Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

CaféAuLait;9599718 said:
CaféAuLait;9598031 said:
I'm leaning more towards her being a Mason and not scum, her non- voting seems more mason like and not scum like to me.
Why on earth would not voting make one seem more like a Mason than Scum. That is utter BS. A Mason is supposed to be helping town. If you can explain to me why not voting helps town then you may have a point, otherwise you are blowing smoke and beginning to sound more and more like Scum yourself.

There is only one VT left, and it certainly can't be both of us, so you are lying.

Because she believed BOTH Grandma and Avatar to be town, that is how a mason could help town by not voting out a townie- thus she had not idea who or how to vote.

There are 3 VT's left. 3 masons and 3 scum. IF we make the wrong choice and lynch a townie we are left with 4 town and 3 scum.

You claimed
FA claimed
Grandma claimed

I am VT and one of the above is lying.

Well, you may be right about MeBelle, but then, that only points the finger at you/Grandma and FA, because I know I am not lying.
Correction, Cafe strongly suggested that MeBelle is a mason, and Rosie might be too. Start reading at Post 1252.

Are you normally this dishonest, or did you actually succeed in rolling Scum again?

She hasn't explained why not voting makes MeBelle seem more like a Mason. And, I'm not the one that is lying.

I didn't say you were lying, I was talking to TN. TN lied.

And I'm curious about the whole Mason thing too. Why on earth would anyone out the Masons? That is SO playing against Town's win condition.

I'm getting a very bad gut feeling about Cafe.

Oh, please Grandma- now you are sitting there trying to trash me now?

I was very clear in my last several posts. Mertex wanted to vote Mebelle out and because I disagreed with her reasoning, according to her I am scummy. I guessed Mebelle might be a mason and thus she many not have wanted to vote out townies ( You included in that statement along with Avatar) and all of a sudden I'm scum? Nice way to save your own ass. LOL Seems like I have been right since day one.

This vote is critical, if we vote out a townie we are at 4 town and 3 scum. I don't want to see us lose an innocent. I've also stated next time scum kill, the odds are they will hit a mason and we might hit one too by lynching the wrong person. To be quite frank I was going to discuss if Masons should be claiming when I saw TN next since he knows the game. It will ensure we know who not to look at given the fact it will be 4/3 and on our way to another town loss if we vote the wrong person this time. Odds are they will hit masons. Next vote/day if we don't hit scum, the game is over for us.
CaféAuLait;9599718 said:
Why on earth would not voting make one seem more like a Mason than Scum. That is utter BS. A Mason is supposed to be helping town. If you can explain to me why not voting helps town then you may have a point, otherwise you are blowing smoke and beginning to sound more and more like Scum yourself.

There is only one VT left, and it certainly can't be both of us, so you are lying.

Because she believed BOTH Grandma and Avatar to be town, that is how a mason could help town by not voting out a townie- thus she had not idea who or how to vote.

There are 3 VT's left. 3 masons and 3 scum. IF we make the wrong choice and lynch a townie we are left with 4 town and 3 scum.

You claimed
FA claimed
Grandma claimed

I am VT and one of the above is lying.

Well, you may be right about MeBelle, but then, that only points the finger at you/Grandma and FA, because I know I am not lying.

I don't know if I am right about her, I was trying to bounce a different reason off of you. The only reason I thought of it was because she did not vote day 1 either. Maybe she thought she was helping town because she was unsure about Mani? She also pulled her vote off of FA 'because she felt sorry for him" and because he was not 'defending himself". I was trying to make sense of those statements as well.
Cafe and Mertex, neither one of you influenced my vote for MeBelle. She's a low-volume, no-content poster that refused to vote both Days.

Then, despite my having sent an @ her way, she refused to come in here and defend herself, even though she's been posting all over the rest of the site.

Never in any of the games I've seen has anyone flipped Town after that kind of crap.

Think ZZZX.
Cafe and Mertex, neither one of you influenced my vote for MeBelle. She's a low-volume, no-content poster that refused to vote both Days.

Then, despite my having sent an @ her way, she refused to come in here and defend herself, even though she's been posting all over the rest of the site.

Never in any of the games I've seen has anyone flipped Town after that kind of crap.

Think ZZZX.

