There can't be 4 VT left if one is not a mason hiding behind VT claim.
Scum has to be loving the fuckwittery. We're handing them this game on a silver platter.

I bet you are loving it.

So, do tell TN, what have you been doing to ensure there is no fuckwittery? Throwing a vote on Mani then "forgetting it was there and meaning to come back to change it" when you were asked why the vote for Mani?

Then of course your being "upset" about missing your chance to get "your biggest scum target" after you "fell asleep" (creating chaos within town) and did not hammer after claiming intent- all the while voting for Avatar? Why just show up every once in awhile, you could have moved your vote if you truly thought Grandma was more scummy than Avatar a day prior.
I'm wondering though, that between MeBelle not voting and the 3 that voted for Grandma on Vote Count 2.7 - could 2 possibly be scum?

I'm not sure if that makes sense, why would they go for a no lynch? It stayed tied like that for sometime. Rd jumped and was the only reason why the lynch went through.

Why do you think it's possible 2 scum were on Grandma. Seems to suggest almost all, if not everyone voting for avatar was town and those not voting (tn and Mebelle) were also town. :doubt:
Who the hell isn't Grandma attacking this time? Gonna blame it on the Nyquil AGAIN, Grandma?

You are acting just as Avatar did. He turned himself around and I was not a part of lynching him once he did.

I don't think you can quit bitching long enuff to not get hung, Grandma.

Why shouldnt you get lynched just for accusing wildly and having no good reasons at all for your accusations?

Like I said she would, Cafe has moved from bussng her fellow Scum. What a surprise, not.

And FA is slimey Scum - just as he has been revealed to be. Trust that snake? Whatever for?

I wanna hear from MeBelle and I would like reads on these 3 from Aye.

Regards from Rosie
TN - I am teetering. Grandma is being an enemy and no one's friend. Convince me she is more my enemy than FA is and I will change my vote.

Cafe is the third Scum. She pretends to go after and then refuses to bus FA.

Regards from Rosie
CaféAuLait;9594249 said:
Well, the other weird thing was Mertex had no clue Avatar was hammered. Strange- since we all were sitting there waiting on a vote one way or the other. Mertex seems to be playing as if she is not in the game at times. may think that everyone is sitting on their computer waiting for the next post on this game.

I have a life outside of this game. And, yes, I didn't know Avatar had been hammered because I'm not that experienced in this game and I thought that Wake had to post the Vote Count for it to count....and I kept checking Wake's posts and there was none indicating that there were enough for a lynch. People kept changing the votes and I didn't have time to keep checking every post to make sure who had voted for who. If you want to use that as your gauge to figure out that I'm Scum, go ahead, and you'll be wrong again.

Use your head and look at what really went on. MeBelle was like a deer in the headlights, didn't know what to do when she had to either vote for Grandma or Avatar. That she decided not to vote is not Town regardless of what excuse she is giving. She was able to send Wake a pm telling him she was sick, but she couldn't post it here? That's BS and if you want to buy it go're just helping us Townies lose this game. Unless, of course, you're Scum, then you are doing a great job of trying to go for minutia.

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