Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

So if I am the NK, gang, which is as likely as have to lynch Cafe.

Her smootching FA's Scum hiney after being lynched is really the last straw.

The, "wow, so you are Scum" is way too cutesy and fake.

She tried to stop her fellow Scum from being lynched. Too bad.

Please, when I am gone, have a good Rosie Memorial lynch.

I'm counting on ya, Town!

Regards from Rosie
So if I am the NK, gang, which is as likely as have to lynch Cafe.

Her smootching FA's Scum hiney after being lynched is really the last straw.

The, "wow, so you are Scum" is way too cutesy and fake.

She tried to stop her fellow Scum from being lynched. Too bad.

Please, when I am gone, have a good Rosie Memorial lynch.

I'm counting on ya, Town!

Regards from Rosie

I thought you said:

You tell them to lynch me, town loses, I am town.

I did not try to stop it, I was very forward and said I was slowing it down and we need to be 100 percent sure he is scum, since we are at such a critical juncture in the game. But go ahead and keep twisting.

An aside:

You have been talking about getting NKed since day 1. It always makes me suspicious when people mention this over and over. This is your third time speaking about getting NKed this game. Why would scum go after you Rosie? You have said you would get NKed 2 times before this one as well. Weird you keep mentioning it.
Damn not being able to edit here, I pushed enter too fast.

I was shocked I had been right about him day 1. Go on, go back and read my reads lists and posts- it shocked me to no end and it irritated me after because I did not go with my first instinct and got lost in so much WIFOM.
Cafe and Mertex, neither one of you influenced my vote for MeBelle. She's a low-volume, no-content poster that refused to vote both Days.

Then, despite my having sent an @ her way, she refused to come in here and defend herself, even though she's been posting all over the rest of the site.

Never in any of the games I've seen has anyone flipped Town after that kind of crap.

Think ZZZX.

For the record everyone it's [MENTION=31178]MeBelle60[/MENTION]
Remember the number please.
CaféAuLait;9605580 said:
So if I am the NK, gang, which is as likely as have to lynch Cafe.

Her smootching FA's Scum hiney after being lynched is really the last straw.

The, "wow, so you are Scum" is way too cutesy and fake.

She tried to stop her fellow Scum from being lynched. Too bad.

Please, when I am gone, have a good Rosie Memorial lynch.

I'm counting on ya, Town!

Regards from Rosie

I thought you said:

You tell them to lynch me, town loses, I am town.

I did not try to stop it, I was very forward and said I was slowing it down and we need to be 100 percent sure he is scum, since we are at such a critical juncture in the game. But go ahead and keep twisting.

An aside:

You have been talking about getting NKed since day 1. It always makes me suspicious when people mention this over and over. This is your third time speaking about getting NKed this game. Why would scum go after you Rosie? You have said you would get NKed 2 times before this one as well. Weird you keep mentioning it.

There was no need to slow lynching FA. None whatsoever..

There is especially no need for you to fawn over him after lynch.

Other than you are Scum.

You wanna know why I say I will be NK? Read what Scum had to say about me when Mertex was Scum.and why I had to be sent to the Dead Zone early.

For someone who claims to be learning so much, you sure don't know squat.

Just know that your attempt to be confusing isn't.

If it would have worked on me I would have voted for Avatar and not have voted FA.

Oh much for this set of Scum trying to be clever. Pitiful.

Regards from Rosie
CaféAuLait;9605580 said:
So if I am the NK, gang, which is as likely as have to lynch Cafe.

Her smootching FA's Scum hiney after being lynched is really the last straw.

The, "wow, so you are Scum" is way too cutesy and fake.

She tried to stop her fellow Scum from being lynched. Too bad.

Please, when I am gone, have a good Rosie Memorial lynch.

I'm counting on ya, Town!

Regards from Rosie

I thought you said:

You tell them to lynch me, town loses, I am town.

I did not try to stop it, I was very forward and said I was slowing it down and we need to be 100 percent sure he is scum, since we are at such a critical juncture in the game. But go ahead and keep twisting.

An aside:

You have been talking about getting NKed since day 1. It always makes me suspicious when people mention this over and over. This is your third time speaking about getting NKed this game. Why would scum go after you Rosie? You have said you would get NKed 2 times before this one as well. Weird you keep mentioning it.

There was no need to slow lynching FA. None whatsoever..

There is especially no need for you to fawn over him after lynch.

Other than you are Scum.

You wanna know why I say I will be NK? Read what Scum had to say about me when Mertex was Scum.and why I had to be sent to the Dead Zone early.