I have mentioned her as well, not this day but day 2, with questions and never got an answer. As I said earlier, I wanted to ensure we are looking at every option. So we don't hit and innocent, this is why I wondered if she might be a mason and thus her erratic behavior. And if we lynch the wrong person we might hit a mason, or given there will be 2 VT and 3 masons if we don't, the odds are scum will and there will only be 4 of use left anyway. This is the only reason I mentioned she might be mason, it seems as if it is inevitable it will come out soon if we screw up again.
Yes, I agree, ZZZX, I compared her to him sometime during day 2.

I was also wondering it the mason dynamic had been one of the reasons this game reads weird.
CaféAuLait;9599789 said:
Cafe and Mertex, neither one of you influenced my vote for MeBelle. She's a low-volume, no-content poster that refused to vote both Days.

Then, despite my having sent an @ her way, she refused to come in here and defend herself, even though she's been posting all over the rest of the site.

Never in any of the games I've seen has anyone flipped Town after that kind of crap.

Think ZZZX.

I have mentioned her as well, not this day but day 2, with questions and never got an answer. As I said earlier, I wanted to ensure we are looking at every option. So we don't hit and innocent, this is why I wondered if she might be a mason and thus her erratic behavior. And if we lynch the wrong person we might hit a mason, or given there will be 2 VT and 3 masons if we don't, the odds are scum will and there will only be 4 of use left anyway. This is the only reason I mentioned she might be mason, it seems as if it is inevitable it will come out soon if we screw up again.

If she were a Mason I would think the other Masons would try to defend her somehow.
CaféAuLait;9599791 said:
Yes, I agree, ZZZX, I compared her to him sometime during day 2.

I was also wondering it the mason dynamic had been one of the reasons this game reads weird.

They don't appear to be finding Scum all that well.

Maybe their "neighborhood" is like Ropey's, Mani's and Wolfie's?:eek:
Here's what's going on:

Mani and Avi were convenient scapegoats.
FA and I are likely the next two to go to the gallows on bullshit "evidence."

Mertex is acting like the love child of Kim Jong Un and Sarah Palin, spewing propaganda from the Ministry Of Truth, and everyone's drinking that KoolAid by the gallon.

Rosie is after FA because of this from the Game 2 neighborhood:

I don’t see anything that Rosie stated that needs to be outed anyway. Basically her contributions can be chalked up to claiming that we are playing incorrectly, she is better than we are, she knows more than we do and that she is supreme. All while being hopelessly incorrect.
IOW, she plays like an idiot and I don’t see any real gains in discussing her thoughts on the game so far. It would be different IF she bothered to reveal any uses for her PR role but alas, that information is dead with her.

So she's all butthurt and trying to get him lynched, going on about how slimey he is. But that's okay, she's not a problem, that's just how Rosie plays.

And there's MeBelle, who hasn't made a single contributing post and and refuses to vote, but that's how she plays, it's all good.

Then there's TN, that threw the game and caused the reset and has been caught lying, but that's okay, he's gotta be Town.

And Cafe, Aye, and Shaitra kinda sorta acknowledge each other's presence while trying to figure out how to win on their own.

Yep, that just about sums it up.

You say I've been caught lying but never went into detail.

Why don't you do that now instead of making yourself look like a complete idiot?

You do realize I've been on "wake up in the afternoon fall asleep next morning" sleep schedule for a while, right?

That's odd, because I find that Grandma keeps defending FA, ever so subtle, but she she did in the post below. She keeps saying that MeBelle seems suspicious, but she never votes for her....why would that be? And, I don't think Cafe is Scum, I think she just over analyzes the wrong stuff. Could it be that Scum is Grandma/MeBelle/FA instead of Grandma/MeBelle/tn?

Cafe is doing just what TN did as Scum. Remember the big colorful charts? TN figured he could dazzle us with BS and it worked, didn't it.

Cafe cuts and pastes some vote counts and that makes her Town?

What makes her Scum is voting/unvoting Grandma and FA. She wants to seem to be ultra-helpful Town, but then pulls her votes very quickly so as to not bus the other two Scum.

You already know not to trust Grandma. You are correctly figuring not to trust FA.

Later on we can arm wrestle over Cafe and MeBelle, but again I say not to let MeBelle's weirdness distract you.

You and TN get a good head of steam wagon on Grandma going and I will delay, but by no means drop, FA. Watch your back- FA is a backstabbing scuzzball that Grandma and Cafe defend.

Regards from Rosie

If FA flips scum, we need to have a serious look at Grandma and/or Cafe.

