Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

No, you haven't. You simply declared that I was scum, as you have all the other Townies that you lynched.

Another couple of lies. I did not refuse to see anyone as scum, he just didn't top my list. After his lynching I asked those that voted for him why they did it so I could learn to be better at picking up on things. You know my Mean Girl meta - I tend to stick up for those being unfairly targeted, and Rosie's obsession wih FA was definitely clouding the issue.

You are a liar, Mertex. I posted intent to hammer. I never in a million years thought MeBelle would return, I thought she was gone for good. So I would have hammered but never got the chance.
Intent to hammer and voting are not the same thing, Grandma. We know what happened with tn when he claimed he was going to hammer and then disappeared. His actions caused a Townie to jump from your wagon to Avatar's, which ended up causing us to lose yet another Townie. Why do you have to hammer? Why not just vote, if you really are Town.

Another lie. You said in no uncertain terms that a person not voting according to your wishes was Scum. I never felt guilty about anything, because I'm not guilty.

You, on the other hand are nothing but guilty.

Did you not read my post from Day 4? He's m other scum pick. Why wouldn't I vote for him?

Now - answer the questions I asked - Who are your top TWO scumreads, and WHY?
Scum has been trying hard to get our Masons, yet they have failed miserably. Rosie was the only Mason they were able to target, and Rosie had her sights on you, Grandma. I have listed my Scum reads, maybe you need to read my posts instead of worrying about what your next response to me will be. Just in case Rosie was wrong about you, like she was about Cafe, I'm willing to vote for tn, his non-participation doesn't ring town to me.

How do you know how hard Scum was trying to get the Masons? Hmmmm...
Why wouldn't they? Trying to act dumb, Grandma? Masons were able to talk to each other, something, that gave them an advantage. It would benefit Scum to get rid of them first. Another thing....they got rid of the experienced players right off the bat.....they figured we would be too dumb to figure it out, FA even alluded to that in another thread.

According to Cafe, FA was targeting specific types of Townies.
Yeah, and she thought FA was Town. Try another one.

Rosie named Cafe as the one to lynch. Yeah, that worked out well. She was so obsessed with FA she didn't much think about anyone else. Had she survived the night she may well have had a different perspective since she could actually focus on someone other than her vendetta.
Well, lets face it. Cafe and your constant defense of FA did seem rather suspicious.

If you want to vote for TN, fine. Hopefully he'll stop by and defend himself. I won't be helping him.

Yes, but would you vote for him or just promise another hammer, to get you off the hook?

Here is tn's attempt at saving FA. I think this is another good reason why he should be considered as Scum.

I am pretty pissd off at myself.

Grandma being willing to hammer FAQ2 makes me wonder if he isn't actually town after all.
Intent to hammer and voting are not the same thing, Grandma. We know what happened with tn when he claimed he was going to hammer and then disappeared. His actions caused a Townie to jump from your wagon to Avatar's, which ended up causing us to lose yet another Townie. Why do you have to hammer? Why not just vote, if you really are Town.

I forgot to answer this one.

Unlike TN, I don't take naps. I keep musicians' hours, I'm up late every night. Check the timestamps on my posts. I would have hammered, for sure.
Town Mason
Town Mason - RosieS
Town Mason
Vanilla Townie - R.D.
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie - Manifold
Vanilla Townie - CafeAuLait
Vanilla Townie - Avatar4321
Vanilla Townie - ScarletRage
Vanilla Townie - Shaitra
Mafia Goon
Mafia Goon - FA_Q2
Mafia Goon

This is what the game looks like Right Now.

Shaitra started the flashlynch mob, but flipped town.
AyeCantSeeYou and Mertex jumped right on it.

Mertex and Grandma are too much against each other this game. There is a possibility they are both scum.
[MENTION=43888]AyeCantSeeYou[/MENTION]: You're full of shit. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and show me what I haven't answered?

We have a pretty decent chance of hitting scum today. We have to hit scum today.
AyeCan'tSeeYou -

Who are your top 2 scum picks and why?

TN - reasons a few posts above

MeBelle - She's too damn sneaky! Doesn't post much at all in the game, then comes out of nowhere to vote. Not voting for a couple of the days had me wondering if she knew the ones being voted for were town, or if she thought it'd make her appear as town.

MeBelle hammered FA, but that's not to say that if she is Scum she would figure that would take suspicion away from her, and Scum will do that when it's a foregone conclusion that one of their's is getting lynched.

I know that those of us that post the most are the ones that everyone points the finger at, but previous games have shown that those we suspect the least are the ones that turn out to be Scum.

