Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

CaféAuLait;9599904 said:
No, CAFE said that MeBelle was a Mason. If you would have read on you would have seen where I said I was being semi-sarcastic. Cafe also said that Rosie's a Mason. That doesn't bother you?

TN, you are a real piece of work.

If I thought MeBelle was a Mason I would not vote for her.

Players who rarely post, and who post zero content are almost always scum.

She hasn't bothered coming here to defend herself since the 7th. I even @ her in Post 1231. She has, however posted in the FZ and the Announcements forums over the last couple days, in fact she was online when I voted for her.

You know what?? This is BS Grandma. You keep doing this. You have done it with Mertex, Avatar and now me. You keep doing this 'but they did it too" or did something similar and it seems to be directed at TN -a lot. Something like 'But Mertex did not know about the PMs, why am I reading scum and not mertex"? Or something like "Café mentioned mason's, why am I the suspicious one"- type posts.

Anything to take the spotlight off of you.

4 people claimed VT. I am a VT.

This leaves 3.

You, Grandma

1 of you three- has to be lying and I'm going with you.

Additionally, at the beginning of this day, people were suspecting you and you said this "day was not about you or mertex, but it was about those playing anti-town" then steered suspicion towards MeBelle and TN. Sure they are playing anti-town but someone lied and that someone is scum and I aim to figure out who.

Vote Grandma

No, I'm not doing it to take the spotlight off myself. I'm doing it because you can't say "this is a scumread for X but it's not a scumread for Y."
I'm seeing way too much of that, and not just on me. Something else I'm seeing is players trying to "make it fit," distorting what might be evidence into a shape to fit the desired scum instead of the actual scum.

As for the Me & Mertex War, look at the end of Day 2. How many players were looking at TN and MeBelle? ALL OF US. I in on Day 3 expecting to settle the matter of TN and MeBelle, but somehow during the Night those two became moot points. That does not in any way make me scum. It doesn't fit.

And, Cafe YOU are the one that directly suggested that MeBelle and Rosie are Masons. There's a big difference between a sarcastic joke and trying to stop a lynching while outing the PRs.

As for the lying, is there a snowball's chance that one who claimed VT might maybe possibly be a Mason that's hiding behind a fake claim? You didn't think of that?
How many times the votes gonna change this Day? I'm having trouble keeping track.

(emphasis added)

I already said that Grandma. Scroll back. I voted for Mertex for a reason, you don't need to know why, but I got the information I was seeking.

I will address the rest of your post in a second post below this one.
CaféAuLait;9599904 said:
No, CAFE said that MeBelle was a Mason. If you would have read on you would have seen where I said I was being semi-sarcastic. Cafe also said that Rosie's a Mason. That doesn't bother you?

TN, you are a real piece of work.

If I thought MeBelle was a Mason I would not vote for her.

Players who rarely post, and who post zero content are almost always scum.

She hasn't bothered coming here to defend herself since the 7th. I even @ her in Post 1231. She has, however posted in the FZ and the Announcements forums over the last couple days, in fact she was online when I voted for her.

You know what?? This is BS Grandma. You keep doing this. You have done it with Mertex, Avatar and now me. You keep doing this 'but they did it too" or did something similar and it seems to be directed at TN -a lot. Something like 'But Mertex did not know about the PMs, why am I reading scum and not mertex"? Or something like "Café mentioned mason's, why am I the suspicious one"- type posts.

Anything to take the spotlight off of you.

4 people claimed VT. I am a VT.

This leaves 3.

You, Grandma

1 of you three- has to be lying and I'm going with you.

Additionally, at the beginning of this day, people were suspecting you and you said this "day was not about you or mertex, but it was about those playing anti-town" then steered suspicion towards MeBelle and TN. Sure they are playing anti-town but someone lied and that someone is scum and I aim to figure out who.

Vote Grandma

No, I'm not doing it to take the spotlight off myself. I'm doing it because you can't say "this is a scumread for X but it's not a scumread for Y."
I'm seeing way too much of that, and not just on me. Something else I'm seeing is players trying to "make it fit," distorting what might be evidence into a shape to fit the desired scum instead of the actual scum.

