Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

CaféAuLait;9607723 said:
Over analyzing

Really? You're not supposed to go back and look at confirmed scums votes and look for the rest of the team? I'm pretty sure you are even if I have yet to get through a single Mafia game.

Votes should be a great way to figure out scum partners, even more so when a confirmed scum started a wagon on Mertex.

Why do you think it's scummy Mebelle?

Interesting you think I directed my post @ you.

The answer to your question is actually in my op.
CaféAuLait;9607723 said:
Over analyzing

Really? You're not supposed to go back and look at confirmed scums votes and look for the rest of the team? I'm pretty sure you are even if I have yet to get through a single Mafia game.

Votes should be a great way to figure out scum partners, even more so when a confirmed scum started a wagon on Mertex.

Why do you think it's scummy Mebelle?

Interesting you think I directed my post @ you.

The answer to your question is actually in my op.

Nah, it wasn't "interesting" at all, your placement of your post said a lot, so don't sit there and try to state you were not directing it at me. lol

I'll bite, which OP "opening post" are you suggesting I have a looksee at Mebelle? Better yet, which post of yours addresses FAs (confirmed scum)
Voting pattern and who might his scum partners be?
CaféAuLait;9607942 said:
CaféAuLait;9607723 said:
Really? You're not supposed to go back and look at confirmed scums votes and look for the rest of the team? I'm pretty sure you are even if I have yet to get through a single Mafia game.

Votes should be a great way to figure out scum partners, even more so when a confirmed scum started a wagon on Mertex.

Why do you think it's scummy Mebelle?

Interesting you think I directed my post @ you.

The answer to your question is actually in my op.

Nah, it wasn't "interesting" at all, your placement of your post said a lot, so don't sit there and try to state you were not directing it at me. lol

I'll bite, which OP "opening post" are you suggesting I have a looksee at Mebelle? Better yet, which post of yours addresses FAs (confirmed scum)
Voting pattern and who might his scum partners be?

Placement is a function of the board software.
I have mine set @ Linear.

My op is the post you assumed was directed at you.
CaféAuLait;9607942 said:
Interesting you think I directed my post @ you.

The answer to your question is actually in my op.

Nah, it wasn't "interesting" at all, your placement of your post said a lot, so don't sit there and try to state you were not directing it at me. lol

I'll bite, which OP "opening post" are you suggesting I have a looksee at Mebelle? Better yet, which post of yours addresses FAs (confirmed scum)
Voting pattern and who might his scum partners be?

Placement is a function of the board software.
I have mine set @ Linear.

My op is the post you assumed was directed at you.

Okay, so you have no comment on evaluating FAs votes and who scum is because it's "too long to read" given you wrote the acrynomyn in your post. . Okie dokie, got it.
CaféAuLait;9608094 said:
CaféAuLait;9607942 said:
Nah, it wasn't "interesting" at all, your placement of your post said a lot, so don't sit there and try to state you were not directing it at me. lol

I'll bite, which OP "opening post" are you suggesting I have a looksee at Mebelle? Better yet, which post of yours addresses FAs (confirmed scum)
Voting pattern and who might his scum partners be?

Placement is a function of the board software.
I have mine set @ Linear.

My op is the post you assumed was directed at you.

Okay, so you have no comment on evaluating FAs votes and who scum is because it's "too long to read" given you wrote the acrynomyn in your post. . Okie dokie, got it.

You don't get to put words in my post.
CaféAuLait;9608094 said:
Placement is a function of the board software.
I have mine set @ Linear.

My op is the post you assumed was directed at you.

Okay, so you have no comment on evaluating FAs votes and who scum is because it's "too long to read" given you wrote the acrynomyn in your post. . Okie dokie, got it.

You don't get to put words in my post.

you said in post 1441: The answer to your question is in that post.

if you meant something else stop being so cryptic.

Upon hearing the news FA_Q2 dropped the spatula and raced out of the kitchen. His gooses was cooked and the mob was on his tail in hot pursuit! Violently he tripped. Oh shit!


FA_Q2, evil Mafia Goon, has been lynched!

It is now Night 3.

Deadline ends 8/13/14, @ 6pm central.

Both threads now open for discussion.
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Rosie, having yearned for a batch of homemade chicken potpies for some time now, decided to go to the supermarket late at night—it's not like evil Mafia were that much of a concern. "I AM damned superior to everyone else, and my potpies HAD BETTER be the same." :D As she relished over the thought of crispy, heavenly pies bubbling with a nice golden crust, she realized something. "My gun... what the hell? It's gone! Well, this is crap."

Suddenly, a Shinigami appeared, brought to Earth by a mysterious notebook.


Shinigami: "Hi! Someone promised me a bag of apples if I took your life tonight."

Rosie: "What the hell are you supposed to be? You don't scare me, so go gargle with Rogaine you little freak."


Stunned at the prospect of being a freak, and no longer thinking he could get apple potpies in exchange for sparing her life, he promptly extinguished her life. Besides, apple are better fresh, anyways.

RosieS, Town Mason, has left this world! Be grateful no one was eaten by sharks with laser beams. :badgrin::D

It is now Day 4.

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch!

Deadline ends 8/21/14, @ 2 pm central.
RIP Rosie :(

Time to go through your posts again and figure something out. You will be avenged!
Vote: Cafe

I've been thinking about the game, and she seems to be trying to control the votes, gently steering others to the people she'd like to lynch. Also Rosie was suspicious of her and she didn't vote for FA.
Vote: Cafe

I've been thinking about the game, and she seems to be trying to control the votes, gently steering others to the people she'd like to lynch. Also Rosie was suspicious of her and she didn't vote for FA.

Yes, Rosie was very vocal of her suspicions against Cafe. It doesn't help any that Cafe seems to be all over the place and seems to cause confusion. Sometimes, posting every thought that comes to mind is a bad thing. If anything, to me, it's anti-town.

VOTE: CafeAuLait
Well, it is so obvious who our two culprits are.....wish I could vote for both of them at the same time, but since Shaitra has already voted for one of them, no sense in prolonging the inevitable.

EBWOP - the "she" in she didn't vote for FA refers to Cafe if that was unclear to anyone.
RIP Rosie.

WB Shaitra

Morning all!

I don't care who this makes uneasy.

Vote: CafeAuLait
Grandma, who do you think are the remaining two scum?

Cafe definitely stands out. The ocean of WIFOM, that weird argument with Rosie, pushing for FA's lynch but not voting for him, then being surprised when FA flipped Scum...

I'm also looking at Mertex and TN.

TN's wall posts are outright lies, shit-stirring, or fluff. He's not around much, either, just long enough to throw some distractions and disinformation around. He's acting just like he did in the other Games. The only thing that was holding me back on considering him as Scum was the fact that it would have been his 4th time in a row. Pretty hefty odds against that, but he's clearly not working for Town's win condition.

Mertex has accused everyone here but herself of being Scum. She's been manipulating others' votes, going so far as to use thinly-veiled threats. That's not close to the behavior one expects from a Vanilla Townie. She's also been manipulating evidence to suit her storyline. Lying, you might say.
Vote Count: 4.1

CafeAuLait (LYNCH): Shaitra♀,AyeCantSeeYou♀, Mertex♀, MeBelle60♀

Not Voting (3): tn5421♂, Grandma♀, CafeAuLait♀

~ With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/21/14, @ 2pm central.

A majority vote has been reached!

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7
3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 | 3.5
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