Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

I do believe this is the shortest Day this forum will ever see. Just over an hour.

[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] - Grab the rope, we got a lynching to go to.
"reeeeeeeee!" "reeeeeeeeee!" "squeeeeeeeeee!"

The town decided it was time for Cafe to die, and it had just installed a tank of carnivorous crayfish for amusement purposes, too. In spite of her pleadings to not be nibbled alive, the Townsfolk shoved her off the ledge.

Catching Scum is vexing, you know? Who doesn't like a little bit of entertainment?


CafeAuLait, Vanilla Townie, has been eaten by evil little crayfish. For shame, people. For shame.

It is now Night 4.

Deadline ends 8/16/14, @ 2pm central.
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A MASSIVE explosion has rocked the Town!

Three houses down, a blue flip-flop falls into a pool...

Shaitra, Vanilla Townie, has been murdered!

It is now Day 5.

With five players alive, it takes 3 to lynch. Good luck, everyone.

Deadline expires 8/23/14, @3pm central.

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Instead of rushing into a lynch in the first couple posts, I suggest we follow Shaitra's idea.

So, people, who do you think the Scum are - AND WHY?
Damn, Cafe led us down the wrong path by protesting so much, yet giving FA the benefit of the doubt.

I'm not surprised that Grandma is pointing the finger at me. I'm her biggest threat and accuser. She sided with FA all through the game, came after me when I pointed out the scummy things she was doing, and aligned herself with Cafe in an effort to lead us astray.
I voted for FA, something that Scum would not have done, so her accusations are just smoke blowing in the wind.

I was a little upset with Shaitra for jumping in there and voting Cafe without much of a discussion, but Rosie kinda led us astray before she was killed, and we probably would have gone after Cafe anyway, but I would have suggested going after Grandma first.

I'm think that our hunches were accurate when tn promised to hammer Grandma and then left us hanging. I think our scum duo is Grandma/tn. (I noticed that Grandma also named tn, but she named me first, a scummy trick to make us think that she and tn are not together.

I'm going to vote for tn, but would like to hear what others have to say. I don't want to rush this in the hopes that we may still be able to win it.
So I'm scum, but you haven't shown a single piece of evidence against me.

Did I try to coerce the voters like you did? Isn't voter coercion a Scumtell?
I might be your biggest threat, but you're Town's biggest threat.

I went through every one of your posts. There were 2 or three where you did not use the word scum. In all of your other posts, though, you called someone scummy.

You never tried to work with Town, you tried to force Town to work with you.

True story.
I've suspected TN. I have no problem voting for him. There's questions he's been asked by players throughout the game that he hasn't answered. He doesn't seem to care what is going on or that he even needs to show up and post. That works against town, not for it. How are we, as townies, supposed to believe he's one of us if he isn't here to join in and help? It's bad for us and sets us up to lose.

So I'm scum, but you haven't shown a single piece of evidence against me.

Did I try to coerce the voters like you did? Isn't voter coercion a Scumtell?

I have listed many of the reasons you are scum. One of the biggest ones was your refusal to see FA as scum even after he was lynched. Every time someone suggested he was Scum you managed to come along with a post defending him and pointing at someone else.

Did you vote for FA? No. One of the biggest scumtells of all. And, I never coerced anyone to vote for anyone. That you felt guilty that I was coercing you is another reason to think you are scum.

You said you thought tn was Scum......are you willing to vote for him?
So I'm scum, but you haven't shown a single piece of evidence against me.

Did I try to coerce the voters like you did? Isn't voter coercion a Scumtell?

I have listed many of the reasons you are scum.

No, you haven't. You simply declared that I was scum, as you have all the other Townies that you lynched.

One of the biggest ones was your refusal to see FA as scum even after he was lynched. Every time someone suggested he was Scum you managed to come along with a post defending him and pointing at someone else.

Another couple of lies. I did not refuse to see anyone as scum, he just didn't top my list. After his lynching I asked those that voted for him why they did it so I could learn to be better at picking up on things. You know my Mean Girl meta - I tend to stick up for those being unfairly targeted, and Rosie's obsession wih FA was definitely clouding the issue.

Did you vote for FA? No. One of the biggest scumtells of all.

You are a liar, Mertex. I posted intent to hammer. I never in a million years thought MeBelle would return, I thought she was gone for good. So I would have hammered but never got the chance.

And, I never coerced anyone to vote for anyone. That you felt guilty that I was coercing you is another reason to think you are scum.

Another lie. You said in no uncertain terms that a person not voting according to your wishes was Scum. I never felt guilty about anything, because I'm not guilty.

You, on the other hand are nothing but guilty.

You said you thought tn was Scum......are you willing to vote for him?

Did you not read my post from Day 4? He's m other scum pick. Why wouldn't I vote for him?

Now - answer the questions I asked - Who are your top TWO scumreads, and WHY?
AyeCan'tSeeYou -

Who are your top 2 scum picks and why?

TN - reasons a few posts above

MeBelle - She's too damn sneaky! Doesn't post much at all in the game, then comes out of nowhere to vote. Not voting for a couple of the days had me wondering if she knew the ones being voted for were town, or if she thought it'd make her appear as town.
So I'm scum, but you haven't shown a single piece of evidence against me.