As for the Me & Mertex War, look at the end of Day 2. How many players were looking at TN and MeBelle? ALL OF US. I in on Day 3 expecting to settle the matter of TN and MeBelle, but somehow during the Night those two became moot points. That does not in any way make me scum. It doesn't fit.

And, Cafe YOU are the one that directly suggested that MeBelle and Rosie are Masons. There's a big difference between a sarcastic joke and trying to stop a lynching while outing the PRs.

As for the lying, is there a snowball's chance that one who claimed VT might maybe possibly be a Mason that's hiding behind a fake claim? You didn't think of that?

How many times the votes gonna change this Day? I'm having trouble keeping track.

I did not suggest Rosie was a mason, I was suggesting Mebelle may be cozying up to Rosie to stay in the game and Rosie fell for it hook line and sinker and this created a strange dynamic between the two and Rosie may not be noting what was happening. I think I even brought it up to Rosie as well.
Vote Count: 3.4

FA_Q2 (4): Shaitra♀, RosieS♀, tn5421♂, Mertex♀
MeBelle60 (2): AyeCantSeeYou♀, Grandma♀
Grandma (1): CafeAuLait♀
Mertex (1): FA_Q2♂

Not Voting (1): MeBelle60♀

~ With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/13/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Shaitra's on V/LA (no current deadline).

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7
3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3
Confusion creates chaos. Chaos brings more confusion. People start second guessing themselves, and in the process, they start trying to get others to see things their way instead of what's directly in front of them. By that time, people don't know who or what to believe. Townies attack each other, bringing forth another easy win for Scum. Is this what we're going for in this game, again? From what I've been reading, it is. It's easy to attack those that participate; those that don't add much of anything are usually the ones forgotten in all the chaos. I wonder if they're laughing while reading through all the crap that's thrown around in this game.
Confusion creates chaos. Chaos brings more confusion. People start second guessing themselves, and in the process, they start trying to get others to see things their way instead of what's directly in front of them. By that time, people don't know who or what to believe. Townies attack each other, bringing forth another easy win for Scum. Is this what we're going for in this game, again? From what I've been reading, it is. It's easy to attack those that participate; those that don't add much of anything are usually the ones forgotten in all the chaos. I wonder if they're laughing while reading through all the crap that's thrown around in this game.

The other side of this coin is the "I won't wagon" syndrome. That is - the frequent changing of votes and/or unvoting, and nominating and voting for an outlier just so "things can be slowed down".

Either you want to play or you don't. Both not showing up and voting/unvoting are trying to impede the game, not further it.

There are way too many accusations of acting "anti-Town". I suggest the term ought to be limited to the non-voters and compulsive voting/unvoting players, alone.

Either play or stay away. Either stay with your choice or stay away.

Some phrase about a pot and excrement is apropos of both types of anti-Townies.

Regards from Rosie
Confusion creates chaos. Chaos brings more confusion. People start second guessing themselves, and in the process, they start trying to get others to see things their way instead of what's directly in front of them. By that time, people don't know who or what to believe. Townies attack each other, bringing forth another easy win for Scum. Is this what we're going for in this game, again? From what I've been reading, it is. It's easy to attack those that participate; those that don't add much of anything are usually the ones forgotten in all the chaos. I wonder if they're laughing while reading through all the crap that's thrown around in this game.

I know, and I knew that changing my vote again was going to seem like chaos, but it just dawned on me that I might have been misapplying my logic thinking that MeBelle was Scum when I should have been looking at her in a different light.

It's not easy to distinguish Scum from Town because Scum is lying and telling us they are Town. I was wondering what good were the Masons if they couldn't get a message out to the rest of us - and then it dawned on me that they were, I just had to look hard and use logic....I don't know if it might be a good time for one of them to claim the role, since this lynch is very important. I may have misunderstood the hints.

If a mason were to claim the role, Scum may end up killing them the next night, but at least we would have an idea of who is lying and we could end up killing one Scum before they did one of our masons in....then all we have to do is look at that one person's alignments to determine who the other two are.

I think I figured it out, but I may be wrong. There is really no way to know without hints.