Vote: FA_Q2

I would not know you schedule, why would I? it still does not seem to answer why you are not here a little more. Maybe I missed something? Sorry.

And if FA does not flip scum we are screwed IMO. We will have to hit both remaining scum back to back to win, without making a single mistake- unless I am counting wrong.
CaféAuLait;9599791 said:
Yes, I agree, ZZZX, I compared her to him sometime during day 2.

I was also wondering it the mason dynamic had been one of the reasons this game reads weird.

They don't appear to be finding Scum all that well.

Maybe their "neighborhood" is like Ropey's, Mani's and Wolfie's?:eek:

Perhaps. Or perhaps I am not cut out for this game. I get lost in WIFOM is seems, or I just think of too many possibilities. I thought weighing them all out may ensure we are correct- because we seem to be on a losing path if we vote wrong this time. I don't see any way around it.

4/3 if we are wrong this vote.
if we catch a scum next vote it will be
catch one more scum it will be 1/1 and scum will have the night kill and town loses.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
This has been a crazy evening. My reads list got turned inside out. I'm going to have to make a new one.
CaféAuLait;9599813 said:
CaféAuLait;9599791 said:
Yes, I agree, ZZZX, I compared her to him sometime during day 2.

I was also wondering it the mason dynamic had been one of the reasons this game reads weird.

They don't appear to be finding Scum all that well.

Maybe their "neighborhood" is like Ropey's, Mani's and Wolfie's?:eek:

Perhaps. Or perhaps I am not cut out for this game. I get lost in WIFOM is seems, or I just think of too many possibilities. I thought weighing them all out may ensure we are correct- because we seem to be on a losing path if we vote wrong this time. I don't see any way around it.

4/3 if we are wrong this vote.
if we catch a scum next vote it will be
catch one more scum it will be 1/1 and scum will have the night kill and town loses.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

If we fail this vote (and it looks to be going that way) then we are going to be at 4/3 as you state. That makes it lylo tomorrow. IF we catch scum tomorrow though that puts us 3/2 not 2/2 as you stated. Then 2/1 and then the win. That means that we only have one day where we can miss though - after that every lynch MUST be scum.

On a more positive note: IF we manage to hit scum and they fail to take out a mason then we have this game in the bag - the masons will almost be able to lynch on their own making the selection fairly easy for town. IF.
Protecting the Masons is a goal, but as bad as this game's going it wouldn't surprise me if they were Rosie, MeBelle, and TN.

Here is where you said you think MeBelle is a mason.

Keep trying to lie your way out. I find it amusing.

So why not explain your lie?
You voted for the ones that you wanted, but I was at the top of your list?

No. Avi and Mertex were.

Why didn't you hammer me when you had the chance?

Is it because you knew that both Avi and I were Town? I think so.

Reading sarcasm is clearly beyond you. Good to know that you're devoid of a sense of humor.

Anyone can see that my top scumreads are just that and nothing more. What the hell idiot outs masons, you dumbass?

In fact, if I were to do something that awful, it would likely be in oversized, flaming red capslock.[/QUOTE]

That would be you.
Here is where you said you think MeBelle is a mason.

Keep trying to lie your way out. I find it amusing.

So why not explain your lie?
You voted for the ones that you wanted, but I was at the top of your list?

No. Avi and Mertex were.

Why didn't you hammer me when you had the chance?

Is it because you knew that both Avi and I were Town? I think so.

Reading sarcasm is clearly beyond you. Good to know that you're devoid of a sense of humor.

Anyone can see that my top scumreads are just that and nothing more. What the hell idiot outs masons, you dumbass?

In fact, if I were to do something that awful, it would likely be in oversized, flaming red capslock.

That would be you.[/QUOTE]

Quote this correctly please.
Protecting the Masons is a goal, but as bad as this game's going it wouldn't surprise me if they were Rosie, MeBelle, and TN.

Here is where you said you think MeBelle is a mason.

No, CAFE said that MeBelle was a Mason. If you would have read on you would have seen where I said I was being semi-sarcastic. Cafe also said that Rosie's a Mason. That doesn't bother you?

TN, you are a real piece of work.

If I thought MeBelle was a Mason I would not vote for her.

Players who rarely post, and who post zero content are almost always scum.

She hasn't bothered coming here to defend herself since the 7th. I even @ her in Post 1231. She has, however posted in the FZ and the Announcements forums over the last couple days, in fact she was online when I voted for her.

