Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Can you wait until daylight to do it? Apparently there's some procedural rule that requires an extended waiting period before hammering.

It is daylight.
What rule?

I mean Real Life daylight.

I was unaware of the rule, but I caught six kinds of hell for nearly hammering Avi early on in Day 2. We're definitely supposed to announce intent to hammer and then, I guess, give a time frame long enough for everyone to weigh in.

I thought it was seven! :D
It is daylight.
What rule?

I mean Real Life daylight.

I was unaware of the rule, but I caught six kinds of hell for nearly hammering Avi early on in Day 2. We're definitely supposed to announce intent to hammer and then, I guess, give a time frame long enough for everyone to weigh in.

I just read the rules, there is no such procedure.
If I'm wrong then my vote should be null


Your not wrong. It is a matter of hammering early being bad for town. OYu know this very well.

BTW, I think that you need to put VOTE in front of that to end me properly :D
CaféAuLait;9604847 said:
So, where were we??

FA is at L-1.

Some believe myself included believe your play style mimics ZZZX in game 3. He did not vote the first two go rounds either.

I think the lynch is moving too fast given we have 4 days left to decide and very little reason is being given for the vote on FA.

I have had him on my scum list but as I have said before this may be bias due to the reset, what he stated in neighbor chat in game 3 and a slight change in his posting style.

He has not said a thing in his defense and he was here reading the thread for about 30 minutes not too long ago.

Rosie thinks I am scum.

I am trying to slow the vote because this day is critical to town and ensure we definantly have a scum and not a townie. If we mislynch this round we will be 4 town and 3 scum.

Lastly, TN has stated Grandma was his biggest scum target and was upset he did not get to hammer her Day 2, but has moved his vote to FA. I find this very strange.

I have said nothing because there is nothing to defend at all. There has not been a single post outside Rosie's that has pointed to anything at all.

She is lynching me because of game 3 and the fact I called her out for acting as though she was better than everyone else. Meh - I guess its time for me to go. Took you guys long enough to do it though - its day 3 and half the board has been gunning for me since day 1.
CaféAuLait;9605127 said:
I don't really think it matter though - the intent is rather clear

True, it is. If it does end up going through, can you please share you scum reads during twilight?

I will expound in a few - dont have the time right now. I was just checking in.

[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION], @mebelle
lol. I guess ma caught up. Well, I don't think you REALLY want to know my scum reads cafe - I bet you can guess why?
CaféAuLait;9604847 said:
So, where were we??

FA is at L-1.

Some believe myself included believe your play style mimics ZZZX in game 3. He did not vote the first two go rounds either.

I think the lynch is moving too fast given we have 4 days left to decide and very little reason is being given for the vote on FA.

I have had him on my scum list but as I have said before this may be bias due to the reset, what he stated in neighbor chat in game 3 and a slight change in his posting style.

He has not said a thing in his defense and he was here reading the thread for about 30 minutes not too long ago.

Rosie thinks I am scum.

I am trying to slow the vote because this day is critical to town and ensure we definantly have a scum and not a townie. If we mislynch this round we will be 4 town and 3 scum.

Lastly, TN has stated Grandma was his biggest scum target and was upset he did not get to hammer her Day 2, but has moved his vote to FA. I find this very strange.

I have said nothing because there is nothing to defend at all. There has not been a single post outside Rosie's that has pointed to anything at all.

She is lynching me because of game 3 and the fact I called her out for acting as though she was better than everyone else. Meh - I guess its time for me to go. Took you guys long enough to do it though - its day 3 and half the board has been gunning for me since day 1.

Well, if you flip scum I am probably next because I did not want you lynched without better reasons. I've tried, but it seems as if there was no stopping it this time.

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