I don't think Grandma or Cafe are going to vote for FA.
Confusion creates chaos. Chaos brings more confusion. People start second guessing themselves, and in the process, they start trying to get others to see things their way instead of what's directly in front of them. By that time, people don't know who or what to believe. Townies attack each other, bringing forth another easy win for Scum. Is this what we're going for in this game, again? From what I've been reading, it is. It's easy to attack those that participate; those that don't add much of anything are usually the ones forgotten in all the chaos. I wonder if they're laughing while reading through all the crap that's thrown around in this game.

I know, and I knew that changing my vote again was going to seem like chaos, but it just dawned on me that I might have been misapplying my logic thinking that MeBelle was Scum when I should have been looking at her in a different light.

It's not easy to distinguish Scum from Town because Scum is lying and telling us they are Town. I was wondering what good were the Masons if they couldn't get a message out to the rest of us - and then it dawned on me that they were, I just had to look hard and use logic....I don't know if it might be a good time for one of them to claim the role, since this lynch is very important. I may have misunderstood the hints.

If a mason were to claim the role, Scum may end up killing them the next night, but at least we would have an idea of who is lying and we could end up killing one Scum before they did one of our masons in....then all we have to do is look at that one person's alignments to determine who the other two are.

I think I figured it out, but I may be wrong. There is really no way to know without hints.

I don't think Grandma or Cafe are going to vote for FA.

Of course they won't.

If you can figure out who the Masons are, be assured that one of the Scum did and told the other two.

I think they are holding back on killing Scum so as to not appear Scummy.

In the meantime, they are playing musical chairs with their votes. Which you have already discerned is Scummy.

Gotta hope Aye sees the light. That's all you can do.

Regards from Rosie
I'm having more and more of a problem with you, Mertex. You pretty much dared me to vote for MeBelle, now all of the sudden she's a Mason.

Now I'm being dared to vote for FA.

Pretty fucking good that you don't want anyone to make their own decisions.

Fine, whatever.

Intent to hammer FA, midnight tonight eastern time.]

You better be right, Mertex.
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] - please prod MeBelle, she's been AWOL since the 7th and two of us "mentioned" her already, while she was posting elsewhere on the site.
Confusion creates chaos. Chaos brings more confusion. People start second guessing themselves, and in the process, they start trying to get others to see things their way instead of what's directly in front of them. By that time, people don't know who or what to believe. Townies attack each other, bringing forth another easy win for Scum. Is this what we're going for in this game, again? From what I've been reading, it is. It's easy to attack those that participate; those that don't add much of anything are usually the ones forgotten in all the chaos. I wonder if they're laughing while reading through all the crap that's thrown around in this game.

The other side of this coin is the "I won't wagon" syndrome. That is - the frequent changing of votes and/or unvoting, and nominating and voting for an outlier just so "things can be slowed down".

Either you want to play or you don't. Both not showing up and voting/unvoting are trying to impede the game, not further it.

There are way too many accusations of acting "anti-Town". I suggest the term ought to be limited to the non-voters and compulsive voting/unvoting players, alone.

Either play or stay away. Either stay with your choice or stay away.

Some phrase about a pot and excrement is apropos of both types of anti-Townies.

Regards from Rosie

Oh please Rosie, you have voted and unvoted many a time in this game alone.

We have till Wednesday to make a decision, seems many have settled on FA yesterday with 5 days left to decide. I don't see the rush here, as I have stated already this vote is critical.
I'm having more and more of a problem with you, Mertex. You pretty much dared me to vote for MeBelle, now all of the sudden she's a Mason.

Now I'm being dared to vote for FA.

Pretty fucking good that you don't want anyone to make their own decisions.

Fine, whatever.

Intent to hammer FA, midnight tonight eastern time.]

You better be right, Mertex.

Why are you going to if you don't feel right about it Grandma, if you feel as if you are being dared? I saw the same post and I also got the same feeling you are speaking of. I just find it highly suspect people are all about lynching 4 days prior to our deadline with such a critical vote taking place.
I don't think FA's scum. There are 2 pieces of evidence against him:

1) He called Rosie stupid in Game 3

2) He to Cafe that he would follow standard Operating Procedure for NK's if he were Scum.

Wow, that's SOOOO cut and dried.

But if I don't vote for FA, then Fuerher Mertex will declare to all that I'm Scum and start a wagon on me.

Or on Aye. She's running out of victims here, when are you guys going to take notice?