Did I try to coerce the voters like you did? Isn't voter coercion a Scumtell?

I have listed many of the reasons you are scum.

No, you haven't. You simply declared that I was scum, as you have all the other Townies that you lynched.

Another couple of lies. I did not refuse to see anyone as scum, he just didn't top my list. After his lynching I asked those that voted for him why they did it so I could learn to be better at picking up on things. You know my Mean Girl meta - I tend to stick up for those being unfairly targeted, and Rosie's obsession wih FA was definitely clouding the issue.

You are a liar, Mertex. I posted intent to hammer. I never in a million years thought MeBelle would return, I thought she was gone for good. So I would have hammered but never got the chance.
Intent to hammer and voting are not the same thing, Grandma. We know what happened with tn when he claimed he was going to hammer and then disappeared. His actions caused a Townie to jump from your wagon to Avatar's, which ended up causing us to lose yet another Townie. Why do you have to hammer? Why not just vote, if you really are Town.

Another lie. You said in no uncertain terms that a person not voting according to your wishes was Scum. I never felt guilty about anything, because I'm not guilty.

You, on the other hand are nothing but guilty.

You said you thought tn was Scum......are you willing to vote for him?

Did you not read my post from Day 4? He's m other scum pick. Why wouldn't I vote for him?

Now - answer the questions I asked - Who are your top TWO scumreads, and WHY?
Scum has been trying hard to get our Masons, yet they have failed miserably. Rosie was the only Mason they were able to target, and Rosie had her sights on you, Grandma. I have listed my Scum reads, maybe you need to read my posts instead of worrying about what your next response to me will be. Just in case Rosie was wrong about you, like she was about Cafe, I'm willing to vote for tn, his non-participation doesn't ring town to me.
MeBelle? TN?

I'm asking both of you the same questions.

Also, everyone should take the opportunity to defend themselves against their accusers.
Scum has been trying hard to get our Masons, yet they have failed miserably. Rosie was the only Mason they were able to target, and Rosie had her sights on you, Grandma. I have listed my Scum reads, maybe you need to read my posts instead of worrying about what your next response to me will be. Just in case Rosie was wrong about you, like she was about Cafe, I'm willing to vote for tn, his non-participation doesn't ring town to me.

I agree. If Grandma thinks TN is scum, she needs to vote for him.
I have listed many of the reasons you are scum.

No, you haven't. You simply declared that I was scum, as you have all the other Townies that you lynched.

Another couple of lies. I did not refuse to see anyone as scum, he just didn't top my list. After his lynching I asked those that voted for him why they did it so I could learn to be better at picking up on things. You know my Mean Girl meta - I tend to stick up for those being unfairly targeted, and Rosie's obsession wih FA was definitely clouding the issue.

You are a liar, Mertex. I posted intent to hammer. I never in a million years thought MeBelle would return, I thought she was gone for good. So I would have hammered but never got the chance.
Intent to hammer and voting are not the same thing, Grandma. We know what happened with tn when he claimed he was going to hammer and then disappeared. His actions caused a Townie to jump from your wagon to Avatar's, which ended up causing us to lose yet another Townie. Why do you have to hammer? Why not just vote, if you really are Town.

Another lie. You said in no uncertain terms that a person not voting according to your wishes was Scum. I never felt guilty about anything, because I'm not guilty.

You, on the other hand are nothing but guilty.

You said you thought tn was Scum......are you willing to vote for him?

Did you not read my post from Day 4? He's m other scum pick. Why wouldn't I vote for him?

Now - answer the questions I asked - Who are your top TWO scumreads, and WHY?
Scum has been trying hard to get our Masons, yet they have failed miserably. Rosie was the only Mason they were able to target, and Rosie had her sights on you, Grandma. I have listed my Scum reads, maybe you need to read my posts instead of worrying about what your next response to me will be. Just in case Rosie was wrong about you, like she was about Cafe, I'm willing to vote for tn, his non-participation doesn't ring town to me.

How do you know how hard Scum was trying to get the Masons? Hmmmm...

According to Cafe, FA was targeting specific types of Townies.

Rosie named Cafe as the one to lynch. Yeah, that worked out well. She was so obsessed with FA she didn't much think about anyone else. Had she survived the night she may well have had a different perspective since she could actually focus on someone other than her vendetta.

If you want to vote for TN, fine. Hopefully he'll stop by and defend himself. I won't be helping him.
Scum has been trying hard to get our Masons, yet they have failed miserably. Rosie was the only Mason they were able to target, and Rosie had her sights on you, Grandma. I have listed my Scum reads, maybe you need to read my posts instead of worrying about what your next response to me will be. Just in case Rosie was wrong about you, like she was about Cafe, I'm willing to vote for tn, his non-participation doesn't ring town to me.

I agree. If Grandma thinks TN is scum, she needs to vote for him.

Another super-short day? Uh-uh.

I don't know if stretching out yesterday would have changed things. I was suspicious of Cafe too. All that WIFOM, and that crazy argument with Rosie...

But still, rushing the vote is never a good idea.

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