For someone who claims to be learning so much, you sure don't know squat.

Just know that your attempt to be confusing isn't.

If it would have worked on me I would have voted for Avatar and not have voted FA.

Oh much for this set of Scum trying to be clever. Pitiful.

Regards from Rosie

Well, Rosie I believe we needed make sure we were right.

You can disagree all you want. And you want to know one reason I had doubt? Because you were actually after FA. You play this revenge game BS and all it does it prove to hurt town. Just like you did with Mani vote 1 this game ,and MeBelle in game 3. ( you told me and FA in neighborhood chat, how we had no clue how to play when we were for not voting for Mebelle and then you got yet another townie lynched) You speak of this revenge constantly. And I am starting to wonder if its not some ploy this game TBH.

After I was wrong about Avatar, I was going to ensure I did NOT make the same mistake twice and lynch a townie- we had 4 days, not 4 hours. Therefore I wanted to see others reasons to make sure I had it right this time.
Vote Count: 3.5

FA_Q2 (LYNCH): Shaitra♀, RosieS♀, tn5421♂, Mertex♀, MeBelle60♀
MeBelle60 (2): AyeCantSeeYou♀, Grandma♀
Grandma (1): CafeAuLait♀
Mertex (1): FA_Q2♂

Not Voting (1):

~ With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/13/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Shaitra's on V/LA (no current deadline).

A majority vote has been reached!

I'll be back later. Heavy workload today. It's currently Twilight.

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7
3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4
CaféAuLait;9605170 said:
lol. I guess ma caught up. Well, I don't think you REALLY want to know my scum reads cafe - I bet you can guess why?

No, I can't. Are you really scum? Wow.

Now THAT post was the funniest post so far.

Yes - and I have to congratulate town on finally nailing one before Wake posts my gruesome death scene (and it better be gruesome!). Your screwed though - town has no clue what is going on :D

I will watch with bated interest as this game unfolds. I cant wait to see if anything is going on in the dead zone.

PS: avi's death scene was worth lynching him - that was almost as funny as your post :D

Why did FA think your post was so funny Cafe? Cause you sound like a Soap Opera actress?
CaféAuLait;9605170 said:
No, I can't. Are you really scum? Wow.

Now THAT post was the funniest post so far.

Yes - and I have to congratulate town on finally nailing one before Wake posts my gruesome death scene (and it better be gruesome!). Your screwed though - town has no clue what is going on :D

I will watch with bated interest as this game unfolds. I cant wait to see if anything is going on in the dead zone.

PS: avi's death scene was worth lynching him - that was almost as funny as your post :D

Why did FA think your post was so funny Cafe? Cause you sound like a Soap Opera actress?

He was making fun of me and laughing at me because Of my post 1370 right after Mebelle hammered.
Read the whole conversation starting from that post. He was still pretending to be town, for the next couple of posts and I thought I was wrong again.
I've been back to the post where he slowed the wagon on Avatar to see if he may have done that to stop too many scum from being on Avatars wagon, since that is one of the other things which made me think twice about him. Several fell off Avatars wagon when he said the vote was going too fast.

I'm also going to read his votes and see where others players are voting I think are scum or if their may be some patterns there and also read his reads lists to see if he may have flip flopped scum for town reads as well.

I think his one post may have been BS about us being "screwed" because it makes no sense for him to give us clues we are headed in the wrong direction but I also think looking into a few who we have not looked very closely at -is probably a good idea.
CaféAuLait;9603616 said:
CaféAuLait;9603417 said:
Oh please Rosie, you have voted and unvoted many a time in this game alone.

We have till Wednesday to make a decision, seems many have settled on FA yesterday with 5 days left to decide. I don't see the rush here, as I have stated already this vote is critical.

Not true. Show me where I wrote the word :unvote in bold.

An unvote is just stupidity.

And I am not like you. I don't change my vote because I am afraid of being found out or because I WIFOM all the dang time.

That would be you.

Regards from Rosie

I am guilty of WIFOM, I'll agree. But my changing my vote has nothing to do with that, it gives you information. The same way I had hoped my vote for Grandma might.

TN states his scummiest person in the game is Grandma, and he is "terribly upset" he missed his opportunity to get her but he changes his vote to FA? Strange that. It was also TN who failed to come back to hammer Grandma, remember?

I am pretty pissd off at myself.

Grandma being willing to hammer FAQ2 makes me wonder if he isn't actually town after all.

CaféAuLait;9605241 said:
CaféAuLait;9605170 said:
No, I can't. Are you really scum? Wow.

Now THAT post was the funniest post so far.