Intent tiime change: will hammer FA 7:30 pm Monday.
CaféAuLait;9603417 said:
Confusion creates chaos. Chaos brings more confusion. People start second guessing themselves, and in the process, they start trying to get others to see things their way instead of what's directly in front of them. By that time, people don't know who or what to believe. Townies attack each other, bringing forth another easy win for Scum. Is this what we're going for in this game, again? From what I've been reading, it is. It's easy to attack those that participate; those that don't add much of anything are usually the ones forgotten in all the chaos. I wonder if they're laughing while reading through all the crap that's thrown around in this game.

The other side of this coin is the "I won't wagon" syndrome. That is - the frequent changing of votes and/or unvoting, and nominating and voting for an outlier just so "things can be slowed down".

Either you want to play or you don't. Both not showing up and voting/unvoting are trying to impede the game, not further it.

There are way too many accusations of acting "anti-Town". I suggest the term ought to be limited to the non-voters and compulsive voting/unvoting players, alone.

Either play or stay away. Either stay with your choice or stay away.

Some phrase about a pot and excrement is apropos of both types of anti-Townies.

Regards from Rosie

Oh please Rosie, you have voted and unvoted many a time in this game alone.

We have till Wednesday to make a decision, seems many have settled on FA yesterday with 5 days left to decide. I don't see the rush here, as I have stated already this vote is critical.

Not true. Show me where I wrote the word :unvote in bold.

An unvote is just stupidity.

And I am not like you. I don't change my vote because I am afraid of being found out or because I WIFOM all the dang time.

That would be you.

Regards from Rosie
CaféAuLait;9603417 said:
The other side of this coin is the "I won't wagon" syndrome. That is - the frequent changing of votes and/or unvoting, and nominating and voting for an outlier just so "things can be slowed down".

Either you want to play or you don't. Both not showing up and voting/unvoting are trying to impede the game, not further it.

There are way too many accusations of acting "anti-Town". I suggest the term ought to be limited to the non-voters and compulsive voting/unvoting players, alone.

Either play or stay away. Either stay with your choice or stay away.

Some phrase about a pot and excrement is apropos of both types of anti-Townies.

Regards from Rosie

Oh please Rosie, you have voted and unvoted many a time in this game alone.

We have till Wednesday to make a decision, seems many have settled on FA yesterday with 5 days left to decide. I don't see the rush here, as I have stated already this vote is critical.

Not true. Show me where I wrote the word :unvote in bold.

An unvote is just stupidity.

And I am not like you. I don't change my vote because I am afraid of being found out or because I WIFOM all the dang time.

That would be you.

Regards from Rosie

I am guilty of WIFOM, I'll agree. But my changing my vote has nothing to do with that, it gives you information. The same way I had hoped my vote for Grandma might.

TN states his scummiest person in the game is Grandma, and he is "terribly upset" he missed his opportunity to get her but he changes his vote to FA? Strange that. It was also TN who failed to come back to hammer Grandma, remember?
Oh and who cares if I wrote unvote in bold or if you constantly revoted a new person. No difference.

I am trying to slow the vote, ( and if FA flips scum Ill look scummy ,I don't care at this juncture, this lynch just seemed too quick with 4-5 days left) I think we are going far too quick, and wasn't you who said "scum love a quick lynch"? The issue here is we have 4 days left, yesterday morning with 5 days left we were more than halfway to lynching FA and he is at L-1 with 4 days left. A little too quick for me. since this vote is so very important. Sorry.
CaféAuLait;9603645 said:
Oh and who cares if I wrote unvote in bold or if you constantly revoted a new person. No difference.

I am trying to slow the vote, ( and if FA flips scum Ill look scummy ,I don't care at this juncture, this lynch just seemed too quick with 4-5 days left) I think we are going far too quick, and wasn't you who said "scum love a quick lynch"? The issue here is we have 4 days left, yesterday morning with 5 days left we were more than halfway to lynching FA and he is at L-1 with 4 days left. A little too quick for me. since this vote is so very important. Sorry.

Again, I do not constantly revote a new person!

I did not write "scum loves a quick lynch".

But I am responsible for Lynch All Liars.

Guess who is a liar?

Some more Scum needing lynching. Dunno why anyone should believe you when you write that you are not Scum.

You sure are.

Regards from Rosie

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