You know what?? This is BS Grandma. You keep doing this. You have done it with Mertex, Avatar and now me. You keep doing this 'but they did it too" or did something similar and it seems to be directed at TN -a lot. Something like 'But Mertex did not know about the PMs, why am I reading scum and not mertex"? Or something like "Café mentioned mason's, why am I the suspicious one"- type posts.

Anything to take the spotlight off of you.

4 people claimed VT. I am a VT.

This leaves 3.

You, Grandma

1 of you three- has to be lying and I'm going with you.

Additionally, at the beginning of this day, people were suspecting you and you said this "day was not about you or mertex, but it was about those playing anti-town" then steered suspicion towards MeBelle and TN. Sure they are playing anti-town but someone lied and that someone is scum and I aim to figure out who.

Vote Grandma
CaféAuLait;9599813 said:
They don't appear to be finding Scum all that well.

Maybe their "neighborhood" is like Ropey's, Mani's and Wolfie's?:eek:

Perhaps. Or perhaps I am not cut out for this game. I get lost in WIFOM is seems, or I just think of too many possibilities. I thought weighing them all out may ensure we are correct- because we seem to be on a losing path if we vote wrong this time. I don't see any way around it.

4/3 if we are wrong this vote.
if we catch a scum next vote it will be
catch one more scum it will be 1/1 and scum will have the night kill and town loses.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

If we fail this vote (and it looks to be going that way) then we are going to be at 4/3 as you state. That makes it lylo tomorrow. IF we catch scum tomorrow though that puts us 3/2 not 2/2 as you stated. Then 2/1 and then the win. That means that we only have one day where we can miss though - after that every lynch MUST be scum.

On a more positive note: IF we manage to hit scum and they fail to take out a mason then we have this game in the bag - the masons will almost be able to lynch on their own making the selection fairly easy for town. IF.

Thank you. I thought I messed it up somehow.

That is a big IF. The way we are going we may end up lynching our own masons and the odds point to just 4 of us being left after scum vote at night, a mason will be hit for sure. I don't think there is any way around it TBH.
CaféAuLait;9599904 said:
Here is where you said you think MeBelle is a mason.

No, CAFE said that MeBelle was a Mason. If you would have read on you would have seen where I said I was being semi-sarcastic. Cafe also said that Rosie's a Mason. That doesn't bother you?

TN, you are a real piece of work.

If I thought MeBelle was a Mason I would not vote for her.

Players who rarely post, and who post zero content are almost always scum.

She hasn't bothered coming here to defend herself since the 7th. I even @ her in Post 1231. She has, however posted in the FZ and the Announcements forums over the last couple days, in fact she was online when I voted for her.

You know what?? This is BS Grandma. You keep doing this. You have done it with Mertex, Avatar and now me. You keep doing this 'but they did it too" or did something similar and it seems to be directed at TN -a lot. Something like 'But Mertex did not know about the PMs, why am I reading scum and not mertex"? Or something like "Café mentioned mason's, why am I the suspicious one"- type posts.

Anything to take the spotlight off of you.

4 people claimed VT. I am a VT.

This leaves 3.

You, Grandma

1 of you three- has to be lying and I'm going with you.

Additionally, at the beginning of this day, people were suspecting you and you said this "day was not about you or mertex, but it was about those playing anti-town" then steered suspicion towards MeBelle and TN. Sure they are playing anti-town but someone lied and that someone is scum and I aim to figure out who.

Vote Grandma

No, I'm not doing it to take the spotlight off myself. I'm doing it because you can't say "this is a scumread for X but it's not a scumread for Y."
I'm seeing way too much of that, and not just on me. Something else I'm seeing is players trying to "make it fit," distorting what might be evidence into a shape to fit the desired scum instead of the actual scum.

As for the Me & Mertex War, look at the end of Day 2. How many players were looking at TN and MeBelle? ALL OF US. I in on Day 3 expecting to settle the matter of TN and MeBelle, but somehow during the Night those two became moot points. That does not in any way make me scum. It doesn't fit.

And, Cafe YOU are the one that directly suggested that MeBelle and Rosie are Masons. There's a big difference between a sarcastic joke and trying to stop a lynching while outing the PRs.

As for the lying, is there a snowball's chance that one who claimed VT might maybe possibly be a Mason that's hiding behind a fake claim? You didn't think of that?

How many times the votes gonna change this Day? I'm having trouble keeping track.

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