Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Right now, the probable scum pairs are Grandma/Aye, Mertex/Aye, and Grandma/Mertex.

Yes, that's essentially a claim.

A claim to what? Of you being a mason? The only other person you didn't is MeBelle. That would make both of you masons, if no one else counterclaims.

It's a shame that nobody is going to counterclaim and make this easy.

Easy for who? Scum? Only a fool would claim being a mason when scum still have a good chance of winning. Is that what you're trying to get those of us that are town to do? Say we're masons? Not very smart. As far as I'm concerned, every one of you are scum and not to be trusted.
Mertex / Aye

Aye because scum have gotten away with not being active before and Aye in particular has done a good job of not being the focus of anyones ire or major questioning.

Mertex has been aggressively attacking everyone rather than picking one or two targets and focusing on them (which she did as town)

Mason hunting is something only scum generally do, which is why I suspect you, Grandma, as well.

I haven't been mason hunting.

If you're referring to that post we argued about before, the matter's already been settled. I told you it was sarcasm: I had listed them as possible scum, but as badly as the game was going they were probably masons.

Aye's son went back to his assignment earlier this week. No mother can be expected to snap to and function at 100% a few days later. Plus, Aye is normally a quiet player.

I can't defend Mertex, you're saying basically the same things I am.
Mertex / Aye

Aye because scum have gotten away with not being active before and Aye in particular has done a good job of not being the focus of anyones ire or major questioning.

Mertex has been aggressively attacking everyone rather than picking one or two targets and focusing on them (which she did as town)

Mason hunting is something only scum generally do, which is why I suspect you, Grandma, as well.

I haven't been mason hunting.

If you're referring to that post we argued about before, the matter's already been settled. I told you it was sarcasm: I had listed them as possible scum, but as badly as the game was going they were probably masons.

Aye's son went back to his assignment earlier this week. No mother can be expected to snap to and function at 100% a few days later. Plus, Aye is normally a quiet player.

I can't defend Mertex, you're saying basically the same things I am.

Why would you want to defend mertex?
Grandma: In the pool of {MeBelle, AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex}, who do you think is most likely to be scum?

Why didn't you include yourself and Grandma? I honestly think that you and Grandma are the scummiest.

Grandma claiming she didn't defend FA.:lol:

The best he can do is repeat what others have said already about Avatar?

And then his reads list approves of everyone and suspects no one?

Too slick by half. Pretending to be helpful but adding nothing at all.

FA is cotton candy - air and sugar and calories and no nutritive value at all.

I don't get why Mertex - if you have been Scum and then not, it is irritating to say "This time I am Town" over and over.

Perhaps since you have not been there, done that it strikes you as too much - but actually isn't. I went thru the identical thing she is going thru and reacted the same.

Regards from Rosie

Then Grandma listing her list of Scum....what a joke....all the ones she listed that have been lynched/killed turned out to be Town. Geez, only Scum would have 100% accuracy.

Rosie making an accurate assessment of who is Scum.

Thats rather ironic coming from you rosie as you have not really put out much content yourself. You vote based entirely on previous slights from other games. Your vote pursuit to lynch me has been consistent for me this entire game based on the fact that you didn't like what I posted about your suspicions on game 3. Mani was another one of your revenge votes and we know how that turned out.

The bad part about this is that you are playing anti town but I actually think that you are town anyway. Revenge votes simply seem part of your MO and you don't seem to care if town is damaged because of it.

Oh well, I am going to try and lynch scum rather than focus on drama created by previous games and your need to get 'revenge.' I can only hope that the rest of town will see through your games.

Cafe could see in the neighborhood that you were Two-Faced. U wanna play Mr. Holier -Than-Thou now.

You are coming off as you are: Mr. Fake Ass.

Try not to gossip in front of Grandma any more. She repeats every tidbit she hears.

Avatar: I will switch to Grandma first, but FA is her Scum partner and needs lynching, too.

Regards from Rosie

There is only one VT left, and that is me. The other two townies have got to be Masons, and I'm sure that Scum has figured out who you are, since I'm still here (I unsuspectingly claimed to be VT early on not thinking that it would help Scum find the Masons), and Scum knows it, why they didn't bother trying to NK me. Don't let Scum steal this game.

Rosie didn't suspect MeBelle, she also didn't suspect me. She did point the finger at Grandma and tn. I couldn't find a post where she even mentioned Aye.

If you have some information to the contrary, please let us have it, before we cast our votes. My vote is still on tn.

Rosie was obsessed with FA. Her judgement could not be trusted.

And as for who ANYONE suspected, everyone has guessed wrong in this game. Remember how hard you were gunning for Avi? Avi that flipped Town? What about Cafe? You and Rosie bot suspected her.

Enough of this.

You're trying to twist facts to fit your story.
It's actually the other way around: we coordinated reads at night, because you know, masons?
Mertex / Aye

Aye because scum have gotten away with not being active before and Aye in particular has done a good job of not being the focus of anyones ire or major questioning.

Mertex has been aggressively attacking everyone rather than picking one or two targets and focusing on them (which she did as town)

Mason hunting is something only scum generally do, which is why I suspect you, Grandma, as well.

I haven't been mason hunting.

If you're referring to that post we argued about before, the matter's already been settled. I told you it was sarcasm: I had listed them as possible scum, but as badly as the game was going they were probably masons.

Aye's son went back to his assignment earlier this week. No mother can be expected to snap to and function at 100% a few days later. Plus, Aye is normally a quiet player.

I can't defend Mertex, you're saying basically the same things I am.

Why would you want to defend mertex?

It's what I do. My meta. Too bad you missed the Mean Girls War downstairs. I'll "defend" just about anyone - only it's not so much defense as it is making sure the charges are accurate.
oh fuck oh fuck Aye/Grandma scumteam inc

Guess again. I'm town. I haven't put out 1000 posts in this game because my son was home for 2 weeks after being overseas for 3 years with the air force. If you had been reading the game and he posts, you'd have known that. I posted it and so did Wake. You're good at not popping up until your name is mentioned.
TN, you and Mertex were both twisting facts around to suit your vision. I am more than a little bit pissed off that you scumread me because I had the flu.
oh fuck oh fuck Aye/Grandma scumteam inc

Guess again. I'm town. I haven't put out 1000 posts in this game because my son was home for 2 weeks after being overseas for 3 years with the air force. If you had been reading the game and he posts, you'd have known that. I posted it and so did Wake. You're good at not popping up until your name is mentioned.

If you're legit town we hit grandma tomorrow for insta-win. She will kill myself or mebelle, the masons. Our mason flip will confirm the statements of the other and you can feel confident in voting for grandma.

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