If Grandma is not Scum, I can just see Scum laughing at us going at each other while they skate free. Time to review the posts.
Intent to hammer and voting are not the same thing, Grandma. We know what happened with tn when he claimed he was going to hammer and then disappeared. His actions caused a Townie to jump from your wagon to Avatar's, which ended up causing us to lose yet another Townie. Why do you have to hammer? Why not just vote, if you really are Town.

Scum has been trying hard to get our Masons, yet they have failed miserably. Rosie was the only Mason they were able to target, and Rosie had her sights on you, Grandma. I have listed my Scum reads, maybe you need to read my posts instead of worrying about what your next response to me will be. Just in case Rosie was wrong about you, like she was about Cafe, I'm willing to vote for tn, his non-participation doesn't ring town to me.

How do you know how hard Scum was trying to get the Masons? Hmmmm...
Why wouldn't they? Trying to act dumb, Grandma? Masons were able to talk to each other, something, that gave them an advantage. It would benefit Scum to get rid of them first. Another thing....they got rid of the experienced players right off the bat.....they figured we would be too dumb to figure it out, FA even alluded to that in another thread.

Yeah, and she thought FA was Town. Try another one.

Well, lets face it. Cafe and your constant defense of FA did seem rather suspicious.

If you want to vote for TN, fine. Hopefully he'll stop by and defend himself. I won't be helping him.

Yes, but would you vote for him or just promise another hammer, to get you off the hook?

Here is tn's attempt at saving FA. I think this is another good reason why he should be considered as Scum.

I am pretty pissd off at myself.

Grandma being willing to hammer FAQ2 makes me wonder if he isn't actually town after all.

I wasn't defending FA. I was asking for better evidence than a couple of posts from the previous game.

As for the Masons having an advantage, it's pretty clear that they do not. They're lost. So are Scum. I'm guessing that killiing Rosie was a revenge shot for lynching FA and she just happened to be a Mason.
AyeCan'tSeeYou -

Who are your top 2 scum picks and why?

TN - reasons a few posts above

MeBelle - She's too damn sneaky! Doesn't post much at all in the game, then comes out of nowhere to vote. Not voting for a couple of the days had me wondering if she knew the ones being voted for were town, or if she thought it'd make her appear as town.

MeBelle hammered FA, but that's not to say that if she is Scum she would figure that would take suspicion away from her, and Scum will do that when it's a foregone conclusion that one of their's is getting lynched.

I know that those of us that post the most are the ones that everyone points the finger at, but previous games have shown that those we suspect the least are the ones that turn out to be Scum.

If Grandma is not Scum, I can just see Scum laughing at us going at each other while they skate free. Time to review the posts.

Did I not compare MeBelle's disappearance as identical to ZZZX's playstyle?

Her coming in and hammering FA moved her down the list.

That she's lurking the thread and not posting bothers me.
Grandma, are you legitimately town?

You're a fookin' genius, TN. Of course I'm town.

Oh, I didn't get to address your idiotic question from Day 3:
No, read the damn thread from the point where FA gets lynched. I asked everyone why they voted for him in order to help myself find Scum better. Why would I condemn someone for lynching Scum?
Grandma, are you legitimately town?

You're a fookin' genius, TN. Of course I'm town.

Oh, I didn't get to address your idiotic question from Day 3:
No, read the damn thread from the point where FA gets lynched. I asked everyone why they voted for him in order to help myself find Scum better. Why would I condemn someone for lynching Scum?

Not lynched, hammered.

Start post 1390.
Grandma, are you legitimately town?

You're a fookin' genius, TN. Of course I'm town.

Oh, I didn't get to address your idiotic question from Day 3:
No, read the damn thread from the point where FA gets lynched. I asked everyone why they voted for him in order to help myself find Scum better. Why would I condemn someone for lynching Scum?

Or you could be scum fishing for town.

She's been unbelievably aggressive this entire game. That she made only 2 or 3 posts where she isn't calling someone scum is not like her at all. (Those 2 or 3 posts include sympathy posts to Shaitra.)

There's a thing called Little Hitler Syndrome, ever hear of it? She's a textbook case.
Grandma, are you legitimately town?

You're a fookin' genius, TN. Of course I'm town.

Oh, I didn't get to address your idiotic question from Day 3:
No, read the damn thread from the point where FA gets lynched. I asked everyone why they voted for him in order to help myself find Scum better. Why would I condemn someone for lynching Scum?

Or you could be scum fishing for town.

That didn't come out right.

Never mind.
Grandma, are you legitimately town?

You're a fookin' genius, TN. Of course I'm town.

Oh, I didn't get to address your idiotic question from Day 3:
No, read the damn thread from the point where FA gets lynched. I asked everyone why they voted for him in order to help myself find Scum better. Why would I condemn someone for lynching Scum?

Or you could be scum fishing for town.

So could you. So could any of us. Two definitely are.

Who are your top two scumreads, Mebelle, and why?

Forum List