Yes - and I have to congratulate town on finally nailing one before Wake posts my gruesome death scene (and it better be gruesome!). Your screwed though - town has no clue what is going on :D

I will watch with bated interest as this game unfolds. I cant wait to see if anything is going on in the dead zone.

PS: avi's death scene was worth lynching him - that was almost as funny as your post :D

I'm wondering with your comment here, if the two other scum did not bus you to take any suspicion off of them though.

I also think Aye and Sharita need further looking at as well.

I see what you're trying to say, but you're raising my hackles here. This post feels off to me; I don't like it at all.

TN voted for him too, after making a big deal out of saying he suspected me.

TN, why did you vote for FA?

Are you really fucking attacking me over a confscum lynch?

Are you fucking serious?

CaféAuLait;9605393 said:
FA made a statement 'town has no clue what is going on" and we are screwed.

To me that suggests he was bussed by at least one scum, maybe two to confuse us or we are not looking at the right people given his statement. OR he said that because we have looked at the right people to confuse us.

This is not a good time for WIFOM. Believe me, I have a million possibilities going through my head.

Well, I beat you cause I'm the freaking queen of WIFOM! :lol:

Oh really.

More input from all players.

Well, then.

At least Mertex won't get lynched over her dare of Grandma.

I am happy MeBelle scored herself a Scum hit.

And I AM superior to everyone else. I have eidetic mrmory - near perfect visual recall.

So this game is easier for me than for most.

Those of you who have given me heartburn can take that tidbit and stuff it.

You really ought to have some respect.

Congrats, MeBelle!

Regards from Rosie

I did it for the town! :thanks:
Oh really.

More input from all players.

Well, then.

At least Mertex won't get lynched over her dare of Grandma.

I am happy MeBelle scored herself a Scum hit.

And I AM superior to everyone else. I have eidetic mrmory - near perfect visual recall.

So this game is easier for me than for most.

Those of you who have given me heartburn can take that tidbit and stuff it.

You really ought to have some respect.

Congrats, MeBelle!

Regards from Rosie

I did it for the town! :thanks:

Yes, ma'am! :eusa_clap: :smiliehug:

One scuzzball down , two to go.

Regards from Rosie

Re: my post making your hackles rise up.

I suppose I could see how you might read it that way. But I had 2 reasons. One, FAs post made me think we, or at least I have been guilty of not looking at everyone. I've been focused on Grandma and a few others.

Then I recalled FAs wagon he started on Mertex and how it got stalled. I went back to look who was on Mertexs wagon and I could not help but think one more person on Mertexs wagon must be scum or may be since it stalled. That is why I mentioned them. I also wondered if Mebelle jumped off FA since he had four votes and could have been lynched. It's my thoughts. I wish I did not think too much and get lost in WiFOM sometimes, I suppose I'll learn how not to once I play the game more.

Here is the vote which was stalled FA started on Mertex, I could not help but wonder why it stalled and we were so close to the deadline, unless scum had already voted and Mebelle or even a single voter did not want to jump and appear suspicious.

Not Voting (1): AyeCantSeeYou♀

FA_Q2 (4): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀, R.D.♀, Mertex♀
Mertex (4): Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀
Manifold (3): tn5421♂, Grandma♀, ScarletRage♀
Avatar4321 (1): RosieS♀
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀
I accidentally copied and pasted the "not voting" from the previous post, it should read

FA_Q2 (4): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀, R.D.♀, Mertex♀
Mertex (4): Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀
Manifold (3): tn5421♂, Grandma♀, ScarletRage♀
Avatar4321 (1): RosieS♀
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀

Not Voting (0):

Over analyzing

Yep. Scum love to confuse town. Sometimes, they're sitting right in front of us. The more they keep going, the more they stir the pot. Do they not realize it makes them stick out?
Over analyzing

Really? You're not supposed to go back and look at confirmed scums votes and look for the rest of the team? I'm pretty sure you are even if I have yet to get through a single Mafia game.

Votes should be a great way to figure out scum partners, even more so when a confirmed scum started a wagon on Mertex.

Why do you think it's scummy Mebelle?
Over analyzing

Yep. Scum love to confuse town. Sometimes, they're sitting right in front of us. The more they keep going, the more they stir the pot. Do they not realize it makes them stick out?

Strange, since wiki mafia states we are supposed to be analyzing votes. MafiaScum states we need to do the same. SR also stated we should be looking at scum votes as well. This is just one of many guides on how to, maybe it might help you both, I would love to see town win for a change, wouldn't you?

Mneme's Guide to Vote Analysis - MafiaWiki

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